My Feral And Rescued Cats

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Yeah, rubysmama rubysmama and Jcatbird Jcatbird you never know what a cat'll do next! *cattle* :crackup:
Beautiful flowers.
And the catnip eyes! That's occurring here, too, on this fine CATurday morning, post-catnip leaves and spray. We do love our CATurday ritual!
My aunt had one of those rounded, white gas stoves -- single oven, clock in the middle -- I think it went to one of her grands and it's probably still going strong. Those are pretty bulletproof! Yeah, I plan to hang onto this Magic Chef. Rich people (and wannabe's) may change their appliances like they change clothes, but that's not how we've ever lived in my family. We tend to buy for the long haul and use until it can't be repaired. I've got all my dad's automotive tools -- he was one that loved to work on cars and always did his own until everything became computerized. I guess an automotive museum will get these tools some day!


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
Okay. I’m back! Lol
First..... Whoa!
tabbytom tabbytom :worship: How’d you do that? Amazing first guess and right! The flower is a species Clematis! The common name is Virgin’s Bower or Love Vine. Clematis virginiana. I am impressed! Lovine it! Lol I would not have guessed it from that picture.

rubysmama rubysmama Not all the kitties here love the brush either. Whistle starts off suspicious of it until he sees the others enjoying it. Maybe he thinks the bristles are many, many ears? Lol Ruby May have her suspicions too!
I loved it that Blue came out for the brush. Lately, more and more, all the kitties are spending more time in some of the other rooms. I don’t know why except that cats do things in their own time frame. I’m just enjoying it. I would love to stop playing musical bedrooms and have them all piled up in one place. Mountain came into the living room too but he does that sometimes anyway. Goldie only ventures to the hallway but that’s okay too. Whenever she is happy is good. She is never going to be far from Blue and Mountain so I have a feeling that I may get my wish. I’ll have a giant pile of stripes then!
I was so excited to discover that vine I’m flower! It was just a sprout when I moved it here and it rooted where I placed the pot before I could plant it where I wanted it. Lol It wasn’t the best spit do I was just glad it lived at the time. It has finally reached the spot it needs I guess. I think it will continue to bloom now. I hope! Patience paid off. Lots and lots of patience!:lol: It should make seed and if it does I can try to put some in a better location. The seeds are pretty neat so now I look forward to that.

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 I have never used a stove like that before either but my Dad has one before he moved some years ago. Sadly, I think all stoves are going to be like this one eventually. I was looking for the type I had but I only found a few of the coil burner types a available now. I prefer many things about the previous types. Number one being that I could still take one apart to work on it and replace parts! This one is built to be much more difficult to do that in the way that cars are more difficult for any DIY work. Changing times.
Magic Chef! I know that name! That is the top of the line! I with all the people who still cherish them. They cook to perfection and they are just beautifully designed. Hold onto that gem as long as you can! Years ago I had a 1950’s stove. Nothing like a Magic Chef but a solid hunk of old kitchen glory. It had a griddle in the center with four burners and I loved it. It had been left in the little house we bought since the previous owners had left years before. A small farmhouse and the stove fit the place as though it had been made for it. When we left the home we left the stove to stay in it’s original home and it was still in beautiful working condition. Many years after leaving I stopped when passing through and the owners were still using it and loving it. I bet it is still there now. Lol As you know, when you have something like a great Magic Chef, you keep it. Now you have Magic Sponges for the Magic Chef? Seems right to me! I think Mr. Clean would approve!
Elvis, now you know that a warm stove is snuggly. I know it isn’t as snuggly as the girls though. All your pictures are beautiful but I especially love the last one. Your heart tag is such a good color for a knight in shining silver armor. No dragon would dare to challenge your castle! I am sure that every Princess wishes to own your heart.

dustydiamond1 dustydiamond1 I loved the video! It was great! Seeing the little hummingbird made me smile. So they are coming to visit now? I bet you smiled too,

Whenallhellbreakslose Whenallhellbreakslose That was a great guess! I had to look up the Guara and it does look like that flower. The butterflies love this too. Now I would like to have Guara in my garden! Lol
Thank you for the heads up about Hurricane Ira. I have to check on some friends. I hope that this hurricane weakens and causes no harm or damage. May every creature stay safe .:vibes::redheartpump:May the winds be soft and any rain be gentle.

Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 Wowser! That’s a beauty! I have never cooked on a gas one like that! I have cooked on a bit smaller wood burning version though and I loved everything about it except splitting wood, stoking the fire up from mere coals in the wee hours and shoveling out ashes. Lol Gas would be much, much nicer! That really is beautiful. I can see why you would dream about that. They have matching appliances? Large stone cabin in the mountains? Fresh bread baking in the oven on a cold afternoon? Inviting over a Catbird? Coming!!!!:lol: There’s a Hekitty curled up in front of that too I bet!

Oh, just have to say to everyone about that photo of Goldie..... sorry but I must say this..... she has grown at least a foot since last night!:dunno: I just can’t help myself when I have an opening like that!
Bad news! Hurricane Ida is going to make landfall in LA as a Category 4. I will continue to pray for the good people of LA and surrounding states. This brings back memories of Hurricane Katrina. I hope that everyone has safely evacuated. It is just way too dangerous. Stay safe. 🙏🙏🙏


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
tabbytom tabbytom Brilliant! I love that you did the detective work and got the answer. That’s not cheating it’s research! :yess:

@rubysmama:lol: Goldie’s cousin? I see a furmily resemblance!

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Bulletproof is a good way to describe those old stoves! They probably were too!
Rich or not, I would not toss something that worked well. I have an appreciation for things that work! Even if o had tons of money I just don’t waste things. Besides the cost monetarily there is the impact on the environment. Living a disposable lifestyle just isn’t good IMHO. I happen to like the styles of the past too. Each styles represents a period in our history. There are stories in these things that can be very interesting. History comes in many forms.
I love it that I am seeing phonographs and vinyl records on the stores again. Music online is convenient but there is a relaxing ritual in playing a record and the sound of old vinyl ( in good condition) cannot be matched. I never got rid of my old records. I never stopped playing them either.

Catnip day there? Today is flea treatment day here. Uh oh! Lol

Whenallhellbreakslose Whenallhellbreakslose I hope it doesn’t turn bad. Praying that it doesn’t and that Ida is nothing like Katrina. May no other storm ever be like Katrina. Safety for all in the path.:grouphug2:


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
I have a little detective work of my own to do today! :lol: Kitty searching! Flea treatment day here and not a cat to be seen. Cats are masters at becoming invisible! You wouldn’t think that this many cats could be hidden in one house. It’scat magic. ( that is not one of my typos either!) Scat Magic. Here kitties!

Little Surely was out for some play and so I can try to fatten her up. Her surgery is finally healed. She killed a toy mouse and bird!

Let me eat the bird!

Ahhhhh! That hooman put stinky stuff on me! Why?!?!?!?

I am a Kodiak best but my cave did not hide me.

You do know that I have a reputation with the ladies? Not one will kiss me if I smell like flea treatment.

I am Dolly and the elder here.

Respect your elders hooman!

Disgusting stuff! Does this look make you feel guilty? It should.

You pulled me out from under the cabinet.

So what.... I’m not Precious enough to avoid this treatment?

Boxes are supposed to be safe for Flowers!

I hear commotion in the living room. Let me peek around the corner.

Run Blue! She has the stinky stuff!’

Don’t look in here! This is the Goldie room and I am recalling my furmily!

Get back inside here boys!

We can hide in the other bedroom. Quick, get under the bed!

Very smart Bonjour. It’s hard to see your black fluff inside a black cage!

Sorry Bonnie! I have a flashlight!

You would think that place was the best hiding place of all but I won’t try that one again.

Don’t judge me. You would hide in the litter box too if she came at you with a flea treatment!

Just 7 more to go!


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
My *PRAYERS* go up first and foremost for all CATS in the zone and all who care for and about them. May all be safe and Protected.
Been watching videos of animal rescues already happening, flying pets out of areas where shelters are threatened. Ida will make landfall, I believe, later today, sixteen years TO THE DAY after Katrina.

Jcatbird Jcatbird If I am ever able to afford THAT kitchen, I shall be building a home for myself. I can easily make it a duplex suitable for 50 or so cats, and with a large yard fenced by the Purrfect Fence Company. You may come and visit forever.

NY cat man

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
Back in the '90s, Michele and me took a vacation tour through W. Virginia and Ohio. In Kidron, O.- Amish country- we came across a store that only sold non-electric products. One such was a large cast-iron stove, all black enamel and nickel fittings, with bread warmer and water reservoir. I don't remember exactly how much it was, but it was north of $3,000, and the size of a subcompact car- and probably weighed as much, too.
On another note, we are ever so slowly making progress with another feral cat. We call him Eight-Ball, at least for now. At first, if he even saw us in the window, he would run, but now he lets us approach to within a few feet, and if treats are involved, a few inches. Trapping him is not an option at this time, as all the local TNR programs remain shut down, at least so far as I know.

At least he has an appreciation for the work I put into the flower beds.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
N NY cat man Eight-ball? He's very handsome! Enjoying the purple coneflowers? Your garden looks wonderful!
tabbytom tabbytom But with the googler, no one has to know ;):insertevillaugh:
Jcatbird Jcatbird My family and I have always been like that, too, mostly out of necessity, but also because for us, our ancestors are very revered and important, and anything that belonged to them, as well as gifts given by friends, is/are highly regarded by us. Anyone with the money can go out and buy some expensive new 'whatever' but the things we have cannot be replaced and they all come with great love and precious memories. Worth more than any fortune!
I have a really good turntable and a box of records I've saved. My roomie is somewhat of a music aficionado and he gave me a bunch more. I also have over 400 cassettes! and a fair number of CDs. Clutter! but some of the cassettes are bootlegs that probably can't be found anyplace. Of course they may not work any more...and the turntable shrieks feedback! My ex #2 is the only one who was able to get it working successfully and since we no longer talk, it's not happening, but who has the time? I sure don't, unfortunately...


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
I don't remember exactly how much it was, but it was north of $3,000, and the size of a subcompact car- and probably weighed as much, too.
You're sure this is not what they use to make a car? :lol:

On another note, we are ever so slowly making progress with another feral cat. We call him Eight-Ball, at least for now. At first, if he even saw us in the window, he would run, but now he lets us approach to within a few feet, and if treats are involved, a few inches.
Great that you are pocketing Eight-Ball into the centre pocket :clapcat:
But with the googler, no one has to know ;):insertevillaugh:
Don't worry, no one knew. I just told everyone that I googled :lol::flail::crackup:

Anyone with the money can go out and buy some expensive new 'whatever' but the things we have cannot be replaced and they all come with great love and precious memories. Worth more than any fortune!
This is called real treasure which is more worth than the treasure. It's treasure and cherish.
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TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 The storm is a Cat 2 so far. I spent a couple of hours on the phone with friends and so far , they and animals are okay. Prayers, hopes and wishes that all lives stay safe.

Duplex? I have the design mapped out! Passive solar too but more energy efficiency could be added! I like the idea! I can help to supply the cats! Lol Coffee in front of the stove at dawn?:lol:

tabbytom tabbytom I don’t count that as cheating. If you found it during research you still had to look! Search and research! Lol
The looks on the kitties during flea treatment? I got some looks alright! :angrycat: Today they have forgiven me and now I am getting more of this.:catlove: I can’t blame them for hiding out though. That stuff is stinky on their beautiful fur!

N NY cat man That stove must have been striking. Nickel finish? Nice! That was a nice price too. I can only imagine what it took to get that installed! I am looking at this one with a bit less aggravation. Lol

Awww! Eight ball is beautiful! I love him already. Such a precious one! He knows how to pose for pictures too! That could be a poster shot! I hope he comes to be petted very soon. He looks like he is in pretty good shape. That’s a huge plus. He is obviously a very smart Kitty. He knew just who to come.

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Exactly! New stuff can be necessary but things that come with history, a story to tell or love is far better. My Grandmother came from a long line of history lovers and I was told all the stories as the next one who would remember them for coming generations. If somebody has a question about a family item, I can relate the history. I put small notes on the back of things that came from her so the stories are abbreviated there in case I am not available.
Turntable with feedback? Well, I may not be do great with computers but I could probably make the turntable stop yelling. Lol Old school. I think we have other members here who could help too if you find the time snd want to fool with it. You have a lot of records and it is kind of fun to pull them out once in awhile. I have certain days of the year when I do that. Special days with thoughts of those who enjoyed the records. Some of my records came through three generations. Each one took great care to keep them in good working condition although some are a bit scratched now. One of my favorites is a Christmas album that my Grandmother played when I was very little. I spent Christmas with her when all the rest of the family had the flu. She made it a very special Christmas for us both. Just the two of us with music in a room lit by firelight. We sat together under an Afghan she had made until I fell asleep with my head in her lap. Lol I played that same record for Sarah every Christmas as I held her under the same blanket. I still smile each year when I listen to it.

strider rose strider rose Ha! Isn’t it amazing how a box can be so comfy to a cat?!?!?

tabbytom tabbytom :lol: They should make cars like that! There would never be a fender bender!
Center Pocket! Lolol You just cued us in! Racking up the giggles!

Even Banjo understands about treasures that came as gifts from loved ones!


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
I don’t count that as cheating. If you found it during research you still had to look! Search and research! Lol
The looks on the kitties during flea treatment? I got some looks alright! :angrycat: Today they have forgiven me and now I am getting more of this.:catlove: I can’t blame them for hiding out though. That stuff is stinky on their beautiful fur!
Search and research till you find it.................... :lol:
:lol: They should make cars like that! There would never be a fender bender!
Center Pocket! Lolol You just cued us in! Racking up the giggles!

Even Banjo understands about treasures that came as gifts from loved ones!
Yes, if they make cars like this, it'll last a looooong time.

Eight-Ball always go to the center pocket right on cue.............hehe

Yes, treasuring the gift is more expensive than the gift itself even if the gift cost only 50 cents from someone whom you treasure, the price of the gift is not important.


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
I heard a light tapping noise. I tip toed into the hall to look and found this.

Little toys are boring.

Heh! I found a big one.

Swing away….

Swing close….

Now I’ve got you…

Now you try to escape!

Wheeeee! Fly away big toy!

What? Big boys need big toys!

I guess the front door belongs to Precious now!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
YES. My favorite little curio is a tabby cat I bought for 50c at the Goodwill store yonks ago. Of course I have lots of other curios of various types and prices but that little one will always be my favorite.
That's why the elders are so revered among us, Jcatbird Jcatbird . They are the wisdom keepers and those who know history. They know things books can never contain, because they have lived them and can recount personal stories complete with dialogue. We know that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. *Wishing the larger society would learn this and take it to heart. SIGH*
Today is the passing anniversary of my beloved mom and my beloved Samuda. Different years, same day.

My tigery man Samuda angel, ever in my heart and soul!:redheartpump::rbheart::redheartpump:

NY cat man

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
I think that there is still a long way to go before Eight- Ball will allow any petting. While he has become more tolerant to our presence, he is quite wary yet. If I appear to be engaged in some yard chores, I can get to within a foot or so, but if he thinks that I'm focused on him, he's gone- not tearing out like before, but not wasting about, either. He knows where we live, and where the food and water are, so all in good time. I can wait.
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