The "what's On Your Mind?" Thread -2020

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Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
Yeah, I was on Amazon looking at reviews for a product and the thing that always annoys me are the people who leave a review and say that they tried the product, but it is too soon to see results.🙄 Why do they even bother?!!! Anyway If they wanted to leave a review on how fast or slow the delivery was and the packaging and condition of the product- sure fine! Update it at some point based on the actual review of the product. I hate seeing this nonsense and wish people left real reviews. There seems to be too much of this nonsense on Amazon lately. How annoying!😬

Okay, moving on. That's my gripe of the day.😁


Cat Food Bowl Referee
Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
I'm trying out an Amnesia game for the first time. I absolutely hate horror, but the setting sounds interesting.
What is that game? I am a #1 horror fan so that would be up my alley

Just got through shaking out the self warming pads in the cat tents, fluffled the straw in the winter shelter and each cat went into the tents, dragging leaves with them and messing up the nice smooth mat. Ugh


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
i have it in mind to maybe thrash the gfs dad before i throw him outta my apartment next time they come over to eat you dont go to another mans home make a mess then laugh and think you dont need to clean up after yourself or any persons home for that matter this guy drops all kinds of food during dinner onto the floor and when i point it out to him he doesnt say sorry and clean it he thinks its funny when i say my cat could get diareah. so i told him its not funny clean your crap up! stuck a napkin in his face and told him your a grown man clean up after yourself dont make a mess in my house expecting me to clean up after youthink i am gonna put him out on the patio to eat next time they come over for dinner :lol:
What is wrong with him??? Does he have mental issues?? I think you're right, put him on the patio from now on!!!


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
When Sopdet started coming here, I was watching with 2 iphones and private periscope broadcast. The white marking on her head looked like a star because of the poor video quality. I originally named her Wichapi (which is also Star in the Lakota language). But as she started coming closer and I was able to stand at the door and watch her at a closer distance, I noticed the white around her neck line that made me think of the elaborate Egyptian necklace (can't think of what that is called). So keeping with the Star (although it was obviously not a star) I changed the name to Sopdet which as Willowy said is an Egyptian Goddess. Sopdet has the unique Tortie markings but the spot on her head, the white around her mouth reminds me of the "Got Milk" commercial and her constant ice color eyes is what intrigued me. She is a very sweet cat.

Sopdet had a very rough life. She was abused as a kitten (from my understanding) which resulted in damage to her vocal chords and so she is not able to vocalize. It took 2 years to tame her.

Sopdet - Wikipedia
I love all the names you've chosen for your posse. Poor little Sopdat, sweet girl.💖


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
ugh... Worried about Geoffrey, sneezing ferociously....
Began about 6 weeks ago..
At that time, I began a couple of new things:
*Using Microban antibacterial spray
* using the Heat option one my AC/Heat wall unit. Not cold enough to put heat on. I did not use this last year, so I am trying it this year; my second winter in this apartment.

I kept finding black smudges on the rug.. Geoffrey kept finding them. Never had them when the AC was on.. Finally realized they were coming from the unit. I cleaned out the filter very well.. I wash it monthly.
Did not help... Geoffrey had his yearly vet appointment 3 weeks ago. All was well.. did not mention his periodic sneezing, thinking nothing of it..

I am also spraying the Microban spray in the rooms in my dirty clothes hamper, and on my bed, occasionally. Geoffrey does not like any scents..

Also The stinky neighbor moved in. She has stopped with the incense which was giving me a headache and driving G crazy...
She has calmed down because administration is getting after her; but still occasionally, I seem something..

Alls this has been going on.. last Microban spray was on Sunday..

The crap from the Wall Unit was getting worse.. finally called in maintence to check it otu. So much crap was in it.!! OMG... I do not know if it is mold, dirt, or a combo.. They washed the cover, took a vacuum and a wet rage with a bleach solution to what they could. Now, no more crap,
Yet Geoffrey's sneezing has gotten so much worse..

He is sneezing so furiously.. multiple times in a row.. Like, me..when I have allergies.
Sneezing all over me.. my face, eyeglasses, just over me..

He is eating, drove me crazy on Tuesday, with his whining, playing.. he was a pain on Tuesday--like a kitten.. now, he is sneezing so much..

Put a call into his regular Vet, and during the night, a call to the specialist in Boston.

I could not sleep last night. I was up all night.. It was hot in here.
I began sneezing around midnight, with a stuffed nose.. still not right.. Wonder if it is something contagious.. or what it is..

Dam; Holiday time, weekend, pandemic.. omg.. I do not know what to do..

This morning Geoffrey did not want to play.. he looked interested, but when I pulled out his favorite wand toy, he just looked at it.. OMG>. I never had a cat with this issue.. an occasional sneeze is ok..

Litter Box was dumped and cleaned out a couple weeks ago.. same products: Blue Dawn to wash, and Dr Elseys Precious Cats litter...

This entire thing with Covid bothers me.. I can still smell.. but.... and cats, animals can have covid.. but different from what humans are getting.. Wonder If I could carry it to Geoffrey? and vice versa?

Did he sniff up a piece of the black crap from the wall unit.. causing an obstruction, or if mold, growing in his sinuses?
did he get a piece of kitten up his nose?
does he suddenly have allergies?
Is it the dry air in here?--but did not occur last winter when it was just as dry..

He doe not feel feverish..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 18, 2019
artiemom artiemom Oh sweetie, that sounds so stressful. Have you heard back from the vet yet? Sending you soothing vibes to help get you through. :heartshape:

Yeah, I was on Amazon looking at reviews for a product and the thing that always annoys me are the people who leave a review and say that they tried the product, but it is too soon to see results.🙄 Why do they even bother?!!!
I know, right?? There was a new plant I was looking for and saw a place sold seeds..... but most of the comments were haven't planted yet, but everything great so far! But if the seeds actual germinate and are the actual plant they are supposed to be is the most important aspect of that product, haha. So frustrating.

It's Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs. I've been told that it's not as scary as the others in the series, but I've already had several scares :fear:
What type of scares does the game have?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 18, 2019
Oh wow, it is New Year's Eve. Who is ready? Did anyone else not realize it was until looking at the date today? How is everyone celebrating?

Does anybody else do what I do and just go to bed at your normal hour to not fudge up your sleep schedule? Haven't stayed up in years. :cool: This girl will be in bed between 8-9 pm, but maybe I can find something special to do before that to celebrate a bit.
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