My Feral And Rescued Cats

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Dec 5, 2017
United States
Sounds as if Mr. Vet could use a bit of education on handling ferals.

Tell Bonnie that I LOVE a man in floofaloons!
Bonnie must have heard you. He left the front door and Mr. possum to come and read your post.

He’s looking forward to a tango with each of the ladies here.


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
rubysmama rubysmama It’s true. Adopting families are a crucial part. Remember? 78 kitties. I could never have housed all the kitties and it would have broken my heart to stop before the last kitty was inside. The last cat was our beloved BJ and I can’t imagine what would have happened if he hadn’t gotten vet care. And then came Wanda Heart.....also desperately needing vet care. They live now because of those who adopted the kitties before them. Heh! BJ is in my lap now too!
I don’t know how I would have made it through without other loving cat families and the supporters here. Who saves who? We all keep each other afloat. You saved Ruby, Ruby saved you and you both help save the rest of us. It’s growing into a purrfect system.
:grouphug:😊😺😊😺😊😺😊😺 😊😺 Together ,we are all stronger.

How do you find such cute pictures? Did Ruby draw that one? :lol:

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 I think we all wake up and think, “ Thank goodness for the kitties!” I have wondered if the kitties ever wake up and think ,” I wouldn’t even want to get up and kill the sparkle ball if the Hooman didn’t need help today.” ;)


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
I’ve been staying home since I hurt my foot. I’ve been kind of amused that the kitties are following my example of lounging around more.

It also spurred me on to getting out and walking some today. ( made me think of your foot too Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 I hope it’s better)

I found new flowers! The Vinca is blooming.

Another azalea too.

The Formosa Azalea is fully open now and bees and butterflies were enjoying it.

When I returned to the house and opened the front door.....,I was greeted immediately. Lol
You can’t really tell here but Purry is pushing the door open. Whistle and BJ are right there too.

Thrasher was next in line. :flail:

Mom lays around, kitties follow. Mom stirs around, kitties follow.

Banjo got up and did some laundry. Thank you Banjo!

There’s no better company than our kitties.
Have a great night everyone!


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I’ve been staying home since I hurt my foot. I’ve been kind of amused that the kitties are following my example of lounging around more. View attachment 325903View attachment 325904View attachment 325905View attachment 325906

It also spurred me on to getting out and walking some today. ( made me think of your foot too Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 I hope it’s better)

I found new flowers! The Vinca is blooming.
View attachment 325907
Another azalea too.
View attachment 325908
The Formosa Azalea is fully open now and bees and butterflies were enjoying it.
View attachment 325909

When I returned to the house and opened the front door.....,I was greeted immediately. Lol
You can’t really tell here but Purry is pushing the door open. Whistle and BJ are right there too.
View attachment 325910

Thrasher was next in line. :flail:
View attachment 325911

Mom lays around, kitties follow. Mom stirs around, kitties follow.

Banjo got up and did some laundry. Thank you Banjo!

There’s no better company than our kitties.
Have a great night everyone!
SUCH beautiful photos, every one! Thank you so much for sharing them with us, all!
And yes, our community here at TCS is getting better and better, more cohesive, and more powerful. I just wish all of the members who have joined and been here through the years (I've been here since 2006) were still here and participating. We have lost some major power, love and strength, but we have acquired more, and we are all in this together. Onward!


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
Furballsmom Furballsmom I love flower power. :)

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 You have stuck by TCS and I’m so glad you did. I know life tends to shift things around but remaining with TCS is soooo important for the kitties. There is strength in numbers. The more people here to share knowledge, the better. I have seen a few people leave too but I hope current members understand the importance of remaining. The support keeps everything moving and advancing. The kitties out there need those advances. It means lives are saved and life is improved.


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Furballsmom Furballsmom I love flower power. :)

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 You have stuck by TCS and I’m so glad you did. I know life tends to shift things around but remaining with TCS is soooo important for the kitties. There is strength in numbers. The more people here to share knowledge, the better. I have seen a few people leave too but I hope current members understand the importance of remaining. The support keeps everything moving and advancing. The kitties out there need those advances. It means lives are saved and life is improved.
Not everyone who has left has made that choice, but people really do need to think about the great good they can do here on TCS and respect the ToS. We come from all different backgrounds, locations, etc., but our reason for being here is cats, right? To every one of the arguments I've read for not being here, I would simply say: CATS. They are the bottom line, the top priority, and the reason for being here and staying here. Check your egos at the door, all. They need US. If not us, who?


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 It is the cats for me. It’s always the cats for me and those who love them. The one thing we all share, no matter what else we have experienced in life, is the precious kitties. I find it to be a very strong bond here. May it grow! :redheartpump:

Time for a smile? Hmmmmmm.

I’m getting bored since Mom isn’t running around as much.

I could find something better to do.

I have to wait until Mom falls asleep.

BJ? Don’t you want to snuggle mom to sleep?

You are a sleepy hooman.

That’s right, pet the kitty.

Relax and listen to the purrs.

I’m sleepy too Mom.

Lights out.

Everyone sleeping.

Heard a noise!

I better go look.

Lights on Mom! Wake up and go look!

Wow! Deep tire track! Wha....???

Hey Banjo!

Is that mud on your fur?

Mmmppphphhh.... all clean!

Banjo! Did you take my keys again?

Me? You misplaced them? Don’t let it worry you Mom. They’ll turn up.

You might be surprised but I forget where I put things sometimes too. I find them eventually. I’ve heard hoomans say they’d lose their head if it weren’t attached. Imagine that!

:flail:Leave it to Banjo! The face of innocence’

There’s mud in my tire treads and as we all know, I have been sidelined. Hmmmmmm. I did find my keys but the trash can is missing. What would a cat do with a trash can on wheels? I wonder if that will turn up?

Beware of flying trashcans on the highway!
Have a great night everyone! :heartshape:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I still wonder, "who rescued who". :winkcat:
I can relate. :)

Especially on those days when our cats are our reason for getting up
Demi & Maggie were all my reasons there for a while, until I could gather other reasons. :vancat::bicolorcat:☀🌶🍕🥪☕🍝💻📺:hugs:

We all keep each other afloat. You saved Ruby, Ruby saved you and you both help save the rest of us. It’s growing into a purrfect system.
I like that system. ;)

I just wish all of the members who have joined and been here through the years (I've been here since 2006) were still here and participating.
I feel like I've literally grown up on TCS and learned so much about cats, myself, and interacting with others. :grouphug:

That’s right, pet the kitty.
Hee Hee. It's a trick! :petcat:


Forum Helper
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Nov 25, 2013
:flail:Leave it to Banjo! The face of innocence’
Maybe Banjo was falsely accused this time. :catman:

The one thing we all share, no matter what else we have experienced in life, is the precious kitties. I find it to be a very strong bond here.
It really is all about the cats. That's what brought us to this site in the first place. So no matter how we may differ in opinion on other things, our love and concern for cats bonds us.:redheartpump: :redheartpump: :redheartpump: :petcat::redheartpump::redheartpump: :redheartpump:


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Right you are, rubysmama rubysmama and M maggiedemi and Jcatbird Jcatbird and we all contribute to the blessing that is TCS! I am sure so many precious lives (feline, human, and ???) have been saved and enhanced by our sharing and caring.
Yes, our cats enable us to calm down and rest -- these days, that is invaluable! They should charge huge fees for their exPURRt assistance, I think, don't you all? Big Blue laptop with one arm stretched out is helping me right now.


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
M maggiedemi I think we all grow on TCS. It’s a place of learning and sharing , for sure.
The kitties are very good at playing tricks on their mom. I think I may have heard them giggle more than once.;) As long as they are happy, it’s all good with me. I’ll pet the kitty and enjoy the joke too.

Furballsmom Furballsmom Agreed! She has definitely been teaching too. I’ve seen it!

rubysmama rubysmama Maybe Kodiak took the keys! That looks like Kodiak! :flail: Poor innocent little Banjo! I wonder who? In a house full of smart kitties, I’ll never know. I do know the trash can never turned up. Lol The lady at the waste company said they found one too many at a house a few miles from here and picked it up. It could be the missing one. Maybe the kitties were cleaning up storm debris to help mom or....wind blew it there.:lol: One of life’s little mysteries!

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 TCS has been huge in my life and the lives of every kitty that has passed through here the past couple of years along with the residents. I can’t tell you how many times I have gotten a needed boost to continue hunting kitties in the woods or to keep working towards TNVR here or other places. No doubt, I will continue to keep reading and learning on site and from other members. I still have more that I hope to do for kitties or that will come up. If I can give back to the site, I will feel I have contributed to those that helped us. Three particular events always come into my mind when I think of days that support from TCS really kept me going, the hunt for Kelly and the Gingerbread babies, the weeks leading up to finding Whistle along with the trip to try and reclaim lost Banjo and the night I shut myself in with a frightened feral. (BJ) It all ended happily but those in between days were made so much better by the people here who cared and gave me support. :kitty: I’ll never forget the kindness given to me and the babies. The gratitude still wells up in my heart for those days and a great many more since. I’m sure that helped me to keep going and I wonder if I would have gotten as far without it. Giving back is very important to me. I may not be able to do as much as was done for me but I’ll give it my best shot.
To all who have stuck by us here, thank you from 105 hearts I am number 105. :redheartpump:


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
I’ve been in touch with an old friend. I don’t know how many of you remember me posting about the litter of fluff babies I had found, without a mom , at my backdoor but I was immdeitely their slave. Lol Of course. One of the babies was Churchill. I brought the babies in and my elder Lady, Smokey, adopted them. They were a precious family. Churchill was one of the first kitties who got adopted.

Here he is leaving for his furever home with sister Harlequin. This was one of those hard days for me but also, great for the kittens. It was one of those moments when I really could have benefitted from the kind of support offered here. This was November of 2017. I joined TCS the following December. I am so glad that I found TCS when I did.

Now I am here and can share the latest update on little Churchill. Not only is he happy and well with his family, they got him a dog later and he completely owns the dog. I’ve been hearing some very funny stories about how Churchill has “trained” the dog. The dog is all grown up now and does everything but meow. Lol The latest is that Churchill is teaching the dog to give proper back massages. The only drawback appears to be that a dogs always has a wet nose. Kleenex first please!

I love happy updates. I’m sending Churchill a giant box of Kleenex. :lol:

Have a great night everyone! :heartshape:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I’ve been in touch with an old friend. I don’t know how many of you remember me posting about the litter of fluff babies I had found, without a mom , at my backdoor but I was immdeitely their slave. Lol Of course. One of the babies was Churchill. I brought the babies in and my elder Lady, Smokey, adopted them. They were a precious family. Churchill was one of the first kitties who got adopted. View attachment 326175View attachment 326176View attachment 326177
Here he is leaving for his furever home with sister Harlequin. This was one of those hard days for me but also, great for the kittens. It was one of those moments when I really could have benefitted from the kind of support offered here. This was November of 2017. I joined TCS the following December. I am so glad that I found TCS when I did.
View attachment 326178
Now I am here and can share the latest update on little Churchill. Not only is he happy and well with his family, they got him a dog later and he completely owns the dog. I’ve been hearing some very funny stories about how Churchill has “trained” the dog. The dog is all grown up now and does everything but meow. Lol The latest is that Churchill is teaching the dog to give proper back massages. The only drawback appears to be that a dogs always has a wet nose. Kleenex first please!
View attachment 326179
I love happy updates. I’m sending Churchill a giant box of Kleenex. :lol:

Have a great night everyone! :heartshape:
Churchill looks so much like our angel Rani when she first joined us, except that she had a tikka mark in the form of a white stripe on her nose. Churchill and Harlequin are absolutely adorable. Safe, comfortable, healthy, happy, LOVED lives for them, I pray!


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
rubysmama rubysmama It’s always a relief to me to hear how the babies are doing. No matter how many were here, I think about every one of them. Churchill was a funny baby and he’s still ruling his world. :yess: The same is true for the others in that litter.

Furballsmom Furballsmom I love the expression on his face! Obviously constructive criticism going on there.

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Rani had a white striped nose? Awww! Churchill is so beautiful. I love the fluff. He and Harlequin definitely have loving homes. They get undivided attention and won their humans at first sight. I get pretty regular updates with photos on those babies. That’s a comfort. It’s hard to believe it’s been over two years since they were here. All grown up! Lol


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
rubysmama rubysmama It’s always a relief to me to hear how the babies are doing. No matter how many were here, I think about every one of them. Churchill was a funny baby and he’s still ruling his world. :yess: The same is true for the others in that litter.

Furballsmom Furballsmom I love the expression on his face! Obviously constructive criticism going on there.

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Rani had a white striped nose? Awww! Churchill is so beautiful. I love the fluff. He and Harlequin definitely have loving homes. They get undivided attention and won their humans at first sight. I get pretty regular updates with photos on those babies. That’s a comfort. It’s hard to believe it’s been over two years since they were here. All grown up! Lol

Our most beautiful angel Rani :rbheart:
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