My Feral And Rescued Cats

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TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
jefferd18 jefferd18 The decisions we have to make about kitties are often very hard ones. I understand the concern about babies. I also have watched what happens to those left without guardians. We just trust our instincts and try to save the ones we can. I don’t know that vet or your reasoning about mom and old Tom, but is their current location better? Can you find another way? Sometimes we have to reach far and wide to get the answers that we need. I do understand doubting other humans making good choices for kitties. I have been down that road too. Keep looking, talking, educating and extend hope to others if possible. I have had “ugly” cats too. They were turned away from the adoption process. Definitely someone’s loss there. My gain. I think of that kitty as completely adorable and beautiful. Shame on those who judge.
Glad you are feeling better. I may have missed something but is the doctor having you soak your foot in warm water mixed with antibiotics?

If they went to spay mom and found the very beginnings of embryos, then I wouldn't have a problem with aborting them. But mom is too far along (almost due), and these unborn kittens can now feel pain. I won't discuss this any farther because I do know that it is a hot button topic.

No, of course their current location is not better- the old tom came limping to my car last night. I was able to see that one of his back feet was covered in blood. If anyone can tell me how I can get this cat into my car, I would sure appreciate it. Traps don't work on him- he sniffs them and then walks on. These are the cases when I wish they still had chloroform on the market. My grandfather could buy that at the local drugstore, but it had been long banned by the time I was born. I need something to knock him out!

The mom cat I may be able to trap. She was trapped two weeks ago but I didn't set it right and she got out- I don't know if she will fall for it again. I honestly don't know anything about a cat's memory. I am just worn out by all of this trapping. Some of the guys are complaining about my trap, and yet, they are the same ones who were complaining about the cats being there. They don't know what they want.

The vet is avoiding me right now, sooner or later I will ask him why Marco got blackballed.
FOOD, jefferd18 jefferd18 -- the more fragrant, the better. A tin of sardines on a plate far enough inside the carrier in the car for him to not be able to resist. Or salmon. Or tuna. Ditto for her. Hunger is the great equalizer. And I line carriers with insulating foam (you can get this at hardware and big box stores -- check first, of course -- and possibly online -- fabric stores may also have it) and spray the foam with Feliway. If you don't have foam, you can line the carrier with towels or other soft fabric and spray that with Feliway. I've found that this is invaluable for keeping cats calm.


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
Glad you are feeling better. I may have missed something but is the doctor having you soak your foot in warm water mixed with antibiotics?

If they went to spay mom and found the very beginnings of embryos, then I wouldn't have a problem with aborting them. But mom is too far along (almost due), and these unborn kittens can now feel pain. I won't discuss this any farther because I do know that it is a hot button topic.

No, of course their current location is not better- the old tom came limping to my car last night. I was able to see that one of his back feet was covered in blood. If anyone can tell me how I can get this cat into my car, I would sure appreciate it. Traps don't work on him- he sniffs them and then walks on. These are the cases when I wish they still had chloroform on the market. My grandfather could buy that at the local drugstore, but it had been long banned by the time I was born. I need something to knock him out!

The mom cat I may be able to trap. She was trapped two weeks ago but I didn't set it right and she got out- I don't know if she will fall for it again. I honestly don't know anything about a cat's memory. I am just worn out by all of this trapping. Some of the guys are complaining about my trap, and yet, they are the same ones who were complaining about the cats being there. They don't know what they want.

The vet is avoiding me right now, sooner or later I will ask him why Marco got blackballed.
FOOD, jefferd18 jefferd18 -- the more fragrant, the better. A tin of sardines on a plate far enough inside the carrier in the car for him to not be able to resist. Or salmon. Or tuna. Ditto for her. Hunger is the great equalizer. And I line carriers with insulating foam (you can get this at hardware and big box stores -- check first, of course -- and possibly online -- fabric stores may also have it) and spray the foam with Feliway. If you don't have foam, you can line the carrier with towels or other soft fabric and spray that with Feliway. I've found that this is invaluable for keeping cats calm.

Thank you for the suggestions, tarasgirl!

I have been using tuna, I will try salmon tonight- expensive kitties. :) Now I will have to leave my trap over at Hoods for two nights because they will be closed tomorrow. I don't worry about anyone messing with my trap because it will be in the locked portion of the parking-lot. I am just hoping that if I do trap one of them, that they will be alright for 48 hours. I will check out buying Feliway online this weekend.


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Yes it's amazing how much life a senior cat can still have in them! I always get so surprised when people in the general population consider a 6-7 year old cat "old." I always inform them that many well cared for cats age very well and can live from high teens to beyond.

I am with you,kittyluv. It always shocks me when a vet refers to a seven year old cat as a senior.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
that they will be alright for 48 hours.
My personal opinion is that is too long to have a cat in a trap. If there's any way you can work out a different way to do this, or at least check on the traps as frequently as you can to make sure whether there's a cat in one or two, and then take action from there.


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
jefferd18 jefferd18 I don’t think anyone shoukd challenge your beliefs about aborting at an advanced stage of development. I think we all hate having to make any of these decisions. When I caught Jazzy, she was well along in her pregnancy and I would not have ended it either. My heart is right there with you.

If you have already set those traps in the locked enclosure, can you check on them? If you have not set them yet, I would leave them securely fastened so that they will not close until you can access. The plus is that free food in a trap that does not go off will encourage the kitties to feel safe eating there and more likely to be caught after a couple of free meals.

The smelly food is a great lure. Just keep on. I know you are exhausted but it seemed that every time I felt worn out, one more cat came to me and I found renewed hope. You’ll get them.

One kind of weird food that I accidentally fiscovered some cats would do ANYTHING for was definitely not on my cat catching list. Nor is it something I would continue feeding. Lol I don’t know if you can even get it there but it’s inexpensive and worked. It’s Carl Buddig ham sandwich meat. Thin sliced and I discovered it as a lure when I was eating some outside one day. I don’t know why the attraction but it worked with a lot of kitties. I began tossing small pieces to cats to lure them near me. I got many total ferals to eat off my leg or even from my hand using that stuff. Eventually I would toss it into a carrier and shut the door. After many failed attempts with Banjo, Whistle and siblings, the ham lead them in. Go figure! The first time I was able to touch BJ was because of that ham. He refused Fried Chicken and tuna. :dunno:
Here he is eating off my leg for the first time. I
remained laying perfectly still and he approached and ate. He did not trust me yet.


TCS Member
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Mar 26, 2017


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
rubysmama rubysmama All the kitties are better except Mackie. He is taking a bit longer than the others. To be expected though.
I’m glad I don’t live on the river. It was wet enough for me here. Lol I’m back to posting but not usual up to my usual energy. I also have to start doing my taxes for this year. Ugh!

kittyluv387 kittyluv387 6 or 7 a senior kitty? Then I must be truly ancient! I know kitties tend to live longer now due to improved care and education but even when I was growing up 6 was not an old kitty. My seniors have plenty of kitten left in them.

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 great cat catching tips. I haven’t used Feliway in a carrier before but may need that tip at some point! Great idea!

I’m not soaking the foot in antibiotics but taking them orally. It turned out I was allergic to the first prescription so I’m on another type now. I really don’t like taking them but sometimes it’s required. They leave me feeling rough.

Judging by age is so odd to me. Older can mean wiser although younger can mean more energetic but neither will always be true in any creature. ;)I wish we could enjoy for the individuals traits.

M maggiedemi Lady is in my lap right now. Lol She sends purrs.:redheartpump:

jefferd18 jefferd18 I hope things are going better there.

Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 Sending healing purrs from the Clowder.


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
I just had a vivid mental image of a cat doing an Argentine defies description! All those kicks and flicks of the legs...
Well, you know that as soon as you mentioned the Tango, my mind went straight to both of you “cat dancing!” :lol: I put the music on and Lady said, “Meow first!” If only I could take pictures as the music on my phone plays! She loved the idea and practiced with my phone. The phone is exhausted now.


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
Since some kitties have a natural aptitude for dance and some of the kitties here have previous experience, I decided to ask around about the Argentine Tango. Would anyone help me out?

Thrasher showed me a few quick steps with BJ but they prefer to dance with each other.

Banjo went straight to the cat room to search for her favorite partner.

She hasn’t seen Froggie since the flood and since the Fish boat is also missing, she thinks Froggie is off on an adventure. I have assured her that Froggie is just staying warm somewhere.

Mitsy is strictly a ballerina,

So I turned to my dashing big boy, Mackie.

Oh yes! I’ve got some moves Mom!

Hold my paw.

The proper posture is so important.

No, you don’t have to be upright to Tango! Not cat Tango!

Face it, you asked the wrong Purrson. Next time come to the expurrt.

:lolup: Bonjure and have a great night everyone! :heartshape:


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
rubysmama rubysmama rubysmama rubysmama All the kitties are better except Mackie. He is taking a bit longer than the others. To be expected though.
I’m glad I don’t live on the river. It was wet enough for me here. Lol I’m back to posting but not usual up to my usual energy. I also have to start doing my taxes for this year. Ugh!
Feel better soon, dear Mackie. :vibes::vibes::vibes:

And good luck with the taxes. I have to do mine soon, too.


kittyluv387 kittyluv387 kittyluv387 kittyluv387 6 or 7 a senior kitty? Then I must be truly ancient!
Regarding cat ages, check out Question of The Day. Saturday 7th of March.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Since some kitties have a natural aptitude for dance and some of the kitties here have previous experience, I decided to ask around about the Argentine Tango. Would anyone help me out?

Thrasher showed me a few quick steps with BJ but they prefer to dance with each other.
View attachment 325482
Banjo went straight to the cat room to search for her favorite partner.
View attachment 325483
She hasn’t seen Froggie since the flood and since the Fish boat is also missing, she thinks Froggie is off on an adventure. I have assured her that Froggie is just staying warm somewhere.
View attachment 325484
Mitsy is strictly a ballerina,
View attachment 325485
So I turned to my dashing big boy, Mackie.
View attachment 325486
Oh yes! I’ve got some moves Mom!
View attachment 325487
Hold my paw.
View attachment 325488
The proper posture is so important.
View attachment 325490
No, you don’t have to be upright to Tango! Not cat Tango!
View attachment 325489
Face it, you asked the wrong Purrson. Next time come to the expurrt.
View attachment 325491
:lolup: Bonjure and have a great night everyone! :heartshape:
That is some SERIOUS clawage, Mackie man! Bonjure, I'd tango with you in a nanosecond!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
My personal opinion is that is too long to have a cat in a trap. If there's any way you can work out a different way to do this, or at least check on the traps as frequently as you can to make sure whether there's a cat in one or two, and then take action from there.
*ABSOLUTELY AGREE* on trap time, Furballsmom Furballsmom . Cats can get very, very stressed being confined, especially out in the open where they undoubtedly feel they are very vulnerable. The object is to get the cat to safe haven A/O. I advocate for sitting on a trap (not literally -- staying within sighting distance and getting the cat moved without any delay). As I've posted before, my ex once set our trap for a little guy who was hanging out in his corporation's parking lot. The cat came into the trap, and got so stressed (s)he probably went into cardiac arrest. We laid him to rest in our yard and planted a beautiful memorial plant for him. We were heartbroken and I would never advocate for leaving a trap unattended under any circumstances. It can be almost impossible trying to figure out how to make enough time to sit on a trap when most people are so busy, but it could make all the difference.


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
rubysmama rubysmama I don’t think I could let Banjo do my taxes. I just know she’d try to take all catnip purchases as deductions! I would love to get a refund like that one though! :lol: I wouldn’t mind it if my tax guy looked like that either!
The question of the day was really neat. I had no idea that Dolly is my elder! He wants more respect now. Lol I think I just got demoted. What’s below slave grade?

Mackie is getting extra everything. He’s enjoying the bedside manner. I’m hoping he’s just milking the benefits.

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Mackie likes to show off. He enjoys reminding me who is boss around here. I don’t really need the reminder but it makes him laugh so..... okay by me!

surya surya I certainly would like an update. I hope all is well there. :heartshape:

jefferd18 jefferd18 I hope you got a little rest today.


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I spent a little time with the kitties just gazing out the glass door this evening and enjoying a little fresh air coming in the screen.

I love it when the kitties are being cute little snugglers together..

Hmmmm. Maybe one of them isn’t exactly a little snuggler. :lol: Bonjure makes the others look like kittens!

BJ took the padded seat. Mom.

Even Dolly joined the group.

Whistle got comfy in front of the heater.

I think he and his “happy tail “ melted a little. Lol

With cats around, something interesting always happens.

BJ can be depended upon to point these things out.

It took me a minute but the first thing I noticed was the look on Lady’s face.She had that,” I have the feeling that something is sneaking up behind me”, look. “Don’t move a muscle!”

Just in case anyone can’t see it, this is what was sneaking up! I edited the photo to adjust the lighting a bit.

That would have given me the creeps too!
Cats do sense these things! It isn’t the “Shadow!” :kitty:
Thrasher made the fur stand up on Lady’s back! She didn’t even have to jump out and say ,”Boo!” I think I saw Thrasher smile. :insertevillaugh: Thrasher! Don’t scare your Clowder mates.

Never a dull moment!
Have a great night everyone. :heartshape:
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