From Feral To Lap Cats

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  • #561


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
Well that was short lived. Here we go again. At least they had 2 meals in peace. Really at wits end with these cats. Too cold and i'm too sick to deal with this. Here it was going so well and now this tragedy. Shaman will die if this continues. :(
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  • #563


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
Well at least they had 2 meals in peace. Maybe they just aren't hungry. I shouldn't have expected them to eat more or off schedule because it's Thanksgiving for me. For now on I"ll just stick with their normal breakfast, small treat for lunch and then supper. Oh and for supper I just put the food out there at their usual time. Picking up after my supper. They're on their own through supper. I'm not playing security guard.

Since adding videos to the gallery changed since the site updated I'm confused so hopefully I figured this out. Last night the raccoon was playing with Cooper's food puzzle. I'm sorry if the video is dark, not only did George Harrison (I named the raccoon that as he literally sits and looks at the cam when I play George Harrison music) have fun with the food puzzle but he also moved it to a darker part in the cat area. I'm also learning the lighting still and waiting on my IR illuminator to come in.

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  • #564


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
Well the fighting continues. Bitter cold. Shaman is losing weight at an alarming rate because of the feeding tragedy. I'm in tears. Shaman did try to come inside the basement door but then we have the Mom situation if she came in. If someone can advise, maybe bring her in long enough to eat, keep her still and keep her from "exploring" that would be great. I need advice or she will die and I cant lose yet another cat. I lost 2 already. :(
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  • #565


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
I'm sorry but a little advice is appreciated? Please don't tell me I'm the only one who went through this. Not trying to sound mean but I post this with great effort due to health so I can get some help and advice. And while I realize no one is obligated to answer I am still grieving the loss of 2 cats and don't want to lose another. I'm not using my health as an excuse but my health is declining. Just being realistic here.
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All Cats Are Special
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2018
Reidsville NC
I'm sorry but a little advice is appreciated? Please don't tell me I'm the only one who went through this. Not trying to sound mean but I post this with great effort due to health so I can get some help and advice
I would bring her in to eat n keep her quite..How many ferals are u feeding now???
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  • #567


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
So I was looking at last night's cam footage and a possum stole one of Cooper's dice (after trying to eat it) huh?. I thought raccoons were the thieves, not a sweet innocent possum. Hope that possum is ok. But Oh well on the dice, they were cheap enough. I bought a couple more packages. Guess I'll have to bring them inside at night but darn, they kept Cooper busy at 4am instead of yowling outside my window. Ugh
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  • #570


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
Shaman really needs to learn to be braver. Cooper just viciously attacked her outside. Or it sounded like it was a vicious attack. I don't know. I hope Shaman returns. If I had to choose only one cat to bring inside as a companion when the time comes it would be her, as she was the first to be here for me. This BS wouldn't be happening if I had a normal life like most people have. I'm scared Shaman hates me now and won't return. My heart is breaking in two over this.

Although Treasure is gone I have to say the few days after that fight Treasure's personality changed like 100% and I"m noticing Cooper has changed as well. What the heck happened? Treasure wasn't that badly hurt, just confused and that was his demise looking for Sopdet. Cooper showed no signs of being hurt. Why the complete change in personality? I'm dealing with a Jeckyl and Hyde cat here. He's completely turned on all the cats that were his buddies. I don't get it. Now the rest are probably gone forever. I wish he never would have shown up. He's been nothing but trouble since he got dumped here. Sorry to say that and yes I'm still looking into no kill shelters and all for him. :(
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  • #572


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
I edited so some of you may have missed my add on.

Although Treasure is gone I have to say the few days after that fight Treasure's personality changed like 100% and I"m noticing Cooper has changed as well. What the heck happened? Treasure wasn't that badly hurt, just confused and that was his demise looking for Sopdet. Cooper showed no signs of being hurt. Why the complete change in personality? I'm dealing with a Jeckyl and Hyde cat here. He's completely turned on all the cats that were his buddies. I don't get it. Now the rest are probably gone forever. I wish he never would have shown up. He's been nothing but trouble since he got dumped here. Sorry to say that and yes I'm still looking into no kill shelters and all for him. :(


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Feline territorial ego, I think.
Even if Cooper's neutered (I apologize if you talked about that already) he sounds like he's made your place his base of operations, and thus the change in personality making himself top cat, and like my boy (who is neutered) has become a total alpha.
This is what it sounds like to me - I'm sending you every good thought I have for a way to rehome him.
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  • #574


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
Feline territorial ego, I think.
Even if Cooper's neutered (I apologize if you talked about that already) he sounds like he's made your place his base of operations, and thus the change in personality making himself top cat, and like my boy (who is neutered) has become a total alpha.
This is what it sounds like to me - I'm sending you every good thought I have for a way to rehome him.
Yea but why the sudden change in personality when Treasure returned (just before I lost him). He was only gone for 8 hours, limped back but not badly as I just rewatched the video, and his personality was totally changed as well. Treasure was neutered, Sopdet was spayed. Before his disappearance he was sweet and friendly with me, played with Shaman, played with Sopdet and then disappeared for 8 hours. During that time Sopdet and Shaman hung close by me so the fight wasn't with either of them. He came back and total change. I understand that he was hurting and Shaman sat with him for awhile before all of a sudden she just got scared of him and ran off. Sopdet ran off and that's how she wound up in the situation of abuse and Treasure looking for her. Granted I don't understand cat dynamics. But when I had Pepper and Harley they hated each other but ate peacefully and there was never any of this fighting. If one walled into the kitchen the other would just walk out.

I asked yesterday, maybe it got lost in the shuffle of my posts but do cats act out like this if "bored" I wish I was physically able to get out right now and interact with them. The most I can do is throw one of those dice to them and let them chase it around and then I go and get it and repeat. But Cooper doesn't seem to take an initiative to interact with the toys on his own. Sorry if it was answered but do they act "aggressive and all" when bored?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
He was only gone for 8 hours, limped back but not badly as I just rewatched the video, and his personality was totally changed as well.
On this one, I think something happened during that time that really scared him? Or he was hurt internally worse than suspected?

do cats act out like this if "bored"
yes, they do, or I should say, some do and especially when younger.
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  • #577


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
Well here's a quick update. There's a new cat in town. Gray tabby. It seemed that the new cat went after Shaman and Cooper took off to protect Shaman I was up all night reviewing cam footage (not to mention severe storms again). Is this even normal to not like each other but protect each other? I never saw whether Pepper or Harley would protect each other because that situation never arose.

It also just dawned upon me why Shaman runs to the side of the garage when it rains instead of staying under the porch (cat area) where it's dry when it rains. The rain is falling on top of the garbage cans and I guess the sound is spooky to her, especially since she's so timid. So now I have to go out there and "re arrange again", in the rain, at 32 degrees with the onset of a cold. I know she didn't run off just now because of Cooper because he was "napping" in his tent after breakfast.
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  • #578


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
Mods, I'm trying to edit so I can add something but the site won't allow me? Anyway I just wanted to add if anyone knows of a better layout/arrangement for the cat stuff I would appreciate it especially now that I have to move the garbage cans down into the stairwell. Ok I was able to edit this but still not able to edit the one above? It was only 30 minutes time in between.

Now they all took off. Extreme storms. Downed another tree by lighting. Thunder so loud they probably heard on other side of the globe. Damage to our windows.Maybe we should follow the cats to where they go to be safe. I know they can survive this as they have before, but question is will the humans in this house survive. Power went out. Thankfully I have enough juice in my laptop to type this on my cell hotspot.

Also NEED to fix this area so the cats feel secure instead of running off into the bushes where trees can fall or lightning can cause fires while they are there. Remember something that can be taken down and moved in 1 minute or less.
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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I think I'd try putting the garbage cans back where they were and see if you can come up with something to put onto/tie to the lids that dampens the sound?

Hang in there!!
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