My Feral And Rescued Cats

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TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
Norachan Norachan It is sad to say but police here can only help during the commission of a crime or after a crime is committed. Also, for them to catch a drunk( drugged person) who can quickly vanish in the swamp would be very unlikely. Prevention is all upon me. Barbed wire and electricity sound like great ideas. There is the old saying that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of care.” As long as they don’t hurt BJ I’ll be okay. Thank you for the love and protecting vibes!!! That counts!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 25, 2014
Jcatbird Jcatbird - Thanks for the reply (which I did see, heh). Poppy is so cute, I love her little necklace. ;)

How hard for you to give them up though! I've only had Nixon and Lady Fluffington in here since April, and I can't imagine giving them up already, even though I've tried not to get attached. (Hah what a joke, I'm attached to a cat after like five minutes.)

I've never actually given up a cat, not since many many years ago and it was just after I'd lost a dog from my childhood so I wasn't quite as attached as I probably should have been, since I was still healing. Since then though I've taken them in intending to find them homes, and then just ended up keeping them for years. So I don't know how I'll be able to do it. <.<

I got a phone message about Fluff a few weeks ago, but the time I returned the call only a few hours later, the person interested had just found an abandoned kitty somewhere and taken it in instead. Good for that kitty, bad for Fluff... they sounded really nice like they'd be a good home. Still, I felt this horrible jolt when I listened to the message like oh no I have to give her up!! But that's the POINT, I have to find her a home, but how do I let go!

Of course, one damn flicker of interest in seven months makes it look like I never WILL find them homes, arrrgh. And meanwhile I only get more attached, and more attached. :headshake:

Good luck with BJ and the creepy two-foot lurker(s). I always assume that anyone near a stray cat who's NOT me is out to poison or torture them or something, I dunno I guess I'm paranoid, surely not everyone's evil. I mean here all you guys are, crazy cat-people all of you! That puts some points on humanity's side.

Heh, speaking of evil, Nixon just yawned in my face earlier and once again I found myself marveling at how blunt his canines are. He's obviously done a lot of active hunting in his life, wearing them down so much. Isn't it funny how these little fluffs that are so cute and ridiculous to us are horrible nightmare creatures to poor little smaller things?

I don't blame you Nixon, it's okay, it's not your fault you're an obligate carnivore.

And you're one too Fiddlesticks, so why are you always trying to eat my chips, and my fruit snacks, and my Rice-A-Roni, and my cake seriously cats aren't supposed to taste sweet why are you eating CAKE and ICING are you mad?!


Who me?



I don't care I do what I wawnt.


How dare you paw at me with your thumbs. You shouldn't have thumbs and you shouldn't eat cake!!

You're a pet-store cat anyway, what are you doing in a feral thread get outta here. :vibes:


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Norachan Norachan Thank you for the photos of the fence. We do have snow at times but I doubt it would be of real concern. I did wish for a snow shovel last Winter though! I had to clear paths for the cats over three acres with a spade. :lol: I do wish it were safe for the cats to go out here. I have plenty of room for them to enjoy the sun and shade but when they head for the swamp I get very worried. The cyclone fence I put up originally does not keep them in or the two legged predators out. I’d be delighted to box us all in now. The lip on that fence would, not only , keep kitties in but make it difficult to climb over from outside! I like it! A little barbed wire to top it off and we could have a solution to more than one issue. No more swamp slime in the middle of the night can only be a good thing. :yess:

Skip this paragraph to go straight to the smiles.
BJ has returned to hiding. Fortunately I have made enough progress with him that he will come out to me. I have seen what he is afraid of and it is human. I was so close today to getting BJ but the human prevented it. This person was not sober or in their right senses. I see why BJ is frightened of them. In fact, he alerted me to their presence. Cat body language told me all I needed to know. Once this person was not visible from the cleared acreage here I tried for several hours to convince BJ to come back out but he stayed where he could not be detected by others. When I reached for him he threatened to bite or run away. No food offerings were accepted at all whether in a trap, carrier or freely given. This cat is very wise. I had fed him easily this morning. He even took a treat very gently from my knee ,where my head was resting, with no fear. Trust between us is very strong but not enough to convince him that I can protect him from another human threat. My timing will have to be perfect to get BJ. I must do it when no human has been near. I have everything prepared. I cleared away all traces of BJ from sight so that no one else will know where to look for him. Tomorrow I will spend all my time watching for an opportunity. I hope BJ will be hungry enough to come to me. I also hope that the person in question will not show up.

On a much more pleasant note, Mitsy has started snuggling me at bedtime now. She doesn’t stay all night but is allowing me to pick her up and lay her next to me. This a huge step forward. Finally!

Flowers came out to visit with everyone today! She also allowed a visitor to pet her without hesitation. She even purred over it. No longer a Viscious feral! Cats are always amazing me. After all that cat endured, she can still trust and love.

A third celebration for kitties today. Kelly just walked right out of her room to join the world. Admittedly she is now under the sofa......Lol . She is in a room with Smokey, Mackie, Bonjure, Mitsy , Thrasher, Whistle, Banjo, Dolly, Lady, Lambie, Muffin and Flowers so that’s a lot to take in at once. To her credit, she wandered around for several hours amongst the crowd before retreating to the privacy of the underside of the couch! If she does not come out by breakfast I will retrieve her but I am going to give her some decompression time to see what happens. I probably won’t put her back in her room with Liberty and Tortie. She is obviously craving more activity than she was getting so I will put her in a very large cage ,with a carrier inside for privacy ,in the living room for short periods of time and try letting her mingle the rest of the time. We’ll feel our way along on this. She is still purring when I pet her and coming out to eat, drink and potty so this is progress. She also allowed our visitor to pet her.
Working with ferals and strays can be quite a process. They never fail to surprise or make me smile.

Smile time?

Some cats are sooo big, they take up an entire human!View attachment 258031
Sometimes a cat should just lay low and play innocent.......
View attachment 258032
and pretend that they did not spill your coffee. Humans are so quick to accuse the cat!
View attachment 258033
Okay..... maybe I did spill the coffee. Lol
View attachment 258034
A talented cat can pull a treat from between Mom’s forehead and knee without pinching! Trust me!
View attachment 258035
I don’t care what you say, my mind is made up, I’m not coming out.
View attachment 258036
What do you mean, cats can’t have potatoe chips?
View attachment 258037
Okay Mom, go to bed!View attachment 258039
Sweet dreams everyone!View attachment 258040
Are you in any danger from this scumbag human?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Need good vibes , prayers, wishes, anything anyone has to offer for BJ right now. He is just two feet from my back door and afraid to come in. He followed me all the way home out of fear. He is blocked from leaving by raccoons and opossums. Big ones! I have done all I know to do to get him in. He is hunkered down njust behind me.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Need good vibes , prayers, wishes, anything anyone has to offer for BJ right now. He is just two feet from my back door and afraid to come in. He followed me all the way home out of fear. He is blocked from leaving by raccoons and opossums. Big ones! I have done all I know to do to get him in. He is hunkered down njust behind me. View attachment 258186
:vibes::vibes::goodluck::vibes::vibes:Come on BJ this is another BJ urging you to trust mama and get inside to safety with all your kitty friends!:vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::catlove::heartshape::crossfingers:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Oooops. I shut the door. He is in. Now trapped in room with enraged feral. Trying to calm him.

Jcatbird Jcatbird - Hooray for being trapped in a room with an enraged feral - I love that feeling! The screams - both feline and Human - the electricity in the air, the bracing sting of alcohol on fresh bites and scratches!


Seriously - congratulations! I actually came over "here" tonight to see if BJ was in yet - and like Schrodinger's Cat, he was both inside and not inside a few moments ago.

He's safe now, and that's what matters. Bravo, my Friend!

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