New cat owner feeling overwhelmed!


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2023
I’m an 18 year old new cat owner and it has been a lot to handle, so I’m seeking some guidance. :oops:

So I’ve had my kitten, Cleo, for a little over a month, she’s currently a bit over 4 months old. She’s really energetic which I know kittens are, but I’ve been feeling really overwhelmed. I currently don’t have a job so I’m at home everyday except for when I have other things to do such as hobbies and hangout with friends etc. Anyways! I honestly don’t know what to do as it feels like I’m constantly watching over her, she can get really crazy and tries to climb up the curtains even though she has a cat tree, she tries to go behind the TV (we’ve blocked that area off) and mostly she likes to chew or dig up my mother’s plants (I’ve tried to spray lemon on them but it only seems to work a little). Whenever I eat or do something in the kitchen she tends to climb up the chairs to get on to the table. I don’t really know what cats do except for eat, sleep and play. Sorry if this was a lot, I could go in depth on certain questions but don’t want to make this too long!
And also yes! I do love her, she’s very cute and friendly, but it’s a lot of ups and downs. Sometimes it’s hard being patient.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
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May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
to you and Cleo and on behalf of The Catsite community, a warm

So glad that you’ve joined this site and you are in the right place for all things cat and this site is loaded with tons of rich resources and you’ll find friendly and helpful cats around and many of our cats are very knowledgeable in cat related stuffs

Cleo is a cutie! :redheartpump: :hearthrob: Do post more photos of her and we have a special thread here for her here in Show Me Your Stripes And Spots! Tabby Cats Only ;) and many fun threads here in fur-pictures-and-videos-only.29 to showcase what your kitties are up to.

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Cats are full of curiosity, since she's still young, you can teach her not to do things you don't want to and of course not a 100% but at least she can learn. You can cover up certain places so that she can't get into those places.

To ask more on cat behavior, you may start a thread here in Cat Behavior an post your questions.

Since you you are a new cat owner, do read the articles below to orientate yourself on taking care of a cat.


Feel free to ask questions if you have any and start a new thread of your own and post them under the appropriate forum headings and do check out the many informative articles we have here in Articles | The Cat Site

Enjoy your stay and see ya around :thumbsup:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2023
View attachment 460423 to you and Cleo and on behalf of The Catsite community, a warm View attachment 460424

So glad that you’ve joined this site and you are in the right place for all things cat and this site is loaded with tons of rich resources and you’ll find friendly and helpful cats around and many of our cats are very knowledgeable in cat related stuffs

Cleo is a cutie! :redheartpump: :hearthrob: Do post more photos of her and we have a special thread here for her here in Show Me Your Stripes And Spots! Tabby Cats Only ;) and many fun threads here in fur-pictures-and-videos-only.29 to showcase what your kitties are up to.

New Here? I Have A Few Suggestions For You!
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Cats are full of curiosity, since she's still young, you can teach her not to do things you don't want to and of course not a 100% but at least she can learn. You can cover up certain places so that she can't get into those places.

To ask more on cat behavior, you may start a thread here in Cat Behavior an post your questions.

Since you you are a new cat owner, do read the articles below to orientate yourself on taking care of a cat.


Feel free to ask questions if you have any and start a new thread of your own and post them under the appropriate forum headings and do check out the many informative articles we have here in Articles | The Cat Site

Enjoy your stay and see ya around :thumbsup:
Thank you :redheartpump:


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
:welcomesign: :wave2::heartshape:to TCS!
It's very nice to meet you,Cleo is adorable-my favorite photos are the ones sleeping with those little tongues out-thats a really relaxed and restful sleep-so cute!
CleoTheKitty CleoTheKitty surely you could've gone on and we'd all understand,you have mentioned just a couple of the mischievous things kitten do- we do know there's much more than that-they are just like having a 2yr old child running around the house,and very often much worse..... but I can assure you they grow out of those things and are pretty much an adult within a year,unlike children who you have the horrible three's to look forward to after the terrible two's and roughly about 18yrs of driving you insane!!!!lol

As tabbytom tabbytom has mentioned you can start a Thread in the Cat Behavior Forum and we can address each issue and help you with tricks,tips and suggestions to address undesirable behavior -the time to train is now,I can't promise you perfection and that you won't have to babysit but I can promise you a well behaved kitty that will understand what is pleasing & acceptable vs what is not .....takes some work but in no time at all you will find its been well worth the effort

Congratulations on your first furbaby,she's a little beauty
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2023
:welcomesign: :wave2::heartshape:to TCS!
It's very nice to meet you,Cleo is adorable-my favorite photos are the ones sleeping with those little tongues out-thats a really relaxed and restful sleep-so cute!
CleoTheKitty CleoTheKitty surely you could've gone on and we'd all understand,you have mentioned just a couple of the mischievous things kitten do- we do know there's much more than that-they are just like having a 2yr old child running around the house,and very often much worse..... but I can assure you they grow out of those things and are pretty much an adult within a year,unlike children who you have the horrible three's to look forward to after the terrible two's and roughly about 18yrs of driving you insane!!!!lol

As tabbytom tabbytom has mentioned you can start a Thread in the Cat Behavior Forum and we can address each issue and help you with tricks,tips and suggestions to address undesirable behavior -the time to train is now,I can't promise you perfection and that you won't have to babysit but I can promise you a well behaved kitty that will understand what is pleasing & acceptable vs what is not .....takes some work but in no time at all you will find its been well worth the effort

Congratulations on your first furbaby,she's a little beauty
Hello and thank you Kwik! Thank you for your reassuring words, I’ll look forward to when she grows up haha. I will post more if I need help with anything, as of now she’s sleeping so I’ll take a nap aswell!


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to TCS. :wave2: Congrats on being a new cat parent. :bouquet: Cleo is pawsitively precious. :catlove:

As the others have posted, Cleo is still a kitten, so full of endless energy and curiosity. A lot of that will settle down once she's an adult.

Cats can be trained to not do things or go places they shouldn't. Here's a TCS article on the topic that should have some tips for you.
How To Set Healthy Boundaries For Your Cat: A Complete Guide - TheCatSite
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2023
Hello and welcome to TCS. :wave2: Congrats on being a new cat parent. :bouquet: Cleo is pawsitively precious. :catlove:

As the others have posted, Cleo is still a kitten, so full of endless energy and curiosity. A lot of that will settle down once she's an adult.

Cats can be trained to not do things or go places they shouldn't. Here's a TCS article on the topic that should have some tips for you.
How To Set Healthy Boundaries For Your Cat: A Complete Guide - TheCatSite
Thank you! I’ve been loving the cat puns, they’re purrfect. I’ll be reading the article! :redheartpump:

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Of course, you are overwhelmed, all new 'parents' are. what you are describing is all normal behavior for a kitten. They have to be taught manners, say NO loudly and remove her from whatever you don't want her to do. If she is climbing curtains, say no and put her on the cat tree. Hissing at her works too it is her language. Get a corrugated cardboard scratcher at Walmart so she can scratch, get a couple of kickeroos on Amazon, a long catnip filled cat toy, to throw towards her and distract her from whatever she is doing naughty. Keep one in a plastic bag full of cat nip to 'refresh' it and interchange them frequently. you might have to take it out over teh trash can, it is messy. these behaviors will all disappear as she ages, but you have to teach her. ALL kittens are overwhelming. That is why most of us don't even have curtains. You learn. Kittens are balls of energy that never quit. Older cats are MUCH quieter!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2023
Of course, you are overwhelmed, all new 'parents' are. what you are describing is all normal behavior for a kitten. They have to be taught manners, say NO loudly and remove her from whatever you don't want her to do. If she is climbing curtains, say no and put her on the cat tree. Hissing at her works too it is her language. Get a corrugated cardboard scratcher at Walmart so she can scratch, get a couple of kickeroos on Amazon, a long catnip filled cat toy, to throw towards her and distract her from whatever she is doing naughty. Keep one in a plastic bag full of cat nip to 'refresh' it and interchange them frequently. you might have to take it out over teh trash can, it is messy. these behaviors will all disappear as she ages, but you have to teach her. ALL kittens are overwhelming. That is why most of us don't even have curtains. You learn. Kittens are balls of energy that never quit. Older cats are MUCH quieter!
Hello! I have tried to firmly say no and hissed which she has responded to, but she always tries it again anyways. I believe she wants to be able to climb more so I’ll have to look into cat trees that I can put near the kitchen area I suppose. I DO find myself a bigger fan of older cats lol, but it is my sister’s kitten aswell so I’ll love her too.

Thanks for the advice!


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Hello! I have tried to firmly say no and hissed which she has responded to, but she always tries it again anyways. I believe she wants to be able to climb more so I’ll have to look into cat trees that I can put near the kitchen area I suppose. I DO find myself a bigger fan of older cats lol, but it is my sister’s kitten aswell so I’ll love her too.

Thanks for the advice!
Two sided sticky tape works great,especially with kittens-she walks someplace around the bottom of the curtains or a dresser next to them or whetever is her jump off area- put the tape there and she won't go there,or you can use an upside down floor mat thst has tye prickly underside- using environmental deterrents are my favorites,loud expressions,hand clapping & hissing works well for some cats and others will simply learn you are displeased with them and have no clue why- you are out of the equation with unpleasant environmental deterrents -I usually say " No" as they step on something unpleasant-they associate no with their displeasure

You have to find what works for you and for your little individual kitty- but guaranteed one or more of the suggestions here at TCS WILL work.... distraction is great,occupy your Cleo with positive outlets for her energy & curiosity when she sets put to do something you don't want her to( as di and bob di and bob explained) ..... And plants,well I do hope they are not Toxic ,you can view the ASPCA list of toxic & safe plants for cats-if they are potentially dangerous ,please put them far out of reach or out of the house- you can get some wheat grass or catnip for Cleo to chew on buy do limit it as it can cause diarrhea when too much us ingested- Tin foil over the dirt is pretty good,kitties usually don't like stepping on tin foil-Im not crazy about the citris sprays as they can be toxic as well-products like Scratch No & Cat Away are effective but you've got to spray constantly- tin foil is much easier

Hope thst helps and you've got plenty of links with great info to read.....Enjoy kittenhood while it lasts,when their all grown you'll miss it


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Just checked my handy-dandy "Cat Age CaIcuIator," and your precious girI is the equivaIent of a 5-year-oId chiId. Ever watch a bunch of them on a pIayground? They cIimb everything there, even the things that are not meant to be cIimbed, given haIf a chance. But they can be taught. The key is consistency. You hiss and remove Every. SingIe. Time. Without faiI. She wiII get there, with time, patience, and consistency...about a hot minute before you totaIIy Iose your own mind.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 26, 2023
Just checked my handy-dandy "Cat Age CaIcuIator," and your precious girI is the equivaIent of a 5-year-oId chiId. Ever watch a bunch of them on a pIayground? They cIimb everything there, even the things that are not meant to be cIimbed, given haIf a chance. But they can be taught. The key is consistency. You hiss and remove Every. SingIe. Time. Without faiI. She wiII get there, with time, patience, and consistency...about a hot minute before you totaIIy Iose your own mind.
I may be wrong but I believe my kitten has officially learnt to stop jumping on the counter ! Atleast not when we’re there