hello TCS and greetings from me and my cats!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 14, 2024
hello everyone, i’m piep!

in september 2022 i adopted 3 rescue cats from a small, local animal welfare organization. i had no idea how bad the situation with the cat population is where i live until then…

the reason we didn’t adopt cats before this is this: we aren’t exactly well off financially, so that is one thing we were (and still are) worried about: high vet costs in the future. their foster mom has the same issue though, and told us that if she/ her animal rescue wouldn’t take in the strays in need, no one else would. even if they may not be able to buy the most expensive wet food or get vet insurance for all the rescues, she (and we too now) are giving them a chance at a happy life full of love.
we are trying to do everything to ensure they are well cared for and when we have spare money we try to save some up for vet bills.

we only planned to adopt 2 cats and signed up for two young tuxie brothers, monty and paulie. they are both a little under 2 years old and were abandoned in a carrier in the summer heat and therefore pretty traumatized. because they were very timid no one really wanted to adopt them, but i’m so glad we were able to make them part of our family; i’m sure every cat parent says this about their cat, but my cats truly are the most special cats in the world :-)


this was paulchen when he was found… no idea what his previous owners did to him, but he’s very scared of men and still pretty shy. it was so rewarding to slowly gain his trust… he still doesn’t really cuddle, but he comes to lay with me under my blanket and sleep 💕
this is him now:

this is monty, paulchen’s naughty, VERY vocal brother. he’s a verrry affectionate little dude who just NEEDS to give his people at least 20 head bonks a day. he complains vehemently when he does not receive the requested bonks immediately.

so, these are the two cats we fell in love with at first…
but on every picture and video the foster mom showed us of those two, there was a little tabby kitten sprawled next to monty and paulie, cuddling with them or just there with them.. the foster mom told us that that little kitten only ever hung out with the tuxie brothers, despite there being loads of kittens his own age around.

soooooo….. we decided to adopt the little guy, willie, now 8 months old, too. it would have broken my heart to think about him all alone with his two big brothers (though they are not related).
little willie is a rascal who follows monty everywhere. he LOVES to eat and play and shred boxes and is just very happy to be alive. he loves cuddling and he purrs constantly, whenever i prepare his food, when he lays down to sleep, whenever we pick him up or pet him. he’s a little sunshine.

i’m a completely new cat parent and to say the beginning was overwhelming is an understatement.
they hid completely for two weeks and only came out at night to eat and use the litter box. but slowly they started warming up and i’ve been in love ever since. i really had no idea i was missing cats in my life before this, but now i know. they bring me so much joy and happiness.

so this is me and my furry family! i’m happy to be here and hope to gather some useful tips for my boys :-)


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jul 21, 2023
Northeast Ohio
Welcome to TCS Piep!

Monty, Paulie and Willie are so adorable and thank you so much for adopting them and I hope they bring so much love to you in their new home.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 20, 2023
Scotland, UK
:welcomesign: piep! I hope you enjoy your time on the forum and find it useful.

Your kitties are all adorable. Thank you so much for adopting them, and especially for bringing Willie home too so he wouldn't be separated from his friends.

I'm sure you're already aware of this, but there are lots of budget-friendly options when it comes to cat toys:
  • Cardboard boxes are free and never get old. They're most popular cat beds in our house! Also great for scratching and ambushing toys/other cats from.
  • Paper bags are excellent lairs. Lay a bag on its side, make tapping and scratching noises on the bottom, and watch your cat pounce in trying to catch whatever's in there!
  • You can get ping-pong balls very cheaply and my two adult rescue cats go crazy chasing them!
  • Pieces of string, yarn, or cord are great for interactive play, as long as you always supervise your cats and make sure they don't eat it or get their claws stuck. Braiding the string will make it more chew proof.
  • Tissue paper, newspaper and old gift wrap are great because cats can hide under it to ambush toys, toys can hide under it to entice cats, and it can also be scrunched into a ball and thrown across a room for cats to chase.
  • Pencils and goose feathers from craft shops are great for interactive play. You can hold one end and move them around in exciting ways, or make them pop out from hiding places.
  • Plastic bottle caps are another fun thing to chase around, while supervised.
  • Old socks, stuffed one inside the other, are excellent budget kicker toys - although maybe not the best idea if you have socks you use lying around outside the sock drawer, as it will teach your cat that they're fair game!


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
piep, Paulie, Monty and Willie and on behalf of The Catsite community, a warm
to all of you.

So glad that you’ve joined this wonderful site and you are in the right place for all things cat and this site is loaded with tons of rich resources and you’ll find friendly and helpful cats around and many of our cats are very knowledgeable in cat related stuffs.

Thank you for adopting them and for giving them a warm and fur-ever loving home :clapcat: They are beautiful! :hearthrob::redheartpump:

New Here? I Have A Few Suggestions For You!
Community Guidelines & Practices - Frequently Asked Questions
Forum Rules

Since you you are a new cat owner, do read the articles below to orientate yourself on taking care of a cat.










Feel free to ask questions if you have any and start a new thread of your own and post them under the appropriate forums and do check out the many informative articles we have here in Articles | The Cat Site

Enjoy your stay and see ya around :thumbsup:


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Welcome to you and your adorable fur family!

WHENEVER you have questions, you just head to the appropriate forum and post them! I promise, this group LOVES to help others with cat problems! LOL, for that matter, we love to help cats with people problems!


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
:welcomesign: to TCS P piepthegreat
Yep,I think your pretty GREAT ,not just for giving Paulie & Monty a forever home but for not leaving lil Willie behind - it's very nice to meet you (& the boys)