Young cat gradually lost interest in food over 2+ years


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Apr 14, 2021
I've cried so many frustrated tears over this, and I don't know where to go for answers. My friends are tired of listening to me, and don't have any answers anyways. I left my vet a message two nights ago, and am still waiting to hear back. This is a long story, so hang on tight.

I got my female Bengal when she was 8 weeks old in Aug 2018. I got a Bengal because I wanted a cat who would be happy with my chaotic and very outdoorsy lifestyle. From the very beginning, she was never very interested in food. Her four meals a day were really 100 tiny meals a day. All my attempts over the past 3 years to switch her entirely over to meals have ended after several days of rapid weight loss and no progress. Well, I managed to live with it, as she was growing at the appropriate weight. Her weight peaked in April 2019 at 9 lb 7 oz (I use a kitchen scale to weigh her). A month later, she had lost 8 oz, and I took her in to the vet. The vet did a fecal and a complete blood panel, and found nothing wrong. The vet prescribed a dewormer just in case, and gave me various recommendations to get my cat more interested in food. I tried: switching her entirely over to meals, wet food only, dry food only, combo of wet and dry, over 200 different kinds of food (wet, dry, freeze dried, and dehydrated), food puzzles, feeding only after exercise, warming up food in microwave, all sorts of toppers and broths, feliway, nutrical, different bowls and dishes, and probably other things I've forgotten.

Nothing really worked, but I managed with very active food management to keep her right around 9lb for a while. Her basic food routine now is: free feed dry food with freeze dried food mixed in (she eats about 1/4 cup/day), take away dry food a couple hours before wet food (when I worked in an office, I only did this at night, but now both morning and night), play and/or take her for a walk, then give wet food (1.5 oz/meal for a total 3 oz/day), then put dry food back out when wet food gone. I stopped recording her weights religiously toward the end of 2020 because it was depressing, but I'm still tracking her weight loosely. In Feb/March 2020, right around the start of quarantine, she dropped down to 8 lb 6 oz. With lots and lots of struggle (nutrical and handfeeding played major roles), I managed to get her back up to 8 lb 14 oz by early June.

Then I made the fateful decision to move into a house that already had a cat in it. That turned out to be a horrible decision. The two cats never learned to get along, the other cat's owner turned out to be a horrible human being and started being abusive towards my cat, my cat developed severe anxiety/depression. I was using nutrical regularly just to keep her around 8 lb 10 oz. It took me a while to find a new place where to live, but I finally moved out in November. My cat quickly recovered and started eating again, and by Christmas, was back up to 9 lb. Then she started losing interest in food and losing weight again. This time, I'm pretty sure it's because at least in part because she's bored and lonely in this house. My current roommates don't interact with her at all, and I realize how lucky I was that in the first several houses I lived with her, I had roommates who loved to play with her. Also, this house is not a good living situation for multiple other reasons, so I started looking to move again.

Then my cat got sick the evening of March 24, she had diarrhea multiple times. My roommates say they don't know what she could have gotten into, but I have my suspicions. I won't say those suspicions here because I have zero evidence, just a hunch based on their personalities and living habits. I know that I myself am very conscientious about making sure that anything I see that could harm her is taken care of immediately. The following day, she still had diarrhea, and wasn't eating much. I called the vet and made an appointment for March 26. The vet did not find anything obviously wrong with her, and sent her home with probiotics and orders to monitor her closely. March 27, I was gone for most of the day, and came home to find that my cat had barely touched her food. The little she did eat, she had thrown up. She had only ever thrown up food one other time in her life, and that was when she was a kitten. I cleaned up the vomit. Then I went to scoop her litter box. I turned around after scooping it to step in a pee puddle. She was not very far away. I went to wash my feet and came back to clean up the pee, only to find a second puddle next to the first one. She has never peed outside her litter box ever (except when I take her on walks and hikes and stuff of course). It was late at night, and since she seemed otherwise ok, I waited til the following morning to call the vet. The vet told me to bring her in first thing the morning of March 29. They took a blood and urine sample, took xrays, gave her fluids, and sent her home with mirtazapine. Preliminary xray results seemed normal.

Lab results came back a few days later completely normal, xray report came back a week later completely normal as well. My cat seemed to have mostly gotten over the issue at any rate, other than low energy levels. The vet said to continue to monitor her closely and recommended I switch her to a limited ingredient diet.

The mirtazapine seemed to be a miracle worker. I'd never seen my cat eat like that before. Unfortunately, she developed an odd side effect less than a week later. Her ears curled over at the tips. The vet told me to stop the mirtazapine and clean her ears. My cat showed signs of withdrawal when I first tried to stop, so I've been gradually tapering her off. Her appetite is absolutely gone. She's also not drinking much water anymore, which wasn't an issue when she first got sick. Her appetite was already not great before all this, and now she's not touching her dry food, and only eating her wet food with lots of coaxing and some hand feeding. I'm using nutrical regularly again (she hates the stuff and hides whenever she sees me pull it out). She regularly turns down treats. She's not happy about all this fuss, and is avoiding me. Energy levels are still low.

I left a message for my vet the evening of April 12, and am waiting to hear back. I just ordered genetic tests from UC Davis's Veterinary Genetics Lab to test for progressive retinal atrophy and erythrocyte pyruvate kinase deficiency, but it'll be a while before I get results. I am moving to a new house at the end of the month, and I'm hoping that this will be a better living situation for her, myself, and my other pets.

I know the past 10 months have been hard on my cat with the really crappy living situation then the not so great living situation then getting sick. But I also know that her lack of appetite predates all this.

I was wondering if anyone might have any tips on how to increase her appetite or questions I should ask the vet? Thank you so much for your help
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  • #2


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 14, 2021
My apologies, I just saw a few typos and poorly worded sentences. The biggest typo is that I stopped religiously recording her weight at the end of 2019, not 2020.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
I'm so sorry to read your story with your Bengal cat.

I'm no expert, but what really stands out to me (and it's my humble opinion, not the truth or a fact) is that your kitty is probably suffering the cohabitation with your room mates. It is possible that your kitty is a little shy and needs a place on her own, without other people around, especially if other people can be abusive, ill-mannered, noisy, not cat lovers, etc.
This would be a stressful condition to everybody. I try to put myself in her shoes and if I had to live with people that I don't like, or that mistreat me, or there's an unpleasant environment, I would not eat, or eat less and I would be stressed and nervous.

Of course it is very hard, I fully understand, but it would be way better if you could find a place with just you and kitty and your other pets. You say that her condiion predates your stressful cohabitations. Do you mean that you were just the two of you at the beginning?
Are/were there other pets in the house? You mention other pets. What pets are they? Is it possible that she dislikes them too? Or that she needs the company of a pet of her kin?
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Apr 14, 2021
Yes, like I said in my post, she is bored and lonely because my current roommates don't interact with her. She is not at all shy, and loves people. She seeks out attention and company. She is a Bengal after all. I spend 4-8 hours a day playing with her and taking her for walks, but I can tell she needs more variety in her life. Normally, during the summer, I also take her hiking, backpacking, rock climbing, and other stuff, but might not this summer.

But like I also said in my post, her lack of appetite started when she was a kitten. She was never food motivated, always a grazer, and often took some coaxing to eat. The lack of appetite has gradually gotten worse over time, even in previous living situations where she was clearly very happy.

I've always had roommates, and she has loved previous roommates, up until the house with the cat and this current house. All previous roommates played with her. My other pets are snakes, so they don't interact with each other. She is very aggressive toward other cats, both the cat she previously lived with and outdoor/feral cats we encounter outside, so getting a second cat is not an option even if I had space/time/money for one. She mostly gets along with dogs, and while I think she might benefit from having a dog buddy, getting a dog is currently not an option, and will not be for at least another year due to space/time/money.

And like I said in my post, I'm moving at the end of the month. I'm moving back to a neighborhood where she and I used to live, and I'm hoping she'll be happy to see neighbors she loved. There will be roommates, and hopefully they will play with her, or at least, interact with her more than the current roommates. But that won't solve the original problem of lack of appetite, just make it not as bad.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
That sounds really weird. Normally cat are interested in food. The cat in my avatar was a grazer, that is she would eat a kibble or two, then go for a walk, then back for another pair of kibbles, then she would have a nap, look outside the window, patrol the house and agian to her dish. But anyway she was eating her right amount of food and her weight was correct for her age and size.

I have to think a little about this issue of yours.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. I would be surprised given the amount of play time you say you have with her that she is really bored. But, considering the other comments you have made about your roommates, and her health issues, I wonder if it might be a good idea to keep her in your room and away from your roommates when you are not home. They have no positive interaction, so it doesn't seem like she would miss being around them. I realize that your room is small relative the the area she apparently has available to her now, but if there is anything unusual going on with your roommates and your cat, being in your room might help to reduce whatever might be happening until you move.

Extra entertainment options would be bird/squirrel videos, window perches that she can look out. Soothing or calming options might be things like cat music - David Teie's Music for Cats which is on Prime and Spotify, Cat In My Arms on Spotify and elsewhere, and RelaxMyCat. Members on this site swear by it for helping to calm a cat! Some of the calming diffusers - such as Feliway (there are others if you search the internet for them).

Some foods to try to see if you can jump-start her appetite would be:
  • Baby food meats (Gerber Stage 2 or Beechnut)
  • Canned tuna or chicken in water
  • Salmon
  • Sardines (make sure there are no bones)
  • Chicken or turkey, such as deli meats
  • Rich kitten food
  • Tiki Cat Mousse
  • Lickable treats, such as Applaws, Wholehearted, Tiki Cat Stix, Inaba Churu, Vitakraft - just to name a few
Ask your vet about Hill's Restorative Food A/D - high in calories and supposedly very appealing to most cats. Also, ask your vet if there is another appetite stimulant you could try besides Mirtazapine.

EDIT: Not sure which Nutri-cal you are using, but Vetoquinol and Tomlyn are the two brands I know of. Tomlyn also has another high calorie gel you could try - it is called Nutri-Stat.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Apr 14, 2021
She would HATE being confined to my room when I'm gone. I accidentally closed in her my room once when I was gone, by the time I got back at the end of the day, she had rampaged across my room (she's normally not at all destructive) and was extremely anxious. While she doesn't have positive interactions with my current roommates, it's not like she's having negative interactions with them. As far as she's concerned, they're sentient pieces of furniture. They occasionally pet her and give her treats.

She has shown zero interest in any sort of video or music. She has three cat trees, a window hammock, and all the windows in the house have a sill she can sit on. I've already tried feliway, it didn't do anything. She's a Bengal, she needs a LOT of physical and mental stimulation, much more than your average cat. The 4-8 hours would be fine if she got the variety she was used to for the first 2 or so years of her life.

I've tried baby food. I've tried canned tuna, canned chicken, canned salmon. I've tried raw food. I've tried boiled chicken and turkey. I've tried deli meats. The wet food she's on right now is kitten food, and I've tried other kitten foods that she was not interested in. I've tried a bunch of stuff from Tiki Cats, and dozens of other brands. I've tried lickable treats, she likes the Nulo ones enough, but won't touch them if I put them on her actual food. She has other treats she likes too, but she will walk away from any and all treats if she's not in the mood for them. Like I said, she's not food motivated, and I've tried HUNDREDS of foods.

I'll ask about the Hill's food, but I'm not super hopeful. I was planning on asking about other appetite stimulants too. But an appetite stimulant would only fix the symptom, and I'd like to know the cause. I'm not sure what diagnostic tests I could ask for, whether I should ask for a referral to a specialist, etc.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Apr 14, 2021
Also, I apologize if I seem curt or rude or anything! I'm just so frustrated and I want her to be happy and healthy! I appreciate any and all insights and suggestions you have to offer


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Ask the vet about 'out of the box' testing, such as B12 deficiency - if she is lacking in this vitamin, a B12 shot would help with any nutrient absorption issues she might have, and it too serves as an appetite stimulant. The vet could also look for intestinal issues, most likely through an ultrasound.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Apr 14, 2021
Hmm testing for deficiencies is a good idea, especially since she's not eating much! The vet did mention the possibility of an ultrasound when she got sick a couple weeks ago, but ended up counseling against it when she seemed to recover. I'll ask about that again, but I think I might want to wait until after moving? It's not an emergency since she is eating, albeit very little.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I agree about waiting until you move. If you can keep her calories at a reasonable level until then, probably no reason to rush. It's highly possible that some of her demeanor will improve when she is in a new environment with you, which might help with the food - at least a little bit.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Apr 14, 2021
I'll see if I can get another appetite stimulant in the meantime just to get by, but if the vet thinks it's better to wait, I'll just try even more foods I guess. I'm so glad pet stores have such great return policies.
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Apr 14, 2021
No she has never been on prednisone


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 30, 2019
No she has never been on prednisone
got it. Not ideal to be on meds without knowing what’s wrong but it might be worth asking your vet about just because you’ve tried so many things at this point. Pred tends to make cats hungry, and it overall reduces inflammation so if the problem is some unknown issue causing inflammation it could also help with that
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Apr 14, 2021
Hmm that's good to know about as an option. I'd be concerned about potential side effects, especially when using it blindly, but I'll ask the vet what she thinks about steroids and possible inflammation of some sort. I wonder if IBD is a possibility, although my cat doesn't really have any symptoms of that.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I'll see if I can get another appetite stimulant in the meantime just to get by, but if the vet thinks it's better to wait, I'll just try even more foods I guess. I'm so glad pet stores have such great return policies.
There a number of members who suggested I try giving Feeby probiotics, such as Saccharomyces boulardii or a brand name product like Fortiflora, because Feeby's appetite has been less than great as of late. The members say it not only helps with digestive health in general, but promotes appetite. I haven't tried it yet myself, but just another thing for you to research and consider.
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Apr 14, 2021
I think it's buried somewhere in my original post, she is on probiotics currently, FortiFlora to be specific.
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Apr 14, 2021
Thank you all! I have an appointment for her tomorrow afternoon, and I'll bring up some of things you guys mentioned. I'll update here afterwards as well.


TCS Member
Apr 14, 2021
My girl was exactly the same so I just want to say I feel your pain! It is SO frustrating.

She was a big breed so even when fluctuating she was still a "normal" cat size (body condition somewhat hidden by her fur) and the vet(s) + breeder would just not see what the problem was. Actually they would look at me like I was making a problem out of nothing.

When she got a serious illness everyone was like oh just give her fortiflora/raw beef/liquid snacks/insert whatever miracle thing here to get her to eat because at that stage it was zero and I was like... I have tried EVERYTHING.

For the whole time I had her she "settled" on Sheba fine flakes in jelly but still only ate about half the recommended dose her entire life, even when she was supposed to be a "ravenous" kitten.

Sorry a bit of a rant here but all this just to say you are not alone! ❤