Welcome to my world-one of these days I'm going to go Postal and spend my remaining years behind bars- I HATE noise and paving project have to be amongst the worst-we dealt with that here for well over a YEAR!Then thsts over and it's a roof teardown & on n on n on- never endsUpdate: 2 days post-chemo (2nd dose)...
Very, very, very annoyed today.
Willy woke up this morning energetic, seemingly in a youthful mood. He zoomed a couple of times even before I fed him. I gave him his breakfast and he ate the whole meal in one go.
Then he still had energy, and I decided to try interactive toys (specifically, a Cat Dancer). He used to love these, but for some reason lost interest even a bit before the cancer symptoms appeared. He still played, but I hadn't been able to grab his interest with interactive toys for some time.
This morning, he was actually engaging in play with a Cat Dancer. I was so happy, as he was exerting himself and getting some good exercise.
Then, suddenly, my whole apartment building started shaking, and insanely loud construction noises started out of the blue, literally right outside my apartment window (I'm on the second floor, so right outside the unit directly below me).
They are apparently replacing the driveway beside my apartment building, and the demolition began this morning. Someone was out there in a UTV (like a Bobcat) with a jack-hammer attachment, busting up the concrete all along the part of the driveway that happened to be beside my unit. This went on for most of the day.
Willy was terrified, and went and hid somewhere for a couple of hours. He never hides... usually when he's scared he actually seeks me instead of going off into a dark corner, but he hid today.
I was so angry, especially because only after the demolition had already started, the building management sent a mass text to residents saying they will be "starting the driveway replacement soon" (while I was listening to it already underway).
Thankfully, Willy is pretty brave. He came out of hiding and jumped into my lap after a couple of hours, but while the noise and vibrations were still going on. I've seen him scared before, but he gets over it relatively quickly. He was even sleeping towards the end of the day when the construction was still ongoing.
But I'm incredibly annoyed that he was in one of the most energetic states I've seen him in lately, and it was ruined. Not to mention the fact that I could barely get any work done, myself.
Anyway, he ate pretty well today, and has otherwise been sleeping. I haven't done an assessment of tumor change, if any, but will tomorrow. He's sleeping now.
Anyway,I sympathize- poor Willy-incredibly though they seem to adjust much better than we do and learn to tune it out - while we are having a nervous breakdown.....I'm sorry you & Willy are being subjected to the earthshaking chaos,I do hope they conplete the project very quickly