What Is The Worst Job You Have Ever Had?

Mother Dragon

Cat slave
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2006
Suburban Houston, TX
I spent one day being a psychological test subject for a group. I was given random shocks of varying intensities for hours. Then they only paid me half what they were supposed to.

The second was a gum sampler. I passed out samples of Teaberry gum. People either wanted the whole batch of samples, or they treated me as if I were giving out poison. Mothers actually yanked their kids away from me.

I also tested some products. The absolute worst was a canned sausage similar to Vienna sausage. We were to take it home, heat it, and evaluate it. When it came time to report our experiences, I spoke up and said it was so awful even the dog wouldn't eat it. It was true, too. That dog would eat almost anything, but she took one sniff and walked away. When pierced, huge gobs of greasy fat popped out. And that was the best part of it. It looked and tasted like gray excrement. As far as I know, it never made it into production. At least I hope not.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
The absolute worst was a canned sausage similar to Vienna sausage. We were to take it home, heat it, and evaluate it. When it came time to report our experiences, I spoke up and said it was so awful even the dog wouldn't eat it. It was true, too. That dog would eat almost anything, but she took one sniff and walked away. When pierced, huge gobs of greasy fat popped out. And that was the best part of it. It looked and tasted like gray excrement. As far as I know, it never made it into production. At least I hope not.
Oh my, that sounds disgusting. The huge gobs of greasy fat popping out would haunt me for days.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 29, 2016
SW Ohio
Oh my, that sounds horrible and so exhausting. Much worse than my worst jobs.
It was. On the other hand, I've had other jobs I've thought were terrible, but looking back weren't that bad. It's all about perspective.

That one will pass the test of time, I'm sure of it. I have a friend who still works for another railroad who says they quit using that company as they were getting dangerous.


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
I haven't really had a *bad* job. Although there have been bad aspects.

I worked at a gym for a while and we had laundry service. Real basic of dump everything into washer, add a ton of bleach and soap, dump into dryer and fold towels. We washed clothes too but warned people we used bleach and everything had to be in a washable laundry bag because we didn't fold those. That wasn't too bad other than folding hundreds of towels a day, stinky and sometimes a little disgusting. Good news is I can fold any towel neatly in seconds. We also had to sort recycling and that could be downright stinky.

The hardest job was for the mouse. It wasn't too bad in the beginning but the last three years got progressively worse. Partially because there was no support from management or real chance to advance if you weren't a favorite. Partially because people can be downright mean. I saw males get punched and kicked because they said something someone didn't like. I just got threatened and told I was a horrible person. I routinely had pockets full of knives and pepper spray too from confiscated items. I tried to dump them as frequently as possible and check that the pepper spray was closed but something I got poked or got spray on my hands. Not fun. Interesting time but the pay was definitely not worth the stress and it was a go nowhere fast type of situation.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
People talk about how men's rooms are dirty and smell but it's nothing compared to the things I had to deal with in that women's room.
I worked at a Dairy Queen for a total of 6 weeks in high school (and I was out one of those weeks with strep) and the mens bathroom was always pretty clean and smelled fine. The women's bathroom always stunk. Always. The floor always had paper litter and what not; but thankfully nothing THAT bad. I might have quit sooner.

I'm still a little grossed out at the smell of ice cream and grease combined.

I've liked parts of most of my jobs. But I was laid off from my first job after college and it was about 5/6 months before I found something. And I was mislead about the job description. I was hired for an office job; after I had been an instructor. So it was already almost like taking a step backwards; but I'm not THAT prideful. So I got there along with another lady who looked as shocked as I was. We were both dressed nice. Everyone else looked like they had rolled out of bed for work. The actual clerical work was a disaster (they probably did need my skills :lol:) and they had other office workers doing warehouse work. My back is a lot stronger now; but I had injured it a few years before this and I wouldn't have accepted a job where I was going to be asked to do physical labor like that. I came home that night and fell on the floor sobbing as soon as I'd closed the door. Fortunately I was able to explain to Unemployment why I wasn't able to keep that job so I was able to collect my last month's worth of unemployment. I was hired by a doctor's office a few weeks later. I had never worked in a medical office either; but that was still a MUCH better fit for me.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
I worked in the video department at a grocery store for 3 weeks. I started a small fire while making popcorn, then while making cotton candy I got covered in it. My hair, arms and clothing were covered in pink, sticky sugar. I decided I was not a good match for the job and my boss agreed. I didn't even need the job but I was going through a divorce and felt the best thing was too keep busy. Right thought wrong job.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Yes an adventure and see the world. The see the world was an advantage when I was in, for the Army that usually meant Germany. All western European countries accepted the militay ID like a passport so people could easily go all over western Europe. Now it means Afghanistan and Iraq.