Trappers On My Complex

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  • #61


TCS Member
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Apr 27, 2015
My mother and her husband are in town and staying with us; otherwise I'd be all over this thread.

For now, let me just say that I absolutely believe the trappers when they say that they didn't kill the cats. I fully understand others' skepticism; however, I honestly believe these guys are telling the truth. For one thing, they just don't seem capable. I don't mean this in a bad way, but they aren't the savviest group of boys out there. The area in which this community is located is economically depressed and none of these guys even graduated high school. Of course, that has nothing to do with their ability to kill, but in a heated moment when I accused them of "murdering my cats" the look that came over all of their faces was very telling. The thing, too, is that they really thought that as trappers they were supposed to kill them. They thought "removal" was tantamount to "killing." They believed that they were getting over on the folks who hired them by just relocating the cats. Plus, the only other removal job they had was a mother raccoon and her two babies, and all three of those raccoons are living in one of the trapper's garages. I've seen them firsthand.

I've been lied to a lot in my life. I've worked as an apartment manager ("I had to pay for a funeral; that's why I don't have my rent") and a college instructor/professor ("I had to go to a funeral; that's why I don't have my assignment") so I've become pretty savvy about who's telling the truth and who isn't. Are these guys angels? No, they're utter morons and after this I want nothing more to do with them. But their lives are hard enough as it is. I just don't feel right making them even harder with criminal charges. But if I had even the slightest doubt that they did actually kill my colony then forget about it. There would be flashing lights everywhere and I would ragging the law's butt to throw the book at them. But none of these guys have an arrest record for anything, not even a speeding ticket.

As punishment I'm thinking twenty hours of community service per cat and there were eight cats so that's one-hundred-sixty hours for each moron. I'm thinking of only allowing four months to complete it so that's forty hours per month which seems immensely doable to me, no? Especially if you don't have a job.

Also, for those asking . . . Unfortunately there were no cameras that extend to the areas in question. I have, however, purchased three trail cameras which we are going to put out in hopes of capturing photos of colony members. I'd hire a plane to fly overhead but the dense forest foliage makes it impossible to see any animal life on the ground.

Volunteers from the apartments have been out today with food and straw from the beds where the colony slept. We're still hopeful that they will make their way home.

Thank you all again. You are such a fantastic group. I don't know what I would have done without you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Okay. I trust your judgment if you think they are telling the truth. My judgment is a little cloudy because I'm just so angry at them when I think of those poor scared cats. I like your idea for them doing community service in an animal shelter to learn more compassion for cats. Besides, even if you did take them to court, they might only get a slap on the wrist. Sadly, I'm not sure the justice system cares about feral cats. They are like the second class citizens of the animal world.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
As punishment I'm thinking twenty hours of community service per cat and there were eight cats so that's one-hundred-sixty hours for each moron. I'm thinking of only allowing four months to complete it so that's forty hours per month which seems immensely doable to me, no? Especially if you don't have a job.
I don't think 160 hours is too much, but do think 4 months isn't enough time do accomplish that amount of hours. They certainly could do it if they are unemployed, but that type of schedule might prevent them from actually getting a real full-time job...or give them another excuse why they can't get full-time jobs. They need some sort of push to get real work, instead of taking random jobs (liking trapping cats). You could be a good influence on them as a little silver lining on this whole ordeal.

I'd look at what hours volunteers can work at the shelter on Saturdays (and maybe Sundays) and stretch the time limit out to where they would have to at least volunteer at the shelter for the number of Saturday hours. They could work any day of the week, but if they got a Mon-Fri job, they'd still have to do their community service on weekends.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
:dunno: if this will help. Our shelter gets people who were sentenced to 80 - 100 community service hours for stuff like DUI, fare dodging, shoplifting, fraud (usually something like signing a contract for a smartphone, then not paying); generally they have 3 - 6 months to complete their hours, though most fulfill the hours in 4 - 6 weeks.

They're not allowed to do pleasant stuff like feeding or walking the animals. We're supposed to make them scrub litter boxes, clean rabbit enclosures, mow the lawn, pooperscoop the exercise yards, paint rooms, do dishes, etc., all under supervision.

furmonster mom

Lap #2
Top Cat
Jun 14, 2013
Mohave Desert
It sounds like you have a good handle on these boys' characters.
I personally think 160 hours in 4 months is perfectly doable (that's 10 hrs/week). I sort of get the reasoning for giving them the dirtiest jobs as punishment, but that approach won't help to foster goodwill toward the animals (if that is also a goal). Rehabilitation needs balance between punishment and reward. Maybe something like for every 4 hrs of dirty work they get 1 hr of "social" work.

I am really hoping you are able to recover your colony, or they are making their way home. :crossfingers: What kind of terrain is around this wooded area? houses/commercial? streets? Is is possible that they may have wandered into an area where humans could be helping them out? I'm assuming you are still keeping an eye on local shelters to see if they've been picked up.

And last, but not least... sending big virtual hugs. :grouphug:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Oh, I'm glad they didn't kill them! I think the younger cats will make it back. . .I know someone who moved an entire farm cat family from her place to her daughter's house 7 miles away, and the mama cat and kittens stayed at the new place but the tom was back in less than a day, in fact he was probably back before they were, lol. So cats can definitely do that distance without much trouble. The older kitty worries me though. I'd be looking for him as much as possible.

Yeah, I think 20 hours of community service per cat seems reasonable. :rock:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 9, 2018
Just a thought, but maybe consider splitting the community service hours between an animal shelter and a soup kitchen or homeless shelter. Maybe being around animals isn't their forte in life. However, if given the chance to experience a couple of different options, it might have more of a long lasting impact on them? Again, just a thought....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
Oh, dear - what a sickening, devastating turn of events! I am so grateful that the horrible tenants are being evicted! And you were very smart to choose deferred prosecution - with their lack of criminal history, it is likely that they would have gotten off the hook with a deferred entry of judgment or an uber-light sentence like a $25 fine and informal probation.
Prayers and vibes that the cats are recovered or make their way back!:vibes::vibes::vibes:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
I like the idea of giving them community service that would engender empathy for animals and people instead of something punishing that would only increase resentment. Cleaning poop out of the cages of cats and dogs would likely only reinforce whatever negative or dismissive feelings they have towards these animals. Spending time playing with the cats and walking the dogs might be more beneficial. Volunteering at a homeless shelter might be more life changing for them as well. One of the clients I work with in my job is an 11 year old girl who was sentenced to community service. She went to several different sites. One was a horse barn where she and other kids learned to take care of horses. It did involve some cleaning of poop, but it also involved learning to ride the horses. At first I thought it was unfair that she should have a pleasant punishment, but now she loves horses. She has an appreciation for them that she didn't have before. So maybe hoping for something positive to come from the community service for these trappers would be more beneficial than simply making them miserable. Just a thought.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
I don’t know you but , wow, you’re great. I think you’re totally right with letting that “inner voice “ guide how you deal with the “boys”. They say that you can’t fix stupid....but you’re solution might change one?

Regarding the colony...I wondered if putting up some posters near where they were supposedly “released” describing the cats and what happened with a phone contact might yield some info? Maybe even a small info reward?

Just a thought.

P.s. we could use you or maybe a clone here in sw Missouri if your interested?
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  • #74


TCS Member
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Apr 27, 2015

The property manager just called to tell me. She said one orange male showed up this morning and then his tuxedo friend showed up a few minutes later. Both were fine. They ate some food, groomed each other, then rolled over and took a nap! That's two down and six to go!

This is such good news! I'm so relieved! The field cameras are installed and we've painted trees with Norachan's very special fish sauce. My hands STILL stink to high heaven so thank you for that, Norachan!

I'll keep everyone updated. Fingers crossed!

You just cannot imagine how happy this makes me!!!!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Yay! They found their way home from 6 miles away? They are so smart. I'm so glad the trappers were telling the truth after all. It sounds like maybe the two boy cats stuck together, it's nice that they had each other. Well let's hope that the other 6 cats come home later today too! :clap:
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  • #78


TCS Member
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Apr 27, 2015
This is terrific news!!

I'm sorry I was so jaded in my earlier posts.:fear:
I feel much more hopeful now!
Please don't apologize! It's an emotional subject and we all want to see justice for what was done to the colony. I responded to your PM a few days ago. I hope you saw it. Thank you for your concern!