The "what's On Your Mind?" Thread -2019

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Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
I'm so tired mentally. Someone I've adored and looked up to my whole life tried to commit suicide and will be in the Pych ward until Monday or Wednesday. This whole situation has been stressful and emotionally exhausting, especially with my own mental health issues. They seemed to be doing better yesterday, though.

I keep forgetting cats are literally made to jump, climb and land. This morning Teddy used my desk to jump up onto the top of my bookshelf, which honestly isn't much taller than the cat tree, but my first instinct was to freak out and get him down.

I'm starting to view it the way Jackson Galaxy would, and you know, I guess it is a pretty bomb hang out for a cat. If Teddy keeps showing interest I'll probably add a shelf next to the bookshelf to make going up and down easier and put something soft to lay on up there.

The boys' appetites have been ridiculous. They must be going through a growth spurt or something because their poop came back normal so no parasites. They are also very active and probably burn off a lot of calories. I Know they are kittens still (6months), I just don't want to unintentionally overfeed them. But I also don't want to underfeed them in an attempt to not overfeed.

My autistic/special needs nephew visited and Finny was a champ. My nephew was holding him in a way that would make my last cat chew your arm off, but Finny just chilled. Not saying he enjoyed it, but still, his tolerance was impressive. He'd probably make a good therapy cat. My nephew tries to be very gentle but his motor skills are awkward and clumsy so yeah, try as he might he will never be able to hold an animal the correct way. And it does give me anxiety, so I try to tell him to just give the cats pets and hugs and to just let them go where they want to instead of moving them places. But I am glad Finny will let my nephew love on him. Teddy is sweet, too, but only likes cuddles on his terms and does not like being held so he'd just move every time my nephew tried to hug him. Still a good boy, though.
So very sorry. :hugs:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background

Oh someone was talking about putting up chicken wire on the ceiling-I got a better idea=deer can staple that to the ceiling-it's pretty strong and doesn't have openings for cats to climb through and it's plastic.

Yesterday a coworker asked me to take his kitty as he's moving and wants to live in a camper and travel the country-he doesn't think she will like being stuffed into the camper he bought-so I agreed to do a temporary foster until he figures something out. The only problem is, she's indoor only and Bee likes to go out...and she's used to having the door open-I tried to get him to wait until November when it gets cold enough where she won't be going out, but he was in a rush as tomorrow someone is coming to buy all his furniture and house going up for sale-I have been trying to find a quiet older folks to take her but haven't had any luck. Ive been calling around to all our local rescues and everyone is full or the ones who could take her-would have her in a cage for who knows how I decided to temp foster until he gets his stuff squared away...I have been showing him articles and stories about people who travel with their pets...I think she would be just fine but she does meow when in the car but she only meowed the first 10 minutes then every minute a meow..I told him the more you get her used to the cage-the bettter she will for now we have a dilute chunky monkey 9 year old Lila-Bee is not happy and hasn't eaten other than treats-the other cat has been hiding under the couch but she purrs for Jon. He baby talks to her every hour so she was walking around this morning but took over Bees cubby hole in the bathroom-we put a cube bed in there and Lila was asleep in there this morning when I left for work.

Will try to get some pictures tonight-she's very antsy and doesn't sit still long enough to get pictures of I am a mommy again but hesitant. I just don't want her to wilt away in a shelter for months because she's older and chunky..
There was some growling last night from both-I set up the library for Lila-she was in there from 6pm to 10pm and used her cat box-she still wasn't eating yet-but eats treats-so I let her out since Bee was asleep on the bed in the master bedroom-Lila just went under the couch and I think she slept there last night-it's carpeted and I stuffed her owner's tshirt under there with her-she didn't lay on it and seems ok. So stressful!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Mia6 Mia6
foxxycat foxxycat She'll come around. Do you have a pic?
Mia6 Mia6 yes but she is too restless to get a good picture or she was under the couch..


Internet on here is super slow today. Will try to post more later.
She is sweet and friendly. I hope I can find a home for her-a senior who is home all the time-she likes to sit next to you on the couch or sleep on a cat bed. I haven't played with her yet to see what she likes, she has scratched on her scratching post that lays flat on the floor-she's probably got some pain from being overweight so would like to work on a slow reduction of weight once she is in a permenant home or if she stays with me permenantly. I probably end up keeping her-seems no one wants an older gentle cat-Bee will come around- I was able to snuggle with her last night and this morning-she slept next to Jon on her blanket but wanted to follow the new kitty around the house=which earned a growl from Lila. So we shall see-I expected cat fights and snarling last night-there was no noise from them-so maybe it will be ok...

Just one of those things, I like having just one cat=less vet bills, less mess, less poop scooping but sometimes it's good to do something good for someone else-my hope is when he gets settled in Texas or wherever he moves to-that he buys a home down there and we can drive her to Texas and be reunited with her daddy...
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Mia6 Mia6

Mia6 Mia6 yes but she is too restless to get a good picture or she was under the couch..

View attachment 302003
Internet on here is super slow today. Will try to post more later.
She is sweet and friendly. I hope I can find a home for her-a senior who is home all the time-she likes to sit next to you on the couch or sleep on a cat bed. I haven't played with her yet to see what she likes, she has scratched on her scratching post that lays flat on the floor-she's probably got some pain from being overweight so would like to work on a slow reduction of weight once she is in a permenant home or if she stays with me permenantly. I probably end up keeping her-seems no one wants an older gentle cat-Bee will come around- I was able to snuggle with her last night and this morning-she slept next to Jon on her blanket but wanted to follow the new kitty around the house=which earned a growl from Lila. So we shall see-I expected cat fights and snarling last night-there was no noise from them-so maybe it will be ok...

Just one of those things, I like having just one cat=less vet bills, less mess, less poop scooping but sometimes it's good to do something good for someone else-my hope is when he gets settled in Texas or wherever he moves to-that he buys a home down there and we can drive her to Texas and be reunited with her daddy...
Lila is beautiful! And it seems she and Bee are doing VERY well considering. Feliway spray or plug-ins may be helpful if needed. And two cats really aren't much more work or expense than one, especially well-established adult cats.
*PRAYERS* and hoping that she can adjust to a gradual weight loss diet and feel better. She really is a pretty girl!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
No idea why a cat would want to be held upside down but alrighty then lol cats are odd creatures, which is why I love them.

Ooo I'll have to browse that site. Thanks!
No other cat I've known has ever liked this. Ran and I have a bond that is deep and eternal. She left us in 2016, but it's still there and always will be. She knew she could place her complete trust in me, and she did.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Lila is beautiful! And it seems she and Bee are doing VERY well considering. Feliway spray or plug-ins may be helpful if needed. And two cats really aren't much more work or expense than one, especially well-established adult cats.
*PRAYERS* and hoping that she can adjust to a gradual weight loss diet and feel better. She really is a pretty girl!
Thank you. It was hard..3 of us were blubbering and crying yesterday...she's been his little friend for all these years but he doesn' have anyone who would let him bring her to their house as they all have dogs and she's petrified of dogs. Which is why I want her to stay indoors. I am thinking to just let Bee out and make him go check to see if she's hanging out on the deck and wants to come in-I got a huge sheet of cardboard=we will duct tape it to the laundry room where new kitty can't get out. I am good at building things out of cardboard-like a door or something LOL.

Next year I hope to either get overtime or take up another job and build some kind of mudroom addition so we have 2 doors to come in-this will eliminate heat going out the door or air conditioning then some kind of door to the back deck-the deck needs to be replaced-just don't have the cash right now...It may come to canceling the vacation in order to save the money..neighbor is getting a new deck with roof over it and charging $6k OMG so far he's done a fabulous job and he's a hard worker-but he only does this part time-would love to have a new deck and paint it WHITE I think...but then again a dark stain is pretty too..

Well it was twice the mess with 2 cats lol- Bee doesn't use the box in the summer so its been nice not having to deal with that-food isn't an issue-I have tons of food still=it will be an adjustment..she is a sweet cat and I think she will be ok. She just wants pets all the time-which is different from Bee. Bee is independent. She sleeps on me but other than that=she ignores me unless we are outside=she's my side hip buddy outside..follows me in the yard...She's just adorable-I tried to make Bee indoors but she pulled down the wood around the back door and scratched the door=there's bite and claw marks of her trying to open it...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Because I am not young anymore and do not want to leave a cat behind to grieve I have not adopted a cat under 5 years old in over 5 years. Senior cats have a hard time getting adopted so I have made it a rule not even to look at kittens and never think about a cat that is under 10 years old. I adopted Chamouti (the one that had recently been found after a 6 weeks' absence) when he was 12 and is now almost 15. Best loving cat I have ever had that I did not get when it was young. It took him just a few weeks to become the loving cat he is now and even his absence in a new scary location made no difference, he's back to his affectionate self, maybe even more so because it is now really cold outside and even in here it is not as warm as he is used to. So do not hesitate to adopt this older cat, give him food for fat cats which will fill him up but is lower on calories and thus will make him loose weight ( I put Panthera on "Dick van Pattens Natural Balance Fat Cat" kibble and he lost 5 lbs within 3 months and still needs to loose another 2 lbs which is hard right now because he is confined to a small room together with 2 other cats until later this week when I move into my new home after staying with my son whose wife is allergic to cats). The only cat I have right now that I did not adopt as a kitten is Capucchino who is now 19 1/2, Panthera also was 5 and as I said Chamouti was 12. Older cats usually do not have bad habits and if they stay inside are unlikely to get sick. Capucchino has only had her shots when I first got her and none since then. Until the last few years she has never even had a cold, now she gets one twice a year, gets an antibiotic shot and that is it. The other two also are perfectly healthy and require no shots as they also are indoor only. Yeah for older cats.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
That's one reason why I couldn't say no-I am hoping this is just a temp foster and he will bring her home once the house sold, his stuff is sold/moved? and he's settled in the camper then she can go live with her daddy. He just not used to a cat who meows when she's in a cage in the car-she was really good once we got on the highway and doing a constant speed-he never took her to get anymore shots after her adult ones when he adopted her 8 years ago-and I am thinking of getting her updated this one time, it should be ok...

I am so glad your kitty came back! segelkatt segelkatt !! What a relief that he wasn't too far away! Yes Pumps took off on me once, 4 days=she was in the yard 4 houses down-she even ignored me when I came in the yard!!! I think she was making herself home at this particular home! The thing is, our park starts just after their house-and unless they walk the neighborhood-probably didn't see the posters I put up-she smelled like perfume so she probably moved in with them-she's done this once before with another house=way back when I had Floey and Flash. LOL. Flash just wanted to play and she was like bugger off...cats! They have their own souls and behavior quirks...This new kitty is definitely a man's cat. She responds much better to Jon than my voice...

Show Me Your Kitties

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 29, 2019
This reminds me of when Demi was out in the garage. He jumped up on the car, then up into the rafters of the garage. I don't even know what's up there. He's not allowed out there anymore though.
My sister in law put her cats in the garage when they peed on her bed, and they ended up in the rafters somehow, as well. Cats end up in the craziest places when left unsupervised sometimes lol
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