The "what's On Your Mind?" Thread -2018

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TCS Member
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May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
We had a hugely disappointing dinner at Ruby Tuesday's. We almost never eat out because we can't afford to, which makes it even more upsetting. Both our steaks were overdone, the mashed potatoes were cold and runny, John's coffee was lukewarm, and the salad and zucchini were nothing to write home about. The sweet tea was good, though. And the waitress was nice. We should have complained but we were starving and didn't want to wait for them to fix it. And the waitress didn't have us cut into the steaks to see if they were cooked properly when she brought them out, which is something I was trained to do when I worked at a restaurant. I guess we should have gone to Colton's instead. :(


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
The last time we were there - probably last spring or before - everything was fine. I mean, it wasn't amazing, but it was good. This time, not so much. And it's made even more upsetting because it's such a rare treat for us to go out. I sent an e-mail complaining, but I doubt anything will come of it since we didn't say anything while we were there. But, we were out with a baby and didn't want to stay all night in case he started getting irritable. I fed him while I was eating my salad so he was asleep and I had both hands to eat the steak. If I'd sent it back, he probably would have gotten hungry again and made it very difficult to eat since steak is usually a 2 hand job. Oh well. They've lost our business. This is such a small town, we really only have 2 options for a steak - Ruby Tuesday's or Colton's Steakhouse. I love Colton's. I wish we'd gone there instead. We didn't because my former brother in law works there now and I never liked him - especially since he confessed to molesting his own niece when she was 9 years old.


TCS Member
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Mar 27, 2015
We had a hugely disappointing dinner at Ruby Tuesday's. We almost never eat out because we can't afford to, which makes it even more upsetting. Both our steaks were overdone, the mashed potatoes were cold and runny, John's coffee was lukewarm, and the salad and zucchini were nothing to write home about. The sweet tea was good, though. And the waitress was nice. We should have complained but we were starving and didn't want to wait for them to fix it. And the waitress didn't have us cut into the steaks to see if they were cooked properly when she brought them out, which is something I was trained to do when I worked at a restaurant. I guess we should have gone to Colton's instead. :(

The last time we were there - probably last spring or before - everything was fine. I mean, it wasn't amazing, but it was good. This time, not so much. And it's made even more upsetting because it's such a rare treat for us to go out. I sent an e-mail complaining, but I doubt anything will come of it since we didn't say anything while we were there. But, we were out with a baby and didn't want to stay all night in case he started getting irritable. I fed him while I was eating my salad so he was asleep and I had both hands to eat the steak. If I'd sent it back, he probably would have gotten hungry again and made it very difficult to eat since steak is usually a 2 hand job. Oh well. They've lost our business. This is such a small town, we really only have 2 options for a steak - Ruby Tuesday's or Colton's Steakhouse. I love Colton's. I wish we'd gone there instead. We didn't because my former brother in law works there now and I never liked him - especially since he confessed to molesting his own niece when she was 9 years old.
I understand why you don't like him.


TCS Member
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May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Anyone who does something like that is a disgusting human being. That was actually a major point of contention in my former marriage. I didn't like being around the brother and I guess it was clear that I was uncomfortable and my ex got mad at me because "he served his time" blah blah blah. Considering 85% of child molesters repeat, I don't think they should ever be let out. And my ex said, "well, he's one of the 15% who won't repeat." I'm sure every relative of a sicko believes that. They can't all be right.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Anyone who does something like that is a disgusting human being. That was actually a major point of contention in my former marriage. I didn't like being around the brother and I guess it was clear that I was uncomfortable and my ex got mad at me because "he served his time" blah blah blah. Considering 85% of child molesters repeat, I don't think they should ever be let out. And my ex said, "well, he's one of the 15% who won't repeat." I'm sure every relative of a sicko believes that. They can't all be right.
True. Very true. And I'm sure that the "15 percent" that don't do it again really didn't do it in the first place. Example: In this state it is entirely possible for someone who is eighteen to be arrested and charged with molestation/statutory rape for being with someone who is seventeen. A famous local case involved a couple--male and female high school students--where the birthdays were less than a week apart, but her parents freaked out at finding him in her bed and now he's trapped with a record for something he didn't (realistically speaking) do. What's the percentage of people tried and convicted like that?:dunno:


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Exactly. I'm a fan of what I consider "common sense laws" in cases like that. In Missouri, it isn't illegal if the parties involved are less than 3 years apart in age - last time I checked, anyway.
I was always kinda weirded out by the brother anyway, and then when I learned what happened, I felt justified. And now he's a delivery driver for my favorite Chinese place - it was quite a shock when he showed up at my door with my food - and a cook at my favorite steak place. I'm not very comfortable with him knowing where I live, but there's nothing I can do about that until we're able to move. I don't know how he got those jobs. Either the employers don't care or he lied on his applications. It may be considered wrong by some, but I warned all my friends who have kids. My ex kept saying that as a Christian, I had to forgive him. In my opinion, forgiveness doesn't mean giving them the chance to do the same thing again. And letting those monsters walk free is doing just that. Every time one of them is released, there's an 85% chance that another child will be harmed and that's not a statistic I'm comfortable with.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
All right. I've been fortified with kitty cuddles and ice cream, and I can talk about my week now. I may rant a bit, so feel free to skip. The object of this is to vent.

Starting at Valentine's Day, there was a huge almost marriage breaking row between AWM and SD, and here's why: SD was feeling upset that AWM has never done anything for him on Valentine's Day, but AWM was raised that Valentine's Day was the man's responsibility to do and not the woman's. So, late on the night before the infamous VD, I snuck out to Kroger, got a bouquet (that apparently didn't smell good, but was the only bouquet of flowers that didn't give me a headache when I got near them--please remember that for the most part I have no sense of smell) and a stuffed animal. Snuck them both to his truck so that when he went to his doctor's appointment he saw them, thought they were from AWM, and she was smart enough to go, "yeah." So--disaster averted.

I got a call on Valentine's Day (well, she originally called on Valentine's, but I actually got the call Thursday morning) from my manager informing me that I was training a new coworker the next night, on Thursday, so that he would know how to unload the truck, and that she was training him on third the night before Thursday, because we have learned that teaching someone how to run third and unload a truck in the same night is not doable. She praised the new hire as being quick to learn, and I learned that night that while he is, indeed, quick to learn, he retains nothing. Seriously; the guy forgot how to clean the roller grill in the middle of cleaning the roller grill. But he's cheerful, works hard, and we're doing everything we can to keep him on the job long enough to get everything in muscle memory. Well, we got the usual run of teens-pretending-to-be-old-enough, usual cranky customers (most of them employees of either Wal-Mart or the plant across the street), and everything was going fine, until this one customer showed up with his dog. The dog was about a foot and a half high, had a very triangular head--and was sent out after the feral colony by the customer. I glanced out the window at the racket just in time to see curious kitten die. And there was nothing I could do. (I did, afterwards, contact animal control--who said that I have no legal right to report the guy since the cats were not mine nor was I in any way affiliated with the cats' owners.) Bad night, to say the least.

The next night I had a potential customer call the police on me and report me for racial prejudice when I demanded to see his ID for cigars and not that of the white woman in front of him (who not only happens to be a regular, but also happens to be sixty-five and counting), which I happily explained to the officer who arrived. The guy got arrested--because he'd been arrested for shoplifting before and the officer knew darned well he wasn't old enough to buy an age restricted product.

The next customer that came in was a severely drunk man (and his designated driver, but she was a wonderful customer and I gave her a piece of candy in the hopes it would make her night just a little easier) who was very touchy. At first he just wanted me to pray with him (holding hands) and I told him no, because my hands were covered in grease and gunk from the roller grill (which they were). He grabbed my hands and got that gunk all over his. (I also gave the designated driver paper towels, because I just knew he was going to get that mess all over her car.) We prayed (because the damage had already been done), and he told me he needed a pack of cigarettes, but he only had two dollars to which I said he was out of luck, because every single pack the store is more than two dollars (spoiler alert--so is most of the stuff he wanted). He looked at me with sad puppy dog eyes (that didn't work for my dogs back when I had them), and said, "But we prayed together." That does not obligate me to pay the difference for him on stuff he wants to buy! He ordered his designated driver to buy it (I hope that woman got paid in advance), and she didn't as he went out the store. She did buy gas--and went outside to pump it. A little while later I'm working on the roller grill again (it was malfunctioning once again--surprises-me-not) when he comes back in and demands a high-five. He also demands I fix him a thing of nachos (which I know are more than two dollars) and I tell him that I can't, because he has to pay for them first. He looks at me again and says, "But we prayed together," and wanders out the store again (I assume to complain about my "unhelpful" attitude). He comes back in after I've finished the roller grill (but before I had time to wash my hands) grabs a red bull and a bag of chips and heads to the counter. Red Bull energy drinks are more than two dollars, no matter what size you get (at least at my store). I tried, I really did, to get the can away from him before he opened it. I fail, of course, and when he gets to the counter to pay he searches his pockets and discovers that he only has one dollar. I go to the door to call the designated driver in, and he tries to hug me. By this point I'm getting very uncomfortable and I tell her (when she gets in) that I'm sorry I wasn't able to get the can away from him before he opened it and also tell her that his repeated attempts to touch me are making me uncomfortable and that I'm going to have to call the police soon. She pays, they leave, and actually leave at that point. I hate having to threaten customers.

The next customer is a woman who hates the sound of my voice (to the point that my manager got a written letter from corporate saying that I don't have to greet the woman or say the store motto as she leaves). She comes in orders two packs of cigarettes, and when I open my mouth to confirm that I grabbed the right cigarettes (I always double check) she makes a locking motion against her lips with her fingers to make me shut up. So I ring up the cigarettes and she pulls up a coupon for them on her phone (the store app gives coupons for certain brands of cigarettes, from one dollar to three dollars off pending what promotion the store is running at the time), the screen of her phone is cracked so the barcode won't scan, which means I have to type in the code at the bottom (which wouldn't be a big deal, except to prove that the coupon is real and not a screen shot, the coupon flashes). Finally get the code in, get ready to process the order--only to have her finally look at the cigarettes I pulled off the wall and tell me I grabbed the wrong kind. I go to remove them from the order, but stop when she asks if removing them will remove the coupon she used. I didn't know. (The trick is to remove them one at a time and immediately scan the next pack.) She starts ranting about she doesn't have this problem with any other clerk in the store (probably because she lets them speak) while I fix the "problem." Get her rung up and it turns out she was fourteen cents short. She looks me right in the eye and demands to know if I'm going to void her entire order (including her admittedly good coupon that she can't use again because it has a time limit) over fourteen cents. Yes. Yes I was. (The man behind her took pity on her and gave her a quarter, and I gave him back the change.) Was I overreacting?

A couple hours later (my shift hasn't slowed down since tax refund checks started arriving) another customer made a scene. (I should preface this with I'm white and he's black, but for the most part I don't notice racial differences in my customers.) So, this guy comes up to the counter to get his items rung up, but freaks out when I go to grab it. He tells me, in a very agitated state, that I can't touch his items. I tell him that I have to touch them so that I can scan them. He tells me to pull the scanner out and he'll turn them so the barcode is facing the scanner. I tell him the scanner is bolted to the counter (actually, it's glued--the scanners kept getting unplugged and we practically have to take the counters apart to plug them in again) and he freaks out saying that he can't let someone like me touch his items. I'm tired, I've had a long night, and I'm less than politic. I look him right in the eyes and demand, "How do you think it gets stocked?" He shrieks like a little girl, shakes his hands impotently, and runs out the store. I have a huge line behind him and as I look at his items on the counter (mostly stuff from the cooler like milk and juice) all I can I think is that I'm somehow going to have to find time to get them back into the cooler before they spoil.

The last night I worked was busy (as any other day of the week so far), but I didn't have any particularly bad customers. That night though--that first one really took it out of me. Well, venting over. Let me tell a funny story. Back when I was in Kindergarten the class had a project around Christmas where we had to color a bunch of Christmas elves to post on the classroom walls. AWM got called to the school by the art teacher, because while the other kids had colored their elves in skin tones I had colored mine orange. (I suppose AWM was just pleased I didn't color the elf blue, since that is my favorite color.) I'll never forget the look of grave concern on the teacher's face when she said, "All the other children colored their elves in skin tones, but Tally didn't. She used orange. It's very worrying." AWM stared at her for about a minute and then said, "Well, that's an easy question to answer." She turned to me and said, "Tally, why did you color the elf orange?" I was certain I was in some kind of trouble at that point and hesitantly said that I like orange. AWM turned back to the teacher and said, "There you go. She likes orange and she likes elves. She is five and art is subjective." I honestly don't know why they kept calling her to the school. That was the same teacher who got upset that I didn't color grass green and sky blue.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
Good news, to me at least. Tomorrow is Samai's 11 month birthday, and I just weighed her. She's holding at 15 lbs. She eats 3 cups of kibble a day - she doesn't like wet food anymore. So since she's stopped for a while, maybe I can cut her back a bit. There's no fat on this kitten, it's all mass.
How my pocket book will thank me if I can just cut her down to 2 cups a day.

It's snowing like crazy. I am so very glad my son does not have a class tomorrow morning. I don't think this county owns a snowplow.:)
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Katie M

TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2017
Kingwood, WV
My inconsiderate neighbor just woke me up by slamming their door. I'm fed up with them. They're constantly opening and closing that door. To make matters worse, they've got two yappy chihuahuas. They bark at EVERYTHING.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Forgive me, but fingers in ears, la la la la, Curious Kitten is still alive.

I'd also have been telling police it was my work cat when they said that was an issue. And you can sue someone for not just financial cost but emotional distress when it comes to a pet. I'd also be the (bleep) that would find a customer whose legal ethics are questionable but is an animal lover and tell the story, and then act confused if the dog owner ended up being the victim of a crime.

So venting about work.

First, I'm really freaking mad at myself for calling out occasionally. Open enrollment is happening right now. You need 30 average hours a week to qualify for health insurance...and my average ended up being a little over 29.5. I missed health insurance by less than half an hour a week.

Second, a coworker said something weird last night. Early in the evening there was a call for what we call baby hardlines, where the baby equipment is located. She said "I'm not going to be lifting any strollers."

The boxes with the strollers are heavy, and most won't fit in a cart so when I have to deal with them I use a flat. The display strollers are heavy but not unreasonably so, but they are so big and bulky that lifting them is an issue because they want to twist in your hands and you can't grab enough surface area to control them. They also are on display on a shelf about shoulder high to me, so controlling them long enough to get them up there is hard. It can be done, I've done it, so I thought maybe she was fighting an injury. I asked if she was injured, because I can preemptively help more if I know someone's limitations, but she didn't answer.

Later on she got on the walkie and asked for someone to lift a stroller. I have some problems hearing, so I didn't hear who she asked for, but I assumed me since it was just the two of us handling our portion of the store. I got over there, someone had taken two of the double seater strollers and placed them on the floor. I started putting them up and she said "I asked for a guy to come lift the strollers." She emphasized "guy" very strongly. Yeah, there are times when more strength than most women can manage is helpful, but this wasn't one of them. I was wearing a skirt and still managed to put both of them back in place on my own without flashing my goodies.

Honestly I've never dealt with such overt sexism in the workplace before. I don't know if I should mention something, in case there's issues later on, or just forget about it since the sexism isn't directed at me.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I like the way you think. There's a guy around here who got high and shot his service dog. He's not homeless but he'll often stand outside Wal Mart with a begging sign. I kind of "accidentally" drive through puddles to splash him. Oops.
I'm not sure if I would say anything or not. It might cause more trouble but I would be annoyed if people thought I couldn't do certain things just because I'm a woman.
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