The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Article about how the CEO asked the bankruptcy court for a major pay raise while they just laid off 1500 people and coming March is another 30-40% at my shop. :mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2: Why don't they try cutting wasteful spending and cutting personnel that have no value? we have people running around painting lines on the floor as more important than going out and securing us with new work! :fuming::fuming::fuming::fuming:
So the note about a so called 3% raise in January was to appease the people-that was 2 weeks ago...Thursday is when the article came out in the Pittsburgh Gazette.

Oh and rumor of dozens of companies looking to buy up the company=I call BS. They most likely will be investment firms that will come in and liquidate the shop and be the end of one of the largest fabrication shops in the area. We Sadly NEED to keep this shop open-maybe not this year but soon people will need fabrication of 100 to 200 ton components and we are one of the few with a shop crane to handle the load capacity...just sad all around...hopefully we get sectioned off and a new owner buys us and gets rid of upper management who has been running the ship into boulders non stop. Not to mention dozens of engineers have jumped ship. Just a sad story all around...I am sticking it out for my severance pay.

On a different note-I have been online shopping for clothes to wear when the weather turns colder. I plan to ride my bike all through the winter. At least until we get 3 feet of snow. I am also looking at those hydration back packs...because I suck down a 1l bottle of water every hour and the baby bottles they give you for the bike frame won't cut it. And I like how I can sip and ride without fumbling with bottle. I tried sucking down 2 liters an hour before ride and doesn't matter-makes me thirsty..I should also note I drink herb teas and that seems to make me very thirsty- so I probably will have to quit the tea. Which I don't want to do. :(

I ordered some wool socks too since none of the ones in the store fit my fat legs-why do they always produce socks that only open to 3 or 4 inches? I need 6 inch I am trying some higher end sport wool socks-most likely they will be sent yes I am excited to be riding my bike again. So peaceful and don't have to buy gas to enjoy the scenery. Plus I can see things other people don't see in a car. Of course my goal is to go as fast as possible...I got up to 27 mph on one hill..

there's a HUGE a$$ hill by my house-gonna take that bike I have at work out to that hill. I have a helmet now. And lets see how fast this puppy will go!! It's a Schwinn from Walmart but so far other than some annoying jump of chain at certain gears=I have to adjust-still learning-everything else works perfectly. Very comfortable.

And I don't find myself readjusting myself on the seat like the bike I have at home...finding out I don't like full suspension bikes-I only like front suspension-the back one seems to bounce like crazy when I go over bumps or jump hills. So gonna get rid of that year I will upgrade to a better bike...for now put about 1000 miles on this bike. It will take me awhile..I put about 4 to 5 miles a day on should last me through this year into next year.

Then get a TREK or other comparable bike-hard though because I don't really like those strange new bikes-I just like plain ol 21 speed. I don't need a fancy frame...just one that is easy to ride and the derailer/gears work when I need them to work and a chain that stays put and doesn't stretch.
When I was in elementary school I had to do a paper on the Civil War (which was handy because we had an encyclopedia set for the Civil War that had been passed down a couple generations) and I found it again going through Grandma's things. Here's the pertinent part--soldiers in the war would suck on small pebbles in order to keep their mouths moist, because the canteens were so small and they often had to march long distances on that small bit of water. (I use candy or mints--infinitely tastier.) Maybe that would help?

It is payday weekend. This morning we did the PetSmart thing and also stopped at the Habitat for Humanity Restore. While looking around I got an idea for the kitties. A couple of throw rugs and a pillow to start.View attachment 199264
Hmm. I can't wait to see what you do with it!

She actually hasn't heard about that yet. I'm not about to open that can of worms. She can find out when it becomes official and they send the notification out. No, she was just out and about all over the neighborhood, and kept stopping in at my house for water and company between other people.

Yep. And now you have two votes for pepper spray. It is legal, and you can use it at a bit more of a distance than you can a knife, AND more effectively than a knife unless you are really, really good with knives.

TOMORROW IS NO COMPUTER SUNDAY! I'll be getting that desk put together. A friend just brought over a BUNCH of wall shelves. I have to look over them and decide where to put them all. I'm thinking to put three in the dining room, fairly high, to store my Blue Willow serving pieces as I get them.
We expect pictures of the new desk. Preferably with a cat exploring it.

I am considering getting a kitten.

I must be crazy. ;)
Well, I think that's the kind of crazy we can relate to--by the way, cats are easy to come by, kittens too.

No you are not crazy. I want one for Honeybee. Jon said no. I told him if someone drops a cat off on my doorstep I won't turn it anyone want to drop one off in middle of night in cat on the door and split lololol.

I got a stink eye of Honeybee.

View attachment 199334

If you are crazy, so am I. Some women get baby fever. I have never been one of them. :headshake:

I have a wicked case of kitten fever though. DD and I went to the mall recently and a local no kill shelter has a store there. They had the most adorable black kittens. :sigh: :cloud9:

I turned to DD and said, "Talk me out of it". She sighed, grabbed my elbow and walked me to the register ( I bought Sophie an adorable new collar). I paid for the collar and we left. We went to Auntie Anne's and I got a blue raspberry frozen lemonade instead. I sulked like a 5 year old the rest of the day. It was comical though. She was the parent and I was the child.

DD -"Come on now, you will feel better after a lemonade"
Me- "No. I won't" :eviltongue:

Slightly off topic but when I was buying the collar, the man behind the counter asked me this (in a quite condescending tone)

Clerk: "Do you know what the difference is between a cat collar and a dog collar?"
Me: "You put it on a CAT?"
Clerk: (sighing loudly)"Anything else?"
Me: "Cat collars are breakaway?"
Clerk: (surprised look on face). "Yes- that's it"
Me: "Yes, I know. I have cats who wear cat collars." :rolleyes2: :dunce:

I decided a while ago that there will not be any more animals added to the family until Bailey the dog crosses the bridge to join her dad. She's 15 years old and I think it is for the best that I wait. Then I am getting a kitten. I know I should get an older cat but I have only had a kitten once and it was for a short period of time. DH was highly allergic and we could not keep her. This was a long time ago before DD (age 22) was even born. I still miss that kitten. The day we brought her back to the shelter was one of only a couple of times I ever saw DH cry. He really wanted to keep her. She's likely at the bridge now and I hope she found him. She was all black and her name was Mew. :rbheart:

So- I. WANT. A. KITTEN. (or two..... :jive:)
I have people surprised that I know things, too. You'd be amazed at how many people are genuinely shocked when I say things like, "No, we charge for that now," "No, store policy is No ID, No Alcohol/Tobacco/other age restricted items," "No, that sale doesn't begin until tomorrow," and my personal favorite, "Of course I know that quote--it's from Romeo and Juliet." :sigh:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015

I have a bookshelf in my bedroom that I cannot put anything on top of. When Sophie gets a bout of the zoomies, it's usually where she ends up. Anything on top of that bookshelf gets pushed onto the floor. I have a stereo cabinet right next to it that she likes to climb into from the back. Here she is in the cabinet. I had to open the glass door to get this. She was not thrilled that I found her hiding place :lol:

She looks so mad. :hearthrob:

I got a kid beaten today.:frown:

I was putting away returned items in the baby and toddler clothes, way in the back, and as usual there's little kids running around. A little girl, I'm thinking 6 or maybe 7, just looks at me. Where she was at, she'd be difficult to spot, so I looked at the young mother with kids that age on the other side of the clothing bar and said "You're kid's over here." She said "That's not my kid." Oh. I looked around, there was another young mother close by, so I called out to her "Ma'am, is this your kid?" She said no. I looked at the kid and asked "Are you lost?" and she said "Yes." All that went through my mind was "Fuuuuuuu----."

My first impulse was to call the manager on duty or Security and drop her in their laps. It's not what we call a Code Yellow, a missing kid scenario, because I have the kid, the kid is safe, I'm just missing the parent. But I realized that passing her off would make me feel better but would scare her even more. She's lost her mom, kid logic says that mom may be lost forever, she's scared and I need her to feel confident that this is just a little hiccup and she'll be back with mom really quickly. So I have to keep this low-key and I have to make her think that I've got this handled. Any appearance of not knowing what to do is going to make her feel even more scared.

So plan B is to take her to Guest Services. If her mom flags down another team member, it'll turn into a Code Yellow and the mother will be taken to the front of the store, which is exactly where I'll have the kid at. And if her mother doesn't flag someone down, she can be paged to Guest Services to meet her kid. As we were walking, I called out to every woman I saw "Is this your kid?" The white woman looked at me like I was crazy as the little girl is black, but hey, adoptions and step-parents. Woman #5 said "No, but I think she's over there." And right then woman #6 walks out of the boys' clothing and the kid said that was her mommy.

The woman grabbed her arm and started hauling her off at a pace where the girl was running to keep up. She yelled "You're going home right now!" as the girl was screaming "No mommy!" I wanted to say something to the mother that would deescalate things, but what could I say? "Your kid is so sweet and quiet it's likely you left her behind rather than her leaving you." No, that's not going to help. I walked back into baby and toddlers clothing and then the girl's crying shot up in volume and I heard the sound of someone hitting someone else very hard, repeatedly.

If I had followed my first impulse and had somehow gotten the manager or Security there, the mother would likely not have hit her in front of authority figures. And then by the time she got her outside alone, she might have calmed down enough to not hit the girl at all. I think by the rule book I did the correct thing, but it feels like ethically I did the wrong thing since the girl got hit.
Oh, arouetta arouetta , no, you did not do the wrong thing, and you did not get a kid beaten.

Look, you operated on the best intelligence you had and did the thing most likely to make the kid feel safe. You had no way to know that she was an abused child. Beyond that, what do you think would really have happened if there had been authority figures there? When I play this scenario out in my head, it goes like this:
  1. Mom wants to hit child.
  2. "Uh-oh!" thinks mom. "Security is here; I can't hit my child without consequences. :angryfire:"
  3. "Okay, no need to air dirty laundry in public; we'll just get out of here and then I can 'discipline' the little :censored:."
  4. And by the time the mom feels safe enough to abuse her daughter, she's not only punishing the daughter for getting lost, she's also punishing her for making mom scared to hit her.
In other words, it's highly unlikely that it would have given time for her temper to calm down; more likely it would have given her time to add yet another supposed wrong that her daughter had done to her. I'm just sorry that you have no way to know the mother's name so you can't report her for child abuse.


No. You did NOT get a kid beaten today. This was NOT your fault. You did everything right. Bless you for caring about this little girl. :hugs:

Her mother's behavior is appalling. The girl got hit because the mother overreacted. That little girl could have been abducted and it would have been to late for anything to be done about it by the time the mother noticed. So, in my opinion....... you are a hero and.... :rock: :clap:

Margret Margret , i buy quake hold (museum putty) via amazon. if you've never used it, a little bit does a lot of holding in place. the package i bought months ago still has about 3/4's of it left. you just work it between your fingers to soften it, then apply to bottom of item you want to hold securely in place (and make sure that the surface you're wanting to stick to is clean, dust free). i like to press the item firmly into place while kind of twisting it on the surface -- to squish the putty. i've got it securing many things, like the phone to my computer desk, the base and speakers for the computer to the desk, and my desktop computer and the external monitor to the computer desks.

with our two girls (who love to run and play, many times with 'wild abandon'), i've learned to be proactive to avoid accidental knocking over or off of things which quite often has resulted in damage to the items.
When IB first brought Rose home there was this one instance where she figured out how to get into the curio cabinet and couldn't get back out again. Naturally, she made a mess and broke a few things. Then as we were cleaning it RB said, "If you were watching her, this wouldn't have happened." Yeah--didn't take it well.

That aside, how easy is it to get dust off of museum putty?


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I got a stink eye of Honeybee.

View attachment 199334
She is beautiful. I wish I could have a cat that looks like her.

I have a bookshelf in my bedroom that I cannot put anything on top of. When Sophie gets a bout of the zoomies, it's usually where she ends up. Anything on top of that bookshelf gets pushed onto the floor. I have a stereo cabinet right next to it that she likes to climb into from the back. Here she is in the cabinet. I had to open the glass door to get this. She was not thrilled that I found her hiding place :lol:

Wow, is that a dustmop? Or Grumpy Cat's sibling? :biggrin:

@micknsnicks2momI've just spent over 2 hours in the basement, going through old 3.5" and 5.25" floppy disks and, assuming they're still readable :crossfingers:, I've found some real treasures. These include DOS and Windows 3.1 installation and rescue disks (which means I can probably make some alternate boot DVDs for my laptop, to run old programs that Windows 7 has problems with), archives from one of the BBSes I used to frequent, and, most importantly, a disk of songs written by a filker named Jan Kelson, who died in 2010. (Filk music - Wikipedia) Jan wrote some wonderful songs, and unlike most filkers she very seldom wrote parodies; she tended to write her own music. I had met her in 1990 and visited her in her apartment one evening. I had an excellent little tape recorder at the time and I recorded the entire evening, and Jan gave me a floppy disk of songs she had written. It included a directory that she erased before giving me the disk, because it included songs she wasn't ready to release yet, and I did something very unethical -- I un-erased the it. (For those who don't know about this, while there are ways to erase a disk securely, a basic erase just removes pointers to the directory. If you can get at it before you've put more data on the disk it's very simple to restore.) Since Jan's death, this has become rather valuable, and I no longer feel guilty about illicitly saving those files. I haven't looked at the disk yet, but I'm hoping that it includes music as well as lyrics. I know the tapes do, possibly containing music for some of the songs she never published that were found after her death. I need to either take the tapes to a professional to be put in digital format or get my other laptop in good enough shape that I can use it for the job (it has the correct input jack, which the better laptop is missing).
I hope you can get the data off of them. That sort of disc had a tendency to degrade after a few years.

For program compatibility have you tried DOS Box? It's fairly easy to use after installation and the gaming crowd loves it so there's tons of default setup instructions, and with those default instructions it goes from fairly easy to super easy to run.

Alternate boot discs with Windows 7 is going to be very, very difficult. Starting with Windows XP they started stripping out the backup DOS system and I think Windows Vista is when I stopped being able to get a boot disc to work. I do remember with either Windows ME or Windows XP the DOS directory had very few DOS commands and to get some of my previously made discs to work I actually had to copy additional commands into that folder.

What is the issue with the jack? I've seen adapters that will turn a single jack into two, a split jack into one, or change from that clunky big one to a standard size one.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
For program compatibility have you tried DOS Box? It's fairly easy to use after installation and the gaming crowd loves it so there's tons of default setup instructions, and with those default instructions it goes from fairly easy to super easy to run.
Tell me more. I want to get Wing Commander III to work. I never got past the skipper missles and it won't run on Windows 8.1 or 10.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I got a kid beaten today.:frown:

I was putting away returned items in the baby and toddler clothes, way in the back, and as usual there's little kids running around. A little girl, I'm thinking 6 or maybe 7, just looks at me. Where she was at, she'd be difficult to spot, so I looked at the young mother with kids that age on the other side of the clothing bar and said "You're kid's over here." She said "That's not my kid." Oh. I looked around, there was another young mother close by, so I called out to her "Ma'am, is this your kid?" She said no. I looked at the kid and asked "Are you lost?" and she said "Yes." All that went through my mind was "Fuuuuuuu----."

My first impulse was to call the manager on duty or Security and drop her in their laps. It's not what we call a Code Yellow, a missing kid scenario, because I have the kid, the kid is safe, I'm just missing the parent. But I realized that passing her off would make me feel better but would scare her even more. She's lost her mom, kid logic says that mom may be lost forever, she's scared and I need her to feel confident that this is just a little hiccup and she'll be back with mom really quickly. So I have to keep this low-key and I have to make her think that I've got this handled. Any appearance of not knowing what to do is going to make her feel even more scared.

So plan B is to take her to Guest Services. If her mom flags down another team member, it'll turn into a Code Yellow and the mother will be taken to the front of the store, which is exactly where I'll have the kid at. And if her mother doesn't flag someone down, she can be paged to Guest Services to meet her kid. As we were walking, I called out to every woman I saw "Is this your kid?" The white woman looked at me like I was crazy as the little girl is black, but hey, adoptions and step-parents. Woman #5 said "No, but I think she's over there." And right then woman #6 walks out of the boys' clothing and the kid said that was her mommy.

The woman grabbed her arm and started hauling her off at a pace where the girl was running to keep up. She yelled "You're going home right now!" as the girl was screaming "No mommy!" I wanted to say something to the mother that would deescalate things, but what could I say? "Your kid is so sweet and quiet it's likely you left her behind rather than her leaving you." No, that's not going to help. I walked back into baby and toddlers clothing and then the girl's crying shot up in volume and I heard the sound of someone hitting someone else very hard, repeatedly.

If I had followed my first impulse and had somehow gotten the manager or Security there, the mother would likely not have hit her in front of authority figures. And then by the time she got her outside alone, she might have calmed down enough to not hit the girl at all. I think by the rule book I did the correct thing, but it feels like ethically I did the wrong thing since the girl got hit.
The sad part is, it isn't illegal to beat your kid in any state. It's illegal to injure a child, but beating them is A-OK if they aren't injured :/. So even if you know the parent's name and address, it's hard to know if there's any point in contacting Social Services. Maybe when they get there the kids will have marks on them. . .or maybe not. If not, the abuse will probably escalate because the parent will blame the child. It's so hard to know what to do :sigh:.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
For program compatibility have you tried DOS Box? It's fairly easy to use after installation and the gaming crowd loves it so there's tons of default setup instructions, and with those default instructions it goes from fairly easy to super easy to run.
I hate DOS box; it doesn't contain very necessary things like default paths, which means that if you want to set up a group of programs (say games, an editor, a decent little directory program, and some graphics stuff) you have to specify the exact path of everything, all the time.

Alternate boot discs with Windows 7 is going to be very, very difficult. Starting with Windows XP they started stripping out the backup DOS system and I think Windows Vista is when I stopped being able to get a boot disc to work. I do remember with either Windows ME or Windows XP the DOS directory had very few DOS commands and to get some of my previously made discs to work I actually had to copy additional commands into that folder.
I'm not totally certain about how this works, but DOS is still there, underneath Windows. At least as of version 7, Microsoft hasn't gotten rid of it (or hasn't been able to). I'm a member of a computer club that does a lot of stuff with mostly obsolete technology, and have heard talk about putting things like this on alternate boot disks. There's even a public domain alternate version of DOS (other than DOS box, which runs underneath Windows) that you can get to install on a boot disk, because most people no longer have an original installation disk to use. I now have an original installation disk (or a legal, usable if the media is still good, backup installation disk) that I can use. And installation disks should contain all of DOS, regardless of what is currently there in Windows 7.

Beyond that, because of said computer club I have access to experts to assist me with the project. I've already sent an email about it to the group.

What is the issue with the jack? I've seen adapters that will turn a single jack into two, a split jack into one, or change from that clunky big one to a standard size one.
The issue is that this computer doesn't have an audio input jack, only output. It would require a device that turns a USB port into an audio input jack, and I've priced those in the past because I'd love to have one. The kind that I would need doesn't come cheap, unfortunately. And the computer that has an audio input jack has seen some hard times, poor thing, with the result that it makes clunky mistakes. Despite the fact that I bought the best cassette tapes I could find, and all the ones I recorded from that era that I've listened to so far are still extremely good, I need this transfer to digital format to work smoothly on the first attempt, for safety's sake. I haven't even listened to the tapes yet, for fear of something going wrong and ruining them, so I don't want to try this with a glitchy computer.

What I'll probably do is ask the price of getting a pro to do it and compare that with the price of the USB device I'd love to have, and if the USB device is cheaper (or even close) I'll do that. There's another person who cares deeply about these tapes so I may be able to get some financial assistance from her. Or maybe I'll put it on my Christmas list this year. Hey, there's a thought!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
kashmir64 kashmir64 , you can download DOSbox from the author(s) here: DOSBox It's free. I know it to be virus free, and it's generally safer to download from the author's website than from another source, but you'll want to run a virus/spyware check on it before installation just to be on the safe side. However, virus free isn't the same as bug free; see my comments about DOSbox in my previous message. You might want to go the alternate boot disk route instead; give me a day or two and I can find that alternate bootable DOS link for you if you like.

The sad part is, it isn't illegal to beat your kid in any state. It's illegal to injure a child, but beating them is A-OK if they aren't injured :/. So even if you know the parent's name and address, it's hard to know if there's any point in contacting Social Services. Maybe when they get there the kids will have marks on them. . .or maybe not. If not, the abuse will probably escalate because the parent will blame the child. It's so hard to know what to do :sigh:.
:sigh: is right, and so are you. If beating is legal, then reporting a parent for it is likely to cause further injury to the child.

Sometimes the system just :censored:.



TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
arouetta arouetta Sophie was not pleased at all that I found her hiding spot :lol:

She is so silly. I found the most adorable outfit on Amazon and here she is trying it on. She's thrilled about it, as I am sure you can tell by her expression here....

She is my feline soul mate. My baby. I love her more than air..

The outfit was on her for about 2 minutes total... 2 minutes too many in her opinion. :lol:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2016
Phoenix, AZ
I recently got a smartphone. How do I load pictures from it onto my laptop? I want to start posting pictures of my kitty.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I recently got a smartphone. How do I load pictures from it onto my laptop? I want to start posting pictures of my kitty.
I email them to myself and do it from there.
That's one way to do it. :agree: You might also be able to upload your photos directly from your phone onto your laptop with a USB cable. Does your laptop have a photo app that allows you to import images from an external device? That's how I do it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
I use the USB that came with it to charge. I then open file manager. Open 2 of them. One for your phone, and one for your pictures. One your phone, in file manager, find the gallery and open. Then just drag the image over from your pictures (from your computer).
You can do ringtones and music the same way, only open ringtones instead of gallery.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I hate DOS box; it doesn't contain very necessary things like default paths, which means that if you want to set up a group of programs (say games, an editor, a decent little directory program, and some graphics stuff) you have to specify the exact path of everything, all the time.
It's been a few years since I messed with DOS Box but I was always able to set up a series of commands that would auto load upon starting that established the basics - CD drive, main directory, things like that - so I didn't have to do it every time myself.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
I need to know I'm not going nuts.
Does anyone remember the original Star Trek when Vina (as an orian slave girl-the green one) was dancing for Capt. Pike to the tune of Bolero?
I wanted to show my son that scene, only what I'm finding is not Bolero. I know I remember this, it was the first time I heard this music. Did they change the music for some reason, or have I totally lost my memory?


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
If you are crazy, so am I. Some women get baby fever. I have never been one of them. :headshake:

I have a wicked case of kitten fever though. DD and I went to the mall recently and a local no kill shelter has a store there. They had the most adorable black kittens. :sigh: :cloud9:

I turned to DD and said, "Talk me out of it". She sighed, grabbed my elbow and walked me to the register ( I bought Sophie an adorable new collar). I paid for the collar and we left. We went to Auntie Anne's and I got a blue raspberry frozen lemonade instead. I sulked like a 5 year old the rest of the day. It was comical though. She was the parent and I was the child.

DD -"Come on now, you will feel better after a lemonade"
Me- "No. I won't" :eviltongue:

Slightly off topic but when I was buying the collar, the man behind the counter asked me this (in a quite condescending tone)

Clerk: "Do you know what the difference is between a cat collar and a dog collar?"
Me: "You put it on a CAT?"
Clerk: (sighing loudly)"Anything else?"
Me: "Cat collars are breakaway?"
Clerk: (surprised look on face). "Yes- that's it"
Me: "Yes, I know. I have cats who wear cat collars." :rolleyes2: :dunce:

I decided a while ago that there will not be any more animals added to the family until Bailey the dog crosses the bridge to join her dad. She's 15 years old and I think it is for the best that I wait. Then I am getting a kitten. I know I should get an older cat but I have only had a kitten once and it was for a short period of time. DH was highly allergic and we could not keep her. This was a long time ago before DD (age 22) was even born. I still miss that kitten. The day we brought her back to the shelter was one of only a couple of times I ever saw DH cry. He really wanted to keep her. She's likely at the bridge now and I hope she found him. She was all black and her name was Mew. :rbheart:

So- I. WANT. A. KITTEN. (or two..... :jive:)
I never had baby fever either...yuck. :barf:Nope. No babies here. :headshake: Ever. :headshake:

Now kittens that's another story. :catrub:
I have been looking at various web sites with kittens and not sure I want to deal with a it would probably be a craigslist give away or word of mouth. Seems there's always someone who needs a home for a cat or kittens..

The latest is a 16 yr old female black cat...evidently a foster home fell through so now they are trying to rehome it...I kept my opinion to myself. 16 years old??!! :mad2::mad2: Poor cat probably be tramatized by Honeybee chasing it around the house which is why I want a young cat or kitten...need a submissive female cat who likes to play. I dont want to wait too long as Honeybee is now 6.

So rain down some kittens lol :crossfingers:
My Fiancé and I had been planning on getting kittens (but we weren't planning on getting them so quickly) and so one day I was at Petco and I fell IN LOVE with my boys Remus and Sirius and adopted them that same day. My Fiancé was surprised to say the least (but I asked if it was ok with him if we adopted them before I did it and he was fine with it).

I had kitten fever for a while before we got them. But as soon as my Fiancé and I have the money to get a mortgage on a house, we might get one or 2 more kitties haha.
Anyway, enjoy some cute pictures of Sirius (black) and Remus (orange and white). Even though they will probably make your kitten fever worse. :devilish:




TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
I recently got a smartphone. How do I load pictures from it onto my laptop? I want to start posting pictures of my kitty.
You can upload them directly from your phone if you use the internet browser on your phone. The cat site has a mobile site that works with your mobile phone.

When you are making a post and you want to post a photo, scroll down and click on the box that says "upload a file" then, when prompted, click the box that says "choose file" and from there you can choose your picture(s) that you want to upload. When you have chosen the file/picture scroll down and click either "full image or "thumbnail to insert the photo into your post. Thumbnail posts the image as a thumbnail that must be clicked to view the full image and the full image option (obviously) inserts the full size photo.
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