The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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Docs Mom

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 13, 2010
Lafayette, IN
But when I see a cat in a scene, then I worry about something terrible happening to the cat. So I change the channel...just can't take seeing that, be it on TV or real life...

I know, crazy, emotional cat lady...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Changing the subject a bit...well...a LOT...

It is now weird o'clock in the morning, and this is on my mind.  When you are like me and have limited mobility and no car, you end up watching a LOT of TV.  I do have cable, and I watch a fair number of true crime shows, such as "48 Hours," "Homicide Hunter," and "Nightwatch" (well...that is about all first responders, but still).  In every one of these shows that show actual footage rather than dramatizations, in at least one night scene, there will be a shot of a cat lounging on a porch or scooting across a street or ambling down a sidewalk.  What's up with that?  I'm assuming it is a metaphor, but for what?  And why a cat?
You don't know which part is actual footage and what is staged. I suspect that those cats are there for night time effect as cats are known to be night prowlers, it adds to the mood and they are probably trained cats..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Changing the subject a bit...well...a LOT...

It is now weird o'clock in the morning, and this is on my mind.  When you are like me and have limited mobility and no car, you end up watching a LOT of TV.  I do have cable, and I watch a fair number of true crime shows, such as "48 Hours," "Homicide Hunter," and "Nightwatch" (well...that is about all first responders, but still).  In every one of these shows that show actual footage rather than dramatizations, in at least one night scene, there will be a shot of a cat lounging on a porch or scooting across a street or ambling down a sidewalk.  What's up with that?  I'm assuming it is a metaphor, but for what?  And why a cat?
I LOVE HOMICIDE HUNTER! That guy is so SMART! He always catches on to the Loosers!! Jon and I watch it all the time. He was tired of History channel with their political crap that he decided to watch true crime so we don't have to hear things with a political twist. I get a kick out of these criminals committing these crimes and it's heart breaking to listen to the survivors talk about their experiences and if the cops did their job. It is a thankless job. One I think most people take for granted. Crimes often get solved after all is said and done. Usually it's too late then. then you have states who have a statue of limitations. Like NH. They had tried to pass a law to get rid of this and the people said NO
 I never understood that. Years of talking to survivors of sexual abuse most people won't even discuss it until they turn 40! And in NH 40 is the cut off. How crappy is that?!! AND THE PERPS get to go on with their lives and they continue to do damage. THATS WHATS ON MY MIND! How unfair it is that we can't punish people for committing obvious crimes of sexual abuse in their younger days and they scare their victims to never allow them to speak up. That is so WRONG! If I had one wish-NO MORE SEXUAL ABUSE for our children! I know it's not what people want to read about. Now if we could get our elected people to do the right thing and get rid of statues of limitations that would be great.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Over forty-seven hours. I just added up the hours from my workweek (new workweek starts tonight), I should be thinking about what a nice check that will be (since I get overtime for everything over forty), but all I can think is how tiring it is. And my next day off isn't until Sunday. 


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I LOVE HOMICIDE HUNTER! That guy is so SMART! He always catches on to the Loosers!! Jon and I watch it all the time. He was tired of History channel with their political crap that he decided to watch true crime so we don't have to hear things with a political twist. I get a kick out of these criminals committing these crimes and it's heart breaking to listen to the survivors talk about their experiences and if the cops did their job. It is a thankless job. One I think most people take for granted. Crimes often get solved after all is said and done. Usually it's too late then. then you have states who have a statue of limitations. Like NH. They had tried to pass a law to get rid of this and the people said NO
 I never understood that. Years of talking to survivors of sexual abuse most people won't even discuss it until they turn 40! And in NH 40 is the cut off. How crappy is that?!! AND THE PERPS get to go on with their lives and they continue to do damage. THATS WHATS ON MY MIND! How unfair it is that we can't punish people for committing obvious crimes of sexual abuse in their younger days and they scare their victims to never allow them to speak up. That is so WRONG! If I had one wish-NO MORE SEXUAL ABUSE for our children! I know it's not what people want to read about. Now if we could get our elected people to do the right thing and get rid of statues of limitations that would be great.
I'm totally with you on that, at LEAST and especially where DNA evidence that could not be tested at the time but now can, identifies a rapist.  Statute of limitations should CERTAINLY be waived for that!  If new DNA cat get an innocent person out of jail, it should be able to jail a guilty one.  The whole statute of limitations was put into place because memory can change and be corrupted over time.  I understand that.  But so often DNA samples were saved, even though they couldn't be tested with available technology at the time.   As for terrified victims who can't speak of what happened  until after too long has passed...SOMETHING needs to be done about that.  Not sure what just now, it would take some doing, but you are right.  Terrifying someone into not coming forward should not be rewarded.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Well, we found the problem with the water. It's coming from the heating tank. I'm afraid it's going out. (I foresee where my tax refund is going. 
) The year has to get better. I mean, this can't keep up all year. Right?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Well, we found the problem with the water. It's coming from the heating tank. I'm afraid it's going out. (I foresee where my tax refund is going. 
) The year has to get better. I mean, this can't keep up all year. Right?
Are you talking about a water heater? At home? Why do you have to pay for that? Your tax return should go to something YOU want or need. And yes, the year is going to get better as you are just about as low as you can go.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Are you talking about a water heater? At home? Why do you have to pay for that? Your tax return should go to something YOU want or need. And yes, the year is going to get better as you are just about as low as you can go.
Yes, I'm talking about the water heater. And you have a point. AWM said the first thing I do when I get my tax refund is take a day for me, going wherever I want and getting whatever I want--just to recharge my spirits. And then  I can be as responsible as my personality demands.

I had a rough night last night, so please pardon my rant. Feel free to skip--I'm not really saying anything important here.

First, the store was insanely  busy. I was literally trapped by customers from the time I clocked on until one-thirty in the morning. Shortly after my shift began a man came to the counter and told me, very quietly, that the men's room was out of toilet paper. I had a line through the store and out the door, so I told him I'd get to it as soon as I possibly could. A little while later a man purchased a thirty-five cent pack of gum with a one-hundred dollar bill. Well, on third shift we're only allowed to keep thirty in the register, which I calmly explained. (I actually had a bit more than that in the register, just because I'd been so busy.) So I got part of his change from the register, but the rest of it had to come from safe, which I carefully explained when I handed him part of the payment. I calmly, patiently explained that I had to wait while the safe dropped his money, because it's programmed to only drop once every so often and I had just gotten a roll of quarters from it. He started screaming  that I was trying to steal his money and that I was the worst sales clerk he'd ever met and did I know that stealing was against the law--and all at the top of his voice. Customers behind him covered their ears. My right ear is still  ringing from his screams. Finally, finally  the safe dropped his money, I counted it out, and he left while complaining (loudly, but not screaming) about what a horrible store we are. A few customers later I had a girl (she looked about twelve) try to buy beer with an ID that had been covered in mud, ink, and other things best left unnamed. (She left in a huff when I told her I wouldn't accept it as a valid ID, since all I had was her word that it even was  a state issued ID.) A few customers later I had to card a gentleman whom I'd never seen before. (He looked old enough, but I make it a point to card all the faces I don't recognize, and a few that I do.) His ID sparkled, it was so clean. I told him it was a clean and pretty ID and the woman behind him said, "Are you hitting on my son-in-law? He's married!" At that point I explained to her (he was laughing too hard--he'd been in position to see the earlier ID) that I was just happy see an ID I could read, and everyone laughed as the line moved along. A little while later I had a customer plant herself next to the ATM after calling out that it was broken, and I told her I'd get to her as soon as possible. (I kept people moving at a pretty good rate.) Then I got a guy who told me I "owed" him my phone number, because the store was out of Peach-a-Ritas (please don't ask me; I don't drink alcohol). I told him it was not happening, and moved on as he hovered and kept trying to get my number as I ignored him (he wasn't even trying  to buy anything, and he wasn't a regular). Finally, about one-thirty in the morning I managed to shoo the last customer in line out and went to help the one who had been waiting by the ATM. Turns out, the machine ran out of money, but charged her the full amount it said it would dispense. I told her I don't have a key to fix it (very true--that's the property of the manager and the assistant manager) so I asked for the receipt in question to put in a drop envelope with a note and told her my manager would see it in the morning. (Well, someone  will see it--I put it in a safe drop envelope and those  are always checked. So then, finally having a moment to go and restock the tissue in the men's room (AWM told me later I should have left my customers at the counter and dealt with it as soon as it was mentioned). I got to the men's room and not only was it out of toilet paper, it was out paper towels. Not only was out of paper towels and toilet paper, but it was also out of hand soap. And someone had written, on the wall in feces, "U Need More Toilet Paper". (I cleaned it up, of course.) When I went back to the main part of the store (the bathrooms are tucked away in the back) two extremely  drunk regulars came in and tried to buy beer. (All my regulars know that I won't sell them alcohol if they're already drunk, unless a taxi dropped them off.) I refused to sell it to them, they tried to pretend that one  of them was sober (by the expedient of holding both eyes open really wide with his hands) and then asked if I would sell the beer to the designated driver in the car. I told them yes. (Here's where I do a little justification here; I don't just follow rules blindly--I know the reasons  behind the rules. Not selling alcohol to an already inebriated customer is designed to help prevent drunk driving. It won't stop  it, but it's supposed to help, and since I think drunk driving is horrible, I enforce this code--which is why I'll sell alcohol to customers three sheets to the wind if they come in a taxi. Now, I also know I'm not supposed to allow two-party sales--but that's to prevent minors from getting alcohol or tobacco. Like I said, both are regulars, and I know that both of them are well above the age restriction. Justification done.) The designated driver came in at the same time as a female customer, and she went to the restroom while I sold him the beer (again, explaining the justification for my actions, because he did  ask). After that trio left I got to work cleaning the roller grill (I was way  behind and thanking my lucky stars that the manager left me a note saying that all  the coffee pots and machines--including the cappuccino--were cleaned during first shift so I didn't have to do them). While I was cleaning the roller grill and debating whether to take some aspiring from the headache I still  have from the screaming idiot earlier, the female customer who had gone to the bathroom came up behind me and accidentally startled me--and I knocked my right temple right into the corner of the sneeze guard. (I'm hoping my head will feel better later, because I'm afraid to take aspiring for it.) After that I had a customer come in on a motorcycle (I was working on getting the coffee going for the morning at that point, having finally managed to finish the roller grill and the pastry case). Clarification--the customer came in, the motorcycle stayed outside (and the noise did not  help my headache). He came in and asked for ten dollars of gas, and I asked him if he wanted the non-ethanol gas, since that's what most of my customers who ride motorcycles get. He said yes, I told him it was pump thirteen (the motorcycle was still  in front of the doors at this point), put the money on the pump in question and went back to making coffee (two of our baskets under the coffee machines had to be refilled, so I had to go to the storeroom to get more coffee for them). The customer then came in and demanded to know where his gas was. Puzzled, I went to the computer to find--that he was trying to pump on pump nine. I explained that I had put him on pump thirteen, opened my mouth to continue speaking, and he interrupted demanding to know what was wrong with my eyes, since he's clearly at pump nine. I pointed out that I couldn't see  pump nine (not only are the windows excessively tinted which make night visibility difficult, but posters were recently put up over the windows right in front of the register I had open). He stated, in a huff, that I wasn't at  the register. I'm afraid I got a little bit sarcastic and said, "Yes, I'm sure I can see straight through brick and mortar to see you're on pump nine." (I did put the gas on the pump he was on, and he left still grumbling.) A little while after that I got another male customer who came in and said, "I'm not a stalker, but I've seen your car around my neighborhood, you were there Wednesday, and I just want to get to know you. I want to take you out to breakfast, my treat." (I figure AWM drives by his neighborhood when she's working--she works for a company that helps the post office deliver packages once a week.) I politely, but firmly turned him down. Partly because I was tired, my feet were throbbing, my head was throbbing, and I wanted nothing more than dinner, shower, kitty cuddle, and bed; but mostly because I make it a point not to go anywhere  with people who say, "I'm not a stalker, but..." 
 At least, after tonight, I have two days off to recuperate. (Doesn't feel like nearly enough.) Oh, and top it all off--my relief was almost twenty minutes late. 


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
@Tallyollyopia  OMGosh... what a night!! are you the only worker on duty?? That is too much for one person, and not safe, if you ask me. There should be 2 workers on, especially on a Friday and Saturday night. Those are the busiest nights~~ and the scariest. 

I read the entire paragraph! I do not know how you held your cool...without breaking! I would not have been able to deal with all of that. 

I am not certain I believe AWM about leaving the customers in the store while attending to the bathroom. They could have stolen a lot of stuff and done damage.. That is another reason for having 2 employees at all times during the night shift. 

Yes, you need to take some of your tax return money and splurge it on yourself. You have had a very hard time lately.. if not for a long time. You deserve something luxurious. 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
@Tallyollyopia  whatever that store is paying you, they could quadruple it and it wouldn't be enough.  @Artiemom  is absolutely correct that you should have another co-worker with you.  My gosh, you sell gas, alcohol and food?   With that combination,  your store is bound to be popular.  Between your terrific work ethic and writing skills, any employer would be delighted (and lucky) to get you.  I hope you can find a better job, soon.

Enjoy your two days off.  


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I LOVE HOMICIDE HUNTER! That guy is so SMART! He always catches on to the Loosers!!
Not just smart, he's got major personality.  I actually find the episodes where he was in a support role rather than lead investigator boring.

I think they are trying to clone the success with "Murder Chose Me".  I haven't tried watching it yet, but that's going to live or die based on the detective's personality I think.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Tallyollyopia, I just read your entire rant.  Wow, that's crazy.  I'm actually a little afraid for you, handling customers like that on the overnight shift all by yourself.  And walking to your car in the middle of the night like that, eek!

Safety concerns should require two people on an overnight shift.
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 29, 2017
Delaware, USA
tallyollyopia tallyollyopia
Most gas stations that are also convenience stores here don't accept $100 bills anymore. I guess they had too many problems with counterfeit bills and also not wanting to keep change for that size bill in the register.
I'd be scared to work an overnight shift by myself. You have a lot more courage than I have.

I've been in the situation you're in with overtime. It's great to get the extra money, but you're too tired to use it.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
@Tallyollyopia  Oh, my Dear Girl!  What a night you had!  That store manager should be sanctioned for not having two people on the night shift,  It is counterproductive, and dangerous!  

And now for happier news!  My dear, dear friend, Krys, who lives in Pennsylvania, is coming to visit me in late April!  With any luck whatsoever, I will be able to buy both the daybed frame and mattress before she gets here!  I know I'll have the money for one, but the other might be problematic.  CROSS YOUR FINGERS FOR ME!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
@Tallyollyopia, that sounds like an utterly horrid night!  I'm glad it's over, and I hope your head feels better now.  I think that your rule against making dates with men who use the phrase "I'm not a stalker, but..." is very intelligent.  It may well be the only reason you made it home this morning.

As for the water heater, we replaced our extremely old water heater and A.C. late last year, with top-of-the-line energy star compliant units.  In return, our energy company sent us incentive checks totaling $1400.  You may want to check what kind of incentives your energy company is offering.  It can take a big bite out of the expense.

Last edited:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
@Mamanyt1953, if you have to make a choice between the daybed frame and the mattress, pick the mattress!  In a pinch you can put it on the floor, but the frame with no mattress is totally unusable



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
@Tallyollyopia  OMGosh... what a night!! are you the only worker on duty?? That is too much for one person, and not safe, if you ask me. There should be 2 workers on, especially on a Friday and Saturday night. Those are the busiest nights~~ and the scariest. 

I read the entire paragraph! I do not know how you held your cool...without breaking! I would not have been able to deal with all of that. 

I am not certain I believe AWM about leaving the customers in the store while attending to the bathroom. They could have stolen a lot of stuff and done damage.. That is another reason for having 2 employees at all times during the night shift. 

Yes, you need to take some of your tax return money and splurge it on yourself. You have had a very hard time lately.. if not for a long time. You deserve something luxurious. 
I've asked for help on First Fridays--but there's a couple of problems. One is that, for the moment, there is no one  else to work third aside from the managers. (I'm still taking my two days off--and I'm taking the battery out of my phone. I am not  going back before Tuesday--I can't.)
@Tallyollyopia  whatever that store is paying you, they could quadruple it and it wouldn't be enough.  @Artiemom  is absolutely correct that you should have another co-worker with you.  My gosh, you sell gas, alcohol and food?   With that combination,  your store is bound to be popular.  Between your terrific work ethic and writing skills, any employer would be delighted (and lucky) to get you.  I hope you can find a better job, soon.

Enjoy your two days off.  
Me too.
Tallyollyopia, I just read your entire rant.  Wow, that's crazy.  I'm actually a little afraid for you, handling customers like that on the overnight shift all by yourself.  And walking to your car in the middle of the night like that, eek!

Safety concerns should require two people on an overnight shift.
Actually, I don't leave the store in the middle of the night. I don't leave until I go home in the morning--and I'm armed. (I'm not supposed to be, but my manager has told me that what she doesn't know she can't forbid.)
Most gas stations that are also convenience stores here don't accept $100 bills anymore. I guess they had too many problems with counterfeit bills and also not wanting to keep change for that size bill in the register.
I'd be scared to work an overnight shift by myself. You have a lot more courage than I have.

I've been in the situation you're in with overtime. It's great to get the extra money, but you're too tired to use it.
We don't keep anything higher than a ten in the register. Everything else goes into a safe drop envelope and dropped into the safe--that I don't have a key for. I also try not to keep more than thirty in the register. More importantly--all of my regulars know this, because I will interrupt the line to make safe drops. (I figure it's just being careful.)
@Tallyollyopia  Oh, my Dear Girl!  What a night you had!  That store manager should be sanctioned for not having two people on the night shift,  It is counterproductive, and dangerous!  

And now for happier news!  My dear, dear friend, Krys, who lives in Pennsylvania, is coming to visit me in late April!  With any luck whatsoever, I will be able to buy both the daybed frame and mattress before she gets here!  I know I'll have the money for one, but the other might be problematic.  CROSS YOUR FINGERS FOR ME!
It is dangerous, and it's stupid. However, the store is only given a certain number of hours they're allowed to use and third is solo to cut down on those hours. (I think it's a stupid policy. And I usually get help on nights the truck delivers.)

Congratulations! Good luck with that! 
 (All right--word of advice. I recommend getting the mattress first. It's easier to use a mattress with no frame than it is to use a frame with no mattress.)
@Tallyollyopia, that sounds like an utterly horrid night!  I'm glad it's over, and I hope your head feels better now.  I think that your rule against making dates with men who use the phrase "I'm not a stalker, but..." is very intelligent.  It may well be the only reason you made it home this morning.

As for the water heater, we replaced our extremely old water heater and A.C. late last year, with top-of-the-line energy star compliant units.  In return, our energy company sent us incentive checks totaling $1400.  You may want to check what kind of incentives your energy company is offering.  It can take a big bite out of the expense.

It does feel better--sleep helped a bit. I try to be careful at work--I know the job is dangerous. (And no--I don't think I get paid nearly enough.)


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 3, 2017
Well to be honest I have a lot on mind with my Wedding Day approaching very quickly. I will be getting married on April 15th and although all the major things have been settled it is just that last minute stuff that keeps floating around in my head that "What If" it goes wrong at the last minute. I know most of the things I am thinking are irrational and probably won't happen, but it is hard to shake. During the week when I am teaching Kindergarten I can focus on that for several hours so that takes my mind off of it and really another great reason to join here will keep me occupied talking about my cat Nala and seeing what other peoples cats are up to as well. I can't wait till these 42 days are up and my Day is here.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Well to be honest I have a lot on mind with my Wedding Day approaching very quickly. I will be getting married on April 15th and although all the major things have been settled it is just that last minute stuff that keeps floating around in my head that "What If" it goes wrong at the last minute. I know most of the things I am thinking are irrational and probably won't happen, but it is hard to shake. During the week when I am teaching Kindergarten I can focus on that for several hours so that takes my mind off of it and really another great reason to join here will keep me occupied talking about my cat Nala and seeing what other peoples cats are up to as well. I can't wait till these 42 days are up and my Day is here.
Elope.  Just elope.  After my own wedding, I decided weddings aren't worth the stress.  No, I lie, I decided it a month before my wedding.  My FIL then told my husband and I that if we had decided to elope a month earlier, he'd have paid us $1000 but this close we were going through it.

(My MIL about spilled my blood when I nearly cancelled the wedding a couple hours before the ceremony.)


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 3, 2017
My Mom and my Fiancé parents and also the both of us have so much money locked into the wedding there is no way we could elope now. We have already been living together since October of 2015 so once the honeymoon is over nothing will change in the respect. I also have always dreamed since a little girl of having a wedding so that is important to me.
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