The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
How's it going?

They want to come in for a second interview on Monday.  Can't they just hire me and get me out of this hell.

I haven't gotten any feedback from yesterday.  So now they have me wondering what's going on and I'm sitting here waiting for the other shoe to drop.  I think this whole ordeal has given me an ulcer.  I have almost constant nausea.  I can't drink coffee at all anymore - it makes me feel too sick.  I found some caffeinated water flavor packets.  They're not too bad.  They don't make me feel like I'm going to die, anyway.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
The local libraries don't take donation of books and other materials anymore
I'll see if the nursing home my great aunt is in will take them. On the floor where my great aunt is, there's a tv room and a seating area right ouside it where many residents sit in their wheelchairs for hours and just watch people come and go. Magazines would help pass the time for some. My great aunt doesn't speak or read English so the magazines would be of no use to her.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
My latest "sins" at work:

I stayed on the intro screen too long.  I'm using one of the 15 year old dinosaur computers they gave everyone when they closed down the call center and it likes to freeze.

I paused too long after using the "who's calling" pat response.

I can't wait to get tonight's feedback.  I had 4 different calls where I sneezed.  I muted and then I apologized but that's what I did the day I got suspended and they still had problems.  Also, I had a call where I hiccuped.  I went on break and held my breath and chugged water until they stopped.

I'm half tempted to say, "I know what you're trying to do.  You're trying to get me to quit so you won't have to pay me unemployment.  And it's not going to work.  I have to survive."  I'm just not sure what the repercussions of that would be.
Yeah--probably better if you can keep your mouth shut there. Hang in there! 

I'm supposed to call tomorrow.

Ugh, I've been working for 6 hours tonight and I've just started yawning.  I'm afraid to drink anything caffeinated at this time of night.  I need to sleep tonight or I'll be even worse tomorrow.  I don't know what to do.  Maybe just let the yawns happen and let the pieces fall where they will.  Maybe they'll go ahead and fire me.  Or they'll just call me off every day so I'm technically employed but not working so they don't have to pay me but I still can't collect unemployment.  I wouldn't put it past them.
If you have honey, try taking a spoonful. It's a good source of energy, and should allow you wind down for sleeping.
Star Trek isn't something I've gotten into, but I have a feeling I will if John has his way.  Right now we're still making our way through Supernatural - which I would have been watching since the beginning if I'd had cable or satellite or anything.  Thank God for Netflix.
Who's your favorite character?
@Alicia88, what do you think of Supernatural? I have been a huge, huge fan since about midway through the very first season many, many moons ago. I've been watching throughout the good seasons and the bad (and believe me, when SN is bad, it's really bad. But I keep going). 

It's the only show that I bought every season. For years, every fall, on Banshee's birthday (Sept 20) I would stay home from work and spend the day with her. I spent the day on the couch with Banshee snoring away on my belly and I'd binge-watch the entire prior season of Supernatural. We did that every year until she died.....I haven't done it since.

But Supernatural remains my top favorite tv show.

Really annoyed with a FreeCycle person who wanted a bunch of old magazines I posted
I clearly noted in my post weekend pick up only at one location. The person wanted to pick them up on a weekday. I told the person no. So the person said they would come by that weekend but didn't specificy which day or a time. I asked for confirmation and there was no response. Yesterday the person said he / she was sick and couldn't come to pick them up but wanted to know if the magazines were available to pick up in the afternoon. I said to pick up after 3pm. Person was a no show. I got an email today from the person saying he /s he forgot or something and didn't want the magazines anyways. Really?? If you're not seriously interested in the offer, don't bother replying and wasting my time
Now I have to lug the magazines back from my parents' house back to my place. The magazines are from last year so they're good for waiting rooms and the like or just looking through for ideas and recipes and stuff. I'll repost them on FreeCycle at a later time and this time I'll be sure to clearly note "serious inquiries only" as well.
Man. If all else fails, you could try donating them to a school art program. They always need scraps for art.
I love it.  I'm beyond addicted.  We're halfway through Season 7 now.  We take a break from binge watching when we have Aislyn.  I think she's a bit too young for all of that.  LOL
*Remembering the first episode*--yes, yes I think you're right about that. 

They want to come in for a second interview on Monday.  Can't they just hire me and get me out of this hell.

I haven't gotten any feedback from yesterday.  So now they have me wondering what's going on and I'm sitting here waiting for the other shoe to drop.  I think this whole ordeal has given me an ulcer.  I have almost constant nausea.  I can't drink coffee at all anymore - it makes me feel too sick.  I found some caffeinated water flavor packets.  They're not too bad.  They don't make me feel like I'm going to die, anyway.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I can't choose between Sam and Dean.  I'm madly in love with both of them.  I think I can handle it and then it shows one or both of them shirtless.  And the episode where Dean ends up being a Wild West sheriff???  OMG, I think I about had a heart attack.  I swear, those toy make me feel like a lovesick teenager.  *drools*  They give my other future husbands a run for their money.  Sean Patrick Flannery and Norman Reedus - if you've never seen The Boondock Saints, do yourselves a favor and watch it.  Those Irish accents turn my knees to jelly


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
There's supposed to be a Quantum Leap movie out sometime this year, though I haven't heard anything more about it for several months.  The last I heard, both Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell had confirmed that they would be appearing in the movie, but not as Sam and Al.  
  I don't know how that will work out.  Also, a year or so ago I saw a video with an alternate ending for the series, one that they filmed but decided against running.  IMO, it was a major improvement.  In it, Sam decided to make one last leap before the leap home.  He leaps back into the episode where he met Al's first wife, and tells her that Al is still alive and will come home, that she should wait for him.  Then he leaps home, to a world where Al is still married and would never think of cheating on his wife, and she and their teenage children all live at the project.  I'll have to see whether I can still find that video online and post a link to it.  Tomorrow, maybe.  I'm being run ragged today.

Would love to see that ending.....and perhaps a remake.. but the leads would have to be really cast correctly...and the storyline would have to be excellent...otherwise, it would be 'just a remake'....
Well, I've been searching for that alternate ending Quantum Leap video, but apparently it's been removed from YouTube, and the user who posted it is no longer there, either.  However, I did find this:   It goes through the entire script and ends with speculation that this was intended to be a cliffhanger for season 6 and was changed at the last minute because the show was cancelled.  Then it presents a final speculative scene that shows how the season 6 link could have worked.

As for the movie that was supposed to come out this year, it appears that this will not happen.  I hope that this is wrong, but don't hold your breath waiting for it.  The apparent reason Stockwell and Bakula were unwilling to play Al and Sam, back when the movie was still a possibility, is probably because of their ages.  This series was especially hard on Bakula, since he appeared in almost every scene.

Later, all.  I'm probably off-line until tomorrow.

oh... too bad... sounds as if this would be better than the ending they had... I was sorry the series was not renewed.. but the last couple episodes were a bit much.. sad.. all the good series end too soon...

I will have to check out that link.. thanks for trying to find it...
Well, Scott Bakula already has NCIS: New Orleans going on, it would probably be tough to film a weekly series and a movie at the same time :/. Oh well, maybe someday.
They could always film the movie while the series was on hiatus..... sigh

@Margret    I just read that link.... all I can say is AWESOME!!!!!  They should shoot that as a
Yeah, I liked it a lot better than the ending they aired.

The final season was different.  They changed their lovely theme song to make it bouncier, changed the rule against jumping into historic characters, a couple of other things that were apparently intended to improve ratings so they'd be renewed, and it didn't work.  The thing I noticed about Quantum Leap at the time was that if you tried to tell people how good it was, they'd discount everything you said as soon as they heard the premise.  If you just described the show, it sounded totally lame.  But if you could get someone to actually watch it, they were hooked!  Unfortunately, we couldn't get enough people to actually watch it.




TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
The local libraries don't take donation of books and other materials anymore
I'll see if the nursing home my great aunt is in will take them. On the floor where my great aunt is, there's a tv room and a seating area right ouside it where many residents sit in their wheelchairs for hours and just watch people come and go. Magazines would help pass the time for some. My great aunt doesn't speak or read English so the magazines would be of no use to her.
You might also try local dialysis centers.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
How's it going?

They want to come in for a second interview on Monday.  Can't they just hire me and get me out of this hell.

I haven't gotten any feedback from yesterday.  So now they have me wondering what's going on and I'm sitting here waiting for the other shoe to drop.  I think this whole ordeal has given me an ulcer.  I have almost constant nausea.  I can't drink coffee at all anymore - it makes me feel too sick.  I found some caffeinated water flavor packets.  They're not too bad.  They don't make me feel like I'm going to die, anyway.
  Well, it's a good sign that they want you to come back.  Some places have a whole weeding out process involving multiple interviews; that's probably what you've run into here.



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
  Well, it's a good sign that they want you to come back.  Some places have a whole weeding out process involving multiple interviews; that's probably what you've run into here.

I'm just in a hurry to get another job so I can quit this one.  It's destroying me.

I REALLY have to pee, but Murphy is curled up sleeping on my lap.  I hate to disturb the baby . . .


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I can't choose between Sam and Dean.  I'm madly in love with both of them.  I think I can handle it and then it shows one or both of them shirtless.  And the episode where Dean ends up being a Wild West sheriff???  OMG, I think I about had a heart attack.  I swear, those toy make me feel like a lovesick teenager.  *drools*  They give my other future husbands a run for their money.  Sean Patrick Flannery and Norman Reedus - if you've never seen The Boondock Saints, do yourselves a favor and watch it.  Those Irish accents turn my knees to jelly
Personally, I like Castiel. 
  Well, it's a good sign that they want you to come back.  Some places have a whole weeding out process involving multiple interviews; that's probably what you've run into here.

To get the job I have now (which, if not the bottom rung of the ladder, is close to it), I had to pass two interviews and  go to a training class that lasted almost twelve hours while only getting paid for eight of them. And I had to stay for all of it or not get the job (or paid for the eight hours). 


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I can't choose between Sam and Dean.  I'm madly in love with both of them.  I think I can handle it and then it shows one or both of them shirtless.  And the episode where Dean ends up being a Wild West sheriff???  OMG, I think I about had a heart attack.  I swear, those toy make me feel like a lovesick teenager.  *drools*  They give my other future husbands a run for their money.  Sean Patrick Flannery and Norman Reedus - if you've never seen The Boondock Saints, do yourselves a favor and watch it.  Those Irish accents turn my knees to jelly
I am definitely a fan of the shallow end of the pool when it comes to any of them. I've been a Sam-girl forever (ever since the very first episode I saw, midway through the first season, where they were playing pranks on each other and Sam got a dose of the itching powder. Those pecs, man. holy cow.) But I love Crowley....what's not to love; the man is the King of Hell! And it broke my heart when they killed Bobby. Although dead is never dead on Supernatural.

Irish accents. Oh yes. Welsh, too. Speaking of eye candy and accents, if you get a chance, check out the first season of Lucifer. Tom Ellis is smokin'.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
More Questions I Don't Ask At Work:

I don't ask why it's my fault when we're out of stock on something.

I don't ask why, when we have eleven interior trashcans, people still throw their trash on the floor.

I don't ask why there was an EPT in the men's room. (Negative, for the curious.)

I don't ask why I have customers who gripe and complain to my face about my "horrible perkiness" and praise my manager for my "upbeat attitude".

I don't ask why we have notes all over the back areas of the store saying to use the small bags on inside cans when we only have one size trash bag.

Oh, and I finally made it to the chapter break in Magic School and Egg. (I don't know if the next part's going to be a chapter or an interlude. I'll let you know.) I know there's not a lot here, but I did say I was close to the end. 

Yarey babbled. She thought she told about what she'd seen, but she wasn't sure. She told about waking up to hands on her throat, about seeing Ueni, and about the man. She tried to explain why the mere thought of that not aging man made her frightened. Through the whole verbal mess Rarta just waited patiently for her to finish. At the end of it the teacher sighed. “You did well,” she told Yarey.

“What,” croaked Yarey. After talking for so long her throat was sore and dry. She swallowed and tried again. “What—was that? What did I see?”

Rarta rubbed her head right above her nose. “It would appear,” Rarta said slowly, “that your magic is awakening.”

Yarey blinked, and frowned. Magic? What was Rarta talking about? Weren't people born with magic, like Isdel and Kaldin? How could magic awaken?

Rarta clearly saw the confusion on Yarey's face. “Never mind,” she said sharply. “It's nothing that has to be dealt with right now. The best thing for you to do,” she added firmly, “is to go to sleep.”

Yarey nodded, grabbed her blanket—it had fallen to the floor during the struggle—and covered bother herself and the egg up. Under the concealment of the covers she gently rubbed the egg, still in its make-shift sling.

She remembered a starry night during the festival of Denqua, when those in the village closest to the manor came in for the last feast of autumn. One of the old women had been reading palms and telling futures. For most of the children the futures were things they already knew; Kaldin would take over after Isdel, Kalvor would be a roaming night, some of the peasant children would be farmers, one would be a baker—but then it came time for Yarey's turn. She had held her hand out for the old woman to read, just as she read the children in front of her. Instead of telling Yarey what she would become, the old woman asked Yarey what she wanted to be.

Yarey had confessed that she hadn't thought about it. She had figured that her destiny was set—like which of the two cousins would take after Isdel in running the estate and managing the warhorses. The old woman had watched her for a few moments with her lips pressed tightly together. Finally, after what seemed like a long time, the woman said, “You'd best start thinking about it girl. You have less time than most to find your path, and more freedom to choose it. But beware child—the path you choose will effect more than yourself.”

Once again Yarey found herself lying awake in the night, wondering what the old woman had meant. What had she seen that day when she had read Yarey's palm? What did the old woman know? Yarey hadn't been able to ask; at the festival her place had been taken by the child waiting behind her, and shortly afterwards the old woman had died. If she had confided in anyone about what she'd seen in Yarey's palm, no one had told her.

Yarey remembered wishing for change, some time ago. At the moment her life was changing quickly, faster than she'd ever dreamed. How was she going to adjust? And what if she failed her test? Would she be able to just go back to estate knowing just how much bigger the world was? And what about that horrible tutor? Would Isdel try to make her become a proper young lady?

It was while these thoughts were running through her mind that she fell asleep once more.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I am definitely a fan of the shallow end of the pool when it comes to any of them. I've been a Sam-girl forever (ever since the very first episode I saw, midway through the first season, where they were playing pranks on each other and Sam got a dose of the itching powder. Those pecs, man. holy cow.) But I love Crowley....what's not to love; the man is the King of Hell! And it broke my heart when they killed Bobby. Although dead is never dead on Supernatural.

Irish accents. Oh yes. Welsh, too. Speaking of eye candy and accents, if you get a chance, check out the first season of Lucifer. Tom Ellis is smokin'.
You came dangerously close to giving me a spoiler.  Bobby died right before we went to bed last night.  LOL

Dead is never dead when it comes to the Winchesters.  I don't know about Bobby.  :(
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
You came dangerously close to giving me a spoiler.  Bobby died right before we went to bed last night.  LOL
Dead is never dead when it comes to the Winchesters.  I don't know about Bobby.  :(
You'll see Bobby again multiple times. Don't worry. I won't tell you when or how though ;)
Last edited:


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I can't choose between Sam and Dean.  I'm madly in love with both of them.  I think I can handle it and then it shows one or both of them shirtless.  And the episode where Dean ends up being a Wild West sheriff???  OMG, I think I about had a heart attack.  I swear, those toy make me feel like a lovesick teenager.  *drools*  They give my other future husbands a run for their money.  Sean Patrick Flannery and Norman Reedus - if you've never seen The Boondock Saints, do yourselves a favor and watch it.  Those Irish accents turn my knees to jelly
Dang...they are just kids.  SIGH...I'm getting old.  Gibbs (NCIS) is more my speed now, and Ducky wouldn't be out of the question if I wanted an older man...

That said, I do enjoy the scenery.  I'm like an old dog lying on the porch.  I can't really chase the cars anymore, but I enjoy watching them drive by and barking occasionally!


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
You came dangerously close to giving me a spoiler.  Bobby died right before we went to bed last night.  LOL

Dead is never dead when it comes to the Winchesters.  I don't know about Bobby.  :(
Oh goodness, I am so sorry! 
 My sincere apologies!


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Oh! I have a one-season wonder for you, if you're interested.

Anybody ever see Moonlight? Alex O'Loughlin is a vampire with Sophia Myles as his lady of interest. It was one of those cases where I came home from a meeting and saw it on SyFy. And, oh my, Mr. O'Loughlin was fine in that show. 

I bought the first (and unfortunately, only) season.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I think Ms. Hekitty has a bit of a crush.  Whenever Little Bit comes around, she sits at the back door and chirps.  If any OTHER cat dares come near HER door, she blows up, does dragoncat, and actually slams  herself into the door hard enough to scare the other cat off.  This being the case, I will now be referring to Little Bit as a male, barring any startling revelations from Hekitty.
Maybe Hekitty wants a friend!!
I can't choose between Sam and Dean.  I'm madly in love with both of them.  I think I can handle it and then it shows one or both of them shirtless.  And the episode where Dean ends up being a Wild West sheriff???  OMG, I think I about had a heart attack.  I swear, those toy make me feel like a lovesick teenager.  *drools*  They give my other future husbands a run for their money.  Sean Patrick Flannery and Norman Reedus - if you've never seen The Boondock Saints, do yourselves a favor and watch it.  Those Irish accents turn my knees to jelly
Dang...they are just kids.  SIGH...I'm getting old.  Gibbs (NCIS) is more my speed now, and Ducky wouldn't be out of the question if I wanted an older man...

That said, I do enjoy the scenery.  I'm like an old dog lying on the porch.  I can't really chase the cars anymore, but I enjoy watching them drive by and barking occasionally!

After reading something STUPID in another community I needed that to make me smile.

Have idiot people at work who don't do their flipping jobs. I have asked and asked for part Numbers to be assigned to said materials so I can get them ordered. Another person sent an email complaining why we don't carry these grinding wheels but we have it in the puter..I tried to explain the complicated process..they emailed over my head anyways complaining that I am not doing my job.
 And I give up. I don't want to repeat myself anymore. It's not MY procedure! I didn't write it! Go speak to head of QA and ask to have this procedure reopened and amended...but alas it's been now 3 days..not a word. Not an email...why do I bother?!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Originally Posted by Tallyollyopia  

---BIG SNIP---

Kalvor would be a roaming night,

---BIG SNIP---
I think you mean "knight," though if you ever figure out how to make him (her?) a roaming night, I'd be interested.

There's a wonderful S.F. book named Hellspark, by the late, great Janet Kagan.  In this particular future universe, many people wear something called "skinsuits," which are pretty much what they sound like, with a few added benefits.  They're controlled by computer and can supply warmth or cooling as needed, the computer can adjust the colors and patterns on them, can use them to spread the impact of a blow over a larger area which reduces damage, and the computer can use them to "see" what is coming at you (some of these depend on how good your computer is).  Anyway, in the first edition of Hellspark, one of the characters was described as having a "wind colored" skinsuit.  It was a typo, of course (it's not that kind of book); she meant "wine colored."  You can tell whether your copy of the book is first or second edition by looking for this typo.


angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Dang...they are just kids.  SIGH...I'm getting old.  Gibbs (NCIS) is more my speed now, and Ducky wouldn't be out of the question if I wanted an older man...

That said, I do enjoy the scenery.  I'm like an old dog lying on the porch.  I can't really chase the cars anymore, but I enjoy watching them drive by and barking occasionally!
SUCH beautiful scenery!!!  NCIS is another one I need to catch up on.  I used to own through Season 8.  I'm scared to ask how many seasons they're up to.
Oh goodness, I am so sorry! 
 My sincere apologies!
It's ok.  I just think the timing is hilarious.  If you'd said that yesterday, my eyes would have bugged out and I would have been all, "WHAT?!?"  Hahaha
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