The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I have never liked my Dad at all :paperbag:

I broke one of the cats' bowls again :doh: :doh: I was drying it and it somehow slipped out of the towel and smashed onto the counter :doh: And it was the one I had bought to replace one I had dropped and broken a couple months ago too:doh: Maybe I should buy stainless steel bowls now.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Ugh, my husband was in an accident, and it was a hit and run. It sounds nothing too serious, he said the side was scraped pretty bad, and he was well enough to wait 20 minutes for the police, called the police again and found out the police weren't coming, and then drive to his work meeting. And of course he called me and told me to call the insurance company so the representative was asking a bunch of questions that I didn't have the answers to.

Edit: To clarify, the reason the police didn't come is because the accident happened in Alexandria VA about 2 hours after the shooting.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
hohum another dumb meeting. Listened to 2 more hours of "sorry we can't answer questions" about layoffs or other things. Looks like they bought some manufacturing plants in Italy-I don't see a future for us here-wonder if they plan on closing this shop next year and ship all fixtures/welder machines etc over seas or just liquidate it. I will stay until I get a phone call from a competitor. So far they bragged how they hired 900 people-yeah because those 900 people were ones who left on their own.

Fun fun! I just hate beating around the bush! I think this summer will increase my networking-for now just wait to get my severance package then seeya! The shipyard is hiring people-they want a ton of people-looking into how to get in there-that wouldn't be a bad gig. Government job. Maybe benefits could be an improvement from here? Then I could focus on moving to mid coast maine. I always wanted a tiny studio over there to sit and smell the ocean breezes and draw/paint to my hearts content...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
I heard this commotion on the patio this morning, like something crashing or falling down and thought oh no, don't tell me another bird has managed to get inside through the almost closed window panels and Panthera went after it! So I went outside and found him, Patrick and Chamouti staring at the bottom of the window panels with a bunch of birds excitedly fluttering around and making a lot of noise. There was this big fat squirrel hopping back and forth outside and the bird feeder was swinging wildly. This had happened before. The squirrel tries to get the bird food and jumps or climbs onto the saucer that is underneath the feeder but it swings freely, the squirrel is too big to fit onto the saucer, the feeder dips and the squirrel slides off. This time it apparently hit the rail, slid off that also and thus causing all this racket. The cats enjoyed the show and nobody was harmed besides the squirrel's pride. It took a while for the birds to calm down which just added to the amusement of the cats.
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Here you can see the setup. I've put cactus on the shelve units so the cats won't try to jump up there and bother the birds when the window panels are wide open but now have had to close them almost the whole way to keep the birds from flying IN. The feeder with the red on it is for hummingbirds, the other one has seeds and you can see a few birds sitting on it. The tree outside is full of birds and their nests. The squirrels just climb right up the walls which are stucco so their claws fit right in there like on a ladder. Lizards also go right up to the third floor. And, yes, I know my windows need washing but it's a real chore because they are so tall.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Ugh, my husband was in an accident, and it was a hit and run. It sounds nothing too serious, he said the side was scraped pretty bad, and he was well enough to wait 20 minutes for the police, called the police again and found out the police weren't coming, and then drive to his work meeting. And of course he called me and told me to call the insurance company so the representative was asking a bunch of questions that I didn't have the answers to.

Edit: To clarify, the reason the police didn't come is because the accident happened in Alexandria VA about 2 hours after the shooting.
Lord, I hope the police will verify that if the insurance company starts squawking about a police report!

All is quiet here today. Thank goodness. I MUST haul trash out later. I have several smallish and two good-sized cardboard boxes that need to go to the dumpster. No real garbage, but just "stuff." That's going to be my big project for the day. hot weather my "big" projects are as small as I can manage!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I've been keeping an eye on the news. I really hope no one here lost anyone close to them in the Grenfell Tower fire. Personally, I'd appreciate it if our British contingent checked in, as and when you get the chance. The pictures on the news were horrific, and the stories I've been reading online even more so.

:vibes::vibes::vibes:Love and support to the victims and their families, and a great deal of hope that the death toll is lower than expected. :crossfingers:



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Ugh, my husband was in an accident, and it was a hit and run. It sounds nothing too serious, he said the side was scraped pretty bad, and he was well enough to wait 20 minutes for the police, called the police again and found out the police weren't coming, and then drive to his work meeting. And of course he called me and told me to call the insurance company so the representative was asking a bunch of questions that I didn't have the answers to.

Edit: To clarify, the reason the police didn't come is because the accident happened in Alexandria VA about 2 hours after the shooting.
:shocked: I hope everyone's okay!

I heard this commotion on the patio this morning, like something crashing or falling down and thought oh no, don't tell me another bird has managed to get inside through the almost closed window panels and Panthera went after it! So I went outside and found him, Patrick and Chamouti staring at the bottom of the window panels with a bunch of birds excitedly fluttering around and making a lot of noise. There was this big fat squirrel hopping back and forth outside and the bird feeder was swinging wildly. This had happened before. The squirrel tries to get the bird food and jumps or climbs onto the saucer that is underneath the feeder but it swings freely, the squirrel is too big to fit onto the saucer, the feeder dips and the squirrel slides off. This time it apparently hit the rail, slid off that also and thus causing all this racket. The cats enjoyed the show and nobody was harmed besides the squirrel's pride. It took a while for the birds to calm down which just added to the amusement of the cats.
View attachment 184255
Here you can see the setup. I've put cactus on the shelve units so the cats won't try to jump up there and bother the birds when the window panels are wide open but now have had to close them almost the whole way to keep the birds from flying IN. The feeder with the red on it is for hummingbirds, the other one has seeds and you can see a few birds sitting on it. The tree outside is full of birds and their nests. The squirrels just climb right up the walls which are stucco so their claws fit right in there like on a ladder. Lizards also go right up to the third floor. And, yes, I know my windows need washing but it's a real chore because they are so tall.

Lord, I hope the police will verify that if the insurance company starts squawking about a police report!

All is quiet here today. Thank goodness. I MUST haul trash out later. I have several smallish and two good-sized cardboard boxes that need to go to the dumpster. No real garbage, but just "stuff." That's going to be my big project for the day. hot weather my "big" projects are as small as I can manage!
I understand. Trust me, I understand.

I've been keeping an eye on the news. I really hope no one here lost anyone close to them in the Grenfell Tower fire. Personally, I'd appreciate it if our British contingent checked in, as and when you get the chance. The pictures on the news were horrific, and the stories I've been reading online even more so.

:vibes::vibes::vibes:Love and support to the victims and their families, and a great deal of hope that the death toll is lower than expected. :crossfingers:



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I too was wondering about our friends from London. So very sad and scary!

Today I'm home waiting for directv guy to show up. Last night I called and complain about reception. They reset signal and poof! No more signal. I suspect the receiver was on its way out.
I've got to pay extra money a month for this socalled HDTV. I will try it for 5-6 months. If I can figure out a way to get a reasonable price for high speed internet then I will dump cable. Been wanting to do it. But I tend to like my movies and shows.

The weather is beautiful out. I'm waiting until 10 then I'll head outside and poke around waiting. They said anytime from 8-12. It's now 9am.

I still woke up early. Bah humbug.

Mother Dragon

Cat slave
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2006
Suburban Houston, TX
It's been a long time since I posted here and it looks like I have a lot to catch up on! :hellocomputer: So much has been going on for everyone!

tallyollyopia tallyollyopia all I can say is that you have the makings of a wonderful article in all of those awful experiences. You're such a good writer and you bring each episode to life. I bet a lot of people would really relate to what you go through! :alright:

LTS3 LTS3 I think you are perfectly within your rights to skip a few times at your Mom's. It might even encourage her to dial back her behavior a bit if you take a break and let her know why. My kids did this to me and although the situation was very different, it did make me take another look at how I interacted with them and to try to improve my side of things. Even if she doesn't change anything, at least you will have had a break. Every week is a lot, especially when you are working and have other things going on in your life.

Mother Dragon Mother Dragon Ouch re: rabies shots. When I was a kid, I had to have the whole series and this was back when they gave them in the abdomen. (That's changed, I think). OMG. I can still remember the bottomless dread every time we went and the pain. Anyway, you have my sympathy!

artiemom artiemom Good luck finding a new perfect throw. I'm wondering how you're going to convince Artie that the new throw is just as good as the old one. :biggrin: Also, hoping for a better day for him tomorrow.

arouetta arouetta That's a pretty awful bus ride experience. It's like you got all of the negatives in one day - not a very good introduction. It was kind of you to recognize that you were probably dealing with someone with autism rather than a garden variety creep at the bus stop although that question about living alone would still give me pause. I'm glad you are okay.

I used to work on a research farm that was a major summering spot for large numbers of Canada geese. The worst part of sharing their summer home with them was the goose poop since it tended to have a magic attraction for the underside of shoes. The geese themselves were okay. They strutted around, letting us know they owned the place, but in the many years I worked there, we never had a Goose Incident. They really are so beautiful and watching them all take off in a cacaphony of honking was pretty wonderful.
Thank goodness the rabies shots have changed. I heard those into the abdomen were hell. We got three painless shots about two weeks apart. No reactions to any of them, but they made us wait 30 minutes before leaving just in case. Had we shown clear evidence of a bite, we would have had to have the painful injections right at the site. The regular shots were $350 each and had we had to have the others, they would have been $750 each. Thank goodness insurance covered them. The cats had to have boosters, too, even though they were current with their shots.

When Darwin bit Robert last week, it was a plus that both he and Robert were current on rabies shots. Darwin had no ill effects, but Robert was in the hospital for almost three days from the infection. Darwin didn't mean to bite Robert; he was just scared and angry at the other cat and when Robert picked him up, he went berserk. All is well between them now.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Well, SPIT! I almost burned the house down. We're having city water issues, and have to boil all drinking water until further notice. I put a BIG pot of water on to boil and forgot about it. Just went into the kitchen. It had boiled dry, covering the stove in brown residue. I have the pot soaking now. Than GOODNESS I still have some brillo pads. I'll need them for the pot AND the stove. SO...I'm going to check the watched forums, make sure there isn't anyone waiting for an answer who I can help, and go clean stuff. SPIT SPIT SPIT!!!


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Well, SPIT! I almost burned the house down. We're having city water issues, and have to boil all drinking water until further notice. I put a BIG pot of water on to boil and forgot about it. Just went into the kitchen. It had boiled dry, covering the stove in brown residue. I have the pot soaking now. Than GOODNESS I still have some brillo pads. I'll need them for the pot AND the stove. SO...I'm going to check the watched forums, make sure there isn't anyone waiting for an answer who I can help, and go clean stuff. SPIT SPIT SPIT!!!
My daughter told me a way for getting burnt on stuff out of pots, and it definitely helps. Boil water in the affected pot with dish soap and either a cut up lemon or a dryer sheet.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Some birds are really dumb. One of them got in through a 6 inch gap, it must have hopped in and then could not find its way out again. Panthera promptly got it. When I got up this morning I found the evidence on the living room rug, just a pile of feathers and some bloody spots that I had to clean up.

And then there are crazy cats: the cat I had rehomed over 2 years ago has something about vets' offices. He is perfectly ok with anyone who comes to his home and lets them pet him, including the workmen when a new carpet was installed and he rode on the furniture which was being moved instead of cowering under the bed as most other cats would do, walks up to anyone and acts like he is the king of the castle (until the fluffy Persian who is half his age and half his weight but looks huge on account of her fur, comes along), is a door darter and will visit the neighbor's apartment (thank goodness he can't escape from the complex which is built in a square with front doors open to the inside court and he would have to open two very heavy doors to get out from there) and goes bananas when he is on an outing in his stroller and people ooh and aah over him, he just loves the attention. But take him to the vet or to the groomer to get his claws clipped and he turns into the Tasmanian Devil of cartoon fame. Just an exam drives him nuts, he bites and claws and growls and giving him a shot is almost impossible. He carried on like that last year at his annual visit also. This year the vet said she will give him a shot to sedate him next time so that she can properly examine him. He is most likely a brown tabby Maine Coon, 4+ years old now and weighs about 12 lbs. Has anyone else had a problem like that? Why would he carry on like that before anyone has even touched him? Even at the groomer's?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 9, 2014
Fredericksburg, VA
I just saw two beautiful deer in my back yard. They were eating some cracked corn and some apples I put in the yard. I just started putting the corn out last month and the deer just started coming to eat the food. It is shocking to look out and see such big animals in my tiny little yard. I need to stop feeding so many animals. I'm starting to spend more on their food than I spend on my own. I keep waiting for my little box turtle to show up. I feed him tomatoes and Fancy Feast.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2016
Phoenix, AZ
I'll be staying in a lot for the next few days. We're going to have temps between 112 and 120 from Saturday until Thursday. :sunshine:I bought extra food so I won't have to go out. Crazy people hike in the mountains here and some have to be rescued when they get heat stroke or run out of water and can't get back down.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Well, SPIT! I almost burned the house down. We're having city water issues, and have to boil all drinking water until further notice. I put a BIG pot of water on to boil and forgot about it. Just went into the kitchen. It had boiled dry, covering the stove in brown residue. I have the pot soaking now. Than GOODNESS I still have some brillo pads. I'll need them for the pot AND the stove. SO...I'm going to check the watched forums, make sure there isn't anyone waiting for an answer who I can help, and go clean stuff. SPIT SPIT SPIT!!!
Ouch! :alright: I'm glad you caught it when you did.

He carried on like that last year at his annual visit also. This year the vet said she will give him a shot to sedate him next time so that she can properly examine him. He is most likely a brown tabby Maine Coon, 4+ years old now and weighs about 12 lbs. Has anyone else had a problem like that? Why would he carry on like that before anyone has even touched him? Even at the groomer's?
Some places are just scary. For a cat or dog, that means places where other frightened animals have left fear scents. I.e., the vet's office and the groomer's.

I just saw two beautiful deer in my back yard. They were eating some cracked corn and some apples I put in the yard. I just started putting the corn out last month and the deer just started coming to eat the food. It is shocking to look out and see such big animals in my tiny little yard. I need to stop feeding so many animals. I'm starting to spend more on their food than I spend on my own. I keep waiting for my little box turtle to show up. I feed him tomatoes and Fancy Feast.

Be careful about feeding deer. They're gorgeous, and it's enchanting to see them in your yard, but they're likely to destroy your garden. (They don't think of it as destruction, of course. They think of it as grazing.)



TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 9, 2014
Fredericksburg, VA
Ouch! :alright: I'm glad you caught it when you did.

Some places are just scary. For a cat or dog, that means places where other frightened animals have left fear scents. I.e., the vet's office and the groomer's.

Be careful about feeding deer. They're gorgeous, and it's enchanting to see them in your yard, but they're likely to destroy your garden. (They don't think of it as destruction, of course. They think of it as grazing.)

I love deer. I don't have a garden but one year I was growing some tomatoes in containers. I saw two very big deer eating some sunflower seeds in the back yard. I was thing how beautiful they were until they started heading around the side of my house where I had my tomatoes. I opened up my door and yelled at them and they took off. Nobody but nobody messes with my tomatoes.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I love deer. I don't have a garden but one year I was growing some tomatoes in containers. I saw two very big deer eating some sunflower seeds in the back yard. I was thing how beautiful they were until they started heading around the side of my house where I had my tomatoes. I opened up my door and yelled at them and they took off. Nobody but nobody messes with my tomatoes.

I believe it was Garrison Keillor who observed that there are places where people only lock their doors during zucchini harvest season, because if they didn't lock their doors then they'd come home to find the kitchen all full of zucchini. But nobody ever worries that they might come home and find the kitchen full of homegrown tomatoes...

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