The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2016

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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Artie has been in my thoughts and prayers all day.  Well, since I read your post.  I keep crying for him.

When I was a kid and we lost a pet, my mom said God needed him/her for a child who left the world too soon.  I still like to think that because it's very comforting.  Maybe Artie is the perfect Christmas for some little boy or girl who was too good for this world.

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TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
me too.... Artie is having more issues... may have to take him to ER Vet, right after Christmas mass... thinking it may be 'time'...crying all day long...
Oh no. Tears are running down my cheeks right now. Not Artie. He can't go yet.

Sweet Artie- you are so loved. Obviously your Mom adores you but there are people you have never met who really love you too. Hang in there, baby. I think of you often and always send healing vibes and so much love your way.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
me too.... Artie is having more issues... may have to take him to ER Vet, right after Christmas mass... thinking it may be 'time'...crying all day long...
I am so very sorry to hear this.  We will all miss Artie very much, if that's what you have to do.  Please know that we're all thinking of you, and of Artie.




TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I ended up opening presents last night since I figured I'd be too exhausted later today to do anything but sleep. I have to work all day today if not longer
I only got presents from one friend since my family doesn't celebrate the holiday. In the mystery Amazon box I got a tea pot and infuser set and a box of teas
In her other box I got a super soft fleece blanket with cats all over it, a 6 pair set of cat socks, and two toys for the cats
Leroy and Emma didn't care too much for the toys. They were more interested in the ribbons and wrapping paper and boxes
  All great gifts

Ok... I better bundle back up and head to the other building to get started for the day
I'm not doing anything more than the bare basic work today. Everything else can wait until tomorrow.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
@Artiemom, I promised to go to church this morning, but as soon as we're done sharing joys and sorrows I'll be coming home to send some Reiki to Artie, and to you.

You make whatever decision you have to, and take strength from the knowledge that everyone here is with you in it.  We love you, and we love Artie.

Blessings on both of you.


angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
me too.... Artie is having more issues... may have to take him to ER Vet, right after Christmas mass... thinking it may be 'time'...crying all day long...

Oh, no. I just found this thread, so haven't seen it.
What's going on with Artie? I tried looking bk a few pgs, but couldn't find anything.
I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm saying a prayer for you both, and sending vibes too!
He's such a sweet, loved boy here, just like my Angel was. :angel:
I hope Artie pulls through, but know that we are all here for you.

I've actually had a sad Christmas morning so far myself.
It's my first Christmas w/o Angel. It started when a friend text me "from Angel" that he was having his first Christmas back in heaven. I know she meant well, but it really made me sob.
My new girl Sammy could care less about the new toy I got her, & just wanted to go outside, so that didn't help!

Sending you lots of love & hugs!!! [emoji]128156[/emoji][emoji]128156[/emoji][emoji]128156[/emoji]
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TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Oh, no. I just found this thread, so haven't seen it.
What's going on with Artie? I tried looking bk a few pgs, but couldn't find anything.
I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm saying a prayer for you both, and sending vibes too!
Here are the most recent posts about Artie that I could find:

Hope Artiemom is doing ok


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Just saw on the Internet that a WWII  bomb was found in my home town in Germany and many thousands of  people had to be evacuated so the huge bomb can be defused. Just what they needed for Christmas. This goes to show that just because a war is over does not mean all the danger is gone. This bomb has lain there for 72 years while the city was rebuilt on and around it. 


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Just saw on the Internet that a WWII  bomb was found in my home town in Germany and many thousands of  people had to be evacuated so the huge bomb can be defused. Just what they needed for Christmas. This goes to show that just because a war is over does not mean all the danger is gone. This bomb has lain there for 72 years while the city was rebuilt on and around it. 
GOOD GRIEF!  I'm glad that they found it!  Perhaps they needed a few of these:   I've been aware of these guys for some time now, but only in Africa.  Seems like they are being used all over the world now, and the Pentagon is considering them.

@artiesmom   saying prayers for you.  Worried, with no news here.

Living with Hekitty is getting eerie.  Today, she let me have my  first cup of coffee, then went to the tree and yowled, while pawing at the presents.  This is the FIRST TIME she has shown any interest in them at all.  She's not a tree-mauler, confining herself to batting at the plastic icicles that I hang on the bottom branches for just such activity.  She is currently laid out in the middle of the living room floor with all her STUFF around her, hugging the catnip banana that her New Mexico "cousins" sent her.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Yeah, there are bombs, landmines and WMDs all over the world, where there have been war zones.  When we lived in the Mojave, we had to sign a lot of disclaimers because the military had (and still has) a big presence out there, and there are a lot of testing sites and historic places where they  used to do who knows what out there.  


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thank you all so much for your concern.. Artie is home and still among the living.. 

I did not keep all of you informed about his medical issues, this month..just a few people in PM's.. because it is boring an whining from me..

Anyway...ARtie has been losing weight and his appetite has decreased since the end of October when he had his last specialist visit. His blood work was great. 

I took him for a regular yearly check-up with his regular Vet on Dec 1. He lost a few ounces since Oct 26... so she suggested I call the Specialist.. He was placed on Cerenia, every day in case he was nauseous. He was then 9.9 lbs

Then he became constipated. On Dec 10th he had an enema with the regular Vet and sub- q fluids

His appetite decreased again, most likely because of the enema.. never came back, so back to the Vet we go.. He had an x-ray and was found to still be constipated. Lactulose and sub-q fluids given. Artie cannot take mirtazipine. He gets a bad reaction from it.. His Vet said she could give him a small dose of valium because it could act as an appetite stimulant.. it did..

He never came back from that.. His regular vet contacted the specialist and questioned her. I filled the lactulose script.. we double the cisapride dose; the specialist did not feel it was time for me to learn sub-q's.. the regular vet did, but gave in to the specialist. 

She did see him again for fluids and a bit of valium.. that jump started his appetite again.. 

then it went downhill .. no poops coming out.. appetite improved. She hydrated him again. I made an ultrasound appointment with the specialist, for this past Thursday. 

The IBD is not worsened, but he does have a lot of bowel gas..he had an x-ray, showed constipation.. he regained the weight he lost.. now 10.3 lbs.. So they did another enema on him and gave him Reglan to take .. since Thursday he has dramatically decreased his food intake so that yesterday I had to syringe feed him 3 tablespoons.. 

I called his regular Vet when this became apparent, before syringe feeding him..the office was closed for Christmas Eve..I called the Hospital to see if the specialist might be in.. She was in but leaving shortly.. I could not make it there in time for her to see him.. I decided to syringe feed... he had 5 different foods on the floor to chose from. He would walk over, sniff, and then walk away...

They told me that if he did not eat anything to take him in to the ER today...trying not to do that..

I went to Christmas Eve. Came home at midnight. Artie met me at the door. I thought he was better, but no food eaten while I was gone.. he drank a bit of water but that was it.. 

This morning, nothing eaten, no cuddling, no purring; he looked so sad, the same yesterday... I was so tired and scared.. By the time Mass was over I was in tears.. I was a wreck yesterday, last night and this morning.. I still am.. He was asking for food this morning, sniffed it and walked away.. I was in tears.. 

The ER Vet said that he does not feel constipated.. but refused to give him valium because it is a 'controlled' substance!!! My Butt.. my guy needs it.. and he cannot get it.. hate druggies.. sorry if any of you are recovering, but this is so unnecessary..

I insisted on the valium or something else.  The ER Vet asked a Critical Care Vet for a substitute.. They suggested Cyproheptadine. So he was hydrated today.. yes, he was dehydrated.. got the first does of Cypro.. and I was told to continue to syringe feed him, and follow up with the specialist this week.. I got a late day appointment for Tuesday. 

I plan to call his regular Vet tomorrow, if they are open. 

Came home and Artie made a beeline for the litter box..and peed.. he also wanted to eat.. I got him some new food and he licked up some juice.. I just gave him some medicine and he is back to being in a meatloaf position.. it was the cisapride and the cerenia.. he is not happy, again...

He is very, very skinny.. he lost a pound since Thursday.. He is now 9.4 lbs.. too skinny.. 

The ER Vet let something slip.. she said that he has a ton of disease.. and something slipped out about 4 months.. I was so emotionally drained and exhausted that I did not quiz her on that.. she was really cut and dry..

It was so busy in the ER.. a lot of end of life stuff happening.. coming in to the ER in both ways.. unbelievable..

A volunteer at the humane society, whom I am friends with, had a cat with megacolon. She refused most of the mediations and just death with miralax, sub-q's-- and home enemas.. she is telling me not to use all the meds.. I am so so so confused.. I want the best for Artie, I do not want him to suffer, but I am so confused.. everyone has a different idea, I do not know what to do.. in my heart and in my mind.. 

friends have been telling me to put him down.. that he is too sick, and is costing me too much money.. i do not know what to do.. man.. it is so hard.  to see him want to eat, and then walk away.. it breaks my heart.. 

I love him so much.. perhaps too much..

I missed Christmas Dinner because I did not get home until after 1pm.. I am exhausted. I am in my pajamas.. I have 3 lbs of cookies to eat.. I was taking them over for Christmas Dinner.. I want to spend the time with Artie, but the time is spent medicating him or soon trying to syringe feed him, or crying.. he does not want to cuddle.. 

It is funny, before I gave him his medicine this afternoon, he was so alert, almost like his old self.. now he is meat loafed, again...

this is when my heart breaks.. I think I may just lie down on the coach with him for a while.. and do nothing.. I will deal with life in a few.....

thank you all for listening to my story and for your support and caring.. it really means a lot to me...

I do not know what is in store, and cannot think clearly now.. do I medicate, or do I not or do I pick & choose medicines????????
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