The Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
I can sure relate to this, @1 bruce 1. Two locations ago, where we earned the trust of the community cats, there were multiple generations because the matriarch took a couple of years before she finally decided I was okay. Tiny Sahra was the last of her progeny to leave me. I will always love this extended family so very much. View attachment 254263
Tiny Sahra in the Mojave, soon after she joined us in the house, after Operation Catlift.
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 - I'll see your Tiny Sahara Pawsitive, and raise you a Big Ol' Norvegian Pawsitive, ja?

Bob, on the day he came in - 17 July, 2012. One of the nicest free things I ever got!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
tinydestroyer tinydestroyer --Yeah, great minds think alike. I posted that Tim McGraw song earlier. But that's okay, you can never have too much Tim.

Shane Kent Shane Kent --Cute, looks like they are petting a snail and a worm maybe.

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine --I love the line "he knows that she knows", great cheatin' song... Nice freebie! (Bob)

Here's one last Garth Brooks song before I go to sleep. Positive: This one is about how the world can be tough, but there's some pretty good parts in there too in the dance of life. :)

The Dance by Garth Brooks


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
Shane Kent Shane Kent , the two newly-posted figurines have such nice details and colors. I especially like the tiny snail on the mushroom! They both make a nice pair to display together, I think, because of the similar poses. Thanks for sharing these with us!

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine , I am very happy to see the beautiful photos of Moo Shu and Bob at younger ages. They are really nice to look at as the years go by.
That is one reason I am so happy to now have a camera to have nice photos of Speedy through the years.
Luckily, when I adopted Speedy, I was given a photo of her taken in foster care, I am very happy to have a picture showing her in her younger years. I did not have the camera then).

Speedy at about 9 months, I believe.

Another pawsitive is a song I hear every shift I work at one of my jobs. I love the tune, how it progresses so quickly and upbeat and kind of sentimental. I mostly love how each line in the song moves so quickly into the next line. Kind of neat.
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 27, 2017
M maggiedemi I'm sorry for posting the same song twice! Funny thing, I thought about posting The Dance also, but chose the Tim McGraw song instead. I guess I think of both of them together - not only for the time period and genre, but because they both have high-profile romances with famous female country singers. Here's one of my favorites from Trisha Yearwood:

It's just such an upbeat and catchy song. It always puts me in a good mood!

Aside from that, our little mascot, Lucy, puts us in a good mood as she peeps at us from under the bed:


Her funny antics are always good for a smile!


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Lots of lovely posts here, this thread always makes me smile. I really like looking at "First Picture" pics of cats. Isn't it amazing how much they change? Especially the nervous one or the ones who've had a rough start to life. I love the way they get that more relaxed look in their eyes as they start to realise they're safe now, they never have to be scared or cold or hungry again.

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine Bob looks very chilled out already in that picture. So handsome too.

I'm still waiting for the cooler weather to start. It's raining here today, but still feels like summer rain rather than chilly autumn rain. I guess the positive is that my heating bills are going to be a bit less this year.



with Luciano since 12/5/16
Super Cat
Mar 6, 2017
I'm so sorry I've gotten out of the habit of reading & posting in this thread. Time to remedy that.
My recent pawsitive is that I finally got the harness/collar around Luciano & brought him up to the roof of my apartment building on a leash. He LOVES it up there, as I knew he would. He spent some time exploring and settled down in the shade of a chair for a bit. He chased a fly & a wasp and stalked a leaf. He chewed on some of the greenery up there, nothing major.
The issue seems to be keeping him on the side of the roof where we're allowed. The other side is for two other apartments-one resident of each of those apartments loves Luciano, but one of their partners is allergic to cats & the other one is not a fan. Unfortunately, there appears to be a bit of a mice situation on that side of the roof, so Luciano is drawn over there like a super-powered magnet draws metal. My theory is due to the presence my upstairs neighbor's four cats nearby 'our' side of the roof, the mice must stay away.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
tinydestroyer tinydestroyer --That Trisha Yearwood song was one of the first songs I ever heard when I got CMT, love it.

R raysmyheart --Cute pic of baby Speedy. Positive: Okay, you've inspired me to show a pic of Demi when he was a baby. But he looks terrible. He was still a (semi) feral living outside. This is Baby Demi outside, looking kinda scurfy, so please don't judge. But he's still very cute, so it's positive.:)



TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Speedy at about 9 months, I believe.

R raysmyheart - Speedy is such a beautiful girl - and this shot looks almost like a Monet painting with those cool colours and soft edges!

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine Bob looks very chilled out already in that picture. So handsome too.
Norachan Norachan - Bob says, "thanks, and do you have a snack?" He was very happy to have an home again; when the neighbour down the street passed over, her Family summarily tossed Bob outside. I recognised him, brought him in, and retrieved his pedigree from the Family, who were busily plundering her jewellery drawers and china cabinets. There's a lot to be said for Humans in general, but most of it isn't fit for publication.

Quite nearly an inch of rain fell overnight here, and with the cooler temperatures, the landscape looks more like Spring than the first week of Autumn.

Speaking of Spring, a dozen years ago this past Spring, a bedraggled little black and white kitten stumbled onto the property - his eyes so encrusted that he was effectively blind. Ten days in intensive care with my veterinarian proved him to be a fighter despite his small size, and on the eleventh day Puff came home to meet his new Forever Family. He was the first of the feral kitties to come in, here on the country property, and he's been a big pawsitive every day since. Here he is, exploring his new digs:



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
@1 bruce 1 It is complicated, isn't it, this feral subject? But one thing that isn't complicated is how they capture our hearts.
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine Bob looks so -- SMALL -- in that pic that I wouldn't have recognized him! :shocked: What a handsome little Puff! :loveeyes:
M maggiedemi Oh, I must disagree -- Demi is ADORABLE in his kitten pic! :loveeyes::redheartpump:
ileen ileen Luciano is so handsome in his walking gear *and the "not a fan" deserves all the mice (s)he gets. * :eviltongue:
R raysmyheart Speedy is such a beauty and it's a great pleasure to enjoy a relaxing coffee with him, I'm sure!
tinydestroyer tinydestroyer A cute hiding Lucy!
and Shane Kent Shane Kent Such a cute pair of kittens!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
@1 bruce 1 --Sure, send the casseroles over. :) Oh you can't be that old. I just Googled that Boston song & I was 3 years old when it was released. :D

@Jcatbird --Aww, love the pretty calicos. Reminds me of my angel kitties Kitter & Caramel.

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine --I need to learn how to mow the lawn. I always had landlords before who did it for me. We've got both riding & push mowers here.

@Lari --Enjoy your time with Grandma. All mine are gone. :( Positive memory:
I remember saving up my allowance & going to garage/yard sales with my Grandma. All the other kids thought we were spoiled because we got $20 a week allowance each. But we had to save up and buy the things that we wanted. I even often bought my own clothes & shoes.

Daddy's Girl by Peter Cetera below:

Ha ha we must be sisters from another mother Maggie!! My parents gave me $5 to $10 a week and we had to buy clothes at yard sales cause I was too cheap to waste it on expensive new clothes. And having more than 4 outfits was great!


with Luciano since 12/5/16
Super Cat
Mar 6, 2017
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Not a fan is male, and I haven't spoken with him directly. His partner loves Luciano, says it makes him so happy when he's coming up the stairs of our building to go into his apartment and sees Luciano lounging in the hallway. He'd love to have a cat of his own, but his partner says no. I wish I knew their names, typical NYC neighbors. We converse but don't know names. Everyone knows Luciano's name though.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Okay, you've inspired me to show a pic of Demi when he was a baby. But he looks terrible. He was still a (semi) feral living outside. This is Baby Demi outside, looking kinda scurfy, so please don't judge. But he's still very cute, so it's positive.:)

View attachment 254352
M maggiedemi - He doesn't look scruffy at all - he's adorable, and he really was an handsome kitty even at that young age!

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 is right - feral cats can capture your Heart in an instant - and the visual memory of them when they Lived outside lives on forever.

Ha ha we must be sisters from another mother Maggie!! My parents gave me $5 to $10 a week and we had to buy clothes at yard sales cause I was too cheap to waste it on expensive new clothes. And having more than 4 outfits was great!
foxxycat foxxycat - Now I feel sorry for you kids! From the time I was fifteen, my Parents allowed me to buy anything I wanted, price no object. All I had to do was get a job and keep my grades up. I had it made!


Here's a pawsitive - my sweet little Mirò on her first day inside the main house (after spending thirty days in the guest house, recovering), after having been tossed aside just about a year ago:



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
foxxycat foxxycat If I wasn't blessed to have had an aunt close by who was amazing with a sewing machine, I would probably have counted myself fortunate to have had 4 outfits as well. As it was, I felt really happy to have unique and beautiful things made by her, many of which I still remember.
ileen ileen Too bad the partner doesn't dump the "not a fan"! Just sayin'.
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine what a little beauty! Brown tabby with white is a lovely combination, don't you agree?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine --Aw man, her kids picked the jewelry over Bob? That's so sad. Oh well, their loss is your gain. Thank you for the compliments on Demi, I'd post a pic of Maggie, but I know you'll want to steal her. She's a little beauty. :) Cute pics of Puff & Miro too.

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 --Thank you, he's my little angel.

foxxycat foxxycat --Yes, we're definitely sisters. I'm still pretty cheap, but I prefer to call it frugal. :D

Funny, positive story: Demi wanted me to chase him around the house, but I was too busy on the computer. He knew the one way to make mama chase him was to do something extra naughty. So he went behind my desk and went smack, smack, smack to the electrical wires. Sure enough, that made mama chase him! :lol: He's so smart.

Pink Houses by John Mellencamp below:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine what a little beauty! Brown tabby with white is a lovely combination, don't you agree?
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 - Yeah - but then I think that every one is lovely. I've never met one - or even seen one - that I didn't immediately fall for. Kinda like that old Roberta Flack (a free bag of pyramid-shaped cat treats if you know this incredibly talented lady's middle name) tune:

I'm going to add one more First Kitty photo and then let that theme rest. Here are Friday and Clawed-Ya, just after their spay surgeries, ensconced as the first residents of the Feral Cat Palace guest house:



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 - Yeah - but then I think that every one is lovely. I've never met one - or even seen one - that I didn't immediately fall for. Kinda like that old Roberta Flack (a free bag of pyramid-shaped cat treats if you know this incredibly talented lady's middle name) tune:

I'm going to add one more First Kitty photo and then let that theme rest. Here are Friday and Clawed-Ya, just after their spay surgeries, ensconced as the first residents of the Feral Cat Palace guest house:

View attachment 254389
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine I feel the same way. Never met, saw, heard about or even thought about one I didn't immediately love.
What GORGEOUS felines Friday and Clawed-Ya were, and are! Even *Cleopatra* would be envious. *Don'cha just love Google?*
M maggiedemi and foxxycat foxxycat Can I join the sisterhood? "Frugal" is my OTHER middle name. :yess:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 --Of course you can be my sister, I always wanted one. I just try to stay away from debt, I see how it crushes my loved ones.

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine --Well my brothers & I did have to work around the house & outside for our allowance, and when I was a teenager I babysat. As far as grades, I remember getting a 97 on my report card and my mom saying, "You can do better." :rolleyes3:

Positive story: Maggie's a smart little devil too. She was balancing on the ledge over the stairs to the cellar. She knew it was giving me a heart attack. She'd dangle one foot & look at me, then dangle both feet and look at me, while I begged her to stop it. Finally I left and did my "Hurry, Maggie, Hurry" thing in an excited voice and she came running. Works every time. :)

Breathe by Faith Hill

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
R raysmyheart When I see the cat figurine with the snail I think "No kitty don't touch the snail. No kitty!" From what I have read on the Internet snails can be incredibly bad for cats or dogs or ... Snails can carry parasites and some are poisonous. Just because a cat played with one or even ate one and is OK does not mean the next time they do they will be OK. Thing about parasites is not all snails have them just the ones that come in contact with the parasites. I don't think there are poisonous snails where I live but they had me at parasites so I didn't research it a lot.

Well that was long winded and not very pawsitive. I guess it is kind of pawsitive as it is good to share information with other cat lovers. Even if most of you already knew it we never know who will read through this thread:)

Because snails are actually kind of yucky:

One of today's finds and Karen got it for me at the thrift store near her work:)
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