The Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
We're having our very first March day here today. After one of the driest Winters on record, the rain has finally begun, and we have just about fifty degrees, with a stiff breeze - one of those wild early Spring days, with dried leaves in the air, and childhood memories in the Heart.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
It's rained just enough here to make reshaping the beds an easy task - especially with freshly sharpened edging shovels. Birds are everywhere today - Blue Jays, Cardinals, Red Winged Blackbirds, Goldfinches, and the first of the Baltimore Orioles and Prothonotary Warblers are here as well. No question about it - Spring has sprung!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
A most paw-sitive occurrence for me was that I was visiting the contest where very talented members entered their cat artwork in the contest here on thecatsite. It is going to be hard to vote, but to see the artwork done so well and so lovingly is such a wonderful thing.! The artwork is outstanding. (I would include a link or don't know if I'm allowed, I don't know how to post a link, but I will learn ).:lol: That's another paw-sitive - to always be learning new things.

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine , I am glad you received rain!

@mama africa , Missy is beautiful and looks very serious about getting the job done right!

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Got a new litter box from Ikea yesterday, high side but an "entrance" cut into one side, Chamouti sat in it like it was a new bed for him, lol. There has been an avoidance of using the litter box lately by a certain cat who will remain unnamed who peed NEXT to it or over the side. So far the new litter box has been a success but I'm not holding my breath. Panthera, who had been using the LitterRobot faithfully, has decided he'd a rather use the new box, no no no, it's back to the LitterRobot even if I have to keep him from sleeping with me at night by closing my bedroom door. I think Chamouti also uses it if I keep him from sleeping in my room.
Filled up the hummingbird feeder, today I saw several hummers at it, with 2 kitties watching, the summer show is on.

Spent 3 hours in the garden, now my arms and back hurt, a nice hot bath will feel wonderful. More work in the garden still waiting, only 4 more bags of compost to distribute but did manage to plant 1 zucchini, 4 different peppers and 3 tomato plants. Forgot to take the soaked corn and beans, maybe tomorrow. Ordered 4 rhubarb plants from Burpee since the old ones died from neglect when I was sick back in September.
The hoe and the digging fork arrived yesterday, (who would have thought that a hoe would cost $30 and the digging fork $50, with Amazon and Honey I got them for cheaper but still) put my name in indelible ink on them and on all of my other gardening tools too, hopefully this will deter thieves as I do not want to carry them back and forth in my car all the time, where would I keep them here?
What's going to be for dinner? Something really delicious, not out of the freezer that I cooked a week ago, no, maybe a chicken schnitzel, a mashed potato, peas? A few strawberries for dessert with or without whipping cream? I do wish there was somebody else at the table with me but my neighbors are so lame.
Damn, old age is hell, your friends have moved in with their kids or are dead or in a nursing home, nobody to hang around with anymore and it's really hard to make new friends, sorry, internet friends are just not the same, you never see them, they live half across the country, just ranting. I'm not THAT old, and I darn well do not feel like it either, only the mirror says "oh yes you are".
So I pull myself together, prepare that bath I was bragging about, have a drink, cuddle the cats and am thankful that I still have all my own knees, hips, no hearing aids or new lenses in my eyes because of cataracts, but wearing glasses since age 11 because I'm blind as bat without them. My hair is white (no gray, thank you) but it has been turning that since I was 30, bleached blonde until about 3 years ago, skin is getting wrinkly, and my humor is getting poisonous, sorry about that. I don't think it will get sweeter at this point although I am trying not to insult too many people.

So what else is new? I'm still above ground, I'm not sick, walking without a cane, I have my cats and nice people on this site and tolerable neighbors, my oldest son calls me when he is on the road on a boring stretch and we talk for hours, my daughter calls me to make sure I'm still alright and kicking, those calls are never longer than 20 minutes which is ok, I have PBS and the National Geographic Channel besides CNN and MSNBC and I watch old Star Trek episodes on BCCAmerica, I read Scientific American and the Smithsonian, I am a fan of Neil DeGrasse Tyson, I'm not totally cut off from the world. Yeah, it's wonderful world!
So overall, this is all positive, as we are saying Pawsitive.
Internet friends are better. They don’t get to see your graying hairs nor your minor faults:rolleyes3: My teeth are horrible but then again I am Very English on both sides (Martin and Kent). They get to know the real you and I absolutely love lots of people on this site. I learned how to make feral kittens live with my cats because of the information and support I got from this wonderful virtual space:)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
A most paw-sitive occurrence for me was that I was visiting the contest where very talented members entered their cat artwork in the contest here on thecatsite. It is going to be hard to vote, but to see the artwork done so well and so lovingly is such a wonderful thing.! The artwork is outstanding. (I would include a link or don't know if I'm allowed, I don't know how to post a link, but I will learn ).:lol: That's another paw-sitive - to always be learning new things.

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine , I am glad you received rain!

@mama africa , Missy is beautiful and looks very serious about getting the job done right!

R raysmyheart - Ya know, I was going to enter that contest; there was a time when I was known as a rather talented artist. Let me show you.


Moo Shu Snowshoe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I'm still as good as I was in Kindergarten!


It was actually a lovely day here, for those who don't mind doing yard work in a faint, misty rain. Cool enough for any job - and far easier than waiting for high Summer's heat and humidity!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Got a new litter box from Ikea yesterday, high side but an "entrance" cut into one side, Chamouti sat in it like it was a new bed for him, lol. There has been an avoidance of using the litter box lately by a certain cat who will remain unnamed who peed NEXT to it or over the side. So far the new litter box has been a success but I'm not holding my breath. Panthera, who had been using the LitterRobot faithfully, has decided he'd a rather use the new box, no no no, it's back to the LitterRobot even if I have to keep him from sleeping with me at night by closing my bedroom door. I think Chamouti also uses it if I keep him from sleeping in my room.
Filled up the hummingbird feeder, today I saw several hummers at it, with 2 kitties watching, the summer show is on.

Spent 3 hours in the garden, now my arms and back hurt, a nice hot bath will feel wonderful. More work in the garden still waiting, only 4 more bags of compost to distribute but did manage to plant 1 zucchini, 4 different peppers and 3 tomato plants. Forgot to take the soaked corn and beans, maybe tomorrow. Ordered 4 rhubarb plants from Burpee since the old ones died from neglect when I was sick back in September.
The hoe and the digging fork arrived yesterday, (who would have thought that a hoe would cost $30 and the digging fork $50, with Amazon and Honey I got them for cheaper but still) put my name in indelible ink on them and on all of my other gardening tools too, hopefully this will deter thieves as I do not want to carry them back and forth in my car all the time, where would I keep them here?
What's going to be for dinner? Something really delicious, not out of the freezer that I cooked a week ago, no, maybe a chicken schnitzel, a mashed potato, peas? A few strawberries for dessert with or without whipping cream? I do wish there was somebody else at the table with me but my neighbors are so lame.
Damn, old age is hell, your friends have moved in with their kids or are dead or in a nursing home, nobody to hang around with anymore and it's really hard to make new friends, sorry, internet friends are just not the same, you never see them, they live half across the country, just ranting. I'm not THAT old, and I darn well do not feel like it either, only the mirror says "oh yes you are".
So I pull myself together, prepare that bath I was bragging about, have a drink, cuddle the cats and am thankful that I still have all my own knees, hips, no hearing aids or new lenses in my eyes because of cataracts, but wearing glasses since age 11 because I'm blind as bat without them. My hair is white (no gray, thank you) but it has been turning that since I was 30, bleached blonde until about 3 years ago, skin is getting wrinkly, and my humor is getting poisonous, sorry about that. I don't think it will get sweeter at this point although I am trying not to insult too many people.

So what else is new? I'm still above ground, I'm not sick, walking without a cane, I have my cats and nice people on this site and tolerable neighbors, my oldest son calls me when he is on the road on a boring stretch and we talk for hours, my daughter calls me to make sure I'm still alright and kicking, those calls are never longer than 20 minutes which is ok, I have PBS and the National Geographic Channel besides CNN and MSNBC and I watch old Star Trek episodes on BCCAmerica, I read Scientific American and the Smithsonian, I am a fan of Neil DeGrasse Tyson, I'm not totally cut off from the world. Yeah, it's wonderful world!
So overall, this is all positive, as we are saying Pawsitive.
segelkatt segelkatt Do you have an eye clinic near you? If so, I urge you strongly to see what options a good opthalmologist has for you. Age no bar, anyone can benefit from some of the technological advances there are now, for not a terrible amount of money. Just a suggestion -- a very PAWSitive one. ;)
Glad you got some new gardening tools -- I guess you need to hang onto them tightly, because anything that's not nailed down can disappear. Mine are either behind a locked house door or in a locked garage.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
R raysmyheart - Ya know, I was going to enter that contest; there was a time when I was known as a rather talented artist. Let me show you.

View attachment 224538
Moo Shu Snowshoe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I'm still as good as I was in Kindergarten!

You should have entered! It's fabulous!

Tomorrow is the last day of school! I'm looking forward to not being tempted by the junk in the teacher's lounge, getting to sleep in, and more time with Lelia sitting on her cat tree for hours ignoring me until she wants something like play or food. Good times.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 27, 2017
A beautiful spring day here, as well, with sunny skies and the slightest chill in the air. This means I can break out my beloved vintage sun dress collection, and STILL get to wear my favorite jackets and cardigans. I know that sometimes "less is more," but sometimes more is more, too. Plus, sometimes wearing things you love (whether they're covered in fur baby hair or not,) just makes you happy. :cloud9:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
I am very thankful for the Mega Pawsitive Thread! It is so nice how one paw-sitive can lead to another paw-sitive and so on. I feel very inspired, and positively, at that, by the wonderful posts I see here. I find myself passing on positivity at work, on errands, and more. I think positivity is very contagious! :daisy: :purplebutterfly: :popworm: :purplebutterfly: :clover:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 9, 2018
Today my dad and I planted a Peach tree in my yard. He is getting up in years, but still very active. :) We have grown a lot closer over the past few years over gardening and now getting into a bit of landscaping. He's a man of very few words, but somehow during our "gardening" time he opens up and is telling stories I haven't heard in my 40+ years on the planet. Very nice. Here's our little peach tree......


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
kmbishop111 kmbishop111 . that is truly a wonderful tree and will surely grow more beautiful every season! The companionship in gardening is indeed very, very special! :daisy: :purplebutterfly: :daisy:

A very paw=sitive thing also is that Speedy had her nails clipped and once again I am thankful for having a sweet little cat that loves to have me clip her nails. Who would have ever thought.........?:think:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Today my dad and I planted a Peach tree in my yard. He is getting up in years, but still very active. :) We have grown a lot closer over the past few years over gardening and now getting into a bit of landscaping. He's a man of very few words, but somehow during our "gardening" time he opens up and is telling stories I haven't heard in my 40+ years on the planet. Very nice. Here's our little peach tree......View attachment 224557
kmbishop111 kmbishop111 - You and your Father are immensely fortunate to have one another. I hope that both of you have the chance to see this peach tree grow strong and tall.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 9, 2018
kmbishop111 kmbishop111 . that is truly a wonderful tree and will surely grow more beautiful every season! The companionship in gardening is indeed very, very special! :daisy: :purplebutterfly: :daisy:

A very paw=sitive thing also is that Speedy had her nails clipped and once again I am thankful for having a sweet little cat that loves to have me clip her nails. Who would have ever thought.........?:think:
Paw=sitive=ly lovely!! hehe She must be very sweet to enjoy having her little beans messed with! How old is Speedy?

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine that is my hope as well!! :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
Paw=sitive=ly lovely!! hehe She must be very sweet to enjoy having her little beans messed with! How old is Speedy?

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine that is my hope as well!! :)
Oh, thank you kmbishop111 kmbishop111 ! My little Speedy turned six years old yesterday and she is definitely a positive young lady when it comes to things like that - nails clipped, Revolution treatments applied, teeth brushed. Oh, well maybe the treats she gets after could inspire her positive attitude!:party:

Enjoy your fruit tree, it is beautiful!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 9, 2018
Oh, thank you kmbishop111 kmbishop111 ! My little Speedy turned six years old yesterday and she is definitely a positive young lady when it comes to things like that - nails clipped, Revolution treatments applied, teeth brushed. Oh, well maybe the treats she gets after could inspire her positive attitude!:party:

Enjoy your fruit tree, it is beautiful!
Happy belated birthday to little Speedy!! :catrub:
That is paw-some! She allows you to brush her teeth as well?
Is their any way she can have a talk with my 4 inside kitties?? :lovecat:

Give her kisses and head bonks from this gal in Arkansas! :redheartpump::hearthrob:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
segelkatt segelkatt Do you have an eye clinic near you? If so, I urge you strongly to see what options a good opthalmologist has for you. Age no bar, anyone can benefit from some of the technological advances there are now, for not a terrible amount of money. Just a suggestion -- a very PAWSitive one. ;)
Glad you got some new gardening tools -- I guess you need to hang onto them tightly, because anything that's not nailed down can disappear. Mine are either behind a locked house door or in a locked garage.
I'm perfectly happy wearing my glasses, I have worn them since I was 11 and tried contacts for about 2 years but found them to be more trouble than they were worth as I then needed glasses to be able to read. So I have glasses with three different strength in them, for up close, middle range like for computers and distance so I can drive and watch TV or a movie in a theatre. The glasses have no lines, get dark outside and have a no-glare coating. Glasses are not made from glass anymore but some sort of polycarbonate that is much lighter and much thinner so no Coke-bottle-bottom glasses anymore. I am so used to wearing glasses that I look funny to myself without them and my children agree, they are used to me having them. There are surgical ways to make my eyes able to see in the distance but Laser surgery is not perfect either, I would either still need glasses to be able to see up close or have one eye for distance and the other for up close which does not sound ideal either. I've checked into everything hat is available and still think my glasses are the best for me. Thanks for mentioning it though.

The community garden has a tall fence around it and we will get an electronic gate soon so the general public ca't come in. Each individual garden plot has a fence around it with some people having one 8 feet tall, some even put chicken wire on top to keep climbing animals and birds out of their plot. My fence is a little over waist high and I am now keeping my tools in the center of the garden and every one of them has my name on it with ink so someone would have to go over the fence and considering that people have to be at least 55 years old to live here with median age at 76 it is unlikely but not impossible that someone would hop my fence to steal my tools.

I got the last few bags of compost distributed in the garden, planted some pole bean and cucumber seeds, also carrot and radish seeds, planning on onion, garlic, beet and bokchoy seeds, and digging up the little volunteer fig tree and put it in a pot as trees are not allowed in the ground. The grapes have stared to push out a few leaves too and so have the blackberry bushes. The garden is looking good right now although there isn't much growing yet. Just wait until the seeds sprout, let's hope they all do. Spent another 2 1/2 hours in the garden so my arms and back hurt again but that should just make both stronger. With the temps still cool it's easy to do this work, later in the year it will be too hot to do more than an hour's worth at a time.

Chamouti is getting more loving all the time: at least twice a day and every time he catches me relaxing on the couch he is right there with his paws on my leg and his motor going off. Of course Panthera is jealous and will then sit on the other side of me leaning hard on me, but at least he is not chasing Chamouti off anymore so that's a positive. Panthera is the youngest here at age 10 but definitely the alpha cat until it comes to food where old lady cat Cappuccino will chase him off, NOBODY gets between her and her food and Panthera is not supposed to eat that anyway, he needs to loose some weight and she needs to put some on.
I'm so lucky to have my furry crew.
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May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Ever since I came home from being out-of-town Carleton has slept with me "all through the night," which for any Bogart fans was a great movie. ;) He usually visits me during the night but in the past several days he hasn't left my side and since it's been rather chilly here I couldn't be happier. :lovecat:
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