The Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Can someone tell me where I find a "sticky" on a site? It say says to look for one on the contest but I don't know what it is or what it looks like or where to find it on a page.
@segelkatt - It usually means a pinned thread - threads which don't sink through the forum page to which they're pinned. On TCS they're noted with a push-pin:


The end of a very fine day here. Most of the Family is fast asleep; Clawed-Ya's playing wildly with her restored FrankenMouse, and all's right with the world!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
Thank you @segelkatt and 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine for bringing this up and telling about the 'sticky' feature. I did not know what this was and it is a good thing to understand now. I find it wonderful to learn at least one new thing each day, something I did not know before. What will I learn today, I wonder.............??:think:

As some of you may know already, a favorite part of my day is "having coffee" with Speedy and listening to her talk with the birds at the feeder outside the window. Well, today I noticed everytime a little feathered friend departed she would trill. I imagined her saying "come back little friend, come back to see me".:daisy: :clover: :purplebutterfly:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Today my dad and I planted a Peach tree in my yard. He is getting up in years, but still very active. :) We have grown a lot closer over the past few years over gardening and now getting into a bit of landscaping. He's a man of very few words, but somehow during our "gardening" time he opens up and is telling stories I haven't heard in my 40+ years on the planet. Very nice. Here's our little peach tree......View attachment 224557
One thing I learned about men-they don't like face to face talking-often when one preforms activities together often gets them to open up dad is the same...sometimes he will ramble on about stuff when he was in the Air Force-I never get tired of hearing his stories or things that happened.

On a positive twist-I took my bike out for a ride yesterday with the sun shining, it was 54! At the end of the day it was 59! I rode with my windows open on the way home!

I got some hot sauce at Buffalo Wild bills wing bar and some hot wings-Thai Curry and Spicy Garlic- both were delish. Jon ate one of them=I thought it was spicy Garlic but it was Thai Curry which has quite the yummy kick to is. I just LOVE curry. Especially when it's hot and flavorful. Anyone else here like peppery hot stuff? I want to use the Thai Curry in a sweet and sour mixture to get that sweet pineapple mango flavor with a bit of curry in it-bet that would be really yummy!

This morning I woke up with a sweet fuzzy Honeybee on my belly-she stayed on me almost all night!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
This morning I woke up with a sweet fuzzy Honeybee on my belly-she stayed on me almost all night!
View attachment 224771
foxxycat foxxycat - Honeybee is such a beautiful girl; are you certain that she wouldn't like living here?


The first of the Dark-eyed Juncos appeared here this morning, doing his little back-and-forth scratch-dance - a sure sign that Spring is in full swing in the northeast!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine She would love it but would miss the outdoors-unless there is a cat cage outside? She would want to play with the other cats-chase ping pong balls-in the evening she would cozy up with you on a fuzzy fleece blanket-but not until midnight or after-then around 4am leave to sit in the window to watch the night creatures-of course if the windows are open all night-she won't visit-she will sit up all night sniffing the air and listening to the skittering of night creatures.

I just came back from my bike ride. Sad to see all the trees that were along the road I travel have all been chopped down. Even shrubbery. I heard they are putting a hotel in there. Paid alot of money for that land. Nothing positive about that. The sun was hazy-the air feels heavy humid like summer, around 55ish just right for a bike ride!

When I brought the bike back in-was fiddling with the speedometer to fix the clock-it was fast 2 minutes=I could have gone farther! And I see it has tracked 365 miles since I started riding! Now THAT is positive! I am just a lean peddling machine! Well not lean but got enough life left in these legs to push through-just like in life! One must reach deep down inside and find that solid gold energy and push on! The victory is worth the hard work! Now isn't that positive?!!

Don't worry 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine I am sure someday Honeybee will figure out how to fill out the webpage to buy plan tickets to visit-she probably could get the ride for free by giving everyone who likes cats biscuits and kitty kisses-she usually loves people-she would be scared at first-but when she gets used to the noise and smells of the people..she probably would stroll up and down the aisles looking for a lap to mooch out of! :crackup: I could see her swishing that big bushy tail back and forth with that cute little meow of hers! Oh and don't forget the STARE. She will stare you down!!:lol2:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
foxxycat foxxycat , Honeybee is very beautiful! You asked about peppery-hot flavoring. Well, I have always enjoyed foods with just black pepper, I kind of don't use many spices. :paperbag: However, my co-worker loves hot seasonings. I mean hot. She, like you, will purchase at the restaurants to take home. Well, even though I like unseasoned food (not un-tasty, just mostly unseasoned) I do possess an ironic yearning to try hot sauces just because. At lunch one day, my co-worker offered me to try a bit of a very peppery hot sauce that she just purchased and said was "one of the hottest" but kept saying maybe I shouldn't if I'm not used to something so hot. I told her I would like to try a bit, just on the tip of a toothpick. Well, to say that it was very, very hot is an understatement. I began choking up and tearing and asked her what she was trying to do to me!!!:lol: I had the hiccups the entire rest of the day, but even better, it is a very fond story she reminds me of at lunchtime. All in all, it was a lot of fun.

A good thing is that I purchased nice green beans at the store yesterday and will steam them later tonight and enjoy them with butter and black pepper! Soon, the farmstand that is within walking distance to me will open soon enough and I will be seeing all their fresh vegetables, grown so close to me!

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine , the wild turkeys are wonderful! They are probably just checking up on your work.;)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
foxxycat foxxycat The love of chiles is in my genes. My grandparents, so I'm told, used to sit on their front verandah and eat chiles until the tears ran down their faces. I consider food good when this happens. ;) I love hot curries and masalas and -- you name it. I do like to be able to taste the individual ingredients of a dish, however. And sometimes I like very bland foods, too.
My gardeners came and whipped the yards into shape after not being here last week due to rain. It's amazing how even my meager grass grows in only one week with a good soaking. The yards look beautiful and I always praise the guys for their excellent work.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
A good thing is that I purchased nice green beans at the store yesterday and will steam them later tonight and enjoy them with butter and black pepper! Soon, the farmstand that is within walking distance to me will open soon enough and I will be seeing all their fresh vegetables, grown so close to me!
R raysmyheart - One of the joys of living outside the city limits; vegetables and fruits are always fresh! Here's my local farm stand - about 950 feet south - owned by a good friend and neighbour:

"hillers sweet corn" - Google Search:

Jeff grew up farming on his Dad's land, just as his Father did on his Father's land. The result is a third generation Family farm that supplies - literally - anything in season that you could ask for, Spring Summer and Autumn, without that long, agonising two mile trip into the village.

Whenever we were Stateside, Mom would take me up to Olcott Beach, with a stop at Hiller's - because her Father took her there in his brand new Model A Ford. Great Big funny little world, eh?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
R raysmyheart - One of the joys of living outside the city limits; vegetables and fruits are always fresh! Here's my local farm stand - about 950 feet south - owned by a good friend and neighbour:

"hillers sweet corn" - Google Search:

Jeff grew up farming on his Dad's land, just as his Father did on his Father's land. The result is a third generation Family farm that supplies - literally - anything in season that you could ask for, Spring Summer and Autumn, without that long, agonising two mile trip into the village.

Whenever we were Stateside, Mom would take me up to Olcott Beach, with a stop at Hiller's - because her Father took her there in his brand new Model A Ford. Great Big funny little world, eh?
Okay, 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine -- now you've gone and done it! I now have a deep case of *food envy* as most of my diet is composed of fresh fruits and vegetables. It really looks as though you live in Paradise -- or a very nice corner of it, anyway! There's only one problem I can see: WHERE'S THE CAT FOOD???:kneading:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Okay, 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine -- now you've gone and done it! I now have a deep case of *food envy* as most of my diet is composed of fresh fruits and vegetables. It really looks as though you live in Paradise -- or a very nice corner of it, anyway! There's only one problem I can see: WHERE'S THE CAT FOOD???:kneading:
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 - You'd approve, I think - lots of old varieties (Blenheim Apricots, for instance - not the modern semi-dwarf variety simply called, "Blenheims," but big old you-can-climb-them trees, loaded with wasps and bees fruits, and Honeycrisp apples too; a dozen garlic varieties, black and red raspberries, and some real heritage apples too, like Winesaps), plus some new hardy hybrid fruit trees as well - and real sweet corn - not the modern 60 day stuff, but Country Gentleman, Silver Queen and corn that actually tastes like corn rather than cardboard.

Some of the heritage varieties can be a little pricier that grocery store fare - Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower and the other cruciferous veggies, for instance - but it all evens out in the end. Fresh off the field wagon is a lot different that "fresh" of the cross-country semi.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
It's been a good day. I watched The Price is Right, finally got my eyebrows done, went to the gym and stopped at a bigger Petco than my normal to see if they had any canned flavors my normal one didn't, and shelled out $3 for a cat dancer which made someone pretty excited.

I really needed this.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 - You'd approve, I think - lots of old varieties (Blenheim Apricots, for instance - not the modern semi-dwarf variety simply called, "Blenheims," but big old you-can-climb-them trees, loaded with wasps and bees fruits, and Honeycrisp apples too; a dozen garlic varieties, black and red raspberries, and some real heritage apples too, like Winesaps), plus some new hardy hybrid fruit trees as well - and real sweet corn - not the modern 60 day stuff, but Country Gentleman, Silver Queen and corn that actually tastes like corn rather than cardboard.

Some of the heritage varieties can be a little pricier that grocery store fare - Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower and the other cruciferous veggies, for instance - but it all evens out in the end. Fresh off the field wagon is a lot different that "fresh" of the cross-country semi.
*You're making me VERY envious -- Winesaps? Country Gentleman? I'll be right over! Big apricots! OH YEAH! What a wonderful place!*


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I am SO SO excited! DD spotted a bluebird couple checking out one of the houses I put up!! (She said they are not what she saw yesterday.) I managed to get a picture through the binoculars with my phone. It's not the greatest but Papa Bird was poking his head in looking around. :clap: They spent enough time there that the kids and I got a good look with the binoculars. I also spotted gold finches today; so I put up the thistle feeder and the suet cage with yarn and string. I spotted tulip bud while I was out there too. And my yellow crocus have finally bloomed. I don't know if or when the purple will. But the daffodils are getting there. I think they will all come at once instead of spread out like I expected. :bouquet:

I might be getting a little proud of DD's bird spotting skills. :hearthrob:


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 27, 2017
Spring has sprung pretty hard over here. We're leaning into summer for the next couple of days, since we actually used the AC at work. I had a great day at work, and had interesting discussions with my coworkers. Even though I normally refrain from discussing politics while at work, something came up which we fundamentally disagreed upon, and my opinion was solicited point blank. Even though neither me nor any of my colleagues changed opinions, we found some common ground, and politely explored the different points of view in the topic at hand. It was refreshing to have a discussion like that, without any rudeness or personal attacks, and somewhat illuminating for all involved, I think. I still think I'll try and keep political discussions to a minimum in the future, (hey...I should be working :blush:,) but it was nice to have a deeper conversation with those whom I interact on a daily basis.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
My positive is that Sophie and Albert are 5 today.


It took me a while to coax these two indoors as their mother was really skittish. This is when they first started coming round to eat. They were almost pure white then.


This is when I first got them inside. I couldn't touch them yet, but at least they were in.


Albert snuggled up with their lovely dad, Gin Kun. :rbheart:


A more recent picture of Sophie.


Happy Fifth Birthday kitties! I'm glad you finally summoned up the courage to come into the house.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
I'm flabbergasted. A cat the shelter adopted out last year went missing on Monday, and her owner has been frantic.

There's a 12-year-old who helps out at the shelter on Saturdays. He and several of his friends got together this morning - their first day of Easter vacation - to search the town for Blanka. They found her!!!!

Just --- wow!


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I'm flabbergasted. A cat the shelter adopted out last year went missing on Monday, and her owner has been frantic.

There's a 12-year-old who helps out at the shelter on Saturdays. He and several of his friends got together this morning - their first day of Easter vacation - to search the town for Blanka. They found her!!!!

Just --- wow!
That's wonderful! What great kids. I bet her people are so relieved to have her home again.


FELV and Foster advocate
Alpha Cat
Nov 12, 2016
Western US
What wonderful posts this morning!

tinydestroyer tinydestroyer How satisfying to have a real conversation and have everyone be comfortable without attacking or feeling attacked!

Norachan Norachan happy birthday to Sophie and Albert, they are so beautiful!

jcat jcat Flabbergasted is the right word! What a beautiful thing for those kids to have done, and to have found the missing kitty, it’s just the best news I’ve heard.

mama africa mama africa those are great pictures of the storks, how fun!

Edit: I forgot to put in my own positive! One of my first Facebook posts, about an injured cat who came into the shelter last Friday, raised $230 overnight and got him a sponsor and two potential adopters.
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