Ringworm - encouragement needed please


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Skin lesions from ringworm don't heal quickly. Even with a systemic medication, the first progresses might take three weeks at least.
This is my experience.
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  • #42


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Oct 3, 2021
This just appeared on his ear. Could this be an "older" lesion that just opened up.. or does this mean the fungus has now spread to his ears?

My partner is now arguing with me as he is against oral meds as the vet said so (when it was one lesion though but he won't hear any of it) and I would like to try to get them. If it's RW on his ears too, no way is he letting me put cream there too and frankly I can't deal with the thought of these spores spreading everywhere.

I've done so much research and almost all sources say use topical and oral, and that itraconazole is safe even for kittens so I don't understand why they are so reluctant. Also do keep in mind, most vets here swear that the only food a cat should get is dry as it is so much easier to digest bla bla bla.

Could it be flea related? Ear mite related?

It does look like the other lesion though, just smaller. That one also started with small patches of skin coming off with the hair attached.


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  • #44


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Alpha Cat
Oct 3, 2021
Not spreading and little hairs are exactly what you want!
That's what I was hoping! But I'm concerned about the one on his ear now :/


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Keep up the meds until gone. That one should begin clearing, too! They very rarely clear all at once, they tend to be one starts, then the other follow.
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  • #46


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Alpha Cat
Oct 3, 2021
He only has a human use cream which I don't know if I can put on his ear and supplements. Should I try again to push for oral meds such as itraconazole?


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
IF you have been using the human cream on his body, it will be safe for his ears, externally.
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  • #48


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Oct 3, 2021
Will he continue to get more lesions in other places do you think? My place is really small and they've been playing under the door like all the time. Charly could get it this way? Or maybe not?
I got about 3 hours sleep last night... with them being in diff rooms, Yoda is getting agitated in there and they were making a ruckus until 4 am. Because of the size of the flat there is nowhere else to go. I tried distracting, getting them to calm down, but nothing. They wouldn't stop pawing under the door which is louder than it sounds with the cone banging into it and trying to sleep right next to the door. I'm.. just exhausted which always makes the anxiety worse


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
The one in the photo looks a spot from ringworm to me.
You say that "no way is he letting me put cream there ", so does it mean he doesn't allow you to handle him?
And how would you put the oral med in his mouth then?
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  • #50


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Oct 3, 2021
He does, but his ears and paws he hates having touched. It's just harder, I may have exaggerated saying he won't let me put anything on his ears.
I thought the meds you mentioned could be mixed with food by maybe I misunderstood. I'd have to look into that


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
He does, but his ears and paws he hates having touched. It's just harder, I may have exaggerated saying he won't let me put anything on his ears.
I thought the meds you mentioned could be mixed with food by maybe I misunderstood. I'd have to look into that
No, the med has to be administered in the cat's mouth, not mixed with food.
Try with a syringe and 2 ml of water and see how he reacts, first.
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  • #52


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Oct 3, 2021
I caved and called the vet I know semi personally( not as a vet, as a parent of a former dear student of mine). I hate calling in "favours" (like, really hate doing it), but I did and well... She LISTENED. Which felt amazing.
It's sadly how it seems to work here. You want to get somewhere, resolve something, you need to know someone. I've experienced that personally with a long term health issue I'd had for years and finally got sorted (so EASILY) when I called someone I knew, sort of. Let's just say it was basically a hernia which no one ever even considered and after five years of all possible medical tests besides this kind of approach, he took a look at me and listened and a few months later, my quality of life was back after 5 years of "why even get up just to have excruciating pain" to basically normal life in a matter of months (!). And has been since.

I hate that it has to be this way but well. I've found someone who can take me and Yoda there on Friday. It's a bit further away but ... I'll give it a try.

There's two more lesions today (4 total) and all three vets I've been to so far say a) just slap some cream on him but no chlorhexidine b) just put some chlorhexidine on it but no cream or c) why are you calling it's just a fungus, keep the cone on him and wait (it's been two months of cone and isolation). If he gets agitated with the cone and keeps you up all night, who cares basically.

She said come in, I'll see him for free if you can get here since he's a former stray, and we'll do culture, examine hairs and examine lesions and establish a treatment plan that includes oral, topical and environmental.

I'm exhausted. I'll give this a try, I love him so much but I can't keep running on 2/3 hours sleep per night when they are agitated and playing pawsies all night under the door with the cone plastic clanging against the door that is right where my head is.
I would absolutely do it all over again to save him but I've reached my limit of sleep deprivation and still cleaning, medicating, spending time with them, working full-time, plus severe debilitating anxiety and panic attacks about germs and spores (it's the worst trigger after cancer for me, invisible things spreading uncontrollably; I am following treatment with a professional and have been for uh years actually but it's an uphill struggle sometimes when hit with triggers) and physical exhaustion.

Thank you all for listening/reading.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
You should seriously consider moving to a more civilized part of the country :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just joking, but it must be exhausting to live there, thanks God I'm 1,500 km far from there, I just can't stand that awful mindset people have down where you live.
Hopefully this time things will be sorted for you and Yoda.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Let us know what the new vet says! Ring worm, while frustrating, should NOT be this big a deal!
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  • #55


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Alpha Cat
Oct 3, 2021
I know. I keep telling myself this is surely not as bad as when he had his life threatening injury. I know he's overcome So MUCH worse and even if I got it (not scared of that tbh, had it before, no biggie) or Charly got it (I hope not), it still wouldn't be a big deal as it is easily treatable and I'm already used to the cleaning regimen. But anxiety doesn't always listen to the rational part of the brain..

I just need to find a vet who will give us the proper treatment so it stops spreading! Spotted lesion n.5 this morning. I mean I agree with the vets (and you) that it's not a big deal.. but at the same time, I would like to get some proper medication for him so we can get rid of this thing rather than using 7(!) different things that do almost nothing and let it keep spreading despite our best efforts.. not being a big deal shouldn't mean just leave him in a cone and see what happens, and slap some stuff on it that may or may not do something.. (as per vets).

Btw, the 4 new lesions are all on his face and ears. So much for the cone preventing it from spreading :rolleyes3:

I do appreciate y'all still responding to this ongoing see saw I've been on. It does help put things into perspective and feel less alone in this, and I really appreciate it, a lot.
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Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I just want you to know that I am still following this and reading your posts. I am so sorry for your troubles and wish I had anything constructive to say at this point.
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  • #57


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Alpha Cat
Oct 3, 2021
Thank you :redheartpump:
Sometimes it helps to vent, knowing someone is reading or answering helps too. So thank you either way ❤

Tomorrow morning we're off to the new vet. There's another place on his face now (nose) that has become crusty. I'm not going to do anything more tonight, I'll just go to sleep now, I am completely exhausted. I don't want to get my hopes up but at this point I am so hoping she will give him oral meds as well as maybe a better topical. And in general just listen and try and give us a more complete, all around treatment that will get rid of this thing. I don't even care how long it will take - I just need to know we are on track to getting it sorted and I just need to grit my teeth and do XYZ (ie a treatment plan that makes SENSE) until he's clear. So far all they've given, prescribed, recommended just plain doesnt make sense. At all. And the results speak for themselves. From 1 to 5 lesions in a couple weeks of vigorous cleaning and following all these treatment protocols that do nothing to stop it...

Please keep your fingers crossed I'll finally be able to get him appropriate treatment. And hoping the cone can finally come off. The sooner this clears, the sooner I can restart the introductions process so... Here's hoping :)
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  • #58


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Alpha Cat
Oct 3, 2021
Just got back from the vet. I feel like crying, it feels so good to have someone finally listen.

His face lit up like a Christmas tree (which all previous vets didn't want to even check despite my insistence). The lesion on his thigh which has seemed to remain stable however, was much larger than we thought. She tried to pull a hair to look at it under the microscope and whole bunches of skin and hair just fell OFF. So the OG lesion wasn't getting better, like at all.

She basically did a full exam, microscopic,woods lamp, ear check, heart rate, weighing, the whole shebang. She also had two colleagues come in to give an opinion too, evaluate all he's been through and meds he's had in the last couple months since the surgery and the conclusion for now is:

- NO MORE CONE effective immediately because stress isn't helping. Unless he goes crazy on the lesions, in which case we'll have to reinstate it.

-NO MORE seven different things that aren't really doing anything besides stressing him and me with different pills, liquids, etc.

She basically threw out the whole treatment plan we were following. No more human cream, no more chlorhexidine, no more of this supplement cocktail.
She also threw out the treatment plan for his ear mites as it turns out it was for bacterial infections, not ear mites (LOL? Way to go vet no. 2).

New treatment plan is itrafungol plus ear drops specifically for ear mites. Besides that, we are keeping up Ribes pet and maybe a paste that contains biotine, zinc and vitamin e and a. That's it.

She said it's best to administer itrafungol directly into the mouth if possible on an empty stomach. If that doesn't work, we can try to hide it in the smallest possible amount of food.

I am relieved we are finally getting what feels like the right treatment. Also, for the very thorough checkup and all the examinations and her colleagues coming in to help assess and establish best course of action... They made me pay 30€.
We were there for nearly two hours. 30 frickin euros for all that. I can't believe it. I was expecting quite a bill at the end!

Thank you all for sticking with us and my anxiety this far and Im hoping I'll be giving some positive updates from now on :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Itrafungol, at last!!!

Itrafungol has to be administered on an empty stomach, I forgot to add this bit of info for you. Your vet is right.
I would give it to my cats about 20 minutes before their breakfast in the morning. Even 30 minutes if I had enough spare time.
Straight in the mouth, so not to waste any single drop of it.