Resident Cat Terrified Of 2 New Cats


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 3, 2018
I'm having trouble integrating 2 new cats into my home. Some background, ten years ago my partner and I adopted a 3-year-old male, L, and a 6-year-old female, M. They were not besties, but they got along. They played together, but mostly just cohabited in peace. Flash forward nine years, M has passed and L has been an only cat for around 6 years. L, now 13 years old, is the sweetest most docile cat, but in the past year has started meowing during the night and knocking everything off the counters. We ultimately decided that he was bored and lonely. We looked for another cat, but nothing felt right. Then my cousin told us he had two cats that he can no longer keep due to a sudden health issue. After thinking about it, we agreed to take them.

A, a male, and J, a female, are both 2 years old and definitely a bonded pair. We started them off separated with A and J in a sanctuary room and fed them all on opposite sides of the door, scent swapping, switching rooms, and eventually worked up to feeding them relatively close to each other on opposite sides of a baby gate with no real instances. We then introduced them and things did not go well. J and L had an altercation, no major fighting, but hissing, growling, and swatting which ended in a baby gate falling over so everyone scattered. We continued to try to put them all together and they were able to eat on opposite sides of the room, but A and/or J would chase after L once they finished eating. We tried distracting them with play or treats, but they are so interested in L and getting up close to him. L will always run from them, jumping onto a counter or trying to hide, hissing and growling the whole time. One-time L got under a dresser to hide and A kept trying to get in L's face or charging towards him. L was frozen, but would hiss/growl if A got too close.

Now L is terrified of A and J. If he gets a glimpse of either he'll run which prompts A and J to chase. L won’t even be in the same room with A and J in carriers. We've started over and separated them with no interaction. We've also started using Jackson Galaxy Peacemaker and while A and J seem a little more chill, L is still scared. We've just gotten L to start eating food outside their closed door, but he'll still run off after a few minutes. We both come from "dog people" families so they think we're being too fussy or sensitive and should just put them together and let them "work it out." We know that is wrong, but we're at our wits end. It's been almost 2 months and we're worse off than when we first got A and J. This is all compounded by the fact that neither of us have really bonded with A or J. We like them and they are sweet to us, but there is no real connection. Perhaps it's too soon or we're unconsciously viewing them as the reason for all the stress, but I feel like a failure. This has been supremely more stressful that I ever anticipated.

I'm afraid L will be traumatized and our sweet docile cat will hide all day in fear and that A and J are being neglected put away in another room. We constantly talk about whether this is going to work and about re-homing A and J. I'm afraid that even if we get A, J, and L living peacefully together that it still won't feel right. Is there a way to make this work? The thought of re-homing A and J breaks my heart, but I feel like we're reaching a no turning back point. I'm afraid of making the wrong decision. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Here are some products on the market, and also you could consider music, there's RelaxMyCat, and MusicForCats.

Richard's Organics Pet Calm-those are drops that you put on the tip of their tongue. Quiet Moments Cat treats, there is Calming Care, Calm-o-mile, Sentry, Natures Miracle calming spray, Vetri-Science's Composure is another item to look at, Pet Remedy (it has valerian) is yet another, as is Essential Pet Pet-ease, Only Natural Pet (brand and website) has a calming product, Pet Naturals also has one I believe.
Also Thunderease has diffusers as does Sentry.
You might want to check with your vet, but some people have good results with CBD oil.
Lambert Vet Supply is a website to look at, and of course chewy, also there's Petwishpros, drsfostersmith, animaleo.

Calming Treats For A Very Picky Cat


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
There are also any number of calming collars on the market, as well, which have the advantage that the calming scent follows the cat around the house.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 24, 2015
I know many people at this site recommend calming substances, but as far as I know there is no science behind them, except for maybe Feliway. My advice is to read those posts that Furballsmom recommended and watch one of Jackson Galaxy's episodes of My Cat From Hell where he does a cat introduction and consider carefully whether you followed all the steps and didn't rush the process. Did you start by feeding at opposite sides of a closed door, then used a covered baby gate so they could not see each other? Then gradually reduced the cover? It's possible you rushed a step of the process. You say there were "no real instances," but were they totally calm before you introduced them?

Are you site swapping for at least an hour a day (L in the sanctuary room, A & J outside)?

Does L have anxiety issues that predate the arrival of A and J? A vet visit might be a good idea.

Have you been playing enough with the cats to get them tired out and reduce their stress? Ideally you get someone to help you and play on both sides of the door at once.

Do you have enough cat trees and scratching posts?

To your point about not feeling a connection with A and J: it sounds like they have not yet had a chance to spend much time with you and show you their special qualities. In my experience it can take a year or more to develop a close relationship with an animal (or a person for that matter) because you have to find meaning in each other's body language and tone of voice. So I bet you will come to love A and J once you get to know them.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Re calming substances: they seem to either work very, very well or not at all, and which ones work how varies from cat to cat. I've seen some remarkable successes and some spectacular and epic fails.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 3, 2018
Thank you for the responses. I have purchased Vetri-Science’s Composure to give it a try. If I don’t see a response I’ll probably try one of the other brands recommended or a collar. I had no idea there were that many products out there!

In response to ravenclaws questions, we did start feeding on opposite sides of a closed door, then used a covered baby gate and gradually raised the cover so they could see each other. Eventually they were eating on opposite sides of an uncovered baby gate. I might have rushed this though. L never hung around long once food was gone and one-time J did start to heavy breath, almost like she was taking deep breathes and blowing it out. She did this a few times right when we first got her so it might be something she does when she’s stressed.

We were not site swapping at least an hour a day. We did site swap every now and then with L in A and J’s room. However, we typically left L in the master bedroom since he would just cry and meow the whole time he was in A and J’s room. A and J had full range of the house except for the master bedroom where L was. This go around I will make sure to put L in A and J’s room and let A and J have roam on the master bedroom.

We never noticed L having anxiety issues before A and J’s arrival. L was a super laid-back cat and was super chill in every situation. Of course, about a year ago he started knocking things off the counters and meowing relentlessly. That’s why we thought getting another cat would be beneficial for L.

We are trying to play enough with all the cats. A is high energy and we can never seem to tire him out. J is moderately active, but A will always want to be involved in what J’s doing so she gets pushed out of play time. We’ve tried to separate them so J gets plenty of play, but she isn’t as easily interested as A. Any thoughts on how to keep a nosy cat out of another cats play time?

L is kind of a loaf when it comes to playing. He might play for a few minutes with a laser pointer or a string toy and then he’ll just walk off. We have always had a hard time keeping him interested with anything so getting him to play on the other side of the baby gate seems impossible. Are there any recommendations on how to get a non-interested cat excited about play time?

We probably don’t have enough cat trees or scratching posts. I just purchased another scratching post and hopefully they will start using it. I’m also looking at getting another cat and/or some shelves on the wall. All of them seem to like being up high.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Giving them ways to get up high should help, good on you!

Umm, thinking out loud --can you have someone else distract the nosy cat? Or continue to separate A into another room maybe...
One toy mentioned on this site that can work is the Magneticat. There's also the Ripple Rug, or you could look into food puzzles.

Some of these below are more general but still might have something helpful;

How To Make Your Home Bigger (at Least For Your Cats)

How To Build A Diy Cat Cave From Cardboard

Cat Trees: 12 Designs That Will Make You Go "wow!"

15 Awesome Cat Caves That Are Practical, Beautiful And Fun

9 Grass Growing Kits That Will Make Your Cat Happy

8 Superb Automated Cat Toys That You're Going To Love!
