Pregnant Cat with Ear Mites / panting when nursing etc

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  • #62


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 13, 2023
Unfortunately each time I check in, the kitten has lost a bit of weight. Last night I got it to 234g, then when I went back it was at 232g. Then I got it to 235g. Hopefully next 2hr check-in it won't have lost weight, but this is rough :(

At least it's taking more of the formula now, or maybe I've gotten better at it. It screams non stop when feeding, and when it gets to the point where it's screaming at the top of its lungs and absolutely won't take any more, I let it nurse on the mama cat and hold her to make sure she lets it feed, usually for about 10-20min. I also have to keep moving the bigger one away so it doesn't interfere. It's ok because the bigger one will get fed no doubt - I've been checking its weight at each of these intervals too, and each time it's been gaining steadily. So at least I know it's not an issue with the mama cat's milk production at this point.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Those tiny fluctuations are normal. The kitten is 2 weeks old and weighs 8 ounces already, so he is exactly where he needs to be for his age. He needs to weigh about 12 ounces (340 grams) at 3 weeks. He seems to be doing well with nursing and supplementing.
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  • #64


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 13, 2023
One kitten gains the other loses :(

It seems to be working somewhat, Kitten 2 got to 242g today at the usual 8pm log time. But as Kitten 2 gains it also nurses more, and Kitten 1 nurses less. Kitten 1's weight was pretty much stagnant for the last 24hrs, which I think is because the only usable nipples are the ones stuck right next to each other. I can't imagine how this is going to work as they get bigger. They barely fit next to each other for the brief moments when they can nurse together, but eventually I can't see how it will be possible at all.

I'm really not sure what to do. If it was getting better or there was a glimmer of hope that it would get easier I'd keep at it, but it seems this is only going to get worse the bigger they get.

I've noticed from some pictures of nursing cats it almost looks at though the hair around the nipples has been shaved or removed? Is that something that could help to make the other nipples usable?

I did email one rescue and they don't have any hand feeders available :(

Will I be able to do this at further separated time intervals as things progress, or will it have to be 2hr intervals for the next 6 weeks if they can't feed on their own? Thankfully I'm self-employed but it's definitely challenging, especially sleep :D

Also you've mentioned that since they're over 8 ounces, it's ok to have little fluctuations ... does that mean it's ok if there is no gain in 24hrs, or should there still be at least 7g gained in 24hrs regardless?

Thanks 🙏


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
It’s okay to have no gains for a day if they gain again the next day. As I said before, the kittens are doing fine weight-wise. They are where they need to be.

If you’d like to trim fur around the nipples, you may. It usually wears off from suckling.

The kittens will begin to wean before 6 more weeks. Just hang in there!
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  • #66


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 13, 2023
It’s okay to have no gains for a day if they gain again the next day. As I said before, the kittens are doing fine weight-wise. They are where they need to be.

If you’d like to trim fur around the nipples, you may. It usually wears off from suckling.

The kittens will begin to wean before 6 more weeks. Just hang in there!
Thanks that's really good to know. The bigger one ended up gaining 15g when I checked in the next 24hr period, then stagnant, and now another 11g. I'm starting to trust in the fluctuations working out.

But the little one had been struggling to gain for a bit. Now it seems to be doing better again, but I'm no longer relying on mama cat at all any more more. Seems it gains nothing when it nurses, no matter how long. But it's getting used taking the formula from me. Less crying and latches onto the syringe now, finally. I still have to wrap it in a towel burrito and hold the back of the neck, but it's becoming more doable now. The little one is at 255g now. Still gaining slowly, but it's consistent now at least.

6 weeks seems like forever, but I think the intervals can be spread out a bit. I've actually found the sweet spot so far to be 3-3.5hr intervals. It will drink about 3-4ml of syringe formula in those intervals. I think the shorter intervals it just wasn't hungry or something.

I'll try trimming around the unused nipples too just in case, worth a try.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Your little one, at 255 grams, weighs almost 9 ounces at 16 days. He only needed to weigh 8 ounces at 14 days, so he’s doing quite well. The next milestone is 12 ounces (340 grams) at 3 weeks.

You’ve done well to figure out that as they grow and each week passes, you can increase the intervals between feedings. They eat more at one feeding as they grow, and can go longer between feedings. By 4 weeks the intervals should be at least 4 hours, and they can usually make it 6 hours at night so that you can get more sleep.

You’re going to make it, and you’ll feel really proud when you do! Hand-rearing kittens is a labor of love. There are fosters who do this with litter after litter every year — during kitten season — out of a love for kittens and cats.
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  • #69


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 13, 2023
Your little one, at 255 grams, weighs almost 9 ounces at 16 days. He only needed to weigh 8 ounces at 14 days, so he’s doing quite well. The next milestone is 12 ounces (340 grams) at 3 weeks.

You’ve done well to figure out that as they grow and each week passes, you can increase the intervals between feedings. They eat more at one feeding as they grow, and can go longer between feedings. By 4 weeks the intervals should be at least 4 hours, and they can usually make it 6 hours at night so that you can get more sleep.

You’re going to make it, and you’ll feel really proud when you do! Hand-rearing kittens is a labor of love. There are fosters who do this with litter after litter every year — during kitten season — out of a love for kittens and cats.
Happy to update the little one is doing a lot better! It's gaining on its own again, and I've been taking some breaks from feeding, and just monitoring. Today was day 18 and the big one is 336g and the little one is 287g :)

I think it was most stressful/frustrating during the time when I was worried about the little one not gaining / losing while I still hadn't quite figured out how to properly hand-feed it. Now that I've got the hang of it and can see the results of the efforts, it's indeed rewarding and has put my mind more at ease because I know I can actually do something rather than feel hopeless/worried. Definitely have more hope that it's going to all go well.

It's really commendable that people volunteer to do this multiple times, I applaud those people ❤ but I have to admit this even made me question if I ever want kids - it's honestly a good test 😁

Yes, syringe feed the little one more, and or rotate them.
Indeed, I've been doing that. I'm still using 1ml syringes; I tried a 3ml syringe, but they're harder to control slowly, and as a result there's more spill/waste, so it's harder to tell how much I really fed.

By the way, is the 340 grams at 3 weeks at the end of the third week mark, like before day 28 or by day 21? The big one is almost there already, but the little one may need a few more days.

Also, since it's a litter of just 2 kittens, is it safe to assume they're a bonded pair? They definitely like sleeping together etc.
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  • #71


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 13, 2023
Yes, it’s on Day 21, and yes, they are likely bonded.
Just wanted to update, they're doing well I think!

The big one easily went over 340g but the little one crossed the 340g mark today, Day 23. Currently they're:
Big one: 400g
Small one: 350g

Today I was able to finally feed the small one more than 5ml, for the first time I was able to feed 7ml. It's finally taking the 3ml syringes as of today, so I'll be using those from here on. Some days it gains 20g and some days it's stagnant. But I think also because I'd kept making the mistake of assuming that when it nurses on the mother that it's gaining something from that. But it seems it only gains from the formula now, and maybe nursing on the mother is just for comfort of some sort. Because whenever I've stopped feeding it slowly stops gaining. So I'll be consistently feeding from here on, no more stops.

They're starting to get curious about leaving the nesting cave, and mama cat is getting a lot more playful and active. The smaller one appears to be physically just the same as the bigger one (starting to walk, etc.). The only difference is it meows more when I pick it up or in general.

Today I also put some paper pellet non-clumping litter into trays and put the kittens in it, but I assume it will take a few days for them to figure it out, so I'll keep putting them in a few times a day.

Here's a video of them from earlier today :)


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
They are adorable, and mom looks so content and proud!

I’m glad you figured out the feeding for the smaller one. She may be a smaller cat as an adult as well.
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  • #73


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 13, 2023
Thanks :) Ah ok that's good to know that it's normal for it to possibly be a smaller adult as well.

It's as if the tables have turned now. As soon as I think things are going well, something else is up lol.

Now the little one is nursing a lot more, and even though I'm supplementing it really does seem to be gaining on its own. It's up to 382g as of today. And the bigger one was stagnating at 404-408g for the past couple days. I initially didn't think much of it since it had happened once before, but then he didn't gain for a second day, and that got me worried. I got him to 422g today, but it's been really a challenge to get him to drink the formula, same as like the little one was when I first started with her. Both are quite active, playing and exploring but now I'm supplementing for both of them, moreso for the big one.

Mama cat started playing and trying to eat the pellet litter so I had to take it away and just ordered some natural non-clumping crystal litter instead.

Also I've noticed the kittens are shaking their heads and scratching their ears a good deal more than what would appear normal? The kitten ears do look clean/clear, but they just started the head shaking after their ears opened up. If it's not ear mites, I don't know how these kittens could be having allergies if they're not eating yet... unless it's an environmental allergy or some kind of parasite. Both mama cat and my other neutered male cat that has the same symptoms also scoot quite a bit, though they both have normal looking poops. The weird thing is only one of my other 2 cats has the same symptoms. I wonder if all the cats have it but just one of my cats isn't as sensitive to whatever it is.

As soon as I get a chance I'll be taking them to the vet to do some better tests to determine what this could be.
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  • #75


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 13, 2023
The kittens are doing really well, continuing to gain weight (with my supplementing).

Recently they've flopped into mama cat's water/food bowls twice (I've noticed them getting close but didn't see it happen, just saw the aftermath so I'm not sure if they ate or drank anything). I've also not been able to show them how to use the litter box because they keep trying to eat the litter no matter what kind of litter I buy (pellet or crystals). I've had to manually remove the pieces from their mouths a few times to prevent choking. I've never been able to leave litter around them without supervision for that reason.

But also the past couple days when I come to bring mama cat food, the kittens run to me and meow as if they're ready to eat. I notice mama cat's nipples aren't quite as worn down as they usually are.

Are these all signs that I can start trying to give them wet food?

I have some Tiki Cat Thrive for baby kittens that I was thinking of mixing with their formula first, and then slowly giving them only that mixed with some pate wet food (Royal Canin kitten pate).

They're currently on Day 31 and weigh 520g and 469g.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Yes, you can try giving them soft wet food mixed with formula into a soupy mush. See if any are ready. If not, try again in a week. They sound like they will be ready soon, and litter training will follow.
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  • #77


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 13, 2023
Yes, you can try giving them soft wet food mixed with formula into a soupy mush. See if any are ready. If not, try again in a week. They sound like they will be ready soon, and litter training will follow.
Ok great, and I assume once they start eating I can just keep them on eating from then on? And I feed them until they're full, roughly every 6hrs? Or should I also keep supplementing with formula as well?

It seems one kitten (the smaller one) dove right in but the bigger one took one whiff and didn't like it.

Thanks again!
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  • #79


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 13, 2023
Hello again... new question.

Things had been going well, both kittens on wet food, gaining weight, very active, etc. They're on day 48 now and both around 800g. Except couldn't get them litter trained because no matter what 'kitten safe' litter I tried they kept trying to eat it. Pellets, crystals, etc. They wouldn't go in newspaper. They just had been going all over the place, but mainly in their nesting cave, which now isn't being used any more since they're feeding on their own. But yesterday I figured why not try normal clumping litter, and finally they started using it and didn't want to eat it.

Anyway, onto the problem. Last night I noticed one of the kittens (the one who used to be smaller) straining to pee. She would sit in the litter or also outside of it, and only a few drops would come out. But this is after she already had peed a decent amount. Once I also saw a clear gel/mucus-like substance, about a drop of it after she got up.

I've googled this, and it seems it's possibly some kind of urinary blockage. But why, I don't know. She's been eating well, even more than the other (bigger kitten), and has caught up in weight. They're both pooping nicely formed logs also. I know I have to take her to the vet ASAP but according to what I've read the cost could be in the $500-$1500 range to fix this? There's no way I can afford any more costs with these kittens, I've already spent roughly $3k (just 1 urgent care visit for mama cat was $1.1k), not to mention time taken off work, etc. Also worried vet may make it worse, as last urgent care visit vet wanted to give mama cat an antibiotic shot of Cefovecin that would have lasted in her system for 60 days and would likely mean she wouldn't be able to nurse. I specifically had to persist that I wanted her to be given oral antibiotics, and luckily with the guidance from you/here Clavamox was safe for her to take while still nursing.

I don't think the kitten is totally blocked, but it's also hard for me to tell 100% since I'm not around them 24/7. I'm thinking of getting a baby monitor so I can see their litter box activities when I'm not physically present with them, but may be too late at this point.

Last night I started syringe feeding them both some water. Assuming they need 10ml per pound of body weight, that would put them at 15ml water per day each. I don't think they get that much from their wet food, because they don't eat enough of it to really get water and they don't seem to drink water from the bowl.

Do you know if there's anything else I can try at home?


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
The kitten may need a round of Clavamox if she has a urinary tract infection (UTI). It’s an office visit where they will attempt to get pee from her bladder with a syringe and test it. It’s best to treat it before it infects the kidneys.

I would be surprised if she actually has a blockage — the reason she strains and only a bit comes out is because the infection causes pain and makes her feel like she needs to go.

You can begin weighing in pounds and ounces now rather than grams.

Instead of syringing water, just mix a couple tablespoons into their wet food.

Let us know what the vet says!

Z zoomango
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