Persian cat swelling after neutered help!!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 25, 2022
My cat got neutered on 11/23 morning. I then got a called from Vet saying that procedure was done and there was some bleeding after he stitched him but was nothing to worry about and will keep my cat under observance next 24 hours and also told me he might have a blood disease. Then i picked my cat on 11/24 and came home and every time he would sit some blood stain would show up. The whole pouch in the back had so much swelling am with bruising bear his leg and blood stain on his tail. The Vet told me to make an appt with me in a week to 10 days to see how it goes. I am very worried as it looks very bad. Please someone explain if this is normal.
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Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
My cat got neutered on 11/23 morning. I then got a called from Vet saying that procedure was done and there was some bleeding after he stitched him but was nothing to worry about and will keep my cat under observance next 24 hours and also told me he might have a blood disease. Then i picked my cat on 11/24 and came home and every time he would sit some blood stain would show up. The whole pouch in the back had so much swelling am with bruising bear his leg and blood stain on his tail. The Vet told me to make an appt with me in a week to 10 days to see how it goes. I am very worried as it looks very bad. Please someone explain if this is normal.
:hellosmiley: and welcome to TCS!

I replying to you from the thread I replied some time ago :- Is it infected??

The incision looks ok to me. It's normal for the surgical site to bleed a little and also the swelling is due to blood filling up the sac. It'll slowly subside in a week or two.

Just take note that there is no yellow pus or foul smelling pus. If there is, it means that the surgical site is infected and you must immediately bring your cat in to the vet.

Keep the surgical site clean and dry. Use a slightly warm damp towel and dab the area after your cat has use the litter box to clean away the litter dust.

The testosterones will take around 8 weeks to leave the system and you'll find 2 flat sac. By then, the fur should have grown back.

It's normal for him to lick the surgical area but make sure he don't over groom the area. A little running and jumping is ok but no wild play.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
No, that does not look normal to me. There is a lot of bruising there and if your cat is still bleeding 2 days after the surgery I'd be worried. I had a cat neutered a few weeks ago and there was no bruising or bleeding at all.

Did the vet specify what blood disease he thinks your cat has? Was he tested for anything?


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
No, that does not look normal to me. There is a lot of bruising there and if your cat is still bleeding 2 days after the surgery I'd be worried. I had a cat neutered a few weeks ago and there was no bruising or bleeding at all.

Did the vet specify what blood disease he thinks your cat has? Was he tested for anything?
Yes I agree, this does not look normal at all to me. I've had a few cats neutered and there was no bleeding with any of them. Two days later, it shouldn't be happening.
I'd be interested in the answers to the questions Norachan has asked as well.
I would be taking him straight back, or going to another vet for a second opinion if they are not concerned.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
If he has a blood problem, most likely in the clotting factors, it would cause a thinning of the blood and thus the bruising too. Blood seeping under the skin causes bruising, not just from a blow or injury. As to not stress him, take those pictures into the vet and have him check them out, and explain to you what 'disease' he may have. Swelling and light bleeding would be normal after the surgery so give him a few days to heal up. As long as the bleeding isn't in puddles, or large amounts, just spotting, that would be normal. Ask about an antibiotic if the drainage turns colored and the swelling does not go down. If he has any other surgeries, you must make sure the surgeon knows what is going on with him and would be prepared.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I would be taking him straight back, or going to another vet for a second opinion if they are not concerned.
:yeah: I completely agree!

We adopted a cat awhile back who was neutered at the animal hospital the shelter had a contract with and they botched it. Long story short, we took him to our regular vet. One thing I would ask your vet is what type of anesthesia they used. This wouldn't affect the problem you're having with his bleeding but having Persians myself I discovered that brachycephalic breeds need to be carefully monitored and use a specific type of anesthesia due to their breathing. Please keep us posted on your kitty.