Older Rescue Cat, plus a new rescue kitten (from abroad). Too early to panic?


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Dec 16, 2022
Hi - I am in the very early days of introducing a new kitten (8 months old) to my household. For the last 3 years, I have had an older rescue cat, who I love. She was 9 when I adopted her, so she's almost 12 now. However, she has always been... difficult. She will often bite or scratch very hard, without warning whole being stroked, even if she was purring/ happy seconds earlier. I put up with this, and through a lot of time and care, we have gotten to know each other and she has improved and gotten much better on the whole.

I don't know her full history or what kind of trauma she may have experienced, but in the last 3 years she has cgotten so much better, and is a delightfully silly and gorgeous girl (just rather prickly sometimes too). She is often very playful, and will come and tap my arm when I am working from home for attention, she comes into our room in the mornings, even after eating and will sit on top of your chest, wanting strokes. When I first adopted her, they said she would need to come into a home with no other cats. That was over 3 years ago, and like I say, her demeanour etc. has greatly improved in those last few years - but she isn't what you would call a lap cat, or an animal that likes a lot of fuss.

Until 5/6 months ago, I had a housemate for the entire time I have had her. My cat always had a stronger bond with my housemate, and if she could, would always go to/ sit on her if she could. After my housemate moved out, she began acting that way towards me. Asking for attention and generally being super sweet. However, me and my bf (who she also loves) have discussed starting a family soon, and are both concerned that she isn't exactly a safe animal to have around a child... but we also didn't think it would be a huge issue as we would teach any child that animals have boundaries just like people.

Now... I wasn't necessarily looking to adopt a new cat. However, on a trip to Crete recently, I formed an immediate and incredibly strong bond with a young male kitten. He was a feral mountain cat, but pristine, and so, so loving. It is the first time I have had an immediate bond like that, and I decided to look into getting him home (the taverna where he lives was about to close for the season, and the majority of young cats die of cold and starvation over the winter in this area). I had to do something. I couldn't bear the thought of what might happen to him. I know you can't save them all, but I figured I might be able to save this one.

I managed to (somehow), through many moving parts, luck and the local charities, find someone to foster him, sort all his vaccinations and pet passport out, and to have him flown back to the UK. It has taken two and a half months and a huge amount of love, stress and effort to get him here. We collected him 3 days ago, and he is even sweeter than I remember. He is an absolute delight, and was made to give an receive love. Knowing he is here, warm and safe makes my heart sing. It was a gruelling journey, with a 6 hour delay, and finally bringing him home was extremely emotional.

He is fine with it all, is used to other cats, and has settled in instantly. You wouldn't know he had undergone a 24hr+ journey. He was instantly full of purrs, giving us his fluffy little belly to rub. He is in the spare room, with a proper closing door and a screen door for slow introductions. However, my older cat is not happy. She knew something was up, and was unsettled, but didn't seem TOO bad. I think I F'd up and let them see each other (through the mesh door), for two minutes, in the afternoon of the following day. I think I gave them sight of each other much too soon. Since then, my older cat, even when away from the spare room door, hisses and swipes at me and my partner, and hasn't eaten yesterday evening or today.

I know it is early... and I am trying to reset. The spare room was also my office, but after yesterday I have relocated my work station back into the kitchen, so I am not closed away all day with the kitten, which must essentially feel like I am shunning her. I am trying to reset, and have now left scent markers from the spare room around the house for her to get used to. I have 2 feliway plug ins going around the house, and she has sat on a blanket that the kitten has used. But.... no food, or water so far today. She just seems... so sad, and it is tearing me apart.

I know it is early and I am panicking/ catastrophising. But I am spiralling about what to do if she never.. at least learns to tolerate him. He would be the perfect creature to have around children and would allow her to probably get away from children easier than if she was the only cat in the house. Also... honestly it is a joy to have a cat who actually enjoys cuddles and interaction. I love her, I do.. I would never have adopted her if I didn't want to give her a forever home. I wasn't fussed on the cat's age, and took in the first cat I saw from the rescue charity. My bf also loves her but has said she's not exactly a pleasant cat to be around a lot of the time, adn that he would be incredibly wary of her around a baby (which would also be another huge change for her). I want this to work, and have been reading all the blogs I can. I know I screwed up by giving them sight of each other too early....

I am not entirely sure what I am asking really. For advice/ support I suppose, on how to reset the situation. I know this is going to be a long haul, but I already know that I cannot get rid of this kitten. I find the very thought of it unbearable. I also cannot force my older cat to live a life where she is miserable. That isn't fair. I am seeing my old housemate this evening, and will no doubt tell her all about it. It might be that she would be willing to adopt my older cat as they had a close bond - but I feel so SO guilty. I feel horrible. I don't know what to do. I have always frowned on people who have rehomed an older pet, when they get a new one. But here I am in a position, all of my own making, possibly considering just that if we can't make this work over the next few months.

My kitten has a vets appt early next week, to check him over and get him all signed up for the health services. I will ask their advice too, but please... if anyone has any experience with something like this, it would be appreciated. I know I am a selfish Ahole for considering keeping the kitten over my older cat. I already feel horrible about it I also know we're only a few days in, so I am panicking - but the more advice I can get, the better!

Thank you in advance.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US


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Apr 29, 2022
Don't panic! Take a deep breath and maybe a meditation? Both cats will feel your tension.

Go slow. She sounds like she is scared. Your roommate taught her how to be loved and now she is able to accept love from you and your boyfriend as well. That's really beautiful. I would definitely discuss with your old roommate and have that as a backup plan. If she's going to a place where she is loved, and cared for, you are not doing things wrong.

But this new cat: that's scary. (And this seems a little backwards but depending on your situation I would consider adopting another docile kitten for your kitten to have as a companion, because your older cat is not going to meet those needs). If your new cat has another young cat to play with, the energy might not be too much for your older cat.

It took us 6 months to get our, then, 6 month and 14 year old cat fully together. It was very slow. Lots of breaks and treats and playing. Our world basically revolves around this for 2 of those months until they could do short times together. Nobel the 14 yr old also has FLUTD do we had to focus on doing this while keeping stress low. He had no flare ups!

When we care about animals we hear that line from people that you are awful for rehoming a pet. And sure chronically getting and rehoming pets is certainly awful. But rehoming is the best option when you can't keep them for whatever reason.

I think considering that if you're going to be starting a family, will your senior cat be able to handle that with her history? Since her history is unknown, has she experienced children before at your home? My late cat with an unknown history loved my neices, even though adults frightened her, so I didn't worry about having a child. Is this something you can test? My friend brought her toddler over for an afternoon, my cats were quite taken with her. I would hate to see you back in this situation, in a year or so if you find out that she has trauma regarding children and needs a child free home. If you can or have tested this, and she's been okay around children, or toddlers then certainly teaching your children to be careful is all that's needed and I would encourage you to try to see if the cats will bond.

Set up a "home base" for your senior cat and remove any kitten smells from there. Have her able to eat, drink and litter there. Try to get her playing in some way at all, even just batting at a string to get that anxious energy out and build confidence. (Ensure to put string away after playtime of course). Give high-reward foods right now to encourage proper eating. It's okay if they eat more in the first few weeks. The anxiety will burn some calories too.
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Dec 16, 2022
Thank you for taking the time to write this out. The child thing... yes I have had friends bring their toddlers and young kids to the house - she was off like a shot. Honestly, when we have new people arrive she will often vanish, but will then come and slowly investigate the adults, but has not been interested in interacting with any of the children who have visited so far. I live in the UK where outside cats are the common approach and I have a microchip catflap which she uses, pretty much only to go out for the toilet - she's rather a homebody. She also takes refuge under my bed (which is where she is right now).

I will defo talk to my housemate - she now lives in a flat, but considering my older cat, Selma only goes out to pee/poop, i can see her adjusting well to an indoor life. But, I of course, would love her to adjust to this new arrival.

I have heard KittenLady talk about possibly adopting another kitten, and it is something in my mind as an option if the new cat (Furrvin) irritates Selma too much (if we even get to the stage of face to face meetings any time soon). However, he is also accustomed to other cats and their boundaries. I think he would give her space if she lets him know to bugger off, but then... he would need more of OUR attention, and thus take more of our attention away from Selma, and increase potential jealousy and redirected aggression.

My house is small and I wish I lived somewhere with more space for them both.

I am mostly concerned about her eating though - I have got katkin food, warmed with freeze-dried chicken sprinkled over the top and still no interest. But thank you... you talking about your experience is reassuring. I also think I may have fussed over her too much, which has pissed her off. She's clearly jealous of the new cat, but is also angry with me - my own guilt is making me want to reassure her, but what she probably needs is space. But yes.. I need to take a deep breath and not get sad when things aren't happy-clappy right away. Thank you x
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Dec 16, 2022
Yes I have, thank you - I am reading through them now. Thank you so much, they are very useful. I was aware of a lot of these things already, I guess I just feel like I've majorly messed up with these first few days. I am hoping, as you said, that that isn't the case and I can reset.

My immediate concern is that she hasn't eaten anything today.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
The biggest thing is to adjust your expectations and to ease up on yourself too 💕. This will take time and patience and more time. You can only go as fast with introducing cats as the slowest one is willing to go.

It might be that she would be willing to adopt my older cat as they had a close bond
This possibility of having the older kitty go to live with a person that she already knows and likes may be a terrific way to handle this 👍🙏 and there's no reason to feel guilty. Cats often bond more closely with one person, and in this case if that person is willing to welcome her into their home, this may all be the perfection of serendipity 💖
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 25, 2007
Ontario Canada
Great suggestions already mentioned. I didn't see that you had tried a Feliway diffuser? I've had good luck with them in the past when introducing new cats. They have a new one out (Optimum) that is supposed to help with loss of appetite due to stress. When my Malachi stopped eating (different situation) one thing that I think helped to kick start his appetite was the Fancy Feast broths. Initially he was just licking up the juice but eventually ate the chicken as well.
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  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 16, 2022
Great suggestions already mentioned. I didn't see that you had tried a Feliway diffuser? I've had good luck with them in the past when introducing new cats. They have a new one out (Optimum) that is supposed to help with loss of appetite due to stress. When my Malachi stopped eating (different situation) one thing that I think helped to kick start his appetite was the Fancy Feast broths. Initially he was just licking up the juice but eventually ate the chicken as well.
Oh thank you, yes I have 2 feliway classics plugged in, but I will look into the appetite one. She still hasn't eaten and it has been 3 days now. I THINK she may have nibbled on a single dreamy.. but fresh tuna, chicken and the usual treats she likes are having no impact.

I spoke to my vet yesterday, they said to bring her in tomorrow if no change. I already had an appt for the kitten tomorrow morning to register him, so I might call up and take her instead. its the water I am worried about, as I haven't seen her drink either (but she does go outside to pee/ poop and sometimes likes to drink from puddles. I also saw her have a pee outside yesterday. She's just so quiet, sitting still on the sofa, looking sad. Its heart breaking to see, and I am so sad that this has had such a big impact on her. I love her so much too, and just want the best for her.

She's JUST come into the kitchen and meowed at me, she clearly WANTS food, but she isn't eating. I use natures menu high meat content food, she's had tuna to try, as well as chicken. She is clearly hungry, but she's not taking the step to eat :(


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Apr 29, 2022
Oh thank you, yes I have 2 feliway classics plugged in, but I will look into the appetite one. She still hasn't eaten and it has been 3 days now. I THINK she may have nibbled on a single dreamy.. but fresh tuna, chicken and the usual treats she likes are having no impact.

I spoke to my vet yesterday, they said to bring her in tomorrow if no change. I already had an appt for the kitten tomorrow morning to register him, so I might call up and take her instead. its the water I am worried about, as I haven't seen her drink either (but she does go outside to pee/ poop and sometimes likes to drink from puddles. I also saw her have a pee outside yesterday. She's just so quiet, sitting still on the sofa, looking sad. Its heart breaking to see, and I am so sad that this has had such a big impact on her. I love her so much too, and just want the best for her.

She's JUST come into the kitchen and meowed at me, she clearly WANTS food, but she isn't eating. I use natures menu high meat content food, she's had tuna to try, as well as chicken. She is clearly hungry, but she's not taking the step to eat :(
Can you feed her in a space where she can clearly see that the door is shut and the kitten is not there? (Maybe this has been tried already).
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  • #12


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 16, 2022
Did you meet with the person that she was bonded with?
I did, yes. She has said if she really doesn't settle, then she will take her, which is a HUGE relief. I took her to the vets this morning. She definitely also has feline arthritis, which seems to have become more pronounced in the days since the kitten arrived. So, she has had the injection to help with pain for that, and she had an anti-nausea/ slight appetite stimulant injection. He said that a new cat shouldn't cause THIS much stress to her, so she is also going back in for a blood test tomorrow, just to rule out anything other than arthritis which may contribute to pain/stress/ low mood. I was going to take her in to address her arthritis after Xmas, so I am glad at least that she now has pain meds which will help her to feel better.

I don't know if it was taking her to the vets, then bringing her back home which might have made something click for her, or broken her out of her funk, but when I brought her back in just now, she went to her food bowl and ate a few mouthfuls by her own volition. Only a few, but I was so SO thrilled and relieved. Its small, but also big step. She can take as long as she needs with the kitten, but as long as she is eating.

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  • #13


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 16, 2022
Can you feed her in a space where she can clearly see that the door is shut and the kitten is not there? (Maybe this has been tried already).
Yes - the cat is shut away upstairs and she eats downstairs in the kitchen with me. She has just had a few mouthfuls - hugely relieved.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I've been reading about a medication for feline arthritis, I think it's called solensia? I apologize if you mentioned it earlier, but was that it?

How absolutely marvelous that she's feeling good enough to eat 💓


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
It sounds like you are on the right track with your older kitty! When kitties don't eat or drink, you can help keep their blood sugar up by rubbing a bit of white Karo corn syrup or honey on their gums and also syringe a little unflavored pedialyte into her cheek. Since she has a low threshold for touch, it may be that she had trauma to certain areas which are very sensitive/painful to the touch; if she was outdoors when she was younger, that might have been a traffic collision. And I am thrilled that your former housemate is an option - I think it's not much different than a couple deciding to go their separate ways only to marry their perfect match. Please continue to keep us updated on both kitties - you are wonderful for rescuing that kitten!
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Dec 16, 2022
Aww, thank you everyone for your comments! My older cat (Selma) is doing much better, she is eating again, still in smaller amounts though. Honestly, if she wants to eat an entire pile of dreamies, I will let her, just as it is calories and I'll take it! She also just came and drank from her water bowl, so thats ace. And yes, I believe the injection she is now on is indeed the Solensia. The vets also wanted to rule anything out with a blood test (liver/ kidney). I took her for that yesterday after a sedative, but she was still too tense :( they tried twice in her neck and once in her leg, to no avail - poor thing now has two little bald spots, got jabbed around by needles 3 times for nothing.

I have made an executive decision not to rebook her for another test, at least not until well into the new year. She hasn't had any medication in many months that would impact liver or kidney and last year when she had a test, she was absolutely fine on those areas. So, I am prioritising destressing her. The poor thing - she's had a rough week, but is starting to get back to herself.

The kitten continues to be absolutely gorgeous (Furrvin). He's the most loving cat I have ever experienced and I have owned a few in my life. I am going to take the introduction at a snails pace. Selma seems accustomed to his scent now. I have been swapping out his blankets and she's been happy to sit/ sleep on them. I have no doubt it will be a slow process, but now she is eating again, I am so relieved.

Also, here is some cat tax. The two at the top are Selma, and then the three after are Furrvin <3

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  • #19


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 16, 2022
Thank you all for your support and advice! I love them both and only want the best for them. I hope more than anything I can now introduce them as calmly as I can. Selma is having some more water and some food next to me. She's still not back to herself... but at least I'm not worrying that she's literally going to die. Merry Christmas/ Holiday of choice to you all <3 I am sure I'll be back to ask more questions and share any progress with you!