Oh. No.

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  • #101


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 8, 2014
catsknowme catsknowme

You are correct. Kitty Momma and Kitty Girl are spayed. With all that was going on I never managed to get Stripey fixed.

This is a recent pic of the one baby who is left.

PS so yall don’t get a headache trying to figure out the family tree:
Kitty Momma is Stripey and Kitty Girl’s mama. Stripey is the baby’s mama.
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TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
Such a gorgeous family!

This has been such a rough time for you - - - I'm so sorry. I've said before it'd be so much easier if we just didn't care, wouldn't it? But then I always remind myself (or someone on this forum who cares a ton and feels when I'm hitting the end of my rope that day reminds me) that it's because people like you, me, and so many of us here DO care, putting our time and money (or lack of it) where our mouths are, that there are alot fewer unwanted kittens, kittens who don't make it, and dads getting in fights that injure them horribly, and moms in particular struggling through litter after litter every year. So keep reminding yourself - - -you've done SO much!!!!!!! Obviously WAY more than anyone else has done for this little (although expanded a bit over the year) family!!!!! And many of us here (myself included) truly understand the monetary aspect of everything - - -it's frustrating and upsetting. But fingers crossed that catsknowme catsknowme may be able to help with the last few. And I know having the older woman willing to help take care of the ferals you have to leave behind makes you nervous, but at least someone is willing (and happy to) help them in your absence!!!!!!!!

If catsknowme catsknowme can't help the last kitten - - - (and you may have addressed this - it's late and I'm loopy) - - you take such gorgeous, heart-tugging photos of them, have you reached out through your own social media channels to your own friends and any social groups you're part of? They don't even need to be animal - oriented groups - - - I've had fostered/socialized kittens find amazing homes with the help of social media! (of course screening, etc. is critical). Your humane society you were working with might have a Facebook page that, if you talk with them, they might be will to post on to help find her a home. You don't know until you ask!!!! Your gorgeous pics will likely go a LONG way in helping this furry wad of cuteness find a home! (another person to reach out to and see if they'll place a poster up trying to find the last little one a home is your vet's office).

And do know that you've tried SOOOO hard, and done an amazing job working your tail off to contain this little family from expanding too much, all while dealing with that crappy thing that gets in the way - life. You've made a world of difference to all of those guys out there - - - a WORLD of difference!!
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  • #103


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 8, 2014

kittychick kittychick
Thank you for your post. It made me cry. Again. SIGH!!!

I have been trying without success to find homes for everybody through Facebook friends and Craigslist etc.. It just ain’t working. Nobody wants cats!

Huge progress with meany Stripey. I’ve only managed to get her in the house maybe twice. But I grabbed her yesterday morning and dragged her in again. She wasn’t real happy, and I know she was scared, but I got a calming collar that I had just purchased, and I got it on her without her even struggling or ripping my hand open again! Better news, it was still on her this morning when I fed them.

I put one on Lil Bad Ass a few days ago, and he didn’t mind a bit.

Those things smell good, but boy they are very strong smelling !!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
So far, I have had no response :bawling: The shelter is so full and right now one of the fosters is in the ER. This has been a bad year for kitties in the SE. I am continuing to pray though! :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
Shelters here are so full too - -- warmer weather in the midwest has really expanded kitten season. Sigh. :(

Glad you got Stripey in! Every little victory is nonetheless a victory!

Keep pushing the social network aspect - - I even had multiple adoptions of foster kittens through a local working women's network!!! They'd never used their extensive email network to "push" anything like adoptions of animals - - it was strictly a source to send out (to a BIG local list!) notices on when "meet ups" were happening, when someone needed to hire or be hired. But I asked the woman who headed it up (well, begged - - -accompanied by a few tears) if there was any way I could put together a little flier with pics that could be sent out to the group. I only used it as a last resort - - but we had several hard-to-place litters (they'd all been basically feral, but I'd worked like H*** with them) in a row find amazing homes through that group. So I guess I'm saying even reach out to people/groups that you don't think would normally be willing to spread the word - you never know!

I'm a graphic designer - - and we've gotten so busy I don't usually offer this anymore - - but if you'd like me to put together a little "flier" you could email out, post, etc. with photos and a poignant story behind why a home is needed, along with description of personality, etc. If you'd like to give it a try - send me a private message.

Hopefully you won't need me - -but if I can help - - I will!
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  • #107


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 8, 2014
I have been trying to find time for an update for several weeks. I thought this would be the time to do it, but it will be short, as I have been bawling all day and can't think straight.

I did move, and I did take Little Bad Ass and Little Baby with me. I know I am a horrible person for abandoning the others. Neighbor has been putting out food, and it's being eaten by somebody, but she hasn't once seen them in over two weeks. I've been back there a few times and haven't seen them either. A few days after I moved, a hurricane came through, so I'm scared they're all off starving somewhere if not dead already.

LBA and his LB were settling in well and getting use to their huge new playroom. Max still has his own room too and I still kept him separated from them most of the time. The few times I let him in their room, he and LBA didn't even acknowledge each other. So I thought this would be easier than I thought, and I was hoping they'd soon become best friends.

They won't get the chance now. LBA died in my arms this morning. I have now lost three beautiful cats THIS YEAR already, and I am beyond devastated. Again. I feel like it's all my fault. Again.

That's all I can manage right now. I will post LBA's story on the Bridge thread later.

Thank you all for your support.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
:grouphug2::grouphug2: LBA crossed over in your arms, his path ahead lit by your love and the journey behind fill with comforting arms and memories of being loved, enjoying toys & play, belonging to a real home, safe from hurricane. Godspeed, Little Bad Ass - that big white dog coming to greet you is my dear Tasha and she LOVES kitties - give her a headbutt for me. :vibes::vibes::vibes:
Your TCS family is here for you, both in the forums and via Private Message :alright::bigeyes::bigeyes:
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  • #113


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 8, 2014
While I'm here I might as well post about Kitty Baby too.

The morning LBA left me, my daughter took the kitten to the vet for his first checkup. I knew in my heart what the outcome would be, though she tried to convince me not to think the worst.

Kitty Baby tested positive for FeLV. I knew he would, but I cried anyway. All the other strays probably have it too, but I never got any of them tested.

I feel like such a horrible mama because I've had Max for over two years, and I haven't even taken him to the vet yet. He already had his rabies shot and had tested negative for FeLV when I got him from the shelter.

Now I have to take Max to get him tested, and if he's positive now, it's most certainly all my fault. The vet said he could get the vaccine to prevent it, but I'm torn about that because I've read that inside cats don't really need it and that it could cause FeLV to surface. I've also read about kittens and cats who could successfully fight it off. There's so many conflicting stories, what do you do???

Max and the kitten have had a lot of brief contact with each other in the past few months, but at this point, I'm about ready to throw in the towel and let them be together because they adore one another. I almost feel like it doesn't matter what I do at this point, Kitty Baby's going to die sooner than he should, and Max probably will too.

I'm so tired of everything and everybody.


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white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Oh @alphagrrl - you sound beyond exhausted and so disheartened.

Let me offer something that, hopefully, will provide some comfort around the FeLV 'thing'.

It comes from a Veterinarian with much credibility, Dr. Lisa Pierson.

I'm going to pull out of her article two points you need to hear and understand:
  • "FeLV is NOT highly contagious"
  • "Natural immunity is very strong in most cats by the age of 1 year"
I have never read nor heard that the FeLV vaccine "could cause FeLV to surface".

Have a read (it's a very short section) of what Dr. Pierson has to say. You'll need to scroll down a little from this link to "Feline Leukemia (FeLV)". Here you are: Vaccines - General_Recommendations That's just below the picture of her cat, Robbie.

Have Max tested again....it's good practice anyway to do two tests. As you will have read in that article, if he again tests negative, then Dr. Pierson's advice is to have him vaccinated against Leukemia because: "the vaccine is recommended in adults only if they will be in contact with a known FeLV positive cat".

I hope you'll be able to pull back on projecting a shorter lifespan for Kitty Baby. Again, we know, and Dr. Pierson confirms it, that cats deal with this virus differently. Some will carry it throughout their lives and never show symptoms. We can't forecast what will happen. We have no 'crystal balls'. We humans could take a huge life lesson from our cats: instead of prognosticating and ruminating (things that cats have zero capacity for) we should instead just get on with getting on (as they do) !

That picture of both in the window is just....priceless! Thank you for including it!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Oh, no. . .when I read how LBA died, my first thought was FeLV but I didn't want to say anything. . .:(.

My cousin brought home a FeLV+ kitten when she was living with our grandma, and the other kitten also got FeLV but the older cats didn't get it.

Cats over 12-18 months do have a fairly high natural immunity to FeLV, but I might be inclined to vaccinate if the cat was living with a FeLV+ cat anyway, just to be safe.
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  • #118


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 8, 2014
Thank you all for your continued support. It really means a lot to me, even though I don’t respond back to all the posts.

LBA probably was FeLV positive, and I’ll never know if it killed him. He was still so young. Black Kitty was probably close to 5 years old, and he never ever showed any symptoms of being sick at all. But their last moments were almost identical. If anyone else has gone through that and did a necropsy afterward, I’d be very interested to hear about it. I just hate not knowing what happened. All I have left is being very grateful that I was with my sweeties when they died.

I took Max to the vet yesterday for his first visit. He behaved really well considering the fact that he has only been around a few people. He weighs 14 pounds, but the vet said he’s not overweight. He is just a big kitty.

Max has tapeworms, so he got some meds for that. I haven’t seen any worms, so I had no idea. Hopefully they’ll be gone soon, and we won’t have to worry about that again.

Now, I need a drumroll here....

Max does NOT have FeLV!!! I made the vet tell me twice, because I had convinced myself that surely he was positive too. He got a vaccine, and I’ll take him back in a few weeks to get a booster, and I will pray that it works. The vet told me that Max and the kitten can continue to be playmates, unless somebody starts getting aggressive and they start fighting and biting. I cried on the way home even though that was the best news I have heard in nearly a year.

Little kitten’s new name is Reximus, Rex for short. Maximus and Reximus.


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
alphagrrl alphagrrl ..... firstly - I'm SOOOO happy Max doesn't have FeLV!!!! And I just love the pair of names - Maximus and Reximus! I may need to steal that next time I have 2 foster kittens - - - so adorable.

And as far as LBA - - -I'm SO beyond sorry. It's SO hard to lose one....let alone deal with all you've been dealing with. And when you add in that you've lost SO many in such a short period - - - my heart breaks for you. We lost 2 in about a year last year and one right before that. When a fourth had a stroke (she's recovered since), I kept thinking "how many more pieces can my heart break into before it can't get put together any more?" But try to remember that you've done SO much for so many......you made every single furry life better. It's hard to see that through the tears I know - - but you've been selfless, which few people can say. And what a miracle that Max is FeLV free!!!!!!!!!

My hubby and I and all of our fur babies will be thinking about you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I just now got an alert to your posts and was so sad to see all you have been going through. I am so sorry. I know the loss of LBA was devastating. You have had to deal with so much lately. I am relieved that the latest Felv was negative. Max is okay! That is wonderful news! I pulled in an entire colony 11 years ago that was almost all positive. The losses were mostly as you described. I do want you to know that there were survivors. Of the many I pulled in, most were very young kittens. Some tested negative and I got them adopted out when I knew they were okay. Once the kitties were a little older they seemed to have a better immune system and resistance to the illness. Of the adults many were adopted but I still have some from the colony. One that I still have did test positive. He is 11 years old now ( estimated because he was not a baby when I found him) I call him my laughing cat. He has never manifested the illness. He has a little trouble digesting some cat foods but other than that he has been very well and happy. He is my bright spirit. He is quick to love others and he never meets a stranger. He has mingled with some of the others from that colony. He had mingled with them before I caught them. I got them all immunized to try and prevent anything. No other cat tested positive for the illness as a result of the shot or mingling closely with the sick kitties. They are all well. I thought that knowing this might give you some small comfort. You deserve it after all you have been through. You have done so much and given to so many. You might ask your vet if L-lysine would be helpful for Reximus. The opinions on using it to boost the immune system are mixed. I don’t know if studies will back it up but my vet suggested it for my laughing cat, Mackie. I have given it to him whenever he had digestive problems and it seems to help but that may be coincidental and his digestive problems probably have nothing to do with Felv. You can now buy it in kitty treats so it is easy to give. I do give him foods that are very nutritious but no other special care except love. You are already doing that and that is really what counts the most. I am putting all my hopes towards everything improving for you from now on. Please tag me or PM me if you need anything. I don’t understand why your updated posts are still not coming to me. A glitch I suppose but I do want to know how you, Maximus and Reximus are doing and that seems to get the alerts through to me. My heart is still with you all. I really love the photo of your babies in the window. It’s just beautiful.