To be honest, FeebysOwner , it's a term that is used often in Australia. The AWL and RSPCA refer to it in that way.As noted above in the article offered to you, you have all the reasons that you could possibly need. The term 'desexing' should be replaced with spaying/neutering.
Just curious, do you call a tubal ligation or a vasectomy, in humans, as 'desexing'?
This. Daisy was three years old and hadn’t been spayed when I adopted her (she was immediately I did, of course; the RSPCA doesn’t release animals for adoption until it’s done). I shudder to think how many litters she must have had.If a single female cat has three litters a year, of three kittens each, and those kittens go on to breed there will be thousands of kittens born over the next few years.
I regret not having my Mignon nutered sooner at 9yrs it's a bit scary but our old vet was concerned about a reaction to anesthesia he had as a kitten but it has caused some issues like unwanted pregnancy in a female rescue and spraying as well as occasionally attacking our spayed female when our old vet retired after getting COVID our new vet said he is willing to butter my boy the old vet was being overly cautious because he was a farm vet so my boys due to be neutered later this month after a series of delays due to my own health issues.Hi all I’m doing a course about cats psychology and training
I have a ? What do you think about cats being desexed really need opinions please help