Need Help/advice For These Kitties


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I firmly agree that Max knew you took care of him. Animals understand things on a much deeper level than we think they do. This was not going to be an easy situation to win and still won't be, so you have to look at it as you are going to do what you can, which will not be 100% of anything. I was waiting for someone to say as Jcatbird Jcatbird did that the loss of the mom in the fire and the dismissal of her cats speaks volumes of some psychological dysfunction, not to mention the tragic loss of her mother...and who knows if this was all negligence, preventable, etc. You are doing a monumental job in trying to help with this mess, even if you to you it does not seem that way.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Just wanted to check on you. I also wanted to add that leading cats to a new location is a bit different than a relocation. They would move to another location they feel is safer if led there by food, shelter etc..

Ferals here have been relocated by a rescue group specializing in that. It has to be done a certain way though. I have some personal experience with it myself. The cats must be inside a safe enclosure at the new spot where they can see and get used to their new surroundings for at least a couple of weeks. Once they feel safe , the enclosure can be left open so they still have a safe place to retreat to but it’s not 100% that all will remain. It’s only done here when it’s totally necessary. Leading them to somewhere nearby might be better if it’s safe. I think that could work out well. It will make them accessible for you to work on Spay/neuter and possible socializing and adoption. I have socialized a great many that got adopted with great results.

Just wanted to let you know that I’ve had you on my mind. :heartshape:
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  • #23


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 25, 2017
Jcatbird Jcatbird so the situation over there is a bit on the difficult side of things. Everytime that I go over there to drop some food, I'm always kind of scouting for areas that maybe I could get them to within the same general vicinity but unfortunately she lets her dogs roam all over the place and shes usually inside her RV, so she has zero watch over what her dogs are doing. Today when I went over there to feed, she was inside but one of her dogs was out just doing whatever. Now this property is not fenced, so these dogs can certainly run down the street or anywhere, which presents as another problem for those kitties. Trying to feed them somewhere else, her dogs or even the dog that doesn't like cats would probably sniff out the food even if I tried to put it, say off the property or way behind the property. I feel like my hands are tied. I know there are cat feeding stations that only cats can get into and not dogs but of course I worry still about the dog thing any way.

Honestly, it seems the only answer would be to bring them here and keep them in an enclosure, like a wired dog crate for a couple of weeks and go about it that way BUT theres a dilemma on me end. My SO will not agree to that.. that makes me really mad... but I don't have much say in that situation currently.

I did make contact again today with my local tnr group and told them the urgency and that one kitty was already killed (May you rest in peace Max) and that I believe that there may be a pregnant female.. Im on the list to get them in to be fixed, hopefully sooner rather than later and maybe at the time they can help me out with relocation. I know relocation is really the last resort and really hard on the kitties... and yes, they may not stay but the situation over there is one where the woman does not want them there and will not feed them and she has a dog who does not tolerate cats as we all know... So, really, it seems like the only thing left to do...

In the mean time, I have been thinking of setting a trap still and hoping to get the female. Though, what the dilemma is with that, I don't think I can say trap a tomcat and keep releasing until i hopefully got the female. I'd feel bad doing that. Im just worried that if the female is in fact pregnant, that she will have her babies somewhere that the dog will get a hold of them and possibly her.. I know if she is pregnant, I would be able to put her up here where I live until she had the babies and until they were ready to go...

Really, I wish there was just finally something I know that I could do..

I hate going over there now, because of Max. Its almost a form of PTSD with the way that I found him when I found him.. Its like I still look for him when I go over there and yet Im afraid to look in the spot where I did find him... incredibility sad and pained especially when I go over there. Of course, Im not going to stop feeding those kitties though. Its just a little harder now than it used to be.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
My very first thought is to put a feeding platform high in a tree. The most secluded spot you can find and as far from the dogs as possible. A separate platform away from the feeding station with a shelter might be a place for a Mom to have babies or others to hide. It should have a lip or edge around it to keep tiny kittens from crawling out. It might work that is you did several of these you could see which cats go where and be able to trap a specific individual.
Maybe SO would agree to this if it brought an end to the situation. You could try introducing the thought of how great it will be when this is all finished and that might provide incentive to SO to help.

I do understand about going to that spot. PTSD. I have had some bad visions myself and dealt with some terrible people. Returning often to those spots finally got me through it. One spot in particular was hard for me but I was driven to find the Mother of only one surviving baby. I did find her and I have her living with me. I named her Flowers. It seemed right.

Keep after the rescue group.

Relocating is possible. Is there any county park or any landowner near you where you could get permission to relocate to?

We found that Church land was often made available to us. That can be a good place to ask for help. Tell the story of God’s creatures being killed.

Senior centers, Group homes or places where people might enjoy feeding or watching the cats are all good possibilities. A prison here is actually caring for abandoned pets and it working out well for the animals and the inmates. The inmates have shown great compassion for the animals. Be creative in your thinking. Hope is right around the corner. You have to talk to everyone you can think of, see or interact with. The mail man probably doesn’t love wandering dogs, my tax guy helped by taking a cat, the folks in my fictir’s Office had ideas, network, network, network. It’s all about communicating with as many people as you can find. A carpenter may be willing to help make shelters, a home builder may have left over scraps of wood, a grocery store may have dented cans of cat food a Tractor Supply may be willing to get involved.( The Tractir Supply Stores are great places to find help). Any farms near you? Barn cats could help the farmers in a barn and be closed in long enough to get used to living there. Call, email, text and talk. The next county over, the next state over, look everywhere. I did as much work talking as I did catching cats. More when I first started out. I used a shelter in another state when I exhausted resources here.

Alley Cat Allies is a good resource. Humane Societies can give info. Who have you contacted so far? There are groups out there somewhere that can provide information that will lead you out of this. If you want to send me a private message I can try helping you. Sometimes it helps to have another view point. Another voice. I’ll do what I can. Hang on. Keep trying and don’t give up. There are people who care, it’s just a matter of letting them know what’s going on around them. :crossfingers::hangin::heartshape:
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  • #27


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 25, 2017
There are some links listed in this thread. Go in and read this! It may help you. You are not alone in your struggle to save kitties. United we can make a difference.How To Stop More Ferals From "staying" In Yard
Thank you! I went to that and I found a link to a place here in California that may be something I can use to at least guide me in the right direction if nothing else. Im going to look on that site tonight and possibly give them a call tomorrow explaining the urgency in this situation here. Thank you Jcatbird Jcatbird
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  • #30


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 25, 2017
My very first thought is to put a feeding platform high in a tree. The most secluded spot you can find and as far from the dogs as possible. A separate platform away from the feeding station with a shelter might be a place for a Mom to have babies or others to hide. It should have a lip or edge around it to keep tiny kittens from crawling out. It might work that is you did several of these you could see which cats go where and be able to trap a specific individual.
Maybe SO would agree to this if it brought an end to the situation. You could try introducing the thought of how great it will be when this is all finished and that might provide incentive to SO to help.

I do understand about going to that spot. PTSD. I have had some bad visions myself and dealt with some terrible people. Returning often to those spots finally got me through it. One spot in particular was hard for me but I was driven to find the Mother of only one surviving baby. I did find her and I have her living with me. I named her Flowers. It seemed right.

Keep after the rescue group.

Relocating is possible. Is there any county park or any landowner near you where you could get permission to relocate to?

We found that Church land was often made available to us. That can be a good place to ask for help. Tell the story of God’s creatures being killed.

Senior centers, Group homes or places where people might enjoy feeding or watching the cats are all good possibilities. A prison here is actually caring for abandoned pets and it working out well for the animals and the inmates. The inmates have shown great compassion for the animals. Be creative in your thinking. Hope is right around the corner. You have to talk to everyone you can think of, see or interact with. The mail man probably doesn’t love wandering dogs, my tax guy helped by taking a cat, the folks in my fictir’s Office had ideas, network, network, network. It’s all about communicating with as many people as you can find. A carpenter may be willing to help make shelters, a home builder may have left over scraps of wood, a grocery store may have dented cans of cat food a Tractor Supply may be willing to get involved.( The Tractir Supply Stores are great places to find help). Any farms near you? Barn cats could help the farmers in a barn and be closed in long enough to get used to living there. Call, email, text and talk. The next county over, the next state over, look everywhere. I did as much work talking as I did catching cats. More when I first started out. I used a shelter in another state when I exhausted resources here.

Alley Cat Allies is a good resource. Humane Societies can give info. Who have you contacted so far? There are groups out there somewhere that can provide information that will lead you out of this. If you want to send me a private message I can try helping you. Sometimes it helps to have another view point. Another voice. I’ll do what I can. Hang on. Keep trying and don’t give up. There are people who care, it’s just a matter of letting them know what’s going on around them. :crossfingers::hangin::heartshape:

Jcatbird Jcatbird So, unfortunately, I live in a very small town in the middle of a forest. The nearest bigger city is about 1 1/2 hours away. Most people who live here are into some sort of drugs. Luckily, I do live outside of the city limits and only have one immediate neighbor, so I don't have to really deal with all of that. But that makes it hard for those kitties. Many folks here do not like cats. There was a lady not to long ago trying to purposely run over cats in the road.

I have tried the humane society and they were able to take the two cats that were super friendly from that house. I took them both to them and they were able to take them. The only other thing they said, was they couldn't take anymore cats and they are able to euthanize if its necessary. I refuse to send these cats to a shelter because more than likely they will be euthanized and there is no reason for that. I have tried alley cat allies and received the same thing that everyone else has told me.. which is everything I already know how relocation is the very last thing you want to do.. I may have to call them again and tell them that one kitty already got killed and the rest really aren't safe.

The church I attend is at an elementary school, so putting feral cats there wouldn't be wise and the church here in town is also at an elementary school.

I did get in contact with someone via craigslist that were looking for barn cats. I was in contact back and forth with them for awhile but I wasn't going to send them unfixed cats and the only place that will fix them is that feral group that tnr's but Im still on a waiting list. They wanted 2 but again, fixing had to come first. And they won't take until they are fixed.. I haven't heard from them in a while.

I am definitely willing and able to bring these kitties however far I have to go to assure that they get a good place to live and food to eat and care...

Im going to look into this place in california and see what they can offer. Thank you again for that link
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  • #32


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 25, 2017
Keep me informed. We can look up many places! National Spay Alliance helps. They do it through discounting to a local vet unless they have an office near you. I’ll keep working with you to find help. :hellocomputer:
Thank you Jennifer! You don't know how much i really appreciate it. Everybody's help. It takes a village. I have also started researching some feral/stray help or rescues in oregon. I am very close to the oregon border... Like I said, driving won't be a factor for me.. just the weather... Im sure there will be a solution soon. Those cats need it.
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  • #33


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 25, 2017
So just an update, I have contacted a lot of places throughout california and oregon. I had a humane society in oregon say they may be able to help but no promises and that they would contact me sometime this up and coming week.

This situation feels like it has reached a critical level as for the safety of the remaining cats over there. I went over there today, I started going every other day rather than everyday, and since nobody was around, I was just kinda walking around and calling for any kitties.. I just wanted to see just one somewhere, but instead i came upon another dead cat! I feel like I hate that place! I mean, really what is going on? So, it just seems cats are starting to die around there. I just want those cats out of there and I don't ever want to go back.

But still, I have nothing that I feel like i can do unless i can get them somewhere just temporarily until they get fixed and hopefully relocated or else I just fear they will all just die over there. I feel awful and sick. Those poor cats!

Again, I don't know what to do. All I feel I can do is wait until someone says that they can take them. I did find a cat sanctuary in central california, which i can fill out a surrender form, but I also read that they charge 5K per cat.. not all at once, they break it up over the course of a year but depending on how many cats I can trap, that could ad up... it might be worth it though, to save their lives.. those that remain.. I feel like I also should wait to see if the humane society in oregon can help me with relocation... but I feel time is of the essence here. I'm not sure. :confused2::help:


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Cat House on the Kings? If you try to go that route you might want to start a Go Fund Me page. I definitely see your point about relocation in this case and I hope that the place in Oregon might help.