Name Three things - 2023

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strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
tonite is a light evening sort of

gather laundry for wednesday morning
put a few books away
read some from one of my books


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Absolutely MUST water potted plants today. Barely 1/10th of an inch of rain in all of May. Think it will be a drought summer just like last year. I'm stressed but can imagine how terrible it will be for the farmers around here.

Cat threw up yesterday evening. Long log-like hairball. On the one and only carpeted room in the house, of course. Will call carpet cleaner today, it's been years and there are other "incident" stains.

Himself had dental work yesterday. Last night bled on pillow case so this morning I collected any other dark items and am doing an unanticipated load of laundry.

Need to unload dishwasher that was run yesterday evening.

Can you tell that I am feeling rather grumpy? If you had not noticed, let me inform you that yes, I am.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I have half a headache this morning. As long as it stays the way it is, I can handle it. If it gets any worse, I may be off to bed. Thankfully, there's not much to do today. Hopefully, it stays that way.
  • Work outside to do some weeding around the Shed. That will keep me out of the sun anyway. And when it starts to get warmer this afternoon, I'll come inside. I need to water the windowboxes and sweep the Deck. We desperately need rain.
  • Just a bit of straightening up back here this morning. I'd love to attack Dear Richard's desk, but that would be a recipe for disaster. I'm tired of the mess. But...his desk, his job. Same with his bureau in the bedroom. And the top of the cedar chest in the bedroom. He would have a fit.
  • Trash tonight.
And maybe an early night.

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
Winchester Winchester how are you feeling now ? my dr prescribed some strong headache medicine for me cause my headaches have been lasting up to 3 days .

wake up slowly
check the mail
gather up laundry for tomorrow
write some letters
talk to my mom
call mamanyt1953

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
slowly wake up
get dressed to go wash my laundry
ordered more postage stamps , sealing wax and some patriotic stationery
come back home and check the mail
write some letters
call my mom later today
try get things sorted out with doctor for my compression hose
talk to mamanyt1953


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Yesterday was bocce day!! The sun was warm but the wind was cold. I froze.
Did a quick morning chores, then out the door.
Came home to vomit.. so....

Today is cornhole! Not my favorite, but it will be outside, again... hopefully warmer.
I have to do a quick morning chores, again..
A frail neighbor asked me to take her to noontime mass. She is having todays Mass for her family. She would go herself, but she had a bad fall a couple months ago, and wants to see how she does at Mass.
She is afraid to go alone.

Feeling lazy. did not sleep well the past couple of nights. Stuff on my mind.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
artiemom artiemom Sending you a big (((((((hug)))))))

The girls were at it at 6:00, so around 6:15, I just got up. Had a restless night.
Headache did calm down yesterday. It wasn't completely gone, but it wasn't as bad as it had been. Didn't have to go back to bed. And I made sourdough crackers (a King Arthur recipe that I changed around). They're really quite good and absurdly easy. Next on my list to make is Cheez Its. I think I can do it.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am back here with my coffee.
  • Visit with Rick's sister at some point early this afternoon; she is in a rehab hospital with a broken shoulder. Then visit with his mom and pick up the Kindle.
  • I think we're going to hit a new-to-us ice cream place this afternoon. We'll just grab a 1/2-gallon of something. And I want to check out a kitchen store as I need a fluted pastry cutter.
  • The girls' Chewy order should be here today. And my King Arthur order should be here, too.

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
its going to be a light night for me
no letters
play my video game
read one of my books later
put laundry up from this morning


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
That new ice cream place is excellent. Great ice cream. Rick got 1/2 gallon of peanut butter Oreo and I got 1/2 gallon of my chocolate marshmallow. Very good, but not enough marshmallow to suit me. There never is. And I got a fluted pastry cutter for trying to make Cheez Its. Did our visiting with everybody, ran our errands. Took us pretty much the whole day. The girls got their Chewy order and my KA order came. So yesterday was busy. And fun.
  • Must check the Shed plants for water, both inside and outside. Still too chilly at night to put the inside plants out on the Deck. We had the windows open in the bedroom last night and it was cold. Low 40s. Cold and very, very dry around here. We were supposed to get showers yesterday. Nope.
  • I want to go through junk drawers in the kitchen. We have two, one in the China cabinet and one in the hutch. The one in the hutch has been bugging me. It's time. And sort out dish towels and such. I could use some new towels and a few new dish clothes.
And, you know, I think that's it for today. There's really nothing that has to be done and I do have books that have been calling me. I've been very neglectful with my reading this year.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Morning chores and taking care of Geoffrey
Phone call just as I was leaving
Fast grocery Store run.
quickly put groceries away
Out to hairdressers. Been 6 months
Went for an ice cream at my favorite homemade place — banana (real pieces of banana in it), with chocolate jimmies
Home— trash, medicated Geoffrey with chemo
Snacks for supper.
done for the day.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
strider rose strider rose I'm sorry, I didn't see your post right away. My doctor is leery of prescribing pretty much anything for me and I've developed a severe allergy to pretty much any meds. He even had to change my blood pressure meds a few years ago because of this allergy. So I don't take anything for pain. When it gets too bad, I go to bed. Thanks for asking! :hugs:

Worked outside pretty much all afternoon and evening yesterday, doing one thing after another. I weeded out around the Shed, took care of the gutters, and swept everything up...again. The maple trees are really spewing the helicopters out this spring; it's like a blanket of helicopters everywhere. Rick cleaned out under the weigelas by the pool. Speaking of which, that pool needs to be opened. But we are leery; there's a family of bunnies living in the daylilies. We open the pool and they're going to fall in.

Tired again this morning...another restless night. My back hurts. And about the time I did fall asleep, around 4:00, somebody presented me with a hairball in the hallway. Cleaned that up, went back to bed, and was cold. I really miss my electric blanket. The warmth of the blanket helps my back when I've overdone outside. Last night was very painful, even with a hot shower. I am so tired of dealing with back pain. It just never stops.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am back here with my coffee.
  • A load of laundry is in the washer. I'll probably change the bedsheets when Rick gets up.
  • Weed around the pool. I haven't done that yet because we think we have a nest of brown thrashers in the rose bushes by the fountain and I don't want to disturb them. But I can clean out around the catmint for now anyway. And I need to clean up around the back side of the Shed. I want to get that area ready to plant some ferns and (maybe) move some lily-of-the-valley over there.
We finally got pool shock, so Rick can open the pool. He had talked about doing that today. Cleaning the winter cover is going to be a major pain as the birds have really done a number on it with pooping. It will be a job for the pressure washer. And then he's going to wash the Deck, so I can put the furniture out. Next week, we are to be in the mid-80s. A good time to sit out on the Deck in late afternoon with a Smirnoff Ice.
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strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
Winchester Winchester oh, i didnt know of your allergies . my apologies hun

trying to wake up
called mom in law for a ride to my hospital appt on jun 5th
check mail later
put address on ipappy's cat toy box to mail to her
write some letters
talk to mamanyt1953 around 530-6pm


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Molli puked again this morning, but we can't find it. We were all over the house and we have no idea. I hate when that happens. I told Rick that we should put all the girls back on Laxatone. That was at 6:00. And since we were up and moving around, Tabby thought breakfast was coming. She thought wrong. We went back to bed and Rick got back up at 7:00 to do breakfast. Molli came back to bed and she and I hung out until 9:00, then I decided to drag my lazy butt out of bed.

We didn't get the pool opened yesterday. Worked in the basement on recycling. Got it all taken down to the center and cleaned the basement at that area. Looks good. I worked outside by the Shed.
  • Do Evelyn's Kindle and we'll take it up to her. On the way back, stop at the grocery store for a few things I need for Monday's picnic. (Evelyn wants broccoli salad, but Rick's sister can't make it as she broke her shoulder. I told her that I'd make sure their mom got it. I'll just make it for Monday. On Sunday, I want to bake those white chocolate and macadamia nut cookies for Evelyn, but I need the white chips; I have macadamia nuts in the freezer.)
  • Continue working at the back of the Shed this afternoon. It's difficult for me to dig the hard soil over there; our soil has a lot of clay. Yes, Rick said he'd do it. And yes, Pam is being stubborn. I'm going to do if it's the last thing I do!
And that will take the day.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Winchester Winchester pam, callie has thrown up twice in the past week.i am going to buy a better brush as her hair
is so thick.


brush callie



TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
This morning I

1. did a load of white laundry
2. unloaded dishwasher
3. went to pharmacy to pick up a prescription
4. went to Wal-Mart for assorted items

Got home and

5. stopped at bottom of driveway and dug yellow leaf lysmachia out to disintegrating half barrel planters and brought up to house along with groceries
6. put the cold things away
7. rolled an old tire on rim from behind tool shed up to house. It will be the base for a large pot with - what else - cannas. And lysmachia. Need to bring second tire up for second pot.

Now eating lunch. Then need to retrieve second tire, scrub both tires, rinse off, and plant pots.

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
got my amazon packages off the porch
check mail when hubs is awake
talk to mamanyt1953 later this evening 530-6pm
( later ) begin the latch hook rug project


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Up early
Morning chores and medicated Geoffrey
Moved furniture and items from in front of windows- Cleaner was doing my windows, screens, blinds
Put furniture back to normal, with nice clean windows.
Sorted laundry
Did 2 loads of laundry
Medicated Geoffrey-chemo day
Cuddled with Geoffrey--
Got invitation to hang out, playing bocce with a couple of friends--
Made a quick tuna sandwich, sharing tuna with Geoffrey-- poor appitite
Went down to talk with friends
Just really tired..
Could not hear TV due to noise from neighbors in a private home----renters. New ones. First summer here. Damn them

Neighbors had a karaoke machine outside, all afternoon-- and at loudest volume possible. I could not hear my TV. This was the neighbors in a private home. Finally, at 9pm, I could not take it anymore. I wanted to go to bed, early. They have done this in the past and I did not say anything. I did Yell at them to turn it down-- NOPE..This are the ones who allow the kids to scream at the top of their lungs..
Should have known better, but I could not handle it anymore. Walked over there, to try to talk to them... BIG mistake.. No talking with them.. One of the woman (of 3) actually put her hand on me-- pushing me. I told her, "touch me again and that is assault. And the Cops Will be involved.".. I said I was being nice by coming over her to 'talk'.. The older woman was much more reasonable. They did turn it down. She saw how her adult daughter was acting and tried to calm her down. The other woman was standing between me and the crazy one. I was calm, said I was being nice by coming over here and trying to talk. I walked away--- fearing a physical attack. By the time I got back to my apartment; they had gone into the house.
Man--- learned my lesson.. This was a case out of Judge Judy. I could have really gotten injured and in a real physical fight. Real gutter people. Great role models for the 3 kids.
Now, I will just keep my windows closed with the AC on. Dam them..

I really do not know what this world has become.

And then, Geoffrey kept me up all night. He vomited, He refused his food, all day and night.--- too much noise and confusion.. I gave him some tuna and he ate it. So, I knew he was very anxious.
That is 2 days of vomiting this week. He is getting a larger dose of mirataz today/night. Have been trying to wean him off of it.

Finally got up before 4am.. cleaned up vomit, trash room, then gave Geoffrey a Cerenia, which he vomited up, 5 minutes later. Waited another half hour, put out some food.. no interest..

Going to go to Church. I have to give him his morning meds... Hate to do it on an empty stomach--
But... He needs them. I gave him the chemo late, because he did not eat much.

Really have to nap today.. with AC on, fan on in my room... Was going to change sheets and do another 2 loads of laundry.. but, it will have to wait until tomorrow.
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