Name Three Things - 2022

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 12, 2013
Germany, NRW
I've been feeling depressed, guilty and nervous after a phone call from the hospital two days ago. I am THE WICKED WITCH!
Not got much done. Bought myself 2 bunches of tulips (very cheap) while shopping in Aldi on Friday - put them on the window sill in my new kitchen, with the short curtains, embroidered with tulips and cheered myself up - enough to phone the hospital.
Things are slowly moving in the right direction (at least as far as I am concerned) but I cannot afford to feel happy about the situation until I am sure about the outcome.

  1. Today, the price of fuel prevented me from driving too far just to buy bird seed. I bought another small cat toy at the same time! As if they haven't got enough to play with.
  2. Stripped the bed and did some laundry. It dried very quickly outside, in the wind.
  3. Celebrated my grandson's 21st birthday (almost 2 weeks after the date) in his new apartment. He and his girlfriend seem glad to have escaped from home. Nice, well decorated apartment (no cats but two beautiful aquariums (or should it be aquaria?) with many colourful fish).
Feeling more relaxed. Perhaps I'll sleep through tonight. :)


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Yesterday, my bad shoulder was really hurting me.. It could have been the weather, also.. but it was really bad.

I managed to do regular morning stuff, but it took a long time... took a really late shower.. and some Tylenol.
I also washed down the air purifier and it's filter.

I also managed to write the article for our newspaper. I just have to proof it again before I pass it in.

Today it is bitterly cold outside. I should have gone to Mass las ting.. but.. shoulder was hurting. I am going to jump in the shower, in a few.

I am expecting a vomiting episode from Geoffrey. He did not eat much yesterday. This morning, just licked at his food; curled up on a rug, in front of the fireplace.. not like him.. In the morning, he is usually in my bedroom---as usual..

It seems when he does this, hanging close to his Mama, he will vomit... He kind of looks meat loafed.... dm...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
We're back into winter. Two or so inches of snow yesterday, falling temperatures, very windy. Himself plowed the driveway after the snow stopped. It looks clear so he'll retrieve both cars later today.

Of course it is already "later" because Daylight Saving Time began at 2:00 a.m. this morning. Amazing how many clocks need to be reset. Computers do it for themselves but there are the microwave, little timer / clock in the kitchen, thermostats for boiler, windup clock, both cars, etc etc etc.

Cats were very polite about waiting, but then, they can't tell time from a clock, only know that mealtime is always welcome.

Need to sort through more books, decide what's for dinner, perhaps a load of laundry.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Geoffrey still has not vomited.. he is not eating much at all. I gave him 4 hydrolyzed treats.I thought it may jump start his appetite a bit He ate them, wanted more.. He ate a bit of his wet food; and nibbled once at this dry..

very listless... not drinking much either.. but he played a bit this morning... and pooped, peed during the night. No pee during the day...

Getting a bit worried.
Intermal Med Vet's secretary should be in tomorrow...

I know he ate a large strip of double sided tape, which I put on the side of the sofa; to keep him from scratching. That was around Feb 27.... It took 4 days, but he vomited up a good length of it.. but not all... He has been pooping ok...eating ok, up until yesterday..

I would think after this length of time, it should, be gone.. or I would have seen symptoms earlier than March 10.....

I did not even know he ate it, until I saw it upchucked.. It was a long coil... about 12 inches long....

I had pulled it off because it looked like he could have been picking at it. I did not throw it away immediately, because it was late .. I wrapped it in tissues. I fell asleep, on my recliner. I remember that I reminded myself to throw the tissues away when I got up.. I did throw them away, but the 18 inches of tape must have fallen out... I did not even know he ate it!!!!!!

I am so so so careful... I am blaming myself that he is feeling sick the past 2 days...
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In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
artiemom artiemom How is G today? Don't beat yourself up....things happen. And you are a great mom!

gilmargl gilmargl You are not the wicked witch and don't let them make you feel otherwise. You know, if he was making any kind of effort at all (AT ALL!), I could see helping him. But he's not. And it sounds like this isn't a situation where he can't do much for himself. He can; he's choosing not to. Don't feel guilty. You really are doing what you can. It's not fair to you.

Woke up with a headache and a sore throat. I really think the sore throat is from the dry air in the house. Drank my coffee and it went away. Unfortunately, the headache did not. That might be from the change in the weather as I've had no chocolate, no deli meats, no alcohol, etc. I didn't even eat any chocolate chip cookies. Could be the time change. Haven't a clue.
  • A good vacuuming, swiffering, and wipe downs of kitchen and bathroom.
  • Need to get my turkey breast ready for dinner tonight. (I was going to make it yesterday, but it was still frozen in spots, so I let it go for today. I'm going to marinate it for the afternoon, then throw it into the NFG. I need to get used to the new fridge; it's really cold and it takes longer to thaw things.)
  • Got the corned beef out of the freezer for St. Patrick's Day's corned beef and cabbage.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Winchester Winchester Thank you... Geoffrey seems better today. He ate while I was at an Apple Class.
Spoke with Vet's secretary. He now has an earlier appointment... March 24... Or I can keep the one in April. I will see how the next few days go.. The internal vet will be in on Wednesday.
She is also looking at the endoscopy schedule, to schedule it now, rather than later.... They are very backed up also...
No Vomit, yet..

If it were just one day of not eating and listless, I would say, ok... but with his history... I had to call.. I really feel as if I am a hypochondriac about him....

The Apple Class was great!! In-person, only w6 scheduled, 5 showed up. That store is so crowded... always hopping.
I have had an Apple computer for so many years; yet, I learned so much!

I am still waiting to see when they will have their business/productivity in-person classes. The teacher looked for any, but none listed. He suggested I take this class again, and the instructor can kind of 'help' me on specific questions.. It is all about trial and error.
I guess I can always sign up for a virtual class.. for a quick background.

Chillier out there than I thought. But, the sun is shining no clouds in sky.. Geoffrey is eating.. so all is good.

*up early
*played with Geoffrey
*breakfast for both of us
*regular morning stuff
* phone call...
All before I left 9:40am...

I need to put batteries in all the clocks. I managed to change them over the weekend, but did not replace the batteries..
I have to do it today.. before I forget....

My bad shoulder had been killing me since Wednesday night; really bad. I hate to resort to meds, but I had to take a few doses of arthritis strength Tylenol.. Between that, keeping it covered and warm, not using it... and the weather breaking..
it is much better today!!!

Have to pick up a Chewy box!! Yes, the prescription food is back in stock!
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  • #249


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
artiemom artiemom Of course you had to call! I would do the same! I really hope it's nothing, but I'm glad they have an earlier appt for you. Hang in there! :hugs: I hope your shoulder feels better soon.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Painter here again. Upstairs - balcony - furniture still all shoved around into bedroom and guest room. Spackling all done up there, walls and ceiling painted and second coat. Fiddly bits left to do, and "things" to be put back where they should be before moving on to a different area on Wednesday.

Today I ran dishwasher, unloaded, put away what was in it. A load of dark laundry washed / dried / folded, load of white laundry washed and dried, waiting to be folded.

Baked a loaf of no-knead bread which I had started yesterday afternoon. Made chicken salad for lunch - diced chicken, celery, diced apple, toasted walnuts with a dressing of mayonnaise with some lime juice, salt, pepper.

Snow is melting but it is supposed to be cold again tonight so probably a fire in the stove again.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 12, 2013
Germany, NRW
Dear Winchester Winchester , I hope that your headache has cleared up and
Dear artiemom artiemom , best wishes for your shoulder to stop hurting. I hope that you are suffering from hypochondria for Geoffrey and that he is fine! It's a long time to wait till your vet appointment so let's hope he continues to eat and act normally.
And many thanks to both of you for the kind words.
I am trying to teach myself to relax in my own home. It has been a place just for work for so long. Whenever I managed to get away for a few days (even for my mother's funeral) I dreaded having to come back home in spite of missing the cats, being looked after by my daughter. I can't send you real flowers, but here is a photo of the tulips, which I am enjoying having in my kitchen.

  1. one load of laundry (towels) washed, dried and put away
  2. emptied, scrubbed, disinfected and refilled one XXL-litterbox
  3. photographed 2 almost new litterboxes which I'm giving away - my cats don't use them even when the others are quite disgusting!
  4. one hour (gently) cycling on my exercise bike (part of my "learn to enjoy life at home again" program") ☺


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Love the tulips in the vase with the tulips on your kitchen curtains, gilmargl gilmargl Tulips can be so awkward as a cut flower, their stems continue to lengthen in the container of water.
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  • #253


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
  • Breakfast for the girls, I had emptied the dishwasher last night, and am back here with my coffee and Mollipop, who is napping on the cat tree.
  • Three loads of laundry this morning.
  • Clean in the WeShed: a good vacuum and swiffer. I watered the plants last night while out there watching tv, so I need to put them back up in the window above the door. I can't get over how much water the plants are needing right now, esp the African violets. They're all in full bloom, too. So pretty. I have four violets (used to be 5, but I gave one to my sister) and they're all from the same mother plant. That means, they're all the same color, that deep purple. I may buy a couple different colors, just for a bit of variety. I'd also like to get a spider plant and, maybe, a snake plant. I haven't bought any new houseplants at all in the time I've had the Shed. It's time.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 12, 2013
Germany, NRW
Love the tulips in the vase with the tulips on your kitchen curtains, gilmargl gilmargl Tulips can be so awkward as a cut flower, their stems continue to lengthen in the container of water.
Tulips drooping in a vase have never been my favourite cut flowers but buy them in bud and shorten the stems before:
  • putting them in a tall (supportive) vase, away from heat
  • with plenty of water, top it up every day
  • every second day, change water completely and cut the stems by about an inch
They'll thank you for your efforts. 🌷🌷🌷🌷


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
gilmargl gilmargl Your tulips and window curtains match so beautiful.. Such a nice image! The entire windowsill is beautiful!

Did not do much.. lazy today..
* regular mornings tuff---started late and stretched out..
*late shower..
* out for Iced coffee at SB... line was long..but it was gorgeous out, so I needed it..
* did a couple of errands..
*proof read and turned in my article for the newspaper.
* got and ate supper... Build Corned Beef dinner.. It was surprisingly pretty good. I ate too much..
* They are having a St Patricks day party tonight. I did not feel like going, but for some strange reason; I had 4 people ask if I was!! That is a first for me..
One even called me on the phone!! I went to high school with her.. so I guess I have to go. I will only stay about an half hour or so... the music/parties are always the same.. nothing new. It is repetitive... But, if I get a personal invitation by phone call--well....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 12, 2013
Germany, NRW
Bad day today - optimism seems to have gone out of the window.
The day started late, as I had slept well, not waking up till after 9!
Phoned the hospital and was asked to bring in his outdoor clothes. Drove to the hospital at lunchtime.
He has seen a solicitor and evidently made a good, intelligent impression (according to himself and the other man in the room)
What does that mean?
My daughter says "Wait and see!" It will be soon enough to start taking action when I get a letter telling me that I am responsible for him. He has none of his own furniture in my house - just some books and clothes. None of my stuff is suitable for a bedridden man. He now says he has got behind with his taxes etc, because he hasn't got a desk at my place! Sorry, I didn't think that a guest in my house needed his own desk! SORRY, now I'm venting.

3 or maybe more things:
  1. Threw some of his dirty washing away; laundered 2 loads (one load is still in the washing machine). I may wash it twice!
  2. Fed the cats twice and gave the tulips fresh water :) (I know, they get fed everyday, but today I have too few things to boast about doing!)
  3. Drank coffee with SIL and daughter and we tried to put the world to rights
  4. Saw a rather nice, small kitchen table and 2 chairs for sale - secondhand but cheap. Will buy them even if it is only to test whether or not a table of that size will be suitable in my kitchen. If it's not exactly what I need, a small investment today will perhaps prevent me from purchasing something expensive only to find it's not a good idea.

Tomorrow - feed the ferals morning and evening and an afternoon coffee with a small group of women - we're the leftovers from an aqua-jogging course which sadly finished even before Corona caused the closure of all the local swimming pools.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
If just thinking about having him back in YOUR home makes you so frantic and worried then it must not happen. He is putting everything back on you - he is behind on HIS taxes because you did not provide a dedicated desk for his own personal use? That's not right. He is behind because he did not do them. His fault, no one else's.

Why are you washing his dirty laundry? If the hospital does not provide gowns (those horrid things that open down the back so the whole world can see your backside when you walk down the hall) - if he is wearing his own pyjamas - that's right, were you not even buying some for him?! - if that's the case let him send them out to a laundry service. Why should you pick up his dirty laundry, wash / dry / fold, then bring back to the hospital like a puppy waiting for a pat on the head.

I'm sorry but I am upset on your behalf. He sounds like a user. He is using you. And it won't stop until you say "That's enough." But it is not my place to tell you what to do. It's just that you sound like such a nice, good woman I am saddened to read how all of this is affecting you.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
gilmargl gilmargl I feel so bad for you... I do not know if you want to hear this or not... and I am not cruel...but; are goes;

Why would YOU be responsible for Him?
Why would the Hospital be calling YOU? telling you that he is our responsibility??
Stop doing his laundry..
Stop visiting him.. He is pulling all the right switches to dominate and abuse you--yes, abuse.. You have been and are being abused by him. Him and the hospital are manipulating you..
He has relatives... Make them get involved....

I would stop visiting him, stop making phone calls to him and the hospital about his health.. and just ignore any and all calls. If you have Caller ID on your phone, you can screen the calls... and ignore them.

At this point, I think it is a choice between YOUR health and sanity versus his... I know this sounds so harsh.. but.. it is something you have to start thinking about..

I am sorry if I am adding more stress to you, but... You need support.. We are here for you..

Myself and my dad had a somewhat similar situation with his brother; who was estranged from his own wife and kids.
He had a girlfriend ... His plan was for ME to take care of him when he had pancreatic cancer--- with the idea that I would inherit his estate!! HA... His plan was for my dad and me to get his body and money--then giving it to his girlfriend... NO WAY>>>
He kept visiting my dad. Finally we went to a lawyer for advice. We got an answering machine, screened the phone calls, an did not answer the door when he arrived. When he passed, the hospital called my dad, repeatedly. Finally, because my dad was getting so upset, I answered and gave them my aunts information.

That was the end of that. Just keep refusing..
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  • #259


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
artiemom artiemom Excellent advice. Truly. gilmargl gilmargl I second everything artiemom artiemom said. She gave you good advice. No more calling, no more visiting, no more laundry. Stop it. Just stop it. For your own sanity. I'm not trying to be cruel. But you need to stop it all now or he's going to be back in your home. With unpaid taxes. The ID answering machine is excellent. If there's no phone number, don't answer it. Period. If it's important, they'll leave a message. Or give the hospital the names and numbers of his relatives. Better yet, change your phone number. The hospital doesn't care who takes him; they will pawn the responsibility off on you, just to get rid of him.

artiemom artiemom How is Geoffrey doing?

I ended up in bed yesterday at 2:30 in the afternoon with the Headache from Hades. Blinds down in the bedroom and closed door. Mollipop scritched at the door, I opened the door, and she came in. She was with me; that was it. Molli seems to be my nurse when I get migraines. I finally slept until 5:00. Rick did a frozen pizza for dinner. Got up, ate a bit of pizza and went back to bed. Slept until Amber started in at 4:30 this morning; after Rick got up at 5:30, I dropped back off and slept until almost 9 this morning. And I feel human again. Just a twinge here and there.
  • Must scoop at some point this morning
  • Finish cleaning in the WeShed. I was in the WeShed when my head exploded yesterday. Just left everything as it was and went to bed in the house.
  • A load of kitty linens is in the washer.
Got the phone call re Clarence. The transmission went out. They can't start replacing the tranny until April.
Last edited:


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Winchester Winchester thanks for the kind words. I do not want to come across as mean.

Geoffrey: now that I have an appointment with the internal Med vet, for next week— he is so much better!! Eating, playing , playing, calling me to play! Amazing. A totally different cat from the weekend. Even his face looks better.
dam cat!

Re Clarence: I completely understand your predicament. I just came from the mechanic. I was expecting them to tell me which set of struts were the worst. Instead, I find out that the front axle is extremely rusted!! You mg. He took me under the car to show me.

So, now I need to have the front axle and the rear struts replaced!!! The front ones can wait a bit longer.

I had been taking my car to the real dealership for repairs. Last year I began taking it to a local, highly recommended mechanic. All the rusting could not have come on in just over a year.

I was thinkyof buying a new car—- but with the prices so high , I am waiting.

just comes at a bad time. My car is a 2008 with only 66,000 miles.
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