Name Three Things - 2021

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
I had friends over to watch Nine Kittens of Christmas because we are big on cheesy holiday movies. I took it fairly easy the rest of the day because I'm feeling very achy from the side effects of my vaccine booster including the lymph nodes in my armpit swelling like they did last time. Anyway, I watched YouTube and crocheted for most of the evening.


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
  • We finally found a 16-pound bag of Friskies Tender and Crunchy. Still nothing with Indoor Delights. I know the girls will eat T & C for the time being. Thankfully, I had put two small bags together (one of T & C and my last little bag of ID) several weeks ago, to start weaning them from one to the other. And I know they'll eat the T & C with no trouble. It's difficult to find anything Friskies around here! No cans of Friskies Buffet, no dry. Wow. Several people are on the ID hunt for us; when they shop, if they find any, they'll buy it and we'll compensate them. Same with my sister as that's what she feeds her clan.
  • My BIL gave us four beautiful mums that he found up in the area where people are allowed to take brush. He got eight total, planted four in their yard and gave us the remaining four. I hope they do well; Rick is planting them this afternoon.
  • Rick did get the tree up in the living room last night. We'll decorate it tonight.
  • Working on three loads of laundry today. And while Rick is outside, I'll work on some decorating inside.
We got word last night that our contractor friend passed away from COVID. That was a kick in the heart for us. Yeah, he was a great contractor, but he was also a genuinely nice guy. I adored him. He was awesome. He did the ceiling in the WeShed and then did the deck. He did so much work for us. We can't look around the house without seeing something that Greg did for us. He was married with kids and grandkids and looking forward to retirement. I don't get it. It just sucks.


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Up with the girls this morning. We were supposed to get snow, but, so far, nothing has materialized. We had about an inch yesterday. Nothing big.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am sitting back here with my coffee. Molli's napping on the cat tree. She was in the bedroom with Rick, but since I wasn't in bed, she needed to join me here. She's gotten very needy lately.
  • Depending on how Dear Richard feels (he had a sinus headache yesterday), we may do a bit of shopping. I printed out a coupon for Michael's, just in case. We also want to check out electric throws, one for the couch for him and one for me in the WeShed. Actually, they'll both probably end up for the cats. Working on a Lowes list, too. I'd like to hit Aldi's.
  • When we get back, Rick would like to do some outside decorating. While's he's doing that, I want to work inside a bit. Still didn't decorate the tree because he didn't feel well last night and we always do the tree together. While I was decorating yesterday afternoon, I put all the knick-knacks from the living room back here on my desk. And they're still here. I need to find places for this stuff.
  • Change and wash bed sheets. Since we got snow (an inch, but snow is snow), I'm going to put our red snowflake sheets and comforter on the bed today. I'm paranoid; I hate to put any snowflakes anywhere in the house until we get a snowfall.
And that will be our Tuesday.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I got up early, so I could run out to the lab for some blood tests. I have to do it as soon as possible to when I get up and the lab is open.. It was so cold out. I said to forget it.. I will do it tomorrow morning when it is a bit warmer.. I could not see getting out of bed at 7:20, warming car up, feeding Geoffrey and then running outside. Tomorrow will be a bit warmer.. I am a wimp.

Do not know what today will hold. It started out wrong.. dropped an entire scoopful of litter waste, all over the litter mat, the rug, the floor.. at 7:30 am.. ugh...
Need to do another clean of that entire area...

I do need a few things at the store.. not much.. but a few. Trader Joes for later this week.
I need some paper towels... and stuff.

Very strange. I have not been out, except for Sunday Mass since last Wednesday. Not bothering me much at all..

Geoffrey has been good company..

Catching up on some programs I recorded: Call the Midwife, Grantchester, All Creatures Great and Small, and yes, Supergirl... An eclectic taste...

It is too early for me to think about Christmas movies, programs. I did record Rudolph---to watch at a later time.


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
artiemom artiemom When we were really under quarantine, it bothered Rick more so than me not to be out and about. I was fairly content overall. But I'm an introvert and Rick is not.

We did get some shopping done yesterday. Got our electric throws, some new garland for above the kitchen cabinets as Rick was getting tired of the old stuff. I treated him to lunch and then we came home. Decorated the tree last night.
  • Finish the decorating today. I still need to work on cleaning the computer room.
  • I need to scoop boxes and then do a good vacuuming in the living room and kitchen.
  • Get my Christmas/winter tablecloths out and wash them.
And that will be my day. Nothing big.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Winchester Winchester Being under quarantine did not bother me, much.. I am an introvert, also. I fared a lot better than others... but after 6 weeks in complete isolation--it did begin to get to me.

Today is a weird day..
I got up early to get the blood draw.. I was up at 7:10am... and out the door at 7:30am... no shower or anything.. just put clothes on and fed Geoffrey.

Geoffrey was such a pain during the night. I heard what sounded to me as if he batted his mousey, into the wall of the bathroom and jumped on the toilet, really hard... That was around midnight.

I woke to finding pee and poop in the litter box, along with half the litter on the mat!!!
I also saw that he moved his food mat, and tipped over his dry food dish! All over the kitchen floor!
He was also on the kitchen table, gnawing on the reindeer I bought yesterday!! I saw the remnants of the wreath (around their necks) on the table cloth...
Man, he was a maniac during the night.
I still cannot find the ball that he had!!! The other ball, in the living room, was in a different spot, also....

Getting up and out so early, really did a number on me. I am completely exhausted!
I also dropped an entire prescription of thyroid pills on the kitchen floor! UGH.. Was going to go out, but am not pressing my luck..

Geoffrey missed out on playing.. I had to go out to early. He is now a PITA because he wants his dry food.. not going there.. hiding on the chair which is semi covered with the Christmas's tablecloth; Walking all over the laptop... and scratching the recliner!! He is in rare form...
Just like a kid, at Christmas time.. the worst... at least I was....


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Tired this morning. Amber was in rare form and she started in very early.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and Mollipop and I are back here. I have my coffee and she's on the cat tree, watching something outside.
  • Rick has an appt with his her room. I'm not going. The idea of being in her room gives me the heebs, I guess because of Covid. The home finally mandated that all employees must be vaccinated. Took them long enough. She called yesterday; she wanted a recipe for this easy cheesecake that she used to make. In one of her activity groups, they cook something and then share with the members of the group. She's giving Rick the Kindle for me to work on with audiobooks for her. She's pretty good with her Kindle; she listens to five books every 7 to 10 days from the library.
  • Finish cleaning up back here. It still looks like a hurricane hit it. I'd like to get the snowman and Santa out; they're for the WeShed deck. Vintage blo-molds, I guess they're called. Rick is bowling tonight, though, so I don't think it'll happen.
A little info on Rick's mom's recipe. She had collected recipes from here, there, and everywhere. She has two large "books" that she used to store those recipes. When she went into the facility, Rick's sister wanted nothing to do with the books, so I took them. It seemed such a shame that they would just get thrown in the trash. When she wants a particular recipe, she'll tell me which book it's in, whether it's handwritten or printed. Yesterday, she even told me that this recipe was handwritten on pink paper. (It used to be pink, but it's faded.) Not bad for a 100-year old lady! I'll type the recipe out, using a large font, print it out, and give it to her. She'll give it to the activities director, who will buy the ingredients. The group will get together to make/bake whatever it is, then they'll share what they made.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
I found out that my dog's brother was returned to the rescue and it has me really considering adopting him. So that is something I've been mulling over today. I also have been working as usual and I hope later today to do some organizing around my house a little bit.

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
doing some online things a little bit
make me some breakfast
watch some youtube while i eat

write some letters
play a video game


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
klunick klunick Hope you're feeling OK from those shots.

Rick is going to work outside this afternoon. It's nice and sunny and kind of warmish. Remember the 12 Days of Christmas satire song, where they got to stringing up the lights? Well, that was Rick yesterday. He checked all his light strands and got them to work. Took them outside, put them on one of our trees, and....the very top strand doesn't work. It wouldn't be so bad, but he had to use the pool vacuum pole to put the lights on the top of the tree as it's a fairly tall tree. He was not amused. I heard him cussing and I was in the house. That means the neighbors heard him, too. Oops.
  • Vacuum and swiffer about the house, scoop the boxes
  • One load of laundry
  • I'd really like to get every single thing done today (that needs to be done), so I don't have to do anything tomorrow (Saturday). I still haven't even opened Bees and am dying to get into the book. If I could get stuff done today, I could get up tomorrow, go out to the WeShed with my coffee and spend the day reading. (The problem is that I have library ebooks that I'm working on, too, and they'll have to be returned. I can keep Bees.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
The oak trees are mostly bare. So today's 3 things will be

1) rake leaves

2) rake leaves


3) rake leaves


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
klunick klunick Hope you're feeling OK from those shots.

Rick is going to work outside this afternoon. It's nice and sunny and kind of warmish. Remember the 12 Days of Christmas satire song, where they got to stringing up the lights? Well, that was Rick yesterday. He checked all his light strands and got them to work. Took them outside, put them on one of our trees, and....the very top strand doesn't work. It wouldn't be so bad, but he had to use the pool vacuum pole to put the lights on the top of the tree as it's a fairly tall tree. He was not amused. I heard him cussing and I was in the house. That means the neighbors heard him, too. Oops.
  • Vacuum and swiffer about the house, scoop the boxes
  • One load of laundry
  • I'd really like to get every single thing done today (that needs to be done), so I don't have to do anything tomorrow (Saturday). I still haven't even opened Bees and am dying to get into the book. If I could get stuff done today, I could get up tomorrow, go out to the WeShed with my coffee and spend the day reading. (The problem is that I have library ebooks that I'm working on, too, and they'll have to be returned. I can keep Bees.)
I got the shots around 5pm. It is 10pm now and the only arm that is hurting is the one where I got the Shingles shot. The Covid booster are doesn't hurt at all. My original 2 shots were Moderna but CVS only had Pfizer so that is what I got for the booster.


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
  • Breakfast for the girls, ran the dishwasher, and had my coffee
  • Scooped boxes, took Muffin for her walk, and she and I just came back in the house. We spent some time in the WeShed this morning. I have some pictures of her that I'll post later on.
  • Taking some stuff out to the WeShed deck. And then I'm going to read.


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I got through the first 200 pages of Bees. The print is very small and it's difficult. I'm used to being able to adjust the print on e-books. I do have a pair of readers, so I'm wearing them to read. So far, though, it's really good. I probably spent about 3 hours total reading. Pretty dismal. I can tell my eyes are aging.
  • Another really nice day. Muffin and I went out for a walk this morning. She argued with me about the blankie, but no blankie, no walk. One of the neighbors was out in his shed and he saw us walking. He came over and said that Muffin and I make his wife and him smile. They look forward to seeing us, with Muffin in her pink blankie. Of course, Muffin started "talking" to him right away. Only I knew she was really saying, "Stop talking! I want to walk! C'mon now!" You can tell she loves walking; her paws were folded and she was just watching everything, purring the whole time. I have officially gained the status of Crazy Cat Lady in our neighborhood. Actually, I've probably had it for quite a while.
  • Scoop and and some general cleaning in the house. Nothing major.
  • Took some butter out of the fridge to warm up a bit. I want to make cookie doughs for overnight chilling.
  • Hoping I can spend some time reading Bees this afternoon.


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
The girls were up bright and early this morning. Amber was raring to go at 4:00. I went to the bathroom around 2:00 and accidently shut Mollipop in the bathroom when I came back to bed. Went back to sleep, only to be awakened about 15 minutes later by little chirps and squeaks. Went over to the bathroom, opened the door, and she shot out of there like a rocket. It's going to be a long day.
  • Up this morning with the girls. Gave them breakfast, emptied the dishwasher, and Molli and I are back here (I'm at the computer; she's on the cat tree, checking out the outside) for a while.
  • I have meds to pick up at Target this morning. And I need a few baking things at the grocery store. We may go for raw peanuts and cashews for roasting.
  • Cookies to be baked this afternoon: Sugar cakes, chocolate chip, and sand tarts. While I'm baking, I'll mix snickerdoodles/holli-doodles, kiss cookies, and white chip and macadamia nut cookies batters for baking tomorrow.
  • Two small loads of laundry.
We're pretty much done decorating at this point. I used some old knick-knacks in the WeShed this year. Maybe next year, I can get my butt in gear and grab some greenery for the windowboxes and get a wreath for the door.
We finally got a list for the Grands. But we're seriously just thinking about giving them money. I started looking online last night for stuff on the lists, but boy, I just don't trust on-time delivery all that much. We're cutting it a little close. Some of the stuff I can't even find; it's sold out.


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Went to Target, Dick's, etc. yesterday. Was at Dick's and I got so hot, I started sweating. Left and walked over to the car and the wind gusts felt so good. Rick looked at me and said, "You're coming down with something." Got home and got so cold, I went to bed under the electric blanket on High for the rest of the day and into the night. Got up this morning and feel so much better. I don't know what happened yesterday, but I'm glad it's gone.

So today, I'm just baking cookies. That's it. Oh, and the laundry I didn't do yesterday. But that's it. When I'm finished, I'll go out to the WeShed to read for a while.


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Got chocolate chip cookies and sugar cakes done yesterday. Today, I'll get the rolling pins out for sugar cookies and sand tarts. I have butter in the microwave to make stamped cookie batter and peanut butter blossoms batter for tomorrow. Oh, and chocolate crinkle batter; we love chocolate crinkles right from the freezer. As fast as I'm making cookies, Dear Richard is munching down!

And I think that's all on my agenda for today.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
Pick up grocery order
Do a load of laundry
Clean litter boxes
Remind my husband to take his Trulicity
Try to figure out how to get ESPN+ on my TV so we can watch hockey games that aren't shown on Center Ice.
Collect trash and take to curb
Take out pork chops to thaw for Sunday's dinner
Water Christmas tree
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