My Feral And Rescued Cats

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Mar 26, 2017
Are you sure BJ was angry? It sounds like he wanted to play. Demi does this when he wants to play and gets too excited. One time he threw himself at me and slid down my hand and sliced my palm open really bad.


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
I am at the vet office with Liberty. She has been acting a little oddly so I am getting her checked out. Hoping she is just having an adjustment problem since she has been around Tortuga who is a little more outgoing than Liberty. Later I have noticed Tortuga being extra frisky. Hoping!!!!!!


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
rubysmama rubysmama Thank you! Both for offering support to our new ginger friend Reese’s and to tagging me. As you probably have guessed, I am devoted to doing all I can to try and help people and kitties. If we save even one then we have done something worth doing. I am always grateful for the opportunity to try.
As for being a night hawk, well....... I have to admit I am often up late. Sometimes it is because a kitty needs help and others it because my neighbors are really loud. Sometimes the loud neighbors cause the kitties to need me. ;) Thank you for the quick support with Liberty today! Read below.
That’s what happened last night. It probably affected BJ and Liberty.
M maggiedemi I think the above mentioned neighbors contributed to BJ being naughty. His tail was even twitching with agitation. I do have some kitties that play rough but BJ isn’t neutered and he was aggravated. The combination made him sensitive to anything out of place. Poor BJ. He is better, so far, tonight. It may change later if the neighbors get loud again. Thanks you for being there about Liberty!
dustydiamond1 dustydiamond1 and Furballsmom Furballsmom and @white shadow Thank you for your support about Liberty too! As always I can count on you all to offer support when I need it. I was very worried about Liberty. She was sleeping so hard she scared me. She didn’t act well either. The vet was overbooked but I begged our way in. It was a three hour wait but they checked her out. I am trying to dash out of town next week for an urgent trip to family. It takes moving mountains for me to even leave for 48 hours but I can’t leave if a kitty is sick. It takes two people to replace me and neither one is equipped to handle a sick feral. Even one who is semi socialized. Our vet knows my situation and was very kind to get Liberty in. The decision right now is that she does not have any obvious physical ailments. Temp., heart, lungs, etc. etc. checked out okay. She may have jumped and pulled something or she may simply have been frightened by my neighbors loud music. I have her a flea treatment and a pill for any possible strain to see if she feels better. Sunday she gets a worm treatment.( just in case) If I am still worried they will board her so I can go see my Father. Of course if she gets worse then I may not be able to go because treatment will require permission in some cases. I will just have to wait and see. I fed her chicken tonight since she did not eat last night or this morning. She gobbled it up! A good sign. She is purring when I hold her but even a sick kitty would do that. I do think she is feeling better though. I have put her in a room further away from my neighbors. Maybe that will help. Right now they are not playing music but they are running all over the woods in a loud vehicle. :headshake: Maybe they will get stuck in the mud.;)
Oh well. Before any more noise starts.....I’m going to try and get some sleep! My kitties are really smart. They slept all day!

Here is Liberty! She did talk to me tonight.

Then she purred and settled right down. She is a real sweetie. She was great at the vet’s today. She just wanted me to keep her head covered with a towel so she didn’t have to see anything. Awww. She won everyone’s heart.

Banjo, Whistle and Thrasher are sleeping on a Unicorn! Magical dreams maybe?!?!?! Or protected by a wicked spiral horn! :lol:

Cally is a room mate to Liberty. She slept on top of the cat house instead of inside it! Cats always have their own ideas about things. Lol

Tortuga is a second room mate and chose the top of a dresser. ( A bed a few feet away was ignored.)

Purry just stole my spot!

BJ is calling me! Heh. Well..... at least he did, finally, play with a toy tonight. He bit the string on the wand toy and started shaking it. He is such a funny fellow!:yess:

I hope everyone has cuddly kitty dreams! Good night!:catlove:



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Dec 5, 2017
United States
surya surya Thank you! I know you understand the worry. She seems some better today. Just waiting and watching. I really like her name too! I think Freedom would be a good cat name too. If I had another batch of kittens I think they would be Freedom, Glory, and Justice. Although a cat named Justice might be a little judgmental. :lol: I hope things are well there! :heartshape:


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
How is Liberty this evening? Still doing better?

I think you may be right about BJ and bare arms. Maybe long-sleeved tee shirts that you can SLLLLOOOOOOOWWWWWLLLLLLY start pushing up your arms to get him accustomed a bit at a time? Just a thought. I'll go check that thread out about the kitten here in a few minutes.

Hmmmmm...there are very strange sounds coming from under the daybed. I think that Hekitty has discovered the box under there.


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 Liberty is better than yesterday but I am still cautious. Thank you for checking on her!
BJ did not hit me yesterday! Long sleeves! I actually left my shirt with him last night to cuddle.

This might be my remaining post for today as I am trying to scrub the house down in case I do get to go see my Dad. I know I will return to a mess so I better do all I can now. I am already hurting. Lol The kitties are all having to run from the mop again! Poor babies must think I am turning this place into a swimming pool.

Here is what happened with BJ last night.

I had already attended to all his needs and gone to bed when I hear a couple of very loud thumps. I still don’t know what caused it. It was repeated a few times. I found all the cats running for cover except BJ. He was going at the glass pane on the back door as though he was running against it with his front paws. He was frantic and had his ears back. I ran and looked out the door but saw nothing. I shut off the alarms and went out but still, nothing. I know he would not go after a raccoon or opossum so I surmised it might be that black cat. I have not been seeing it but ... I left food out. ( It was untouched this morning!)
I came back in to calm BJ. He wanted to follow me into the living room but I can’t let him yet. I finally sat up a privacy barrier for him on the floor by my door and put my shirt down for him. He crawled under my shirt. Awwww. He was breaking my heart. I left the light on for him and this seemed to help. He got quiet again. When I checked on him later he must have heard me pulling the curtains back. This is what I saw.

Mom? Is that you?

I know I heard her.

Mom!!!!! Come back out for more petting. Okay?

Of course, I did. He got a plate of chicken too. He is okay today and back up in his usual spot. This is a truly great cat! My guardian.

I will try to check back in tonight unless I do this......:thud:and then this...:sleep2:!


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
Taking a small break. Another 2 hours should get all but 2 rooms done. Got 3 bedrooms, great room, kitchen, 2 baths, 2 hallways, 8 cages, 8 carriers, washed all but one load of cat bedding, 6 litter boxes and now just have 26 boxes, feed cats and give flea meds to all. Whew. Not much petting today.
Thank you to everyone for your support. It’s probably keeping me going! :hyper: Not doing that though. :flail:Have a wonderful night everyone!


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I had to laugh at your adventure with the dish washing liquid. I love a clean floor, but I've never used a whole bottle of soap in one go.

Tonight I noticed he kept staring at my bare arms. Oops! There is something about this that bothers him.
I've noticed my cats get a little over-excited by bare skin too. They don't usually swipe at me, but they'll try to nip my bare legs as I'm getting out of the shower or bite my toes if I'm bare foot.

Funny creatures!


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 Liberty is better than yesterday but I am still cautious. Thank you for checking on her!
BJ did not hit me yesterday! Long sleeves! I actually left my shirt with him last night to cuddle.

This might be my remaining post for today as I am trying to scrub the house down in case I do get to go see my Dad. I know I will return to a mess so I better do all I can now. I am already hurting. Lol The kitties are all having to run from the mop again! Poor babies must think I am turning this place into a swimming pool.

Here is what happened with BJ last night.

I had already attended to all his needs and gone to bed when I hear a couple of very loud thumps. I still don’t know what caused it. It was repeated a few times. I found all the cats running for cover except BJ. He was going at the glass pane on the back door as though he was running against it with his front paws. He was frantic and had his ears back. I ran and looked out the door but saw nothing. I shut off the alarms and went out but still, nothing. I know he would not go after a raccoon or opossum so I surmised it might be that black cat. I have not been seeing it but ... I left food out. ( It was untouched this morning!)
I came back in to calm BJ. He wanted to follow me into the living room but I can’t let him yet. I finally sat up a privacy barrier for him on the floor by my door and put my shirt down for him. He crawled under my shirt. Awwww. He was breaking my heart. I left the light on for him and this seemed to help. He got quiet again. When I checked on him later he must have heard me pulling the curtains back. This is what I saw.

Mom? Is that you?
View attachment 262672
I know I heard her.
View attachment 262673
Mom!!!!! Come back out for more petting. Okay?
View attachment 262671
Of course, I did. He got a plate of chicken too. He is okay today and back up in his usual spot. This is a truly great cat! My guardian.

I will try to check back in tonight unless I do this......:thud:and then this...:sleep2:!
Him hitting the glass has my heart in my mouth, any chance he could break it and get hurt?


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
dustydiamond1 dustydiamond1 Din’t worry. It’s string glass and he was kind of running/sliding his paws in place against it. If I hadn’t been worried about something being outside then it would have been cute. I have put a baby monitor in the room by the door too. I am right in the room beside the door to him but this is extra insurance. Just to be safe. I worry more about something coming in than something going out. I have taken precautions. Gotta keep my babies safe. I put some things to block BJ from easy access to the glass panes.

Norachan Norachan It was a very bubbly night after the bottle broke. It was all night and the next day getting the soap up. I should write the company to tell them how well the liquid produces suds! Maybe that could be their new commercial. It would be a really funny one.
I have other cats that will nip a bare foot too. I think they feel it is odd to see something without a fur covering. :lol: Maybe it looks like new mouse and they are just checking. Cats! Always keeping us on our toes. BJ hasn’t hit me since. I may live in sleeves from now on.
Furballsmom Furballsmom I totally agree! Whew! I finished today and I have done my clothes, paid the bills and gotten all in order in case I get to go see my Dad. I had to get one person to stay here and a second to help them. Why does it take two people just to handle a few kitties? ( Yeah...... like I haven’t wished I could clone myself to get help.) I am still debating about Liberty. She is loving all the attention but she doesn’t want cat food. I guess I would hold out for chicken too. She got her Profender today. We’ll see how things come out with her.
M maggiedemi BJ can give some heartbreaking looks! What a sweet face he has! I just want to pick him up and make it all okay but it would be like kissing a cactus. Lol Maybe in the future we will reach that point. So far they all have eventually but BJ will decide.

My update for tonight is that everyone got their flea meds yesterday. I did a flea comb on them too. I found a couple on almost every cat! Yuck! Some cats won’t tolerate the flea comb but they all got Capstar and or Advantage for multi cats from the vet. I went for the prescription strength.
I tried to get a nap today but at that precise moment my neighbor’s grandson showed up next door! He parked, left his car doors open with the music blasting and went inside his Grandparents house. I called Grandpa! They Grandparents weren’t home but were regretful. Later I found that some things I had been cleaning outside had ALL been relocated! All still there but I guess that was a message to me. I won’t call again. After it got quiet I had to work but the cats were all tired and every cat in the house went to sleep. Turns out that Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 isn’t the only one with a cat that snores. We are all tired here I guess.. Lol
Here are a few of my sleeping beauties.

Sweet little Banjo

Purry was sitting up but I know he was snoring and his eyes were closed! Lol

Lady is in the background and I woke her when I came up to take the photo. Dolly is way to big for the cat tree but he seems pretty relaxed!

I put rubber backed rugs on top of the cages and Mackie has been sleeping here.

Thrasher likes the rugs too. Laying on the cage is much better than laying in the cage!

I caught Whistle in the middle of a huge yawn.

Supper is over and everyone is back in place and dozing again. I think that I am going to join them. All is quiet now so I am going to take advantage of this rare opportunity. :)
Have a great night everyone. :zzzcat:
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