Missing Feral Friend


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Sep 6, 2018
NE Ohio
I am just putting this here because I have myself sick with worry and need to talk about it. We have a feral that claimed our front porch more than three years ago. I got him a house with a heated bed, and he has access to food and water. I named him Linden. I know he spends time elsewhere, but he has not been seen for more than a week, which is very strange. He has never gone longer than three days away before.

I help care for the local colony, so I see cats come and go. I should not have gotten as attached to him, but it would give me great joy to look out the window and see his little face peeking out of his house.

I keep putting food out, and some cat has been eating it; however, it may not be him, as there are three other cats who occasionally come to my porch. I know them from the colony.

He is a true feral, not a tamed one or a stray, so it is highly unlikely that someone took him in or turned him over to the shelter. I keep imagining all the horrible things that could have happened to him, from freezing to death to a car to a coyote.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Many things can happen to Linden but it's all a wild guess. Hope he's taking cover from the cold somewhere and soon find his way home.

Have you walked around to see if he's nearby? Bring along his favorite food or treats when you go looking for him.

Please keep us updated too. Take care.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 1, 2015
I've posted about this before on this forum. It doesn't matter if they are feral or tame missing is missing and it's incredibly stressful. It's no different than worrying about a personal family cat. From experience it's not always a good outcome, it is sometimes (usually it is) but sometimes it is not. In the meantime keep putting out the food and offering the shelter.

I would check nextdoor and facebook groups for your area for lost and missing pets. It's not just for indoor animals- I do see people post lost/ found posts for ferals or colony members- definitely do check out nextdoor.com because it is local to you and those cat rescue people watch that site. Put word out there- because it could be he's been trapped by someone and is being held because of the freeze we are getting this week.
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Sep 6, 2018
NE Ohio
Thank you, everyone! I am rather attached to him! I certainly will keep you posted. We have seen prints leading the way he normally goes, so I have hope.

Have you walked around to see if he's nearby? Bring along his favorite food or treats when you go looking for him.
I am disabled and unable to walk around to check. Throw in the weather we have been having--a winter storm recently and now horrific windchill temps--it really would not be safe. He would not respond to anyone else at my house because I am the one who he sees and who feeds him. He does respond to his name, so I have called for him more times than I can count.

I would check nextdoor and facebook groups for your area for lost and missing pets.
Thank you! I would not have thought to check that for a feral!

I agree....we become attached to them and it is not any easier because they are ferals.
I am not a crybaby; however, I keep crying when I think about him. I mean, for more than three years, he has been on our porch several times a night during the cold months and would hang out there all the time during warmer months. I have tried not getting overly attached, but that did not work!


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I have had many feral cats disappear for many months at a time. All were neutered and I had no idea why they left. Sometimes it was even in the dead of winter. I had provided warm cozy shelters and plenty of food and they still left.

Don't give up hope. Keep food out there for when he returns. I know how worried you are as I have been there before. Just don't give up hope.


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
Awww - Linden's a handsome kitty!

It is heartbreaking and stressful beyond belief when a kitty goes missing (as said above - - whether feral or not - - it's still stressful and heartbreaking!). I would say don't worry, but we all know that's impossible. :alright:

But do know that many of us on this forum have experienced this kind of thing - - where when some kind of big weather issue comes up -- -be it days of heavy rain, blizzard-like conditions - - you name it. Feral cats that have spent 99% of their time in shelters you provide, etc. - - just when you think they'd REALLY need these shelters - - they disappear! Sometimes for just a day - - - often longer. Many of us have had many threads/discussions on this - - trying to figure out why this happens. But it definitely seems to be a pattern that many of us have experienced. One I really remember happening to us was a feral cat we TNR'd, who spent virtually all day, every day the winter she arrived, inside an insulated shelter we made, complete with straw, an electric warming mat, and even a wind-break. Then suddenly, we had a huge blizzard. My hubby shoveled from her shelter to the feeding station, down several paths she always walked, and more. The night the blizzard began, she disappeared. We walked the neighborhood - - calling her, cracking open food cans, shaking treat bags - nothing. Periodically food would disappear and so we hoped she was at least eating - - but her shelter went unused for days - - weeks. Then a few weeks later we got a report of a cat that looked like her - - and it was! She was down the block - - -basically living under a car that was on blocks in someone's back yard??!?!? Sleeping on the snow - -- -the only protection was the car she was under. And since then - - -we've heard many stories like ours. So don't lose hope yet!!!!!!! I'll never understand it - - but we definitely weren't alone in our experience. So please don't give up hope!!!!!!!!!!! Miracles do happen!

Keep us posted - - -we'll all be thinking of you!!!!!!!!!

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
I fully understand how you feel, because the cats I am feeding outside also keep me worried each time one or two goes missing, even for just a day. There is a part in your heart that feels like being crushed when you get home expecting complete line up of strays/ferals waiting for you to feed them only to find out that a familiar face is not there among the group.

I do hope he is ok, and I do pray he comes back safe and sound.
Let us know any updates.


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
I keep hoping you see Linden soon! I didn't mention it above, but one of feral group that lives in our garage disappeared a few days ago - and I kept trying to tell myself everything I told you (as always - easier to give advice than to take it yourself!). And had to tell you - our Aspen, who'd been gone since the start of the storm - showed up last night at 1 AM! Cold, bedraggled, and very happy to see me and a warm bowl of soft food and a warm bed (I think not in that order). He ate a ton like nothing had happened, and climbed right into bed! So it CAN happen! :cheerleader:
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Sep 6, 2018
NE Ohio
And had to tell you - our Aspen, who'd been gone since the start of the storm - showed up last night at 1 AM!
That is wonderful news!

Still no word on Linden, sadly.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 12, 2018
We had a starved, dirty old stray show up on our front porch about a year ago. "Fred" stayed until early July, got all fat and slick, then he was "Gone With The Wind". About a month ago he comes dragging back in, all dirty and starved again. I expect when he gets ready he will be gone again. Cats are kind of funny that way!


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
We had a starved, dirty old stray show up on our front porch about a year ago. "Fred" stayed until early July, got all fat and slick, then he was "Gone With The Wind". About a month ago he comes dragging back in, all dirty and starved again. I expect when he gets ready he will be gone again. Cats are kind of funny that way!
If this stray is a non neutered male, he is leaving in search of a mate. Then when mating season is done, they come back to relax. Please try to get him neutered if he is not. While he is gone, fights may occur and diseases passed around. Not to mention more and more unwanted kittens being born. The kindest thing you can do for Fred is to get him neutered.
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Sep 6, 2018
NE Ohio
If this stray is a non neutered male, he is leaving in search of a mate. Then when mating season is done, they come back to relax. Please try to get him neutered if he is not. While he is gone, fights may occur and diseases passed around. Not to mention more and more unwanted kittens being born. The kindest thing you can do for Fred is to get him neutered.
Our Linden is neutered, which increases my fear that something horrible happened to him because I know he is less likely to roam far.

One of my earliest solid memories is of the blizzard of 1978. I was 3 1/2 years old. After the storm cleared, my father dug paths in our backyard for us to play. My sisters and I found an orange cat frozen in our shed. I have been having nightmares of that since Linden went missing.

I have dealt with missing ferals under my care for most of my adult life, and I am always sad about it. Linden's disappearance had just really hit me hard, however.

Today and tonight are supposed to be better weather than we have had, so I am going to put out warmed tuna or salmon. I am hoping that by heating it I will make the smell reach a greater distance.