Liver Values Off The Charts In Spoon. Any Ideas What I'm Looking At Dealing With?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
If it's Fancy Feast Classic pate that she's eating, you aren't going to do better at that price and it's actually a pretty good food. It follows the meat, moisture, organs, and supplements recipe very well. If she's eating it and it treats her well on the transit (no vomiting, distress, or loose stools), then keep feeding that to her whichever odd-ball way she wants to eat it. It seemed like every day I had to learn some new way to keep Krista eating when she was going through the worst of her pancreatitis.

Have you tried paper plates? Or just a flat plate? A lot of cats don't like eating or drinking from bowls because they don't like their whiskers brushing against the sides.

I wouldn't say nothing is curable. Technically, that may be correct. If it's IBD or pancreatitis or even dental issues, she will be predisposed to future flare-ups. However, with a little investigation and diligence (food journal to find the right foods, portions, and frequency) and investment (her mouth/gums/teeth), you can manage those conditions very well. I'm limited in the foods I can feed Krista these days. But as long as I stick to those foods, I hardly ever think about her IBD anymore.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
If her mouth is hurting her, she could definitely have temperature preferences. Think about drinking cold water with a tooth ache. I sometimes put Krista's portion in a plastic baggie. I microwave a glass of water for 1 minute. Then I submerge the bagged portion and press it with my fingers just enough to take the chill out of the food. Then I turn the baggie out onto a paper plate and serve it for the diva.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
I swear the things I do to keep her eating! Feeding a cat should not be this hard! But then 99% of everything that ails her is improved with good food in healthy amounts. I thought I was going to lose her hundreds of times last year but she keeps going. I figure as long as I keep her eating, she can get through anything.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 15, 2019
If her mouth is hurting her, she could definitely have temperature preferences. Think about drinking cold water with a tooth ache. I sometimes put Krista's portion in a plastic baggie. I microwave a glass of water for 1 minute. Then I submerge the bagged portion and press it with my fingers just enough to take the chill out of the food. Then I turn the baggie out onto a paper plate and serve it for the diva.
Okay I have literally agreed with everything you've said as I have also done the exact same things to rescue cats from looming liver or kidney failures and it WORKS. I would highly suggest you follow this members initial recommendations. Those steps will save your cat. Also ask for care credit if your score is above 615 you should get about 500 dollars to use for your cat. I worked for care credit and like every vet place has it.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 15, 2019
For about 2 dollars a can you can purchase from most vets F/D cat canned foods. Warm it in a microwave a about 10 seconds. Stir it around. Wait until it feels just slightly warm consistantly with your finger. You can put this in a syringe and just put it on her tongue and many cats will just go at it. Put it on a spoon and its extremely enticing. Each can can last 2 days for proper feeding. Feed every 4 hours. Cats love this stuff. It smells disgusting but its hydrating and very healthy. 24 cans can last forever. Also IV fluids arent hard to administer and are approxiately only 16-19 dollars for a bag. 100-200mLtwice a day under the a pinched scruff, insert the needle. Squeeze bag until you start seeing a big ol swollen water bag forming under the scruff. Keep squeezing until you have administered 100mL. Remove the needle and place a finger (clean) on the area to prevent leaks. Cats are tolerant of this for the most part. FD cat food always has worked for me and Ive even introduced it as a monthly diet for my cats as it immediately seems to regulate their blood levels (literally a day after I started a diet the vet saw the liver failure bloodwork level out significantly).
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  • #47


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 28, 2018
I tried paper plates, splatting it on the floor (her favorite way, my least favorite) warming it up, mashing it, etc. It seems she only it's if A) it's room temp. Not warm, not cold. Room temp. B) you mix a little water in. Not a soup, but not a solid. Only enough for one serving. If there's waste then the can needs to be tossed. Its thicker than a paste. Kind of like the food gravy. C) it's been mashed to get the fresh smell. Very important!! It HAS to be mashed. She won't eat otherwise. D) HAS a o be the right flavor. This flavor seems to change hour by hour. She will turn down four cans and take the fifth that she hated earlier. E) NO OTHER CATS. She wants to be fed in the middle of the room, on the kitchen chair, or on the treadmill. Out in the open. But if another cat comes it makes her nervous and she leaves. Me moving makes her nervous. Watching makes her nervous. Scaring off the other cats makes her nervous. Checking to make sure all the cats are gone makes her nervous.

I've taken up waiting until she's on my bed asleep, bringing her a TINY amount at room temp that I've mashed with a bit of water. Then set it in front of her, say her name sweetly, and sit on the floor doing PC work. That way I can cut cats off as they come into my room without startling her. Make it seem like yourey not doing it because she's suck, but it happened to be there. If she even thinks you're forcing it on her she's done.

As for finishing the can... It's a work in progress. I'm currently dropping about $10-15 a week in cans of food for her. That's not very sustainable for either of us!

She's always been this nervous. Always. And easy to spooky/bully.

Now that I've fine tuned her feeding process (ish. She's eating) I took a breath to check on my chicken eggs. I was in the middle of "candling" the eggs when this happens.

.(ignore the grainy video and mess. Chicken supplies and candling only works in the dark)

Yes. She's eating solids. No hesitation. (Beck was outside the door making noise.) She didn't ask for food. She didn't look like she's in pain. She munched for a solid minute and a half and trotted off. (She's eating crumbs, but still)

This. Cat. *Deep, need to strangle releasing breath* THREE DAYS it took me to figure out how to feed her! At least she's eating.

Still no sign of her using the litter box, drinking, or cleaning. I'll try to be happy that she ate of her own free will and NOT strangle her for ruining my carefully laid out system.
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  • #50


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 28, 2018
The other cats won't eat her left over food?
That's part of the problem. The other cats LOVE her food. LOVE it. So keeping them away from it while she eats is hard. And figuring out how much she's eating vs the other furballs. Since I have to splat it on something on the floor it's hard to pick it back up and store it.

Since everything else about her is out of whack (I promise, I wasn't thinking whacko LOL) is she eliminating elsewhere?
VERY possible! Like I said, she's not in any pain, or acting like she's sick. She's very, very active. She's taken up rolling outside on the sidewalk in the nice weather. Since it's so nice outside it's very possible she's peeing out in my garden. I just haven't caught her doing it yet. We have a cat door (Try keeping eight cats on an "I will open the door for you" policy. You want to talk about insanity...) so she filters in and out at will. I see her outside often in the afternoon. I wish you could color code their poo so you could tell which cat peed where. :p


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
(Try keeping eight cats on an "I will open the door for you" policy. You want to talk about insanity...)
In college, I lived in a house with six cats. We had an open door policy as in the back door was always open. It was a hippie college town. Our neighbors probably didn't lock their doors either.

I wish you could color code their poo so you could tell which cat peed where. :p
Can't you? ;) I always wondered if you could add cat-safe food dye to their food to see which one was pooing what and where.
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  • #54


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 28, 2018
I appreciate it, I really do! I keep going back and forth from "she's going to be okay" to "cancer. She's dead".

I've been out of 3 very important anxiety pills for a week, and had a cold on top. I'm on the mend, so hopefully I settle down enough to be there for her.

I did see her poo today, at least! And I've seen her around the water dish. Keeping positive for now.
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  • #57


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 28, 2018
I've caught her at the litter box several times, and drinking. She's also eating solid food again.

Since she's improving so much on the meds, any thoughts on what could possibly be wonky? I don't know if cancer can suddenly "feel" better on meds. Or if she just stopped eating due to a bully cat and it went South.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
It could be anything that put her off her eating. But I think it’s her mouth. If the gums are inflamed enough for the vet to show you, that’s probably the inflammation (plus the not eating) that’s reflected in her liver numbers. I would weigh her weekly. If her weight is stable or gaining (assuming she’s eating enough), I wouldn’t worry about cancer anymore unless she stops eating and has GI symptoms (vomiting and/or diarrhea) or she continues to lose weight despite eating enough.

Please start saving your money to fix her mouth when you can afford it.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 19, 2019
Is she on denamarin sorry if I missed this somewhere along the road, but my cat has slightly elevated liver values and that was prescribed to help remedy it as it has no negative impacts and would hopefully lower the values to normal it is also only about $50 a month. The vet said liver can also help to support the liver as there are really good nutrients in it so that might be of some help to you as well. Also while you save to fix her mouth you could maybe try brushing her teeth and gums (sorry if it was already suggested there was a lot to go through) to prevent it from getting worse at least!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 19, 2019
Also my cat has a slightly elevated liver value and he has had an ultra sound and there was nothing physically wrong with him, his values aren't as drastic as your cats but it could be a similar situation where it just needs a little extra help for a bit and then returns to normal with time. Hopefully that helps you to feel a little better and less between it's cancer, and going to die. I obviously have no real answers and your cat should get an ultra sound when you can afford it, but it's possible there is nothing massively wrong with the liver and it just needs a boost!