Lip licking cat

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  • #121


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Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2015
I feel like I really need to share this!! I came home from work & Asti came to greet me as usual. Now we've been playing for 10 minutes & he hasn't lost interest or stopped! I haven't seen him play like this in months! :) those stones must've made him too uncomfortable to run & play.
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  • #123


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2015
Asti vomited today WHILE he was eating. It was mushy food & it was really slimey like there was mucous in it. & he did it several times after. No blood or anything. He goes back to eat more but he is eating it in a strange way (like he brings his head upwards & is smacking his mouth). He doesn't stay at the bowl for long & he kind of looks for other food. Sort of like he doesn't want to eat the stuff I gave him... now he keeps moving around like he's uncomfortable :( what do I do? The vet is closed until Monday & I go to work in a few minutes.

His urine is normal, bowel movements are normal, & his ears are cold so I don't think he has a fever. He's breathing 25 bpm & not in distress or anything.


Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
Sounds as though he might have a hairball.  The hairball takes up the room in the stomach where the food would normally go.  Cats are still hungry after they puke, some will eat the puke.  Put a teaspoon of vaseline on his nose and paws for him to lick off.  Keep doing this daily until the hairball passes out his other end or he manages to cough it up.  It's normal behaviour.

I hope this helps  


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Yeah I agree with Brian007.  Sounds like he's got a hairball that hasn't come up yet.  It's going to be really gross when it does.

Another possibility is just an upset tummy.  I've heard that grass helps with that, that's why cats eat the stuff even though they can't digest it.  I've seen pet stores sell potted grass for cats.

If Asti is eating too fast, spreading the food out over a shallow dish will help.  Cats that eat too fast immediately barf it all back up.  Think of how your own stomach feels when you stuff yourself quickly, too quickly for the brain to realize you are full, and then how it feels when the brain catches back up.  If you spread out the food over a shallow dish the cat can't gobble it up and will have to take time to eat.  That slowdown keeps the cat from eating too much for the stomach to handle.


Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
Something like these suggestions all found on Amazon, will slow his eating and make him think about each mouthful and not just wolf it all down; then he might realise he's not as hungry as he thought, and come back for seconds at a later time:

They would stimulate his brain also.  I'm going to get Dudley one, haven't decided which will suit him best yet though, as ragdolls have different mouths to other cats and find it harder to pick up kibbles.  

Also, avena sativa (or wild common oat) is excellent for cats' digestion, it also stimulates & calms them in a catnip type of way.  You can but tray packs readily:

Thanks @arouetta   
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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I feel like I really need to share this!! I came home from work & Asti came to greet me as usual. Now we've been playing for 10 minutes & he hasn't lost interest or stopped! I haven't seen him play like this in months!
those stones must've made him too uncomfortable to run & play.

Sorry about the puking incident.  Those suggestions are JUST what I was going to type, but they took the words right off of my fingertips!  I'll bet a combination of puzzle feeder and grass will do a LOT for him.  And as you look for canned foods, since he is a gulper, the word you want to see is "pate."  That is the smooth kind, as the word suggests, rather than chunks.
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  • #128


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2015
I actually have that cat toy that he scoops the treats out of! I used to put his dry food in it but now he only eats wet.

& about the hairball thing: he's never thrown one up in all of his life! I have a theory that he has one sitting in his tummy, making him uncomfortable & unable to eat a lot at one time like he used to. It never shows up in the xrays either. But I read that they don't always show up. His appetite is decreasing even more which makes me sad. He used to get excited every time I opened a can of food. Now he doesn't even acknowledge it. He licks himself A LOT so I wouldn't be surprised if this was all caused by a big hairball. He doesn't like hairball treatment stuff but I'll try putting it on his paws so he'll lick it off. His blood work showed a heightened pancreatic lvl. If he had that, he'd be really sick right?

I think I'll stop & get some cat grass on the way home. He usually loves cat grass.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
His blood work showed a heightened pancreatic lvl. If he had that, he'd be really sick right?
Hey, take a deep breath.  Was it a little elevation, an elevation that the vet wasn't concerned about?  Could actually be normal for Asti.

Human examples -

I once was on a long-term medicine that could affect the liver.  I got tests on my liver every three months for a few years.  One thing they tested for was always in the high range, another was always in the low range.  As in beyond high-normal and low-normal, I actually had readings outside of what was "normal".  I was told that it was actually my normal, I had a perfectly healthy liver that just had its quirks.

My husband had chest pains one day, went to the ER and they kept him.  The doctor came in and said "You didn't have a heart attack but you have had one before, we can see it on the EKG."  He was seen at a different hospital that had a highly regarded cardiac unit.  They found that he never, ever had a heart attack, he has a perfectly healthy heart that just has an abnormality in his EKG that is normal for him.

As far as the hairball, my cat Midway never ever had a hairball.  Until last year.  I had him for 7 years before I saw him cough one out.  So it can happen.  And I have also heard that a bit of Vaseline is a good preventative for hairballs as it makes it easier for them to come out the other end.
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  • #130


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2015
Hey, take a deep breath.  Was it a little elevation, an elevation that the vet wasn't concerned about?  Could actually be normal for Asti.

Human examples -

I once was on a long-term medicine that could affect the liver.  I got tests on my liver every three months for a few years.  One thing they tested for was always in the high range, another was always in the low range.  As in beyond high-normal and low-normal, I actually had readings outside of what was "normal".  I was told that it was actually my normal, I had a perfectly healthy liver that just had its quirks.

My husband had chest pains one day, went to the ER and they kept him.  The doctor came in and said "You didn't have a heart attack but you have had one before, we can see it on the EKG."  He was seen at a different hospital that had a highly regarded cardiac unit.  They found that he never, ever had a heart attack, he has a perfectly healthy heart that just has an abnormality in his EKG that is normal for him.

As far as the hairball, my cat Midway never ever had a hairball.  Until last year.  I had him for 7 years before I saw him cough one out.  So it can happen.  And I have also heard that a bit of Vaseline is a good preventative for hairballs as it makes it easier for them to come out the other end.
It was slightly elevated as well as his BUN & some level that indicated an infection (maybe white blood cell count?). She said the infection one was from his bladder & the BUN may have been because of possible dehydration. We're getting it checked again on the 21st just in case. But hes really not eating much lately. It makes me worried. He's always been a glutton lol. Today he ate about 1/2 a can today before he vomited. After that he just had a few bites. He's supposed to eat 2 cans a day but lately he's eating 1- 1 3/4.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
It was slightly elevated as well as his BUN & some level that indicated an infection (maybe white blood cell count?). She said the infection one was from his bladder & the BUN may have been because of possible dehydration. We're getting it checked again on the 21st just in case. But hes really not eating much lately. It makes me worried. He's always been a glutton lol. Today he ate about 1/2 a can today before he vomited. After that he just had a few bites. He's supposed to eat 2 cans a day but lately he's eating 1- 1 3/4.
Again, take a deep breath.

First, the weather is warmer.  There's a reason we all pig out for Thanksgiving and Christmas, animals (including humans) do what they can to build up fat for the winter and during the winter.  In a wilderness situation, that fat will keep them alive during the lean months.  So when spring hits, everything naturally eats less.

Then look at his recent activity level.  The more you physically do with your body, the more you will crave food.  That's your body's way of telling you that you've expended a decent amount of energy and need to replace it.  When you don't do much, you don't feel as hungry.  Some cats, like some people, boredom eat.  But that's a learned behavior.

Then add in that when you are sick, you really don't want to eat period.  Asti has been healing from surgery and probably not doing much in the way of activity because he feels like crap.  So he is not going to have much of an appetite.  There's a reason hospitals stock up on Ensure.

Then add in that he's puking and he could easily be eating too fast (making up for lost time), triggering vomiting, and then after his stomach is unsettled and he doesn't want to put more back in and puke again.

It's an ebb and flow of time of year, surgery, activity level and an upset tummy.  He'll level out.  Just give him time and keep offering what he likes.  Break it up over a big, shallow surface so Asti has to eat slowly.  It'll be fine.
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  • #132


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2015
I'm breathing! (Just barely)

But you're right. I always freak out over everything. I bought some hairball stuff anyways. I figure it can't hurt to try it right? & I also bought a few cans of Purina urinary health food just in case he doesn't want to eat his food. I figure it's better to have him eat something else rather than nothing at all, for short term at least. If he has any more issues, I'll call the vet Monday

****Just got home. No vomit anywhere & he ate a decent bit of his food. He greeted me at the door & was purring as usual. He drank water as well. He gladly licked some hairball remedy off of my finger. I'm going to give him a little bit of fresh food in a little while. Maybe I'll warm it up a bit to make it more appetizing
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Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I'm breathing! (Just barely)

But you're right. I always freak out over everything. I bought some hairball stuff anyways. I figure it can't hurt to try it right? & I also bought a few cans of Purina urinary health food just in case he doesn't want to eat his food. I figure it's better to have him eat something else rather than nothing at all, for short term at least. If he has any more issues, I'll call the vet Monday

****Just got home. No vomit anywhere & he ate a decent bit of his food. He greeted me at the door & was purring as usual. He drank water as well. He gladly licked some hairball remedy off of my finger. I'm going to give him a little bit of fresh food in a little while. Maybe I'll warm it up a bit to make it more appetizing

See, he's just fine.  Keep breathing, lol.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 11, 2013
Los Angeles, CA
@MerlotandAsti   I'm in panic town with you buddy, hahaha. We'll both have to breath in and out. Hopefully Asti continues to do well. I'm going to reread your journey and take heart in it, because I'm starting to freak out over Mephi (and like you, I tend to look at EVERYTHING and find something to worry about). I also buy things "just in case," lol.

Hopefully you'll find a new normal with Asti. It may take some time to figure out, but I really wish you two the best. 


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
OK, just a tiny kerfluffle, and @arouetta  gave you the same information I would have.  And Asti seems to be back to himself.  There is NOTHING like a sick cat to terrify us, and to have us jumping at shadows for MONTHS afterward!  Glad things are more normal for you now!  And as @nevroth  mentioned, there might be a "new normal" at work here now that the stones are gone.  


Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
I hope you're ok @nevroth  and that Mephi is alright.  This is a heartwarming thread @MerlotandAsti.  I know that you feel anxious still but you have coped really well with things recently.  You should feel proud of yourself. And you're inspiring others too.  I hope Asti is continuing to get better, he's coping very well too, considering what he's been through.   
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  • #137


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2015
Thank you everyone. So far today, he's eating & hasn't vomited. Because he was doing that strange "throwing his head back" thing while he ate, I put a towel under his food to raise the bowl a little & he hasn't been doing it ad much. He's kind of sluggish, but as long as he is still eating at least something & not vomiting & still shows even a little bit of interest in his toys, I'll keep an eye on him.

It's hard to think that a few months ago, I wouldn't even blink an eye at something like this. Merlot vomited basically all of his life. Because I was a child when it started & my parents always told me "cats just vomit. It's what they do," I never even thought anything of it. That was until he almost died. He vomited every day (once even 15 times in a day) & he stopped eating & drinking for a week (seriously. I don't know how he pulled through). I didn't have money for extensive testing so the best I could do was syringe feed him that high calorie food every day. I did that 8 times a day for a week & one day he started eating again. When we changed his diet to food for GI issues, he barely vomited again. I was very very grateful to have another 2 years together with him before he passed.

Sometimes I just need to stop myself & think about when things are really an emergency. There are several kitties out there going through serious illnesses & problems. We are really blessed to not have such issues right now.
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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
He's doing fine, and you are beginning to trust that.  This is a good thing.  And yeah, cats can have sensitive tummies...makes you wonder how all those ferals do as well as they do (FAR FAR better than dogs in the same situation, really).  And what a simple fix, a towel under the bowl!

SIGH...I now have to go do a hard reboot on the litter box (empty, scrub, refill as opposed to scoop).


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 11, 2013
Los Angeles, CA
Is that Asti & Merlot in your avatar? What beautiful kitties. RIP Merlot.

How's Asti doing now?? How are you doing too?
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  • #140


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2015
Is that Asti & Merlot in your avatar? What beautiful kitties. RIP Merlot.

How's Asti doing now?? How are you doing too?
Yes! I finally figured out how to change my picture. Asti is the grey one on the right & Merlot on the left. Thank you!

Asti has been eating by himself lately. I put food in a toy & he was rolling it everywhere & eating it all up at 4 this morning lol. But he still isn't eating as he was before & he looks uncomfortable. You know when you have that gut feeling like something is off?? I still have that feeling, sadly. I don't know what could be wrong. He hasn't vomited since that one episode a few days ago, he plays, he sleeps, ect. But he only eats really small amounts at a time & he does the meatloaf position sometimes. The other night, he couldn't lie with his head down for some reason. I feel like something is wrong, but I don't know what. Xrays would usually show lumps & enlarged organs, right? God forbid he has anything like that but it's always the first thing my mind goes to..