Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
Just found out a coworker who we really love is having a hard time. He has been ill and is now in icu on life support with some fever of some sort. evidently from a tick they are guessing? He was ill last week and called out sick. I was not here for a few days and missed it. They have him in icu on life support and he's having complications breathing and issues with his kidneys. This man is one of my very best friends. I really don't want to go to another funeral. I really can't handle anymore deaths right now. I am praying to the goddess that he pulls through!!

I also got an email from indexx online learning-you can take their online courses for free to learn about feline medicine-they have a seminar coming in mid august about kidney disease and I wont be able to do it as we wont have internet during that time. I really like their online classes as they help clarify things if you are into learning more about medical issues other than google search. I think this afternoon I will take one of those courses to refresh on issues..

I hope you all are having a good day. Its a rainy cool day for a change.
. It is raining and I am crippled I have arthritis and the rain makes everything 10x's worse i woke up 7am and the only thing I managed to do was feed kitty and shower it is now 1:30pm whew!


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I feel lazy again today! I was up early because I had a hairdresser appointment. I am back, and I do not feel like doing anything at all! That is not good. For some reason, I do not think I slept well. I remember being asleep, but I do not feel re-freshed..kind of in a fog...

It is kind of yucky weather also. Very, very humid, with the temp in the 75 degrees. It makes everything damp. I hate this type of weather. We have a lot of it in the month of August. It makes me feel so cold to the bone!! 

You want the AC on, to take out the humidity, but it gets too cold in here! 

For some strange reason, my allergies are driving me crazy. My eyes have been itching, tearing for a few days. I have tried the Zaditor allergy eye drops, to no avail. I have also been sneezing a bit, along with nose running. I thought it was me with my cat allergy really coming on full force. I was kind of glad to hear my hair stylist commenting on the exact same things. And then another stylist said the same thing was happening to her. 

It is to 1:45 and really late for me to do errands. I like to go out much earlier and beat the traffic....

Artie has been sleeping the entire time I was gone, not eating either. I think that is his 'new' norm....He refuses to eat when I am not in the house. I am going to watch him a bit with the litter box. I noticed it this week end, and it happened again this morning. He was lying down in front of his litter box. I went in, thinking he was waiting for me in order to poop---yes, he does that. But he did not poop!! He needed encouragement from me in order to PEE.. 

This is a new one on me.. I am going to watch him, and try to add more water to his food. His pee clumps have been a lot smaller also. 

Sigh, if it isn't one thing, it is another. 

I am seriously thinking of taking a nap.. I think I may lie down on my bed with a thin throw on me. Artie has full possession of the coach. 

Allergies do wipe me out. and I am really cold. I think I will change into long sleeves and long leggings ....


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
Well that was interesting. We seem to have a pretty good system for voting. I did a little bit of each job today. And I was very careful to follow all the rules. Only one person refused to show his picture ID, but it turned out he was just teasing us. So it went smooth. I'm going to work the November elections also. That should be much busier.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Artiemom-sorry Artie is under the weather-I wonder if you both have a bit of a cold? Do you think you would feel comfortable giving him subfluids? I know you would have to go to the vets to get it but it may help him eat better if he stays hydrated. Poor baby. Maybe the humidity is affecting him too. I don't like this dense air. I woke at 2am drenched in sweat. Jon turned the AC off and I just put the fan on but it dries my throat. I don't feel like doing anything either.

I feel like going to bed early. I have two errands I need to do after work and pay some bills. Which means I need to pull out all my stuff out of my backpack and make out checks etc. I carry it all with me because I loose things so much that its easier to keep my bills in my backpack. So that will be tonight's project then shred the stupid credit card offers. I signed up to opt out of these things 2 months ago and they still send a ton of them. such a pain in the butt.

Tonight is trash night so I need to dump and wash the catboxes..I should do that instead of doing nothing. I should have done it two weeks ago. Its clean litter as I scoop several times a day but need to dump and wash which is annoying because I have to walk the dirty water out back and dump it so I don't mess up the plumbing with the cat litter in the pipes.

I didn't cry this morning but feel sad and empty. Honeybee jumped up on me this morning chirping at me to feed her and let her out to pee. She was screaming to go out. I gave pumpkin her tuna and sneaked in some dasquin. she hates it-she has bad arthritis. the next project is cut back on feeding because we need to get her to loose 3 lbs. but right now I am so afraid to rock the boat with Floey's passing. They won't do orthopedic surgery on her until she looses some weight. She is my problem child-she won't eat wet food at all. I will put it down starting tonight and cut back on kibble. So hard to make her loose weight when she doesn't move around that much. We did the oral pain meds the past two nights and it seems to help make her more comfortable. So we shall see.

Listening to Pink Floyd. Tried out Steve Miller band too. In love with that band. The song fly like an eagle is really soothing.
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
I feel lazy again today! I was up early because I had a hairdresser appointment. I am back, and I do not feel like doing anything at all! That is not good. For some reason, I do not think I slept well. I remember being asleep, but I do not feel re-freshed..kind of in a fog...

It is kind of yucky weather also. Very, very humid, with the temp in the 75 degrees. It makes everything damp. I hate this type of weather. We have a lot of it in the month of August. It makes me feel so cold to the bone!! 

You want the AC on, to take out the humidity, but it gets too cold in here! 

For some strange reason, my allergies are driving me crazy. My eyes have been itching, tearing for a few days. I have tried the Zaditor allergy eye drops, to no avail. I have also been sneezing a bit, along with nose running. I thought it was me with my cat allergy really coming on full force. I was kind of glad to hear my hair stylist commenting on the exact same things. And then another stylist said the same thing was happening to her. 

It is to 1:45 and really late for me to do errands. I like to go out much earlier and beat the traffic....

Artie has been sleeping the entire time I was gone, not eating either. I think that is his 'new' norm....He refuses to eat when I am not in the house. I am going to watch him a bit with the litter box. I noticed it this week end, and it happened again this morning. He was lying down in front of his litter box. I went in, thinking he was waiting for me in order to poop---yes, he does that. But he did not poop!! He needed encouragement from me in order to PEE.. 
This is a new one on me.. I am going to watch him, and try to add more water to his food. His pee clumps have been a lot smaller also. 

Sigh, if it isn't one thing, it is another. 

I am seriously thinking of taking a nap.. I think I may lie down on my bed with a thin throw on me. Artie has full possession of the coach. 

Allergies do wipe me out. and I am really cold. I think I will change into long sleeves and long leggings ....
. Yeah my BOOTSE hates this rainy muggy weather too she's not herself either she's mostly been in her bed all day and me in my love seat. Two peas in a pod.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I am thinking of doing nothing this afternoon. The other night I cooked a big pot of chicken thighs with thyme and pasta. I think I will go home and stuff my face. I haven't been eating that well due to the bad few weeks. I think I am going to not go to the gym tonight and instead eat a relaxing dinner then do the dumping of the cat boxes and maybe some reading and internet site stuff..facebook..whatever...not feeling a whole heck of doing a lot yet. maybe take my sleeping powder and go to bed early?


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
@Artiemom   That is very odd that Artie wants your company before he eats or uses his litter box.  It's so hard to figure out what's going on in their fuzzy little heads.   It's one thing to wait until you're home to eat or poop but holding his pee isn't good for his health.  I hope you can find a solution, soon.   

@foxxycat  - You deserve some time off doing nothing considering how hard you work and what you've been through with Floey.   A bit of internal peace makes it easier to get back to the salt mine.  

@Rhondalee  I bet you'll have some real stories to tell from your upcoming experience at the elections.  Hopefully all will go peacefully.  Anyway, my hat is off to you for doing this.  

I just ordered a camera and am tremendously excited about its arrival.    Prepare to be drowned in Paul and Chula photos!  


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
@Margd    Artie is still grumpy and out of sorts today. I gave him his liquid steroid this afternoon, and he proceeded to immediately vomit it!! He was still in my chair and he started with the 'vomit wail'.  I was not able to give it him as smoothly as I normally do. The syringe stuck a bit and he got a huge amount at once. I though it would be ok, but I guess it wasn't.

Twenty minutes later, he was eating some food; not much, but some.. I opened up a new can for him, which he turned his nose up at. I will let him rest for a while and then give him his evening medicine and later another try at the  steroid, with a new syringe. I do rinse them out really well, and change them every 3 weeks or so. 

Artie gets a lot of 'cling-ons' when he poops. He does not have long hair but for some reason, they just cling or he shakes them off on the rug. I would rather be there to catch him as soon as he goes. I know he has gotten used to having me in there. When he does poop, and I am not there; he will be a pest to me, until I go in to scoop the poop out of the box and check his bum...crazy cat!!   He is also accustomed to a clean litter box. I do scoop at least twice a day. 

The pee issue is new. I will just watch him for a couple of days. If it continues, I will contact the Vet. He is still eating.. so I am as concerned. He is just very quiet and subdued. I will see how he is tomorrow morning..if I can brush him, if he plays a bit, if he follows me around--as 'my watcher' I will not be as concerned. If he gets grumpy, then I will worry. 

For food--it is fairly new. I noticed that about 5 months ago. When I am not home, it is rare for him to eat, yet he eats an entire can of food which I leave out for him, every night; while I am sleeping.

@Rhondalee    I signed up to help with the elections, this year. It will be the first time I am doing so. I had to take a written test first, and next week I have to attend a class with the new regulations. I am not on for out September Primary, but I was told that does not mean anything. I can be called upon to be a sub, at any time. I have a funny feeling I will definitely be on the list for November.  I think it will be pretty interesting..

@foxxycat   You deserve a lot of down time. You do need to re-charge ~ for you, the kitties, Jon, and just for life...Please be good to yourself.  I know what you mean about cleaning the box. When I dump the litter, it goes all over the place.. The litter I use does not really stick to the bottom, unless there is something really bad in there, or not enough litter. That is when I use baby wipes, or clorox wipes (before washing the box) to get the smush out...

I also vacuum the area a lot. 

I did take a nap this afternoon. I waking up from dreams; I guess I needed the sleep. It was an hour and a half. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
margd margd . I too am thinking that November will be quite a show. Like I said before, I'm so glad I live in a small town. I've been hearing stories of elections in big cities where people refuse to show their ID. In my opinion, if you have to show it to buy alcohol, you definitely should have to show for something as important as voting.

artiemom artiemom I didn't have to take a test, Michigan must be different in that respect, but I did have to take a class. THE most boring class EVER! The instructor only read the booklet from cover to cover for 2 hours! I could have done that myself in half the time. The worst part is she kept confusing everyone, because she always messed up. She would skip sentences and say words wrong. It was dreadful. I had to reread the booklet when I got home. I hope your training goes much better.

To everyone experiencing troubles, I hope things turn around quickly for all of you. Some days it's so hard to get out of bed and face the day. It's not so bad when it's just one thing occasionally, but when you get bombarded with one problem after another, it's hard to smile and be pleasant. I hope all your fur babies get better. They sure can break our hearts. Hugs to all of you. Hang in there and look in every corner for something pleasant to make you smile.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
. It is raining and I am crippled I have arthritis and the rain makes everything 10x's worse i woke up 7am and the only thing I managed to do was feed kitty and shower it is now 1:30pm whew!
I get like that as well.  My arthritis is only mild/moderate, and there are still days when I don't want to move at all.  Feel better soon!

@Artiemom   So sorry your boy has the mugwumps.

@foxxycat   Darlin, whatever gets you through it.  You more than deserve a lazy, quiet time.

I just got my One Note stuff into Drop Box.  I'm so proud of myself!  I didn't realize (QUIT LAUGHING, @Margd) that One Note was stored as folders!  I thought they were in some esoteric spot I couldn't find!  Also got most of everything deleted off of C Rex, so he can go to pasture by the dumpster by the end of the week!


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I get like that as well.  My arthritis is only mild/moderate, and there are still days when I don't want to move at all.  Feel better soon!

@Artiemom   So sorry your boy has the mugwumps.

@foxxycat   Darlin, whatever gets you through it.  You more than deserve a lazy, quiet time.

I just got my One Note stuff into Drop Box.  I'm so proud of myself!  I didn't realize (QUIT LAUGHING, @Margd) that One Note was stored as folders!  I thought they were in some esoteric spot I couldn't find!  Also got most of everything deleted off of C Rex, so he can go to pasture by the dumpster by the end of the week!
I would never laugh at such an achievement.  If it involves anything to do with the Cloud or something like the Cloud, I am filled with distrust.    My attempt to set up the Cloud resulted in my data shooting right through the clouds and into outer space.  
   Congratulations on getting this done!  Goodbye C. Rex.  


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I would never laugh at such an achievement.  If it involves anything to do with the Cloud or something like the Cloud, I am filled with distrust.    My attempt to set up the Cloud resulted in my data shooting right through the clouds and into outer space.  
   Congratulations on getting this done!  Goodbye C. Rex.  
When I first set up the Drop Box, I was uploading, then going to the site to make sure it was there!  THEN I'd log in on Punk, and look THERE for it!  I've finally relaxed about it a bit.  Drew (Cloud Architect son) told me to use Drop Box.  So far, so good.

I had forgotten how slow C Rex actually is!  I was ready to pitch him out of the window before I even got as far as my files!  How the Sam Hill did I ever get ANYTHING done???


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
@Mamanyt1953    Mugwumps!! I love it.. never heard of that, but it must be that. Artie just jumped off the coach and went to graze some more...happy dance.. He eats more late in the afternoon, and during the night. Not much during the morning or early afternoon. 

@rhondalea    I think the election commissioner in this city is making everyone take an easy class before being allowed to help. There was a 4 page document to go along with before the test was taken--just outlining things, and job duties and such. 

The training, I think, is required by the state because there have been a lot of recent changes. It will be interesting--(??).... 

I think being involved in this will be mind blowing..; surely something I would never have thought to do a few years ago. It will be a new experience. If I do not care for it, I do not have to do it again.  But I think it will kind of cool to do it...

I am at a point in my life, where pretty much anything that comes my way, as far as volunteering or helping out, I am open to it. I need to push myself out of my shell..and experience different things. 

So far I am helping with the Humane Society--on call for PetSmart, and volunteering to help them with the major function they are having in September. It will be a silent auction and a coffee/dessert social, in a nice town. They are selling tickets for it. 

I am also on the Social Committee at my Church. We are also having a Festival night, at either the end of September or October. 

I also volunteered for the Church's AdBook Committee. We are putting a booklet together from all the donators and benefactors, to be given all to all parishioners. I never did this before so it will be something new. I never had to ever solicit for money...so another new endeavor. 

And I have the gym to keep me occupied. And Artie. 

These things are good because they can be done around my schedule, and when my shoulder and knee are not paining me...

I find I do much better when I have things to keep me occupied. I am trying to do things to "give back"....

not stretching myself thing, because these are all cyclic. and there are many down times. It will give me something to do, and I can rest when I want to. Take care of my shoulder and knee and the colitis when it flares up...

I also have to somehow push myself to make an appointment with a orthopedic surgeon for my knee. I really do need it looked at. I am putting it off, because it is my right knee and I am having a hard time finding someone to drive me places...and most important, take care of Artie...he needs so much care. meds, and food...

really babbling again..sorry...all about me....
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TCS Member
Apr 14, 2012
@artiesmom  Just a head's up that you're trying to tag @Rhondalee, but the spelling you use gets you me, instead: @rhondalea.

Because it's the second time you've done it, I thought you'd want to know that she's not getting a notification.



TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Leroy turned 6 years old yesterday

I did yoga for the first time today. The session was only half an hour long. I cold not balance during one of the poses
We started in a table / cow pose and then stuck one leg straight out behind and the arm on the opposite side straight out in front.  Even though I had one hand and one knee on the floor, I wobbled and fell over
There's a longer session late tomorrow afternoon which I'm planning to go to even though that means I have to stay an extra two hours at work.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Yeah, I have trouble with that one from time to time, too, but it is very good for the back!  Good on you for starting and being committed to staying with it.  I wish everyone could know how positive, beneficial, and wonderful working out is, whether with yoga, aerobics, calisthentics, strength training -- or a combination of all or others! 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
   Mugwumps!! I love it.. never heard of that, but it must be that. Artie just jumped off the coach and went to graze some more...happy dance.. He eats more late in the afternoon, and during the night. Not much during the morning or early afternoon. 

   I think the election commissioner in this city is making everyone take an easy class before being allowed to help. There was a 4 page document to go along with before the test was taken--just outlining things, and job duties and such. 

The training, I think, is required by the state because there have been a lot of recent changes. It will be interesting--(??).... 

I think being involved in this will be mind blowing..; surely something I would never have thought to do a few years ago. It will be a new experience. If I do not care for it, I do not have to do it again.  But I think it will kind of cool to do it...
I am at a point in my life, where pretty much anything that comes my way, as far as volunteering or helping out, I am open to it. I need to push myself out of my shell..and experience different things. 

So far I am helping with the Humane Society--on call for PetSmart, and volunteering to help them with the major function they are having in September. It will be a silent auction and a coffee/dessert social, in a nice town. They are selling tickets for it. 

I am also on the Social Committee at my Church. We are also having a Festival night, at either the end of September or October. 

I also volunteered for the Church's AdBook Committee. We are putting a booklet together from all the donators and benefactors, to be given all to all parishioners. I never did this before so it will be something new. I never had to ever solicit for money...so another new endeavor. 

And I have the gym to keep me occupied. And Artie. 

These things are good because they can be done around my schedule, and when my shoulder and knee are not paining me...

I find I do much better when I have things to keep me occupied. I am trying to do things to "give back"....

not stretching myself thing, because these are all cyclic. and there are many down times. It will give me something to do, and I can rest when I want to. Take care of my shoulder and knee and the colitis when it flares up...

I also have to somehow push myself to make an appointment with a orthopedic surgeon for my knee. I really do need it looked at. I am putting it off, because it is my right knee and I am having a hard time finding someone to drive me places...and most important, take care of Artie...he needs so much care. meds, and food...

really babbling again..sorry...all about me....
That's awesome that you are volunteering for so many great organizations. Before we moved, I volunteered at our church to do the planning and shopping for the food pantry. I haven't done anything at our new church though. I need to make the time, because I'll never find it.

I hope your experience with the elections are as good as mine. There's a lot to learn and remember, but it's pretty easy. After an hour or so, you'll be a pro!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
They are going to paint my building so they power washed it first, then started to patch cracks etc, now waiting for the painters. In the meantime they are doing something in the underground garage and nobody can park there, have to park in the street or in the cul-de-sac which is usually full of second cars or visitors.
 We have already been told that the cul-de-sac will be resurfaced so nobody can get into the garage either as you have to drive through the cul-de-sac to get into the garage. So for the next three weeks we will have to find someplace else to park which can be a real pain when you've got a bunch of groceries to haul.
Everything is quite hilly here so to get from the street into the front door of the building is uphill, and even with the little grocery carts, that just about everybody here has, it's still a pain to wheel it uphill.
I wish they had told us ahead of time like when the elevator was being repaired for how long we would not be able to park in the garage, one could have made plans ahead of time also. One can only wonder who fell down on he job of not telling the residents ahead of time.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
@Artiemom   I think you need to have your thyroid levels checked.    You should ask them to check for Hashimoto's as well.  Artie really misses you when you're gone.  I think he needs a friend or you'll need to start taking him with you to your volunteer work. 

@foxxycat   Do you think Pumpkin would eat/lap up bone broth?  I've see it recommended for people with arthritis. 

I had another 'bad' day of eating.  Had leftover Olive Garden for lunch and Popeye's chicken for dinner.  I did pull the breading off and made a salad to go with it.  I had planned to make a turkey breast piece to cook but it is too hot to use the over for 40 minutes.  It will be cooler Thursday and I can make it then.   I did not buy any candy at Walmart.  DD got quite a selection.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Feeling a bit overwhelmed. Sooo much going on this month.

The rest of the weekdays this week are fine. Saturday starts my first cat sit!!! So excited! Heard back from the client today telling me she moved the food bowl because of ants. They're rampant in the general area so not shocked (our visitors started making a reappearance lately - replaced all the bate discs!!). Saturday my nephew is holding a bbq, and I'll be bringing my mom, so we probably won't be there long. Sunday there's a fundraiser at the shelter I'm going to.

I really want to wash my litter boxes this weekend. They haven't been done in ages (waaaaay too long) and they kinda reek. Stuck my head in and WHEW! So yeah, need to do that. And I think it's supposed to be nice this weekend. I'm kinda afraid to leave them out in the sun though. People tend to think you're putting stuff out because you're throwing it away (which actually is the case most of the time) and will take it. Sometimes they'll ask, but not always. Anyway, thinking I'll do it Sunday. I have to go take care of my client's kitty, so I'll position the other car (of the lady upstairs) so there is room behind it for the litter boxes to dry, and they'll be kinda hidden. That area gets a lot of sun so that is good.

I am gonna buy some 20-gallon bins to put in the place of these litter boxes for now. Will bring switch them out later. Need to cut some openings in them too. Been thinking I'll make it a bit higher of an entrance, since these cats OFTEN jump over the high side of it. I want to make it at least as high as Pea-Pea's butt. This morning, in the litter box in my bedroom, she had her butt all the way in the box, but was standing up, so the pee went all the way out and onto the pee pad (thank goodness I have those there!).

Oh, and listen to this. This is how smart my cats are. I was running very late and couldn't change the pee pad immediately this morning. They dragged the pee pad over from the side and put it on top of the two that got peed on. Perfectly centered too. I have mental images of coordinated efforts, with Maple overseeing the project from her chair :lol3:

And finally started brushing their toofies again. Maple's checkup reminded me of why I started doing it to being with, so back to that. Decided to bust out the CET. Had been using the Drs Foster and Smith brand. The consistency was SO much thinner than I was used to! I got it all over the place as a result. Didn't do a great job brushing but then again, I need to get them used to it again. So mad I slacked on it for so long. I'd even gotten them to the point I was able to get their back teeth.

Oh, and my nephew's birthday is tomorrow. There's a bunch of us who all turn the same age and he starts the cycle. He's going to be 40 tomorrow.
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