Lethargy After Eating, Intestinal Inflammation


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
That said, the NaturVet Cat-Cal nutritional gel is a godsend for the both of us. That is cat crack. Yeah, corn syrup and molasses are the first two ingredients, but I assume that's for consistency and cheap price of corn syrup as a food ingredient. Cats don't process sugar the same as we do. What I believe is really drawing her in is the B vitamins and the cod liver oil. I use a pea-sized amount of gel with tuna water to make her medicine stack palatable enough for her to finish that first. ("You can't have your meat if you don't eat your pudding!" :lol:) Then I don't worry or argue with her about her having to finish her food to get all her medicine and she gets untainted food. I also use an even smaller amount of gel to either flavor the broth of her food or get her started in the first place. A small amount of gel is always good for at least a few bites. Sometimes that's all that's needed to get her eating. Other times, those few bites is all she'll take. I don't overdo the gel though. So far, we've been lucky that she has no reactions to it but I don't want to press my luck with that much corn syrup. I don't worry about it in terms of sugar as much as non-nutrients eventually have to be expelled.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
In response to your question about the Stella and Chewy having some fruits and veggies in it, yes, it has 5% fruits and veggies. I believe all commercial raw food has a small amount of fruits and veggies in it, and the reasoning for this is that if a cat in the wild eats whole live prey, that prey usually has eaten fruits and /or veggies which are then eaten by the cat "second hand", if that makes sense.

What a bummer that he's already grown tired of the rabbit. Hopefully that's just a fluke, but if not, maybe some of the Tiki flavors will work, or even the Nature's Variety Limited Duck. Yes, I know it has peas in it, which is unfortunate, but if he seems to be doing better lately, not sure I would switch to another brand yet. And you're not sure he has any allergies to poultry, right? Just because he doesn't hunt birds doesn't mean anything at all. I don't think cats know when a food isn't good for them, I just think they know when they don't like the taste of something. BUT, chicken has been known to cause inflammation, that's probably why you won't typically find it as a Limited Ingredient food. Duck and turkey on the other hand, don't usually cause the same issues. (I still think rabbit is the best though, if possible)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
I don’t buy that reasoning. Their prey’s stomachs will be very small, so much less than 5%. And that which they do consume second-hand will also come either pre-digested or with second-hand digestive enzymes which are not being added to these commercial raw foods.
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 22, 2018
Find whatever he will eat - that's the important thing.

Maybe some things here below might help to entice him, or at least will keep nutrients going in him;

Try making this;
tent test for dehydration and home-made pedialyte recipe - The Daily Kitten

Also, try making one of these;
Kitten Glop Recipes - Supplementing Cats and Kittens with nutritious formula you make at home: presented by Bengal Cat breeder Foothill Felines. --This website has a number of kitten glop recipes, with ingredients that you may very well have in your house.

These can be used on their own or combined with food. Also, if you heat the food a little - stir it so there aren't any hot spots from the microwave. Or you could heat some water, about a tablespoon, and add that to canned food. A shot glass works to stir it all up.
  • Chicken, beef or ham flavored baby food such as Gerber Stage 2 - make sure there is no garlic or onions in the ingredients
  • Tuna and/or the juice, a low mercury/low/no sodium brand is called SafeCatch
  • Salmon, mackerel
  • Sardines (make sure there are no bones)
  • boiled cut up chicken or turkey with no seasonings
  • canned kitten food any brand - it's usually smelly. See if it's eaten on its own, then maybe mix it in or put on top
  • Try mixing in Kitten Milk Replacer - there are recipes on the internet or store bought
  • Fish, tuna or BBQ flavored canned wet food (I personally have never seen BBQ flavors, but...)
  • Lickable cat treats or pouch treat 'gravy' poured over the food
  • kitten glop (recipes in website link above)
  • Bonito flakes
  • fortiflora
  • fish oil
  • green beans, asparagus mushed up
  • goat milk, or no lactose cow milk
  • whole cooked eggs (the white must always be cooked) or raw egg yolk now and then
  • broth with no salt and no garlic or onion or seasonings of any kind
  • There are also commercial toppers, Applaws is a brand that can work well as a topper
  • Some good treats would be freeze dried Purebites, Orijen, Meowtinis, Meowables
  • There are also Lickimats that you could spread types of soft food onto, even plain unflavored yogurt, and even freeze it. Licking something can help a cat to feel better emotionally The LickiMat - Food Puzzles for Cats
  • shredded cheddar cheese
Thanks for this Furballsmom Furballsmom I will keep this for future reference if I’m stuck. He will eat tuna in a pinch.
Because my cat has IBD, I am very particular about ingredients. If she has a reaction to something, how am I to know what caused that reaction if there's four different proteins, three gums, a starch, and a handful of vegetables and/or grains?

For a "limited ingredient" food, the Instinct has two proteins, a vegetable, and a non-nutritive clay. If I gave this to my Krista and she vomited it back, does that mean she doesn't do well with rabbit or she doesn't do well with peas? or with clay?

That's why I like the Tiki Cat Grill line. The Ahi Tuna, Ahi Tuna with Crab, Ahi Tuna with Shrimp, and Wild Salmon are all fish in fish broth plus vitamins. Assuming she's not allergic to the vitamin-minerals-oil base they use to make all their formulas nutritionally complete, I only have to worry about the one or two proteins. And since they have an Ahi Tuna flavor by itself, we can rule out the tuna if she has a reaction to the shrimp or crab flavors.
Yeah. I totally agree with you. Most cat foods I have noticed have so many extra ingredients, that’s why I’ve been trying to find something with the least amount. They carry the LID Instinct in my town; was the best one they had so that’s why I went with it. I looked up that clay, and it’s suppose to bind to toxins and flush them out. As soon as you mentioned pea protein I took a look on the cans and noticed it’s only in the rabbit formula for some reason. The turkey one only has the peas (which I was trying to pick out anyway haha)

I ran into the city yesturday and grabbed all the tiki cat you mentioned as well as the tuna and pumpkin you mentioned earlier. What you say makes total sense. He is still eating the rabbit but not really all that enough of it. He seems to only want to eat a tablespoon or less of it at a time now. Sometimes without a topper but mostly with it. I think he only had like 1.5-2oz of it yesturday so I ended up giving him a little bit of the tiki cat which he inhaled; and then again today after the rabbit he didn’t want to finish (which was a table spoon) we also had a de-thawed tiny mouse in the fridge for him that I gave him (last night) since it had to be eaten and he loved that. I don’t want to go too fast with the tiki cat food though? I just don’t know if 2oz of food a day is enough if I just stick to the rabbit? Lol. So far I suck at trying to stick to one thing for him, but he’s being so picky.
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 22, 2018
That said, the NaturVet Cat-Cal nutritional gel is a godsend for the both of us. That is cat crack. Yeah, corn syrup and molasses are the first two ingredients, but I assume that's for consistency and cheap price of corn syrup as a food ingredient. Cats don't process sugar the same as we do. What I believe is really drawing her in is the B vitamins and the cod liver oil. I use a pea-sized amount of gel with tuna water to make her medicine stack palatable enough for her to finish that first. ("You can't have your meat if you don't eat your pudding!" :lol:) Then I don't worry or argue with her about her having to finish her food to get all her medicine and she gets untainted food. I also use an even smaller amount of gel to either flavor the broth of her food or get her started in the first place. A small amount of gel is always good for at least a few bites. Sometimes that's all that's needed to get her eating. Other times, those few bites is all she'll take. I don't overdo the gel though. So far, we've been lucky that she has no reactions to it but I don't want to press my luck with that much corn syrup. I don't worry about it in terms of sugar as much as non-nutrients eventually have to be expelled.
Oo, I will look into that if we start struggling to get him to eat/eat enough. Thanks!
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  • #26


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 22, 2018
From what you describe, I think it could be simple stomach upset, either from current diet or getting all the prior diet out of him. I’ve read somewhere that it takes a few weeks to flush out food allergens after a diet change. It’s probably the same even without allergens.
So far, he still goes off for a sleep after eating, as usual; and he does look kind of pained: doesn't purr when I pet him and has a slow grouchy way about him. This morning he was super snuggly and purring; very interactive. My spouse fed him a tbspoon of the rabbit, he left a couple pieces when I went to look at the bowl a little later. Im not sure how he reacted after eating that, since I wasn't around. But this afternoon we even played for 20-30 mins with his toy, jumping, running and attacking. I fed him again, this time alittle but of the tiki cat and thats when he took off to the bed looking pained/grouchy; but that's the same reaction with every food I've fed him. Again though, he did want outside and its too cold, that also makes him not a happy camper. I will keep monitoring him.. I am just confused about the food I guess still, even though you made if very clear lol. The fluff ball is confusing me.
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  • #28


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 22, 2018
An update for you all.

Took Sebastian to the vet for blood work, got the results today. Everything is normal except for slightly low B12. The vet recommended a good solid diet (he is on tiki cat now and eats every morsel every day) and B12 shots as it is likley IBD. The diet is a bit of a worry for me now, as I actually found out that others have been letting him indoors and feeding him too. I delievered little notes to everyone to please not feed him due to his condition. I just have to hope they listen. It is also engraved on his pet tag that he has dietary restrictions do not feed. daftcat75 daftcat75 recommedned a harness for when he goes out stating the same, which would really let everyone know. I may end up doing that. Maybe I will end up having to transistion him into an indoor cat, but that might be hard since hes been outdoor all his life and enjoys his various homes? So not entirely sure on what to do with that. Anyone else have suggestions?

Thanks all for the help!
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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! A breakaway collar is the only safe means of any type of item that remains on a cat.

I personally would like to see him become an indoor kitty, because there are too many well meaning family members of the other neighbors who might not get the message.

If he is a little unclear about litter boxes, some unfertilized potting soil and even a few leaves can help him make that transition :)

How To Make Your Home Bigger (at Least For Your Cats)

9 Grass Growing Kits That Will Make Your Cat Happy

The Five Golden Rules To Bringing An Outdoor Cat Inside
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  • #30


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 22, 2018
That is a good point. We have so many shrubs, bushes and a million trees in my area since it's all wild untammed land and I've seen him climbing trees. He is only wearing a breakaway collar now.

Thanks so much for those links.. I guess we will have to do that. I wouldn't mind it, but my spouse isn't keen on the idea, mostly because/for the cat. Any ideas on how to get him onboard? lol

He does use the litter box for urinating, but really dislikes having to use it for bowel movements. He actaully used to use it, but we had a dramatic experience with him using it to poo while on a vet trip in the car. I think he may associate it with that unpleasant experience.. Any tips to remove that association? He does like digging and the feel of grass and leaves, good idea about the potting soil, maybe that will encourage him? :think:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
Make him an indoor kitty for at least a month while you’re doing the B-12 shots. Give him a month to stabilize. A month of no vomiting and no diarrhea plus B-12 treatments will make a huge difference. He’ll be back to his old self in no time.

Get him a different box if he has an association with the one you have. Maybe also get another for a different location. He might be just weird enough to use one for pee and the other for poo.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016

Maybe I can bother 1 bruce 1 1 bruce 1 or 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine for an opinion about why to make a kitty an indoor kitty? Both of these people have experience with this :)
My first thought was a catio. We have retired outdoor cats that have no interest in going outside except for their own personal cat-proof kingdom!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
My first thought was a catio. We have retired outdoor cats that have no interest in going outside except for their own personal cat-proof kingdom!
daftcat75 daftcat75 - I have to agree completely with 1 bruce 1 1 bruce 1 - If you feel the need for him to "enjoy" the outdoors, by all means, build a (fully screened) catio - but in every case I've ever seen, cats don't want to be outside at all once they've had the chance to enjoy the safety of indoor Life, with no fleas, no ticks, no worms, no mosquitoes (the number one cause of Feline Heartworm) no predators, no wasp and bees stings, and a three to five times longer lifespan.

People in undeveloped countries walk miles to a river to carry water home, but once they have the convenience of running water, they never say, "I miss walking to the river, drinking untreated water and getting giardiasis, dysentery, cholera and Typhoid Fever." Cats are no different, and our obligation as good stewards of to give them the longest, safest, most comfortable Life possible.

I can't help with, "getting your Spouse on board." If I had a Spouse, and that Spouse were resistant to the cat coming inside permanently, the Spouse would be out house-hunting that same day, while my locksmith finished up changing the tumblers on all the locks.
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  • #35


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 22, 2018
Make him an indoor kitty for at least a month while you’re doing the B-12 shots. Give him a month to stabilize. A month of no vomiting and no diarrhea plus B-12 treatments will make a huge difference. He’ll be back to his old self in no time.

Get him a different box if he has an association with the one you have. Maybe also get another for a different location. He might be just weird enough to use one for pee and the other for poo.
We are in Alberta Canada, so he will be an indoor cat for 6 months coming up; so we will start the process then I think. I got him a red medical tag for him, but they are still feeding him by the looks of it. He came home with his long hairs around his face wet licking his lips and began grooming his chest. It’s insane to me that someone would still feed him after I politely asked them to stop due to GI problems. Unless he ate a mouse, but I’ve never seen him get that messy after eating one.

The vet recommended to still let him outside for the last month or two before the snow falls since keeping him locked in can cause him stress and he’d be miserable. The -5 -10 -40 weather will keep him in haha.

Thanks for the box idea! We will set up the other one as well. Never thought of that.
My first thought was a catio. We have retired outdoor cats that have no interest in going outside except for their own personal cat-proof kingdom!
Sounds like a great idea but sadly we are renting this home and can’t build anything outback for him, otherwise we we would.
daftcat75 daftcat75 - I have to agree completely with 1 bruce 1 1 bruce 1 - If you feel the need for him to "enjoy" the outdoors, by all means, build a (fully screened) catio - but in every case I've ever seen, cats don't want to be outside at all once they've had the chance to enjoy the safety of indoor Life, with no fleas, no ticks, no worms, no mosquitoes (the number one cause of Feline Heartworm) no predators, no wasp and bees stings, and a three to five times longer lifespan.

People in undeveloped countries walk miles to a river to carry water home, but once they have the convenience of running water, they never say, "I miss walking to the river, drinking untreated water and getting giardiasis, dysentery, cholera and Typhoid Fever." Cats are no different, and our obligation as good stewards of to give them the longest, safest, most comfortable Life possible.

I can't help with, "getting your Spouse on board." If I had a Spouse, and that Spouse were resistant to the cat coming inside permanently, the Spouse would be out house-hunting that same day, while my locksmith finished up changing the tumblers on all the locks.
I wish we could! He will definitely be in doors in the next couple of months as it will be -20 in no time, hopefully when the summer rolls around again we can keep him inside. My spouse is more concerned about the cat becoming stressed out to suddenly being kept indoors, and doesn’t make sense to add that stress when in a month or two, he will decide to stay inside all on his own. He loves him just as much and would love to have him indoors. I should have worded that better.
That’s quite incredible you’ve been able to get cats to never want to go outside again. I had one cat that absolutely refused to stay indoors and snuck out every chance she got not matter how hard we tried. During the winter she was always depressed and slept most of the time, even though we had a good home life for her.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
My spouse is more concerned about the cat becoming stressed out to suddenly being kept indoors, and doesn’t make sense to add that stress when in a month or two, he will decide to stay inside all on his own.
If you do find that your furbaby is showing some stress, you could obtain a calming diffuser or try a less pricey option of playing some low volume classical harp music, kusc.org or try the app Relax My Cat.
There is also chamomile tea from the little tea bags, (not loose Leaf) up to three cooled tablespoons a couple times a day in water or food.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
I have Music For Cats, an album formulated especially for cats so it has tick tocks and purring and heart beats and stuff cats like. I have this playing for Krista in the front room when I’m away, or working in the other room. I call it her “cat rock.”

Music For Cats
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  • #38


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 22, 2018
thank-you!! I have tried some of the music and it helps him at night settle down.

I still let him out, but it’s surprising he is wanting out less and less now, which is great. I think the other people have stopped feeding him now as well. He always begs and meows at me for food, before he wasn’t as eager to eat.

I have another concern lol. I have been feeding him the Tiki Cat wild salmon and tuna food. I have been adding extra water to his food as well so he’s getting a lot of water.

Today however, I went outside with him to do his business. He sat down to pee in some grass and leaves, I took a quick look and I’m not sure I saw any urine? I can’t be certain though. The only reason I think that is because 10 mins later about 40 feet in another direction he sat down again, and I for sure didn’t see anything. He doesn’t give any indications of having a UTI and when he came home I felt for his bladder and he wasn’t phased at all/get mad nor did I feel anything hard (not that I know exactly where it is in that area, but I felt around deeply; it all feels soft and squishy) the only reason I am worried is because I looked it up, and everywhere says to avoid feeding fish because of high magnesium/phosphorus; it can cause crystals, and because I’m not sure I saw anything. After that he took off into someone’s back yard so I couldn’t keep an eye on him. Should I be worried about him only eating fish products??
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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Can you try a different food for a few days, and if possible get him in to your vet, or call them and see what they think?

You could alternate/rotate foods so that maybe one week he gets tiki cat, then another week he gets something else...unless his system is really sensitive to the fish?
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  • #40


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 22, 2018
Can you try a different food for a few days, and if possible get him in to your vet, or call them and see what they think?

You could alternate/rotate foods so that maybe one week he gets tiki cat, then another week he gets something else...unless his system is really sensitive to the fish?
Thanks Furballsmom Furballsmom

I called the vet, she said if he isn’t in distress and if I felt his bladder that I would know if he has issues because he would not be happy about it. She said to keep an eye on him though. So I kept him inside, he was wailing at me to go out= a sign he really wants to pee so I ignored him. 20 mins later he used the box and thank god, peed a large amount. Phew. I was really worried.

I think I will try switching his food still anyway, to reduce the chances? He really loves it though, will it upset him to make yet another switch?? But I think Tiki Cat has a good chicken one, and I still have a few Instinct Turkey that he still likes to eat too. I just have to pick out the peas for that one. Since he’s eaten the turkey one in the past, is it okay to abruptly put him back on that one for awhile?

He doesn’t seem sensitive to any fish that I know of.