Greyhounds Next Door


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2011
Cats and dogs are both predators, yes given the chance a greyhound will likely catch and kill a cat if it comes within reach, just like a cat will go after a bird. If you want your cats outside make a secure enclosure so they are safe. I have terriers, it's easy enough to train dogs not to eat the cat in the house in most cases but that doesn't change natural instinct or prey drive, they would gladly go after a stray in the yard or even the cat they know if amped up enough. One of mine can go straight over my 6 foot fence btw, he goes out under supervision or on a tie out only.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Years ago when I lived in the country, the nearest neighbor had 10-12 greyhounds. He trained them to run and take down coyotes with rabbits. It was sickening. He installed their killing instinct in the puppies by letting them attack rabbits and cats from the pound that were stunned by a blow to the head. I complained to animal control who told me they couldn't do anything because it was outside city limits. The sheriff stated he couldn't do anything unless they came on my property and then I could shoot them. ?! He often left them loose, usually at night. The last straw came when I looked out my window and saw the pack of greyhounds take down the neighbors Saint Bernard. They were feeding on him! I wrote to the paper who investigated and ran an article. The neighbor of the dog complained to the sheriff and finally public pressure and the law prompted him to get rid of most of the greyhounds, I guess there is a limit to how many dogs you can have on your property. Thank God for animal lovers! Greyhounds posses a keen chase and kill instinct, and are still used on farms for killing coyotes. I wouldn't trust them around my cats. Nor any other unknown dog!

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Years ago when I lived in the country, the nearest neighbor had 10-12 greyhounds. He trained them to run and take down coyotes with rabbits. It was sickening. He installed their killing instinct in the puppies by letting them attack rabbits and cats from the pound that were stunned by a blow to the head. I complained to animal control who told me they couldn't do anything because it was outside city limits. The sheriff stated he couldn't do anything unless they came on my property and then I could shoot them. ?! He often left them loose, usually at night. The last straw came when I looked out my window and saw the pack of greyhounds take down the neighbors Saint Bernard. They were feeding on him! I wrote to the paper who investigated and ran an article. The neighbor of the dog complained to the sheriff and finally public pressure and the law prompted him to get rid of most of the greyhounds, I guess there is a limit to how many dogs you can have on your property. Thank God for animal lovers! Greyhounds posses a keen chase and kill instinct, and are still used on farms for killing coyotes. I wouldn't trust them around my cats. Nor any other unknown dog!
That's extreme example but you are also dealing with pack behavior. I try to explain to neighbors that what one dog won't even think about 2 will consider and 3 or more will act on. People out here used to let their dog run loose and they'd form midnight packs. If your dog or cat is in your yard under your control the law is almost always going to be on your side. The best way of thinking is preventing an occurrence . We're looking at some heavy duty wire dog kennels that looks like we can put on a slab. Make pet proof screens to go around it and a steel tube connecting to the house. We have to make ours rattlesnake, coyote and loose dog safe that's not including the variety of hawks we have. We can't use the popular cat netting here.