Explain your cat's name


TCS Member
Sep 27, 2021
Alice was a very serious kitten and the name just suited. She is a very serious madam.

Robin Reliant, my tripod boy named after a three wheeled car in the uk. ( although he gets called all sorts of variations -Robster Lobster being my fav)

Fleur-Ball - after the Pitbull song ‘fireball’which was playing on the radio in the car when we adopted her


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 19, 2020
Aniki means "big brother" in Japanese. It can also be used to describe a mentor for an underling in the Japanese mafia, which is fitting because Aniki is good at mischief.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 18, 2012
Los Angeles
I have two orange/ginger cats named Eric and Sarah. Eric's full name is Eric James. He is a big guy -- 18 lbs./8 kilos -- and is named after the Viking Erik the Red. He is 21 years old. Sarah is named after Sarah Ferguson, The Duchess of York. Her middle name is Margaret, but my Sarah's is Elizabeth. Sarah means "princess," and she certainly is that. She is Her Royal Highness Princess Sarah Elizabeth. She is 23 years old. She was three months old when I adopted her, and Eric was 18 months old. Sarah was dumped at my former church, and Eric's previous owners moved and left him behind because they didn't want to take him to the vet for his upper respiratory infection.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 3, 2021
I have Charly who is named after my late dad, whose nickname was Charly with a y. Initially, he was Charlie Brown, he had this really beautiful brown face as a newborn (and funnily enough, an acquaintance of mine adopted his brother and I later found out she called him Linus. We both didn't know of the others name).
Now there is also Baby Yoda, who as a wee kitten had these gigantic floppy disproportionate ears. Now he usually goes by Yoda but sometimes we still refer to him as Baby Yoda. :flail:

Outside in our small colony, there's also Mammina;(the mom cat who "started" the colony we take care of), "Pazzetta" (diminutive of crazy in Italian as she is...quite quirky and weird but sweet as sugar), and finally Calzino (meaning little sock, he has white paws) and his brother, Calzone.
Sometimes Zietta (Auntie, we suspect she is Mammina's sister) visits around feeding time and a stray has joined the colony recently who has been named "Nica" (small or little in Sicilian language, she is probably around 5 to 6 months and we're trying to build trust in order to TNR. Catching the right one in a trap is impossible as we always get the wrong one in the trap (Pazzetta or Calzino). A roaming tomcat who used to come around was aptly named "inseminator" (pronounced with a thick Italian accent) by my neighbours but he has since been TNRd and hasn't been around in ages. He wasn't part of their bonded colony so he stopped coming around.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Boycat,,, My kidnapped cat... I adopted his threefold litter having been assured by the owner they were all girls. So... Amata, Beata and Cara. Sadly Amata succumbed to a heart defect. Then one day I caught Cara atop Beata with amorous intent... So off to the vet they went and Cara became Boycat as that was all I could think of..
Selkie... clearly part-Oriental and as sleek and svelte as a seal ….Oliver as he is a greedy lad who always wants MORE,,,, so watch your dishes as he is a total thief..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Boycat,,, My kidnapped cat... I adopted his threefold litter having been assured by the owner they were all girls. So... Amata, Beata and Cara. Sadly Amata succumbed to a heart defect. Then one day I caught Cara atop Beata with amorous intent... So off to the vet they went and Cara became Boycat as that was all I could think of..
Selkie... clearly part-Oriental and as sleek and svelte as a seal ….Oliver as he is a greedy lad who always wants MORE,,,, so watch your dishes as he is a total thief..
Just out of curiosity... Why did you pick Italian names for your cats?
Selkie is a wonderful name, so linked to the Irish folklore for the sea creatures.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
I've never been good at naming cats.
The cats in my colony have all funny names, which I often feel embarrassed to tell others :lol:

Most of the names of my previous home/foster cats had been picked by my wife, and I liked them all.
In time, I learned how to properly name other cats.

The names of my current two kitties have a different story, though.


Giada (pronounced /ˈdʒada/ ) - In Italian is a girl name, a color, and a jem,Jade.
She was a feral kitten, about 3 months old, when I first spotted her along with her three siblings and her mother in my colony. Mother and siblings were very wary and scared, and ran and hide when I saw them. This calico kitten stayed and was looking straight at me, with her sweet round eyes. And I told her "if I could rescue you and take you home with me, I would name you Giada".
Well, it happened I was able to trap the whole family the next day. The whole family was taken to the local shelter. Two days later this calico kitten felt sick and I took her in at the vets, and when the visit finished she came home with me for the night. And she stayed since (it was mid December 2019). True to my promise, I named her Giada.


Freya - In the Norse mythology Freya is the goddess of fertility, love, sex, beauty, war and gold. Freya is represented by a beautiful woman who rides a chariot pulled by two cats.
I had been dreaming to have a cat named Freya for nearly two decades, and though I had so many female kittens in my hands in the years, fate decided that among the many kittens I had brought home, she was the right one.
A week before I rescued her, I had a vision in my mind of a tiny tortie kitten on the side of a major road needing help. In my vision I would stop and rescue her, bring her home and name her Freya.
Exactly seven days later this was what happened. I was driving when I spotted this tiny tortie kitten, along with two siblings and their mother, in a car park on the side of a major road. So I stopped, walked towards them, they all ran away but one, the tortie kitten. She was about 6 weeks old and had sore eyes, that's why she couldn't see me coming. I grabbed her easily, took her to the local vet to have her sore eyes treated, then, a few days later, she came home with me and was named Freya, just like my vision said (it was mid November 2020).


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 24, 2021
The names are Latin to me. I am a multi-linguist.. and they are more poetic than English... Cara is a lovely name... Beata was indeed blessed. Miss her..

The small stray? Tonto. Oliver aka the Lone Ranger for his wandering ways brought him home one day. Found him wandering and said, "Hey you look hungry... You come along home with me. SHE will feed you. SHE will feed anyone" So they came in together and he has been eating here ever since. The bigger stray? Dominic as he wears a symmetrical black and white Dominican habit.. Usually shortened to Dom Dom



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Hilarious! It is simply that there is a duality as Italian is bastardised Latin.. and all adjectives. So the names are dual nationality/linguistic. BUT I am a Latin scholar with no interest in or knowledge of Italian so my cats were named Latin..... lol.. And ah,,,,, mine are gone now except Boycat who was misnamed Cara and the Dear Lord alone knows if I will ever see my kidnapped old lad again. Over and out as my old eyes are overflowing,


TCS Member
Sep 6, 2021
I'm an automotive engineer who designs truck suspensions, therefore, Chassis fits for my cat's name. Also, aren't all calicos named starting with c or k? :)
My second cat was named Kelly. She had that name when I adopted her and decided keep it for Kelly tires. She was also a calico (darker one). Kelly passed away in 2018.
Chassis and Kelly Wallpaper.JPG


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 11, 2021
My name is Matt. My wife's name is Merinda. We had 3 cats, Mozart, Maggie and Miller. We still have Maggie and Miller. Aside from the "M" alliteration, Mozart is named after my favorite composer. Maggie is the daintiest calico you will ever see, so well, MAggie just fit. And Miller because my favorite beer is Miller Lite lol.

We also had a 15" Oscar for 10 years named Melvyn.

Ella Spell

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 14, 2024
He was named by my exbf 20 years ago. His idea was to call him Smokey or Smoke or something like that based on his colouring, but I thought those names were too "meh". I couldn't decide. Over time it became Mokey and then Mokes.


I always wanted a black girl kitty named Ouiji (like Ouija board). I can't remember if I thought of it myself or heard it somewhere but it was in the back of my mind for years. When I got her I debated spelling it Ouija with the "a" on the end, but I thought "i" would be easier for people to sound out if they didn't know the word, and I liked the three dots at the end (iji). Also, I got her from Kijiji so she's Ouiji from Kijiji. :)

We decided she was French and her full name is Mademoiselle Ouiji Spell, so the "Oui" fits with that. We called her "Oui Oui" a lot when she was little but now it's just "Weej".

The vet can't say either name at all, even though we wrote it phonetically on her chart. He calls her "Oh - Jah".

After Ouiji everyone assumed I was into witchcraft or something because she was a black cat named for Ouija boards. For the record, I only used a Ouija Board once in my life when I was about nine -- and no, I'm not into witchcraft or the occult although I'm interested in the Salem witch trials and women's history.

When we got our next cat Willow we decided we liked the two "W" names together. Ouiji (Weej) sounds like a W name, so Weej and Willow sounded cute. I also read that witches' broomsticks were supposedly made of willow branches so that made it work with Ouiji like a theme, without being too obvious as a witch word.

Willow is a Tortie so she's Halloween colours and her orange parts were like the colour of straw on a broomstick in the dark night air. Yeah, I'm detail-brained like that lol.

I still have the list of other names we considered but Willow worked best. I would have called her Witch Hazel but that was a bit too long, and it would have ended up being Hazel which wasn't a W name.

For my next cat I decided if we had two witch-themed sisters we should have a third, so it could be like the three "weird sisters" / witches in Macbeth. I'm a literature specialist so I thought that would be cool. The orange cat we got was supposed to be a girl. Just before we picked a witchy name related to the play Macbeth, we found out he was actually a boy.

That made things easy. We named him Macbeth. Done.

In history the real Macbeth was known as "The Red King", and of course he was Scottish. My partner is Scottish and has a Mac______ surname, and the cat is red. It's also funny because in the play, Lady Macbeth wishes to change her sex and be a man. That's exactly what happened with this kitty who started out as a girl in our minds, but ended up being a boy.

We call him Mickey for short.

Once I had Macbeth and his two "witchy" sisters Ouiji and Willow, I still needed a third girl so I'd have Macbeth and three witch-named sisters. Then I found my Hester. Her name was a no-brainer for me because she looked so much like a witch, and most people agree the name Hester sounds rather witchy. It wouldn't have suited my red tabby even if he was a girl, but it was perfect for my black and haunted looking Hester.


Hester has three badass namesakes:

Hester Jonas was one of the women persecuted and tortured in the Salem witch trials and I consider her a hero for what she went through.

She wasn't really a witch but people thought she was - just like my cats ... and just like me, for having witchy cats:

:( ^

Then there's Hester Prynne from The Scarlet Letter who endured great hardship and was strong in the face of adversity and persecution, much like Hester Jonas:

Lastly, Hester is named for the main character in Hester by Margaret Oliphant (1883), which is one of my favourite novels. Hester is a very strong-willed, independent character whom I've always admired:

For short we call her "Hex" which is also witchy like casting a spell (Ella Spell, Ouiji Spell).

Her middle name is Jane, after Jane Eyre.

On the off-chance I ever get another girl she will likely be Hazel, and Hester / Hazel go nicely just like Ouiji and Willow.
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