Corona Virus Now Spreading


Mr.Mom to a house of cats 😇😼
Top Cat
Apr 1, 2016
Los Angeles
Good news (at least news to me) tractor supply now ships cat food to your home. when I checked in 2018 the only available shipping option for canned cat food was ship to store. I just ordered a 10day supply of food for my cats - 70 x 5.5oz cans of 4Health - $50. free shipping.
~ Oh boy ! This is wonderful news. Hope the store here in So. California will ship to home. Would be very convenient.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 18, 2019
I'm a little worried. I've had a lot of phlegm in my throat for the past two days, and it feels a bit sore. I have a slight fever, I've felt unusually tired (even more so than I normally do), and one of my lymph nodes is swollen. I've got *something*. The last time I went anywhere was six days ago, when I went grocery shopping.
I'm going to be tested tomorrow. Now I have slight chest pain that worsens when I breathe deeply or swallow.

Keep us updated. Hope this passes soon. Take care.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 18, 2019
My school is contacting students next week about direct cash payments resulting from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund they received because of the CARES act. Very excited about this, and glad that this should help many students. Luckily, I'm an independent student because of my age, but many college kids are claimed by their parents, even if the child is away at school and working to support themselves. This means the student did not get any money from the "stimulus checks," but because the students were over 18, the parents did not get any additional funding of $500/child in these cases. Plus, many students support themselves, but may have only been employed through workstudy or school, and do not qualify for unemployment and were not able to continue working because schools closed down.

So very happy the schools are giving out funds to students in financial need. Not sure if all schools qualified or if schools are using different strategies to allocate funds. But my school is determining how much to give students based on data entered for filling FAFSA. Some of my student friends have been worried about money, so hopefully they will be receiving money, too, through this.

NY cat man

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
NY was supposed to reopen May 1, but that has been pushed back to the 15th, and who knows how long after that. The big thing is that the vast majority of cases have been in and around NYC, and even there they have been finding that way more people had the virus, didn't even know it, and recovered. They only found out after testing, meaning the mortality rate has been far below what was predicted by the various models. But hey, we're here in western NY, so what we think doesn't count.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
IL is extending the shelter in place order, but are doing slight openings - some state parks, greenhouses and nurseries, some businesses open for pick-up and delivery, but are making face coverings mandatory when you can't social distance. I have randomly acquired a kn95 due to the fact that I was doing a curbside pickup at Pet Supplies Plus for kibble and litter, realized I was also low on wet food, so went inside and some random lady who felt sorry for my bandanna mask said "oh, we have extras in my car, let me give you one." So, I mean, I have to reuse it and all, but it's something.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 2, 2016
*Don't we wish la-la land was always like this?*
It certainly makes the daily drive better.

But then you consider the sorrows behind all that empty space.

Normally I’d be out and about but I’m sitting in front of my house running my crippled car till I can get the transmission fixed.

furmonster mom

Lap #2
Top Cat
Jun 14, 2013
Mohave Desert
Went to the cultural markets today to get organ meats for my pet food recipes.

The Asian market was metering people in/out and had a sign that said they would turn anyone away who was not wearing a mask. They take it seriously! Unfortunately, their aisles are very close, so it was difficult to maintain distancing with other shoppers. They had lots of rice, though! (which Costco is scarce on).

The Mexican market was more cavalier. No metering, no mask requirement. I'd say 50% of the customers had masks, though I was glad to see most of the staff were wearing something. Apparently, they received a package of masks for the staff, cause my cashier briefly left her station to go get one. The store was well stocked. Plenty of fresh tortillas, house made salsas, meats, produce, and tp!


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Not everyone has a home to stay in.

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You guys gonna reopen May 1 as originally planned?
That is supposed to be part of the daily briefing on Monday. DeWine has warned many times that reopening is not going to be full on reopening. He has said in the past initially it will only be small businesses where social distancing can be maintained. He has also said that it does no good to open up businesses if people don't feel safe to come out and go to that business.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
The supermarket had more paper good on the shelves today. Not much of either but more than the last time I went. I got a pack of toilet paper and paper towels. I'll need to buy more tissues eventually. I haven't been to BJs in over a month so I don't know what their stock of paper goods there is like.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
It seems like the shortages are regional in nature now. I just got back and the only thing they were still short on and were limiting quantities on was the disinfectants. They did have the Lysol wipes though, I hadn't seen any brand of those in a long time. They only had the Lysol in the smaller 35 sheet containers and no Clorox wipes. The only larger container was in the store brand so I got two of the smaller Lysol ones. Many things I don't shy away from the store brand but the way things are now I am sticking with Lysol or Clorox if I can.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I went halfway down the cleaning aisle to get a bottle of Woolite laundry detergent. There was no dish soap at all and the general cleaning supplies for kitchen/bathroom/etc were very limited. I'm good on Clorox wipes and spray and dish soap.

Walgreens is no longer offering free shipping on all orders :sigh: They had that deal a couple of weeks ago. I bought napkins, body wash, and some personal care stuff. They do have some Tylenol and generic equivalents available for shipping now.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
My building has been in quarantine for 5 weeks! Yup, I have not left my apartment for 5 weeks. I was doing ok, up until this week. It kind of 'hit' me: semi-depressed, angry, bored, no energy, etc....

They are allowing people to 'walk' in the corridor for an hour--staggered times, and to go to the local balcony, with social distancing. There is one on every other floor. Some are very tiny. We are supposed to be wearing masks.

Of, course, with 250 people living in here; you get the abusers!! The ones who feel they are 'entitled"~~ rules do not apply to them. These morons are visiting friends, sunbathing, staying out longer than the allotted time. Admin says there is no Marshall Law, and they do not have the staff to monitor them.

I vehemently oppose this. We had 2 more cases last week, one being a good friend of mine. How she got it is unknown. She is the cleanest person I know. Her apartment is immaculate. Could the virus be incubating in her body for 4+ weeks? So much is unknown about it. I do remember her saying that she was going stir crazy in the apartment, but did not leave.. she was also not feeling well, a couple of weeks ago, then came down with nausea, vomiting, and suddenly had a feeling of someone standing on her chest. Thankfully, she is out of the hospital.. only in for 5 days, will be recuperating home, with a nurse and CNA checking on her.

I am staying in here.

We had an audio Zoom meeting where we were told the quarantine is indefinite. By gut feeling, they expect it to be on for at least another 2-3 weeks..

I do not know how I am going to do it..Getting a bit down. My car has not been started, since March 18. I will definitely need a new battery. Got a new set of tires, in November. Hope the car is safe. It is on street parking...

In Massachusetts, we are in the middle of the surge. Everyone has to wear a mask.. There are many not adhering to this policy.

I finally caved in. I have an order on InstaCart, for this week. It is expensive, but I can get a delivery slot sooner than I can on PeaPod. I miss fresh produce, and want to stock up on other things. It is a huge order. Being on a limited diet does not help...

The staff in the building are great. They are doing all they can for us. They keep dropping off 'goodie' bags, newsletters, etc for us.