Important Contest: Share With Us Your Favorite Experience / Memory Of Your Veterinarian – Aug 2017


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Oh, I read the rules where it's said you need to have 20 post minimum and that the prize can be shipped to US address only, anyhow I think it's okay even if it is so: it's a good thing to share good experience had with our vets :)
You're correct. You need to have 20 posts by the day of the draw (Aug. 31) and the prize can only be shipped to a U.S. address. Thank you for sharing your story--you're right, it's good to share these positive experiences. :)


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA

This is very short but sweet. Wadsworth Animal Hospital, Wadsworth, Ohio

I took the Vincie girl in some months ago when she had a UTI. She did not want
to come out from the carrier so the doc gently removed her. Then she kissed her
4 times on her head and called her "love". My heart melted. I do that all the time
but to have doc do it was so amazing.



Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina

Gray, the tomcat I had when we were using the vet who cried over Kimberly, was a regular with our vet. On one trip, the doctor told us that they were moving to a new building with double capacity and beautiful outdoor runs for both dogs and cats. Dad congratulated him, and he replied, "OH, Gray funded about half of it!" He had a habit of taking off into the woods and breeding with Bobcat queens. It wasn't the breeding so much, as fighting the males for the rights that got him. That said, given the number of gray Bobcats around our area, he was winning a good many of them. He'd come home all ripped to shreds, pads torn, throat half opened, ears shredded. We'd haul him in, get him stitched up, he'd lay around for a week or two, then head back out. Mind you, this was back in the days when neutering males was NOT routine, nor was it even advised much.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 21, 2016
Somewhere upstate
When we realized we were going to be a "friend of ferrals," we located a few rescue agencies. One agency that showed promise basically said "you're on your own." Another never even returned our calls for advice and help. After getting the hang of rescuing these colony cats ourselves, it was time to get them "snipped." We did them in pairs. We found a low cost spay and neuter clinic called SANS. At the time of our first pair, they were operating out of what i called a "crack house." it was an unlabeled regular white multifamily house in the worst part of the city (actually it had a another weird family name on the front of the house.). There was a poster of SANS organization in the side door window and signs leading upstairs. They did a great job despite my reservations. Beautiful incisions on my first two small rescues. Later they ended up moving to a facility in a better part of town for the rest of the spays. They are a well
oiled machine otherwise, between their intake process and their clinic process and that is much appreciated. No muss or fuss. My last spay with them was a smart feral who had been around a few years and they gave her a long
acting antibiotic so that we wouldn't have to deal with daily abx for this untamed cat. SANS does all of the area rescues fixing, flea treating, and updating shots. I'm happy they moved to their new location and i hope they can still be of service to all the community as a low cost early fixing option.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 24, 2017
San Francisco Greater Bay Area
I don't have one of those stories that brings tears to your eyes. Mine is more an expression of gratitude for a great vet practice that lets us stay with our animals whstever the procedure. This is true whether for blood draws or x-rays or even surgery. For example, my German Shepherd, Lissy, had mammary tumors that needed to be excised and I asked if I could attend the surgery. No problem. The vet, who was my regular vet, was wonderful, letting me know what she was doing the whole time. After the surgery, instead of a cage, the recovery was just outside the sirgery area where I could join my dog on a heavy pad as she was waking up. I can't think of a better experience for my dog, but for me too.
When my big Shepherd male, Xano, was terribly ill. I was able to visit him in the more intensive care area and spent several hours in the run with him. There was never any pressure to leave. I stayed with him until I knew he was better. I know this was comforting to him, as it was to me. Fortunately, he recovered nicely!
I wish all vets would allow this.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 29, 2015
My Vet (Parker Animal Clinic). I cannot say he's the vet that cured Buddy, however, he's the vet that gave us hope, and cured US.
Buddy was sick, we took him to his normal vet for an emergency visit. Vet was on his way out of town, "looked" buddy over, gave him a shot, gave me some drugs to administer, handed him back to me, said he has "bobcat fever", and "good luck with that" and $75.00
Took Buddy home, he was immediately WORSE. Researched "bobcat fever" and FREAKED OUT!
Loaded Buddy up and drove 3hrs to an after hours clinic rumored to be the best in treating "bobcat fever". They ran a few tests, gave us a word for word explanation (I think straight from the internet), and gave us a few options ranging from $700.00 to $15,000 and basically gave him a 2% chance of survival. (TWO PERCENT).
We went with the $700 option, took the different drugs they suggested, and arrived home just in time to go to work the next morning (Friday).
On my way to work, I stopped by Parker Animal Clinic and asked him if there was a way to get ahold of him over the weekend to put Buddy out of his pain if/when it got to that point.
He wanted to know to what was up? I told him. He told me to go home and bring Buddy down there NOW. He wanted to see all the blood work results that had been done, and he wanted to do his own. Told me what it would cost, and was astonished to see the costs we had already incurred.
He gave us hope, told us what medicines to use, gave us some additional medicines, and said we had made the right decision leaving the last vet when we did, because their next course of action would have already killed him (and explained why). Told us what to do, when to do it, and gave us his a certain way to contact him if things changed.
It was a long, horrible two weeks, but, Buddy survived. If we had not taken him to Parker Animal Clinic, I don't think Buddy would still be with us. If we had taken him there 1st? I think the outcome would have been the same, and I know this whole ordeal would have been considerably easier on Buddy, and us.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I have so many good vet stories but what comes to mind is the vet who helped Sarah pass peacefully at 19-21 years old (I'm not sure what year she was born in.) Sarah was a bottle baby along with her sister. Then Sarah got hit by a car (when she was 5 years old) and lost the ability to raise her tail, control her bladder and control her bowls for 6 months. A couple years later she had her tail removed. Afterwards when she got older she suffered from chronic constipation.... and suffered through getting rinsed off 3-7 times a week. When we rushed her in for an impacted bowel from the constipation, the vet gently broke it to us that even if we removed it surgically it would happen again. They sedated her, let us say goodbye, then put her to sleep. They also helped us arrange for her ashes. If that wasn't enough they gave us 2 little clay paw print molds with her name on it when we picked up her ashes. One for each owner. Our vet is Dr. Beatrice Battier Beatrice Battier, D.V.M. | Dr. Battier's Veterinary Clinic Camarillo, California
IMG_1368.JPG Sarah when she was older .... note she is on a Sarah towel just in case :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2012
My favorite vet experience was when i took my cats this year to the vet. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but i didnt get my license until i was 31 years old. My mom taught me how to drive, but i was too afraid to go get my license. My mom ended up passing away last year, and i forced myself to go take the test, and thankfully passed the test. I am so grateful my mom forced me to learn to drive. I was petrified to be driving on my own, and to be honest, i still dont like it, but i force myself.

I remember how nervous i was driving 30 minutes to my vets office, with two meowing cats on top of everything. I felt so proud of myself when i got there. And grateful that my vet was so kind to my cats.

My story is moreso about my experience of getting myself and my cats to the vet. lol But i do love my vet, and so do my cats. Which is why it saddens me that my vet Melanie, moved to another state. :frown:

Young 3cats

TCS Member
Aug 27, 2017
We love our cats like family, so when it comes to services for them, only the best will do. From vets to cat sitters, boarders to cat behaviorists, we want to know who you trust and recommend. Share your favorite small businesses, clinics, hospitals, and independent professionals working in the cat-care community and you'll be entered to win a $50 PetSmart gift card from Recommended. Tell us why you recommend them and please share any stories you have that support your recommendation!

Win a $50 gift card to PetSmart!

This contest is sponsored by

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Want a chance (or two) to win? Here's how:

1. Post in this thread with the word ENTRY and name your favorite cat-related businesses. If you telling us about your cat, we'd love to see a photo of the cat as well (no bonus points - we just love seeing cute cat pictures

2. You can post once a day.

3. Last entry can be made by 5 PM Pacific / 8 PM Eastern on August 31st, 2017. The winner will be announced on the following day.

4. Each member can have up to 15 entries in total - once a day per member and an extra day to make sure you don't go over your quota because of date lines.

5. To participate in this giveaway you must be over 18 (eighteen) years of age.

6. The prize can be shipped to a US address only. The winner must provide a local US address.

7. This giveaway is for TCS members only. To win you must be a member with at least 20 posts on the site by the day of the draw. If you're new to the community, welcome! Please contribute quality content and avoid spam posts just to boost your post count for the contest and don't forget to read the site rules.

8. For a chance to win a second $50 PetSmart gift card, you can also enter your recommendation here: The Pet Lovers' Giveaway.

This contest ends August 31st, 2017.

View attachment 190581

About Recommended: is the place where people share their most trusted businesses and independent professionals. Give and receive recommendations for businesses you trust, share and save your favorites, and book services with highly rated businesses online

Dr. Markova She has her clinic in Weston Florida,

I did take my 8 month old Spock, he did eat a needle and she save his live 2 times 1st she did remove the needle and diagnose him with asthma, I will never take him to the vet for cough, but she right away so the type of cough he has and she said "it is asthma, BUT I do have to check the RX and double check with a college", she did right away and after surgery start asthma treatment. Thanks Dr. Markova.

The team in her clinic is the best everybody knows you and help you right away, very friendly, proactive and professional staff.


Accidental Ailurophile
Top Cat
Jun 29, 2017
Pennsylvania, USA

The Animal Hospital of Waterford and all of their vets on staff.
I searched far and wide for a vet in this area. There is an animal hospital right across the street from me, but I choose to drive 25 mins away to this one in Waterford. I first took my cat there when I brought home a sick cat from a backyard breeder and he tested Luna to make sure she didn't have feline leukemia. He was honest and I didn't feel like he was trying to make me do unnecessary tests that were expensive. He explained all of my options and gave me his opinion, but wasn't trying to coerce me into doing anything. He also wrote me a letter so that I could return the other sick cat to the breeder and get my money back, and he gave me all kinds of advice about pet lemon laws and how I can get my money back.

I also took my dog there for his yearly. He is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and they are prone to heart disease. The vet I had that day listened extra long to his heart to hear for any murmurs. He didn't have any, but I appreciated that she took extra time to really listen good considering how this breed is so prone to getting heart murmurs.

I feel like they have your best interested at heart and care about the animals, and also that they appreciate their clients. I have been to other places that act like they could care less whether or not they keep your business. Once they have your money, that's all they want, but I didn't get that impression here.
Animal Hospital of Waterford


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA

My favorite vet visit was with Dr. Hain at Paradise Animal Hospital in Maryland.

I was there with Chula for a post-dental check-up even though I had a migraine. Unfortunately, a dog had come in needing life-saving surgery after being hit by a car, poor thing. Dr. Hain had her hands full so we waited and waited while my migraine got worse and the taxi fare outside mounted. Finally, I told the receptionist that I would come back another time and left.

As I was climbing into the taxi, the door to the clinic flew open and out shot Dr. Hain. She ran over to us making profuse apologies and checked Chula's mouth on the spot. She also listened to Chula's heart because there had been a small abnormality during the surgery. Everything was perfect.

I was stunned, to be honest. I really thought this was going over and beyond the call of duty. To make matters even better, Dr. Hain told me the dog would be okay.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 26, 2006
West Virginia
Dr. Alison Dascoli of the Cross Lanes Animal Hospital in West Virginia

When our big kitty Thor (in my profile photo) was very sick with liver disease, Dr. Dascoli did everything in her power to help him. We all worked tirelessly, but in the end, he just stopped eating. I think his poor body was just worn out and it was just his time. Never once did she try to give us false hope - we were just immediately committed to the same goal. She took the time to show us how to feed him and help his liver heal as much as we could. She explained everything very carefully, and even when it was time to say goodbye, the office called to check in on how WE were doing with the loss. Such kind, compassionate people. I can't say enough good things about them.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina

To all of the wonderful caregivers who are opening their hearts and their clinics to help care for animals caught in Harvey, my blessings and my thanks!


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 28, 2017
Dr Tippit at Bissonnet Southampton Vet Clinic in Houston, Tx

I caught a stray on our porch that I had been feeding. She had a broken tail, crooked teeth, a massive flea infestation, a skin infection from eosinophilic granuloma, and was very thin and dirty. With no information other than that I had been feeding her and had caught her about 20 minutes prior... the vet staff wrapped her up and began caring for her. She started with rounds of shots, dewormers, flea dips, and skin creams. Eventually she had a tail amputation and teeth removed under Dr. Tippit (and the rest of the vets) care. At every point during her care, the clinic was informative, kind, and helpful with financial information. I take my other two cats there, and will continue to go there for as long as I live in this city.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Entry #2

The kindness and compassion continues at the Red Willow Animal Clinic in Nebraska! Dr. Wayne is an angel in the cat world. My husband and I are remodeling a house in our town and befriended a grey and black tabby that shows up whenever we are there. After inquiring around the neighborhood we found that this sweet, friendly little girl had a home right across the alley, but the owner was frequently out of town and left her outside when he was gone. As the days went by, she became thinner and thinner, then came to the point of staggering and falling as she tried to walk. We couldn't just standby and let it continue. We took her to our vet, explaining she was a neighbor's cat who seemed uncaring and we couldn't get hold of after several days of trying, and Dr. Wayne explained that her back leg muscles had lost a lot of firmness and were becoming flaccid. Without a lot of expensive testing it was impossible to say what was wrong, but he thought it was something major and there was little to do, except to start with the basics and go from there. He did find a healing abscess and a lump on her tail. He then administered a wormer and a long lasting antibiotic by injection and stated to encourage eating and to monitor her. He then sent us to the desk and told the assistant to charge us for the office visit but not the medicines! The kindness and compassion shown by this man is a testament to his true caring for cats.
Two days later she started improving. She is now running around and gaining weight! Another little life saved and attributed to Dr. Wayne!
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Unicorn Seeker
Thread starter
Super Cat
Sep 11, 2012
San Francisco, CA
Thank you everyone for your awesome entries! We had so much fun and excitement reading all your submissions. I am excited to announce our winner...


Can team members enter? If not, just consider this another "Hekitty" story!

Havelock Animal Hospital, Dr. Paul

These guys have been taking care of Hekitty since day one. They have done a wonderful job with her, and with me. Now, you all know Hek. She is crammed full of tortitude and does not suffer her royal self being trifled with gladly. Or at all. The last time I took her in, just for her vaccines, chipping and nail clip, the receptionist called back, "Hekitty's here for her appointment," and a small voice from somewhere far away responded, "oh GOD!"
Congrats Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 !