Artie and his Issues

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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Day to day, hour to hour. But this last update holds a bit of hope. No expectations, but hope. Artie has fooled us before, more than once, and my dearest hope and most fervent prayer is that he will be able to do so again. What a very, very magnificent spirit this cat has, and what a loving Guardian you are for him, artiemom artiemom . You know I'm hugging you both, every minute of every day.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Day to day, hour to hour. But this last update holds a bit of hope. No expectations, but hope. Artie has fooled us before, more than once, and my dearest hope and most fervent prayer is that he will be able to do so again. What a very, very magnificent spirit this cat has, and what a loving Guardian you are for him, artiemom artiemom . You know I'm hugging you both, every minute of every day.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Artie did poop a small amount in the box, during the night. He also left a 'plop' on me..and soiled the quilt. He was cuddled with me, for about 90% of the night.

It is day to day with him.. still. Yesterday, he was interacting more. Today, he is hiding in his tent.. not coming out..

He pretty much has given up on the wet prescription food: W/D, insisting on the dry Fiber Response food.

The size of his stool, would be considered adequate for a normal cat-- but not for Artie, who has megapoops; especially considering the amount of fiber he has been eating.

No Vet appointment today.. waiting to find out if I should keep the lactulose at the same amount or cut back a tiny bit, because of the leakage..

What is concerning to me, is the fact that his stools are much thinner than in the past.
Could this be because of some kind of blockage, causing them to be thinned?? and allowing the liquidey stuff to leak out? or is this a new normal for him?? We do not have any answers to these questions.

And his stools can turn from mush to hard stones so fast.. in the space of less than a day.. literally hours..

I cannot remember the last time I gave him a good brushing.. I think we did a bit on Friday.. but nothing since then.

It seems he is in his tent for 90% of the day, coming out only for food, or water, or pee.. or trying to poop; and then back into his tent.
or when I take him out for medicine.

He is now starting to quickly walk away from me, when he thinks I am going to medicate him; even if I am not.. If I am in the kitchen with him, he walks away--fast...

Once 6pm comes around, he seems to know it is safe to come out, and stay on my lap..

day by day-- pretty much minute by minute with him...


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Artie did poop a small amount in the box, during the night. He also left a 'plop' on me..and soiled the quilt. He was cuddled with me, for about 90% of the night.

It is day to day with him.. still. Yesterday, he was interacting more. Today, he is hiding in his tent.. not coming out..

He pretty much has given up on the wet prescription food: W/D, insisting on the dry Fiber Response food.

The size of his stool, would be considered adequate for a normal cat-- but not for Artie, who has megapoops; especially considering the amount of fiber he has been eating.

No Vet appointment today.. waiting to find out if I should keep the lactulose at the same amount or cut back a tiny bit, because of the leakage..

What is concerning to me, is the fact that his stools are much thinner than in the past.
Could this be because of some kind of blockage, causing them to be thinned?? and allowing the liquidey stuff to leak out? or is this a new normal for him?? We do not have any answers to these questions.

And his stools can turn from mush to hard stones so fast.. in the space of less than a day.. literally hours..

I cannot remember the last time I gave him a good brushing.. I think we did a bit on Friday.. but nothing since then.

It seems he is in his tent for 90% of the day, coming out only for food, or water, or pee.. or trying to poop; and then back into his tent.
or when I take him out for medicine.

He is now starting to quickly walk away from me, when he thinks I am going to medicate him; even if I am not.. If I am in the kitchen with him, he walks away--fast...

Once 6pm comes around, he seems to know it is safe to come out, and stay on my lap..

day by day-- pretty much minute by minute with him...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
He is now starting to quickly walk away from me, when he thinks I am going to medicate him; even if I am not.. If I am in the kitchen with him, he walks away--fast...
I know how you feel, I know how it feels.
It seems you're losing him, and he's losing trust in you.
It's heartbreaking... It's like losing everything you've worked on for years, I cannot find the right words, I hope my idea is somewhat conveyed.
There will be better days, they will!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 27, 2014
Don’t worry too much about the thin poop. It could be any number of things. Some swelling from the enemas? Some soreness from everything he’s gone through? Really all that matters is the poop is now coming with the help of his medicines.

May the poop be plentiful and he ask for a good brushing soon.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I was sent to you by a mutual friend. It seems you both are surrounded by many friends and much love. I would like to surround you both with love as well. I have been saying prayers from the moment I heard about you both yesterday. You now have one more person who sends you and Artie all that can be sent. Perhaps I can give you a small grin. I have a female fluff ball named Smokey. She is a lady through and through. Very prissy. I believe she must think she is a southern belle. I can’t decide if she is a bit of a coward or just very smart. She grew up in the woods here and seems to have observed the behavior of other animals. Every time that Smokey is faced with something she prefers to avoid, like a bath, she swoons. It appears that she has fainted! However, you know she is faking because she watches you through slitted eyes and the instant the bath weather is drained out, she is obviously alert, flips her fluffy tail, turns her back on me and leaves. I had her checked to be sure. It turns out that she is really pretending to faint! I think she got the idea from a possum in the woods. She uses this to avoid anything she doesn’t like. Flea treatment time, bath time, people she does not want to hold her......I hope you smiled a little.:heartshape::vibes::heartshape:


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
I was sent to you by a mutual friend. It seems you both are surrounded by many friends and much love. I would like to surround you both with love as well. I have been saying prayers from the moment I heard about you both yesterday. You now have one more person who sends you and Artie all that can be sent. Perhaps I can give you a small grin.:flail::flail: I have a female fluff ball named Smokey. She is a lady through and through. Very prissy. I believe she must think she is a southern belle. I can’t decide if she is a bit of a coward or just very smart. She grew up in the woods here and seems to have observed the behavior of other animals. Every time that Smokey is faced with something she prefers to avoid, like a bath, she swoons. It appears that she has fainted! However, you know she is faking because she watches you through slitted eyes and the instant the bath weather is drained out, she is obviously alert, flips her fluffy tail, turns her back on me and leaves. I had her checked to be sure. It turns out that she is really pretending to faint! I think she got the idea from a possum in the woods. She uses this to avoid anything she doesn’t like. Flea treatment time, bath time, people she does not want to hold her......I hope you smiled a little.:heartshape::vibes::heartshape:
:crackup::flail::lol: :lol2: :yummy: :bliss:


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Yesterday, Artie did not have a good afternoon, night, and so far-- not a good morning...

Suddenly, the poop is not coming out of him. I had to literally pull what was hanging, twice...He is not happy.. hiding in tent, away from me..
He tried twice yesterday to go, and once during the night.. nothing..

Artie has lost some trust in me, because of all the medications I am giving him..
Hiding in his tent all day.. on my lap while I watch TV, at night, did not cuddle last night..

Will see what NVet has to say..
That is all I can say right now....

Not a good day...
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