Artie and his Issues

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
Hi Cindy & Sweet Artie, I'm so sorry you're having a hard time these past few days. I guess you are stuck on this forever roller-coaster. I hope you are finding time to take care of yourself in between your nursing.

I'm thinking if Artie seemed insulted because you lifted his tail, that's a good sign his pride in intact. That to me indicates he still has a strong will to forge through this difficult journey, which is now his normal routine.

I'm always thinking about you both, and keep you in my prayers.

Big hugs, Hope


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Not really a great deal I can add, but just stopping by to wish Artie & Cindy all the BEST and to say I'm glad he is eating well! That is a thing to celebrate, yes? And his appointment is coming up soon, so he'll likely get some good help then!
You know, Cindy, I spent most of my life being very noise-sensitive -- I think I inherited it from my dad -- but after being almost at wits' end here with frequent construction noise, a VERY barky dog and VERY noisy neighbors next door, something happened. I can't tell you what it was because I don't know myself. All I do know is that I felt I had no recourse with the neighbors, who were pretty hostile to me as well. I'm divorced and do not want any kind of repercussions from anyone! I need peace and no conflict. What I did do was what I always do in life -- pray. I know you are a person of faith as well, so maybe you could pray on the matter and see what happens. Excuse me if you are already doing this. I think sometimes we don't think of this avenue because we think our problems are too small, or for some other reason, but I can't think of another reason for the change in the way I perceive and deal with noise stress besides that one. No matter what faith we are, I really think Prayer is important. Not to shove "religion" down anyone's throat and this is TheCATSite, not a "religious" site. But just trying to offer a suggestion. I am so much happier now that the dog next door, the neighbors next door, and to a much smaller level, the construction (which I actually like, because my ex was a finish carpenter and I learned a lot from him!) bother me so much less.
As for the skin issue, I also have a bit of input there. When I was going to school, I happened to sustain an injury to one of my legs, which quickly turned into a very frightening and ugly mess of sores on BOTH legs. Thankfully, my mom took me to one doctor who, if she had followed his instructions, would have killed me. She was smart enough to know he was wrong, and took me to another doctor, who, long story short, gave good advice which was followed by her and which ultimately cured me. This was caused by bacteria present on everyone's skin which, if incubated in the right conditions, spreads and can be life-threatening. So yes, these things are omnipresent. But in Artie's case, it could just be an abscess caused by scratching? You say it's gotten larger, which is what makes me guess that. Good that you are going for an appointment and NVet can look at it!

Again, all the BEST, and *PRAYERS*!;):redcat:


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Thanks Guys! @neely , I do have one of those draft dodger on the door. I have a huge gap at the bottom of the door--poor construction. I also have a bath towel on top of the dodger and up the sides of the door. I think they made the doorway, a bit too big....sigh

Artie was waking me up before 5AM.. was very persistent with waking me up..
I refused, ignored him..

I should have gotten up...

woke up to diarrhea on the cover sheet, I have on top of the bedspread.. sigh...

Sweet boy was telling me he had to poop.. and I ignored him.. poor thing..

So, As soon as I got up, put gloves on, grabbed the Natures Miracle, a roll of paper towels, took the sheet off, scrubbed it down with the NM.. It is now in the washer, with bleach.

I am going to wash the quilt also.. no stains, but I think it stinks a bit of poop...sigh...

Thinking I may have caused this episode of diarrhea. I tried a stronger probiotic on him yesterday. I think that did it. sigh... cannot believe all that you read..

From now on, I am not deviating from the norm.. or from NVet's advice. I do not know why, but the stronger probiotic, which was suggested for IBD cats, did this to him...sigh...

Guess it does not agree with his system, the current food he is eating and the meds...

live and learn... poor baby..


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
It is now 11:46 AM.. I think I have just about finished picking up from the morning, and doing almost all of the morning stuff.. very late...

Have been waiting for Artie to quiet down, which he is doing now. I can give him his
sub-q's then I can jump in the shower, go out-- dump trash (Cartload) and then off to pick up his med..

This cat is costing me a fortune. sigh...

After all the poop explosions, Artie seems to have quieted down a bit. He did get a quick brushing.. he has been nibbling all morning: FF Chopped Grill. I think he is hungry from all of this... sigh... He has eaten about 3/4 of a small can--good for him. He did not eat much last night..

I am exhausted.. still have to wash out the pj's I am wearing-- put on an old top to replace the poopy one...

I really need a nice long shower..

Also swiffered, picked up my bathroom, did a quick hand vac of his bathroom litter rugs.

Put some laundry away, while I was waiting for him to calm down.. He was hiding in the corner of my bedroom, behind a computer chair. He has had enough of me washing his bum. Still a bit stinky, but without a bath, it is the best I can do.

Learned my lesson: Do not believe everything you read on the internet.. No more changing out his probiotic, on my own... and No more Blue Buffalo.. had a feeling about that. I think that messed him up before.. sigh

I am going to continue to go with medicine... no holistic things for us.. I am not understanding enough about them, in order to dose accordingly.. no more.. I can read, store the info away in my mind for possible use in the future..


Inky's legacy - Belly rubs CAN tame feral cats!
Alpha Cat
Feb 12, 2017
My last dog was taking Prednisone for his spinal disease for five months. In those five months he was weaned off of it briefly and the dose adjusted a few times but he did have to go back on a higher dose.
His neurological symptoms started very mildly in August and got worse by October or November. Just when he was really getting better he was attacked by a loose dog while on leash with me, and of course got a huge puncture wound in his worst hind leg and awful cuts everywhere and had to go back in the hospital. The jerk didn't even have a leash and said he knew his dog was aggressive and had attacked other dogs before. Then only paid a quarter of the many thousands of hospital bills. Back to Prednisone, lots of antibiotics for the infection and many pain pills as then he couldn't walk at all.
He never got off the Prednisone as I was afraid to take him off of it and risk making him worse. Had I done more research I would have learned that it can actually worsen balance and walking issues and suppress the immune system in pets with spinal and incoordination long-term issues.

Thankfully Artie doesn't have any of that but please be careful about keeping him on Prednisone for so long. It only took five months for me to lose my beloved dog and his particular spinal disease can slowly progress with the pet having a good quality of life for years.
Steroids can cause rage and aggression in people "roid rage", as in all the athletes who try to bulk up by taking steroids and make the news for violent crime.
I really believe they're powerful and strong drugs with a lot of risks and dangers, and really shouldn't be taken casually or long-term if at all avoidable. My mom was disabled from severe arthritis the last ten years if her life and had functioned and worked on steroids, which masked the increasing damage her hips were getting from her walking around for decades. By the time she felt enough pain to stop working she should have been wheelchair bound and needed double hip replacement surgery
I know Artie is very complicated and is limited in what he takes and can safely take, and I'm really not trying to sound like an alarmist or cause you more stress. I just don't want you to go through the same sudden unforeseen devastation I did, completely out of nowhere when you think you're managing all his medication and health issues so well and have him suddenly keep getting new issues and then a drastic infection. These new problems could be because the Prednisone is suppressing his immune system, along with stress, aging and his other issues. So maybe there's a way to talk to n vet about a way to remove one factor and give him something else or see if he really needs the steroids if they could be doing more harm than good.

Just trying to prevent what happened to me and my beautiful pup happening to anyone else. The vet did say long-term steroids weren't great but did not warn me adequately.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Not really a great deal I can add, but just stopping by to wish Artie & Cindy all the BEST and to say I'm glad he is eating well! That is a thing to celebrate, yes? And his appointment is coming up soon, so he'll likely get some good help then!
You know, Cindy, I spent most of my life being very noise-sensitive -- I think I inherited it from my dad -- but after being almost at wits' end here with frequent construction noise, a VERY barky dog and VERY noisy neighbors next door, something happened. I can't tell you what it was because I don't know myself. All I do know is that I felt I had no recourse with the neighbors, who were pretty hostile to me as well. I'm divorced and do not want any kind of repercussions from anyone! I need peace and no conflict. What I did do was what I always do in life -- pray. I know you are a person of faith as well, so maybe you could pray on the matter and see what happens. Excuse me if you are already doing this. I think sometimes we don't think of this avenue because we think our problems are too small, or for some other reason, but I can't think of another reason for the change in the way I perceive and deal with noise stress besides that one. No matter what faith we are, I really think Prayer is important. Not to shove "religion" down anyone's throat and this is TheCATSite, not a "religious" site. But just trying to offer a suggestion. I am so much happier now that the dog next door, the neighbors next door, and to a much smaller level, the construction (which I actually like, because my ex was a finish carpenter and I learned a lot from him!) bother me so much less.
As for the skin issue, I also have a bit of input there. When I was going to school, I happened to sustain an injury to one of my legs, which quickly turned into a very frightening and ugly mess of sores on BOTH legs. Thankfully, my mom took me to one doctor who, if she had followed his instructions, would have killed me. She was smart enough to know he was wrong, and took me to another doctor, who, long story short, gave good advice which was followed by her and which ultimately cured me. This was caused by bacteria present on everyone's skin which, if incubated in the right conditions, spreads and can be life-threatening. So yes, these things are omnipresent. But in Artie's case, it could just be an abscess caused by scratching? You say it's gotten larger, which is what makes me guess that. Good that you are going for an appointment and NVet can look at it!

Again, all the BEST, and *PRAYERS*!;):redcat:
Thanks, tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 However, Today, there is no Prayer in this world or in the next that would help me be calm. They are jackhammering out the marble, 2 floors below me, in the lobby.. That began at 9AM... and now they are drilling a holes through solid concrete, in a closet which is adjacent to my apartment.. Just no regard, respect for the tenants whom are home during the day.. All of this could have been done years ago, in stages, instead of all happening now..

I know they are going to finish this, and sell the building. They are doing too many things to it.. These are not renovations.. It is a complete gutting.. I blame the idiot property manager, who is part owner, for all of this.. I really do not want to say this, but I cannot stand to even look at him.. he gets me sick..

It is snowing out... cannot hear anything at all. I am way beyond furious.

Poor Artie is holing up in his tent/quilt...I know it is not good for him.. I do have the radio blaring.. I know this is not good for him either, but it sounds better than the drilling,

Upon complaining, I am told: "You are the only one complaining. :censored:This is to make things Better for you." :angryfire: "They are almost done" :censored::angrywoman::bat: "This is for your own benefit".... bunch of lies...

I have washed and dried 3 loads of laundry, cannot watch TV, even if I tried. Done some dishes, swiffered, put clean laundry away, walked around the building to see exactly where all of this is coming from...
Almost burst out in tears, due to frustration..

I think I need to get some really good earplugs or noise cancellation headphones.. However, I cannot afford them.. ear plugs, yes.. I am going to have to go check them out tomorrow, after Artie's appointment.

I can just see it now.. the elevator will be down, because they will be putting flooring down in the lobby. I have a hard time going downstairs. I am just going to have to call the Super, to carry Artie down the stairs.. :livid::livid::livid::livid::livid::angrywoman::angrywoman::angrywoman:

I wish I had a larger income. I would have been out of here a long time ago.. I would not deal with this crap... sorry.. I am furious. :fireblob:

I was kind of looking forward to a nice, snow day, at home, watching some things on TV.. or reading..

Artie update:
He did not eat much last night. sigh.. He pooped only 3, one inch hard nuggets, this morning.

He did eat 1/2 of a can of food, for breakfast. The noise is keeping him from eating any more. It is right next to the kitchen. He will not eat it anywhere else because of the noise..

Poor Artie...

The scabby area seems to be more like a scratch. It is linear, not roundish, as in ringworm.
and it seems to be slowly resolving.. now the lump seems to be getting harder..

If it was a bit closer to his body/downward, on his neck, then I would say, it was a sealed over hematoma, forming a cyst, from the last time they drew blood for his calcium level.. wonder if it still could be that.

Informed NVet's secretary about it, so NVet will be aware of it, and not me springing a surprise on him. She is going to see if she can come down and meet Artie.. She loves to hear him talk.. As Artie is a 'talker'.. He has spoken so many times, while we are on the phone. She loves listening to him.

It has been quiet for 10 minutes... praying...
The steroid is needed to keep his IBD in check.. so it is something he will always be taking.. there is no way we can wean him off of it..

The effects of steroids on cats is far different than that of steroids and people.. many studies have been done on this..


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Poor both of you! I know you need a few quiet days desperately!

LOL, Artie being insulted reminds me of a true story about a family in a restaurant. After the mother asked her small son several times if he had had an accident, he jumped up in his chair, dropped drawers, bent over, and announced LOUDLY, "SEE MOM? I TOLD YOU! IT IS JUST FARTS!"


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Thanks, tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 However, Today, there is no Prayer in this world or in the next that would help me be calm. They are jackhammering out the marble, 2 floors below me, in the lobby.. That began at 9AM... and now they are drilling a holes through solid concrete, in a closet which is adjacent to my apartment.. Just no regard, respect for the tenants whom are home during the day.. All of this could have been done years ago, in stages, instead of all happening now..

I know they are going to finish this, and sell the building. They are doing too many things to it.. These are not renovations.. It is a complete gutting.. I blame the idiot property manager, who is part owner, for all of this.. I really do not want to say this, but I cannot stand to even look at him.. he gets me sick..

It is snowing out... cannot hear anything at all. I am way beyond furious.

Poor Artie is holing up in his tent/quilt...I know it is not good for him.. I do have the radio blaring.. I know this is not good for him either, but it sounds better than the drilling,

Upon complaining, I am told: "You are the only one complaining. :censored:This is to make things Better for you." :angryfire: "They are almost done" :censored::angrywoman::bat: "This is for your own benefit".... bunch of lies...

I have washed and dried 3 loads of laundry, cannot watch TV, even if I tried. Done some dishes, swiffered, put clean laundry away, walked around the building to see exactly where all of this is coming from...
Almost burst out in tears, due to frustration..

I think I need to get some really good earplugs or noise cancellation headphones.. However, I cannot afford them.. ear plugs, yes.. I am going to have to go check them out tomorrow, after Artie's appointment.

I can just see it now.. the elevator will be down, because they will be putting flooring down in the lobby. I have a hard time going downstairs. I am just going to have to call the Super, to carry Artie down the stairs.. :livid::livid::livid::livid::livid::angrywoman::angrywoman::angrywoman:

I wish I had a larger income. I would have been out of here a long time ago.. I would not deal with this crap... sorry.. I am furious. :fireblob:

I was kind of looking forward to a nice, snow day, at home, watching some things on TV.. or reading..

Artie update:
He did not eat much last night. sigh.. He pooped only 3, one inch hard nuggets, this morning.

He did eat 1/2 of a can of food, for breakfast. The noise is keeping him from eating any more. It is right next to the kitchen. He will not eat it anywhere else because of the noise..

Poor Artie...

The scabby area seems to be more like a scratch. It is linear, not roundish, as in ringworm.
and it seems to be slowly resolving.. now the lump seems to be getting harder..

If it was a bit closer to his body/downward, on his neck, then I would say, it was a sealed over hematoma, forming a cyst, from the last time they drew blood for his calcium level.. wonder if it still could be that.

Informed NVet's secretary about it, so NVet will be aware of it, and not me springing a surprise on him. She is going to see if she can come down and meet Artie.. She loves to hear him talk.. As Artie is a 'talker'.. He has spoken so many times, while we are on the phone. She loves listening to him.

It has been quiet for 10 minutes... praying...
The steroid is needed to keep his IBD in check.. so it is something he will always be taking.. there is no way we can wean him off of it..

The effects of steroids on cats is far different than that of steroids and people.. many studies have been done on this..
Angry for you:soapbox::angrywoman::yelling: So glad you have us to vent to! So sorry you have the need. Hope tomorrow goes well .
Last edited:


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thanks for listening to me.. I had a horrible day.. I was really looking forward to just relaxing.. watching the snow fall, watching a movie.. with Artie being around for me.. and perhaps cuddling..

I am still in hyper mode.. trying to relax.. I just downloaded a calming screensaver to my TV... wish it had more music, but it is pretty..

I had to get Artie out to eat a bit more.. he lost some weight since Monday---poopalooza day.. He only ate 1/8 of a can..sigh.. He is back to hiding and sleeping.. poor thing..

I just cannot calm down..


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 5, 2018
artiemom... i have gone to your post.. and just read your story and i am now in tears.... it is just devastating.. the last post here was december 2016 or am i missing the rest?


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Do you quality for affordable rental apartments? I think most are done by lottery and then possibly by an interview so there's no guarantee that you will get an apartment. Wait lists may be long. I know some are pet-friendly. I'm not sure how senior housing works, if you meet the minimum age requirement.

Maybe Artie will be better tomorrow :grouphug:


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
artiemom... i have gone to your post.. and just read your story and i am now in tears.... it is just devastating.. the last post here was december 2016 or am i missing the rest?
This is on-going.. It is almost like a blog.. Artie is a LOT better... another appointment tomorrow...

Do you quality for affordable rental apartments? I think most are done by lottery and then possibly by an interview so there's no guarantee that you will get an apartment. Wait lists may be long. I know some are pet-friendly. I'm not sure how senior housing works, if you meet the minimum age requirement.

Maybe Artie will be better tomorrow :grouphug:
I have my application in for an income adjusted senior, (62 yrs old and older) apartment...
That is what I am waiting for.. the wait list is long, about 2.5 years... I have another 2.5 years to go, until I come up, on the list.. I checked into it last week.. That is why I am stuck her for now.. This is the fastest and best way out for me...

I am not really happy about going into senior housing.. the place I applied for has it's pros and cons.. I am giving up a ton, but in the long run, for my future; it will be better for me...I do not want to move again..
Income adjusted..and they have a ton of things for seniors..and it is pet friendly.. one cat or one small dog. A ton of things going on in there...

It is good that I am going, HOPEFULLY, to get in when I am younger.. Then I have time to adjust to the rest of the stuff. The place I put in for, is right on the beach..
Yup, Beach Views... very tiny apartment.. will not have my own washer/dryer.. but tons amenablies for the elderly.. By the time I get in, I can wait a few years, before I need them all...
Thinking of my future...

that is why I am stuck here...


Inky's legacy - Belly rubs CAN tame feral cats!
Alpha Cat
Feb 12, 2017
Good luck with your appointment and dealing with the noise. That's definitely stressful for both of you.
I know very well that steroids affects people differently than cats and dogs. It doesn't cause aggression in cats and dogs the way it does in people and overall is good for inflammation which is why it's so popular for allergies, IBD and asthma in cats, dogs and people. Several vets have tried to convince me to use it for both my current dog with ibd and my cat with allergies and now allergy induced asthma. I absolutely refuse to after Prednisone killed my last dose. My dog's ibd is not as severe as Artie's is, so I manage it with other medication, plus he gets diarrhea, not constipation and very rarely vomiting.
My cat with all the allergies I did consent to two steroid injections that lasted a couple of weeks for his itching to let his chronic sores heal, but I insisted on a milder steroid. Prednisone and all steroids do absolutely suppress the immune system in cats, dogs, and people, that's how they work. They stop the overreactive response triggering the inflammation, in IBD in the digestive system, in allergies in the immune system, in asthma in the lungs and respiratory system.
It's a matter of weighing the risks vs benefits.
I chose to learn all about steroids and educate myself about how they work far too late for my dog. I regret not learning before they killed him.
You make your best choices for Artie. If he's getting new medical issues, the Prednisone could be a part of why since his immune system is suppressed for some time now from both the Prednisone and from natural aging.
N vet may have better options, or not.
Good luck!
Love the little kid restaurant fart joke lol!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
artiemom artiemom ,
what is going on around you could destroy the nerve system of anybody!
You already have your own problems, and having noises, vibrations, smells and strange and stranger people around is not help at all. Not for you and for your sweet Artie as well.
Do you know how long they will take to finish all these works?
If it's a matter of few weeks, have you considered a temporary moving to a place like a "holiday home"?


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thanks everyone... No, there is not anyway of knowing how long this will be going on.. We originally heard, 'a few months'... 6 months later.. it is worse than ever.

They are doing it in piecemeal; a few days of quiet, then BAM.. the noise, banging begins again.. just when you think they are finished, except for the painting; BAM, something else starts in..
I cannot get a straight answer.. All I get is, "Soon, Almost done"... :cloudy:

It is almost as if they are running out of money, so when they get some, they begin again, full force..,

In one way or another, this has been going on since August..:censored:

I cannot afford to live, even on a temporary basis, anywhere else.. plus, all the short term rentals (hotels) are really for the displaced people.. people without homes, waiting to get into public housing.. sigh..

Stuck here. :argh: :livid:

Artie was curled up on my lap while I was in the recliner. He walked down a couple of times, but always came back, especially when I called him. sweet.. We both had a bad day. I ended up having a couple of weak vodka/tonics last night.. and fell asleep after 9pm--snoring away, while watching TV... Artie on my lap...

Artie cuddled up to me, again, all night...He is so funny/cute/strange/smart....
When he sees me beginning my bedtime rituals, his last dose of med is one of them; he follows me around. Once the lights are out, he follows me into my bedroom, waits until I am in bed, then stretches, does the brummp, and climbs onto my bed. I am on my side..
He will curl up either at my tummy, or down by the back of my legs.. strait-jacketing me.
And he will stay there all night.. as long as he has physical contact, he is ok...

Very occasionally, when I am very restless, he will lie down on the top of my head--pillow, or on the pillow next to me...

He is such a sweet boy---- a sweet boy who BITES!! :devilish: Have to warn the Vet about that..
Even the secretary said she has to remind the NVet that, even though, Artie has a huge warning on his chart, he is really a sweet boy....;) and if the NVEt is going to look at his neck.. well, Artie will need a muzzle...I know that for a fact..

No more poops from Artie.. I will give him some colace later today. I think I will wait on his sub-q's also.. just in case he has a full bladder while we are on our way home. That happened the last visit. As soon as we got home, he ran into the litter box, and peed a huge lake..:sorry:

Right now, Artie is hiding in his quilt/tent.. He had a very bad day yesterday, as I did. I know he is still exhausted from that.. about to give him his steroid and see if he wants to be brushed..

I sprayed some Feliway in his carrier.. his bag is out, my bag is ready.. just need to take out my coat and gloves.. and put on my low boots~~ for traction.. it is slippery out there...


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Thanks everyone... No, there is not anyway of knowing how long this will be going on.. We originally heard, 'a few months'... 6 months later.. it is worse than ever.

They are doing it in piecemeal; a few days of quiet, then BAM.. the noise, banging begins again.. just when you think they are finished, except for the painting; BAM, something else starts in..
I cannot get a straight answer.. All I get is, "Soon, Almost done"... :cloudy:

It is almost as if they are running out of money, so when they get some, they begin again, full force..,

In one way or another, this has been going on since August..:censored:

I cannot afford to live, even on a temporary basis, anywhere else.. plus, all the short term rentals (hotels) are really for the displaced people.. people without homes, waiting to get into public housing.. sigh..

Stuck here. :argh: :livid:

Artie was curled up on my lap while I was in the recliner. He walked down a couple of times, but always came back, especially when I called him. sweet.. We both had a bad day. I ended up having a couple of weak vodka/tonics last night.. and fell asleep after 9pm--snoring away, while watching TV... Artie on my lap...

Artie cuddled up to me, again, all night...He is so funny/cute/strange/smart....
When he sees me beginning my bedtime rituals, his last dose of med is one of them; he follows me around. Once the lights are out, he follows me into my bedroom, waits until I am in bed, then stretches, does the brummp, and climbs onto my bed. I am on my side..
He will curl up either at my tummy, or down by the back of my legs.. strait-jacketing me.
And he will stay there all night.. as long as he has physical contact, he is ok...

Very occasionally, when I am very restless, he will lie down on the top of my head--pillow, or on the pillow next to me...

He is such a sweet boy---- a sweet boy who BITES!! :devilish: Have to warn the Vet about that..
Even the secretary said she has to remind the NVet that, even though, Artie has a huge warning on his chart, he is really a sweet boy....;) and if the NVEt is going to look at his neck.. well, Artie will need a muzzle...I know that for a fact..

No more poops from Artie.. I will give him some colace later today. I think I will wait on his sub-q's also.. just in case he has a full bladder while we are on our way home. That happened the last visit. As soon as we got home, he ran into the litter box, and peed a huge lake..:sorry:

Right now, Artie is hiding in his quilt/tent.. He had a very bad day yesterday, as I did. I know he is still exhausted from that.. about to give him his steroid and see if he wants to be brushed..

I sprayed some Feliway in his carrier.. his bag is out, my bag is ready.. just need to take out my coat and gloves.. and put on my low boots~~ for traction.. it is slippery out there...
Be careful , is the elevator working?
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