Search Results

  1. alphagrrl

    Goodbye Beautiful Kitty Girl

    I have lost ANOTHER one! Kitty Girl got hit by a car sometime on Nov 18. Her story is at the end of my Oh. No. thread: She was so gorgeous! She was still just a baby! R(un) in peace with your brothers, beautiful girl! I love you!
  2. alphagrrl

    My Little Bad Ass Is Gone

    My beautiful orange panther died in my arms this morning. His story started in my "Oh. No." thread. I can't finish the ending right now because I can't stop crying. I've been crying for about 12 hours now, and it's exhausting. I will post more details later.
  3. alphagrrl

    Another Black Weekend!

    My heart still hurts from losing Black Kitty in May 2016. Then I lost his grandson, Blackie1 in February this year. Now I have no more little panthers at all! Blackie2 was a great kitty, but he was never as cuddly as the rest. He’d come in the house for a few minutes, but he was never one...
  4. alphagrrl

    Another Black Friday! My Heart Can't Take Much More!

    Some of you may remember my Black Kitty, the stray I rescued, I mean, who rescued me. Blackie1 was his grandson. I never even gave him a real name either. I talked about him here, and his story is just way too damn short: Oh. No. I came home early on Wednesday afternoon. Blackie1 was lying...
  5. alphagrrl

    One Year Without Black Kitty

    May 27 was the one-year anniversary of losing my Black Kitty. It's hard to believe that much time has passed. I still miss him so much. I talk to Maximus about his 'big brother' all the time. Sometimes I re-read my posts here about BK, still trying to convince myself that he was happy with...
  6. alphagrrl

    Oh. No.

    I've been feeding a stray that wandered up and decided to stay under my house.  My plan was to make friends with it and then my neighbor would take it.  She lost her kitty awhile back when another cat scared it and chased it away.  We never found her.   This stray is getting more used to me.  I...
  7. alphagrrl


    I can’t believe I’m posting in the new kitty section after losing my beloved BLACK KITTY only two months ago. I’m still so confused about his unexpected death...
  8. alphagrrl

    Cat w/ Glaucoma?

    You have all been very helpful in the past, so here I am again. My daughter has two dogs and two inside cats of her own.  She lives out in the country, so she's seen a lot of stray cats come and go.  This is the newest one that's been hanging around her house.  He looks fairly healthy...
  9. alphagrrl

    RIP Black Kitty

    My Black Kitty left me yesterday.  His whole story is in the link, but words cannot describe how special this guy was.  He managed to make a lifetime dog person believe she might be allowed to be a cat person too.  I am not worthy. Dammit!  I miss him so bad already!!!  ...
  10. alphagrrl

    What's Wrong With This Cat? I'm New. Long Story.

    Hey, I'm new here and I'm glad I found somewhere to ask my question.  Let me start by saying I love dogs and don't know much of anything about cats.  I like them, but I've always preferred dogs, especially big ones.  So here goes my long story. I've been taking care of this stray black kitty...