Search Results

  1. M

    Older cat: Stroke vs Injury?

    On the idea & urging of Di and Bob on here I wanted to let all here know, that In Jan. I took my 18yo cat to an all-cat vet group. A followup in Feb. at same vet stil was thought to have revealed a stroke -- as this was thought in Jan. But... I (umm Me --- & JUST --- WHO AM I??) NOT THE VETS...
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    My Feral And Rescued Cats

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    My Feral And Rescued Cats

    Hi All, Jcatbird wasn't on to post tonight as she was busy helping others w/ their cats & preparing for a storm heading her way. But she told me to tell you she'll back back on soon.
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    Kind Words for a Road Killed Stray Cat

    WE need MORE wonderful folks as her. God Bless her for doing this. It makes me believe there is still more people GOOD in society than evil.
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    Just asking for prayers for my Blackie my feral who passed a month ago. I'm very worried I won't be able to keep up the grief.

    I am speechless. I really only come here normally to act normal and discuss kitty things. But just over 2 months ago that normal world was shattered with his death. My denial of his stage 4 renal failure etc. setup this horrible time I'm in and going through. So many other things happened in...
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    Just asking for prayers for my Blackie my feral who passed a month ago. I'm very worried I won't be able to keep up the grief.

    Thank you very much again for this! But I'm really having severe struggles with this whole loss. It wasn't just a pet I lost, it was a very special friend. A companion I spent yrs feeding and working with outside my apt then cross-country moved him to indoors, and found out he had CKD on top of...
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    Words cannot have much meaning now. Please accept my sincerest condolences and May You Be Blessed With Felix's soul forever.
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    Just asking for prayers for my Blackie my feral who passed a month ago. I'm very worried I won't be able to keep up the grief.

    Today tho was a horrid day of tears. I don't know but it seems I'm locked into this and really it seems more 'right' than 'wrong'. Sure everyone wants to 'get past or feel better eventually' but for some reason allowing myself this time to grieve makes me realize how close a relationship I...
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    Just asking for prayers for my Blackie my feral who passed a month ago. I'm very worried I won't be able to keep up the grief.

    This REALLY comforts me having time to go over it! Without this belief I'd really have trouble dealing any longer with this. Thank you again so VERY much.
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    Just asking for prayers for my Blackie my feral who passed a month ago. I'm very worried I won't be able to keep up the grief.

    THank you everyone. I was so very blessed to have him, find him , he me, etc. But I still think I could have done more tho thank God he is in God's Hands now , in no pain form CKD or FiV, and not mine. I was inept compared to the blessings of our Lord. SOmeday too I hope to reunite and be w/ him...
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    Trapped skittish stray with an old injury. Need advice on how to motivate an adopter

    God Bless you 1st of all for caring soo much & doing this. I'm on the go here w/out much time tonite, but I think that what you've done so far is admirable. Others will add to this w/ more sage advice. Again kudos for this & Best of Luck w/ Rosie.:)
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    Just asking for prayers for my Blackie my feral who passed a month ago. I'm very worried I won't be able to keep up the grief.

    I'm feeling almost faint reading all this. I am embarrassed to even say it hurts this much when others have so much more experience and pain. I am so deeply moved by these words from all above. Im in so many tears reading all your support that I cant even begin to say how much help I cant...
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    Just asking for prayers for my Blackie my feral who passed a month ago. I'm very worried I won't be able to keep up the grief.

    I've been reading the Bible daily and think his loss is a signal to me to join him sooner than later. Please pray for him and me too that I can make it thru the 1st Christmas ever without my baby, Blackie. :) Thank you for your kindness and thoughtfulness.
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    Lost indoor cat & what should I do with this other feral?

    He need be, being feral, asap the day u trap him asap-- taken in for neuter. U see hormones are the issue. If he's a male Tom he MUST be neuterd that day or asap. Vets can use meds while in cage to calm him & then sedate/transfer him for the neuter. If no neuter he'll continue violent rampage...
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    Lost indoor cat & what should I do with this other feral?

    Yes, my bet Cricket will return. Maybe the feral is intimidating him, if I get this correct?? I caught our feral amongst other kitties that he hung around with daily & thought I might trap them by accident instead. Luckily I got HIM not any of the others. Much patience & due diligence were...
  16. M

    Vomiting after meals daily now?

    TY for this. I'm still in shock/grief over my feral & now this becomes the focus? There's sometimes NO end to the problems coming at us owners. I hope it isn't renal related nor cancer. I know reanl & cancer are the 2 main ways cats pass. Being we knew neither cat's age when we got them, it is...
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    Vomiting after meals daily now?

    Hi, Our senior girl cat has now begun daily vomiting over past few wks. A vet who saw her said she has early kidney dis. But that was back a month ago as elevated kidney numbers found. She treated our cat w/a laxatone? type substance put on her finger glove & cat came home & for 2 days no vomit...
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    Our feral died Sunday morning :(

    This perhaps the MOST beautiful Tribute I've ever seen/heard/read for honoring him and his life ending so short. Thank you more than I can say for this and I read this over and over and your words mean more EACH time I read it.
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    Our feral died Sunday morning :(

    Thank you so very much for your kindness and understanding. He turned in to a very sweet speical boy and I always knew his health would fail him having both early CKD a yr or so ago, and the FiV for several yrs unknown. It is just that he came every morn and night no matter the weather and this...