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  1. N

    Is It Ok To Give A Kitten Food For Adult Cats?

    My kitten is almost 11 months old. She seems to grow out of all the wet food I give her. I gave her IAMS chicken in gravy, she loved it at first, then it took hours for her to finish. I have a feeling she grew out of liking it. I switched brands and same thing happened, she loved the wet food...
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    Kitten Is Splashing Water Everywhere

    I have never seen her behave like this and I'm utterly confused. She is just splashing the water in her water bowl. She doesn't drink it, the water gets everywhere. It's like she plays with it, then she licks her paws after. She is almost 8 months old. I have no idea why she is acting like this...
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    Help! Kitten Has A Red Eye!

    I just woke up to a kitten with a red eye and some discharge (she's 7 months old). I'm afraid she has gotten something in her eye. I know I should take her to the vet, they open at 10 am, I'll call them as soon as they open. In the mean time, do you have some advice? I tried cleaning it with...
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    Kitten Is Meowing A Lot

    My cat has been meowing A LOT yesterday and especially today. She is somewhat vocal, but she has never been this vocal. It's constant, all the time. I'm wondering if she might be in pain or something? Maybe there's something wrong with her? She's just 7 months. Do you think I should take her to...
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    Kitten's Sterilisation Wound Smells

    She was neutered on Monday. I noticed yesterday that it smells really awful and it looks like there might be some discharge as well. Could it be infected? Should I call the vet?
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    Kitten Can't Move Hind Legs After Spaying

    I got my 5 month old kitten spayed today, I got her home at 3 pm. It's now 6:15 pm and she's still very out of it. What worries me the most is that she can't seem to move her hind legs, is this normal after surgery? It's been 3 hours, how long does it usually take for cats to heal after getting...
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    Getting Female Kitten Fixed

    I'm getting my kitten fixed on Monday, have already booked an appointment with the vet. I talked to the vet about the procedure, asked her what they remove, she said they only remove the ovaries, not the uterus, because it's a smaller procedure. Is this correct? The thing is, I have always heard...
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    Kitten Got A Scar

    Today I noticed my kitten has a scar just above her left eye. It looks like the wound bled because there's now a crust there. I have no idea how she got it. She is an indoor-only cat, but VERY active, she constantly gets herself into trouble. Just yesterday when I was closing the dishwasher door...
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    Kitten And Toilet Predicament

    I live in a condo and just got a new kitten. I have two toilets for her to use. At first I placed one toilet in the hallway and another in the bathroom, but even though she has access to the entire condo she mostly just wants to spend time in the living room. I guess she feels safe there, it's...
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    Kitten Will Only Eat Wet Food

    I give her a bowl of the dry food she was used to from home, but she won't eat it. She will only eat the wet food but I don't want to give her too much of it because I know it's not healthy. I have seen her poops and it's like many small clups instead of one hard one. She has pooped "normal...
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    New Kitten Won't Eat

    I just got my new kitten yesterday. She is very sweet, but she has been crying a lot since I got her. I know it's normal, new home, missing her mom and siblings etc. I'm more worried about her not eating. I have showed her where the food is, she has dry food and water and I just got her some wet...
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    Do All British Shorthair Cats Snore?

    I have carefully considered all the breeds and have come to the conclusion that the British Shorthair is the breed that fits my lifstyle the best. I work fulltime, I'm single and I live in a medium sized condo, it will be an indoors cat. I need a cat that can stay at home without going crazy...
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    Experiences With British Shorthair

    Does anyone here have any experience with the British Shorthair breed? I'm considering getting a kitten. I have some experience with Ragdolls, the kitten I got was veeeery vocal, she meowed and cried all the time. She could get very clingy and annoying when she didn't get attention. I've read...
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    Kitten Won't Stop Crying

    I've had my kitten now for 5 days and she won't stop crying, she's driving me crazy! I'm not getting any sleep. I don't know how much of this I can take. I play with her 2 hours every day. I clean her litter box every day. I give her food and change her water 2 times a day. What more can I do...