Search Results for Query: enema

  1. B

    Issues after enema

    Currently dealing with our kitty who got an enema in early afternoon, has not peed since, has not pooped more than some watery stuff that probably squeezed around the backup, won’t eat or drink. He’s been on Miralax for awhile, they now have him on the same laxative you mentioned, and he does...
  2. M

    How to help my cat after enema?

    ...pacing around her litterbox and not eating. I took her to the vet, they did an xray to rule out any obstructions (all good) and gave her an enema. This was clearly pretty traumatic for her, she hates the vet and was clearly distressed. After about 5 minutes, she pooped and we went home. That...
  3. S

    How to help my cat after enema?

    ...only vet to take her to. She should not be so stressed from vet visits. And, they should have shaved the hair while she was sedated for the enema. The behavior you describe is not normal after an enema. If I was you, I would buy a cheap pair of animal clippers and shave the fur that way. I do...
  4. catloverfromwayback

    Constipation with our Lillian

    What did the vet recommend? Did they give her an enema?
  5. C

    Trudy is constipated

    I rang the vets as she is straining bad I'm. To bring her back to the vets tomorrow morning for another enema
  6. allisonburd

    Constipation Meltdown!

    Sorry enema was last Saturday. Diarrhea blow out on Thursdsy. Nothing since thursdsy
  7. C

    Trudy is constipated

    You can't get can pumpkins in UK She only had 1 enema. Left her half full of poo With toby he had to have 2 enemas 2 in the afternoon another following morning So I'm assuming 1 enema can't get all the poo out Seems crazy that 2 anathestic are needed to clear out all poop I def think ages...
  8. Taylor0614

    Cat Constipation

    Might be time to take him to a vet if he is impacted they can give him an enema I wouldn't recommend giving enema at home unless directed by the vet what to use and exactly how
  9. Sarthur2

    Please help! Can’t get diarrhea to go away!

    I really think he needs to see a vet. He may have a bacterial infection in his intestines and/or parasites. The usual cure for this is metronidazole. This comes in liquid form for kittens, but it is prescription. His bottom does not look good. He may be impacted and need an enema. Can you see a vet?
  10. dgspencer101

    Constipation with our Lillian

    SWe were unabkle to carry her to the vet.Due to my what my post stated.Thanks
  11. Sama97

    subtotal colectomy

    Digyton plus and laxapet, the vet recommended enema at home when necessary but i have not attempted to give him enema.
  12. D

    At what point does one realize it's time to let go of their fur baby? I'm not ready to yet.

    They will at least do xrays when I take him on Wednesday. I'm not sure what else they will do. Maybe an enema?
  13. C

    Cat prolapse rectum

    I did try lactoluse long time ago, didn't help I do worry he may need an enema if he can't go. I'm. Convinced the stitch is too tight I don't know what to do so worried
  14. jman_in_mn

    Cat Constipation

    clearing my schedule tomorrow and I'll likely have to take him into the emergency vet in the morning
  15. C

    Trudy is constipated

    She's asleep. Been. Asleep lomg time so I've not woken her for lactoluse She's had so much of it, surely it should work by now I can't understand why vet only did 1 enema and left half of the poop still inside . Now she's bunged up again
  16. C

    Trudy is constipated stopped eating and drinking Was told she was severely constipated and kept her in overnight Did an xray and put on drip. Full of poo. Had enema brought her back On. Tues she caught a cold. Don't know how. She's sneezing snotty Weezy. Not eat or drink. So I took her back as it was her...
  17. allisonburd

    Constipation Meltdown! but panic, and I want to do something..... Add fiber? Currently just on 1 mil lactulose. I really can't take her back to vet. Last week enema and X-Ray caused me more than I can afford. Sorry to be a whiner, but this is crazy stressful for me. I think I handled my son sick better than this.
  18. F

    Cat Constipation

    My totally constipated kitty was given an enema at the vet, then 3 days of Lactulose at home, then another enema at the vet, and in a few days he was all cleaned out. Now he is on a daily dose of 1/4 tsp Miralax (no lactulose) and 1/4 of whole psyllium seed (mised into canned food). He has...
  19. B

    Megacolon in Cats

    Thank you everyone for the advice and kind words! The vet advised we do an enema when we got home and that if he didn’t poop, to bring him back in the morning. So, we gave him the enema and he didn’t poop. We brought him back this morning and they have sedated him, got him on fluids, and are...
  20. C

    Cat prolapse rectum

    The receptionist just rang me from the vets He's doing OK, ate a small amount Still kn a drip. On painkillers He's having a second enema this morning and another loose fitting stitch I'm. Too collect him at 4 That's all I know I'd have preferred to speak to a vet I. Want to talk about...