Search Results for Query: teething

  1. K

    Kitten uninterested in food

    Also the teething part sorry I over read it lol but they can teeth all the way to a year . Mine did . Also if she is teething she will either eat slower then normal or not at all . Check her gums you will be able to tell if she’s teething . Her gums will be reddish looking
  2. game misconduct

    Determine kitten age

    better put that tool bag away before handles get used as a teething toy :lol:
  3. K

    My cat chews on everything. What can I give her to redirect her?

    How old is she? Is she teething?
  4. Furballsmom

    Advice on how to best help my kitten

    Do you have soft toys for him to grab, kick and bite? You can also use a hiss, he will understand that along with your high-pitched ow! Keep at it, he'll start to catch on. Kitten Teething Tips.
  5. eevans3373

    My cat chews on everything. What can I give her to redirect her?

    Silverline sticks + cord protectors. My two kittens were godawful when they were teething. They managed to destroy SEVEN laptop chargers.
  6. Alldara

    Help! Would it be better to adopt 8 week old kittens or 5 month old kittens?

    Could be put of teething yeah. Both Magnus and Calcifer were still going through it when they got here. I actually have one of each of their teeth! Calcifer wasn't bad but Magnus had a heck of a time with it. Seven chargers is excessive! Maybe they were trying to prevent your computer use 🤣
  7. U

    2 Very Pregnant Foster Mamas, Couple of Questions 5 weeks if it's better for them(and assuming Lil Poof doesn't chew the Miracle Nipple up, she has been trying). The kittens have started teething on cardboard and other kittens. I did see Gold Boy checking out his mama's food last night. Is it likely the bigger ones will be ready before...
  8. ColoradoCat

    My cat chews on everything. What can I give her to redirect her?

    She's about two and a half, so she's long past that point. She's also been to the vet recently, and they didn't raise any concerns about her teeth. She's also been chewing things for quite some time now, but doesn't seem in any way uncomfortable.
  9. ms688

    abandoned kitten

    day 8 update: still a bit of blood in urine but vet will open tomorrow, he's pooping on his own a bit now! and he is DEFINITELY teething. the only real issue seems to be the urinating, his genitals are swollen and peeing seems to hurt him, but his poo is at long last the right consistency and...
  10. FeebysOwner

    New kitten tries to nurse on older male cat

    Some kittens, even into adulthood, are sucklers. Milo might also be teething too. Try some different types of blankets to see if you can distract Milo to suckle/chew on them instead of Sammy. There are also suckler/chew toys you can buy as well. : Octhems Catnip Toys for Indoor Cats...
  11. S

    Redness in gums, teething or something else?

    When my kitten Onni was 16 weeks old and we went to get his second shot, vet noticed minor redness in his gums. She thought it was because of teething, and I've been checking the situation since then. Now he's 8 months, and there's still the same, minor redness around his molars. I'm guessing he...
  12. Falena

    Teething suggestions?

    Hi all, sorry if this is in the wrong category, I wasn't sure where to put it. My kitten is teething and was wondering if teething specific toys were worth getting for him? He has plenty of toys but I've caught him chewing on the wooden table corners and plastic hinges of cat carriers etc far...
  13. raptordeer

    Kitten uninterested in food

    ...shes still uninterested. We tried wet and dry. She ate her breakfast slower than usual but she still ate. I tried to open her mouth and take a picture because i think maybe teeth are coming in? I’m not sure if an 8 month old cat can still be teething but if you can tell by the picture let me...
  14. waddle

    Bitey kitten a little bitey. I think he’s just playing, but obviously I want to discourage this. He will nip at my feet, etc. I’ve read they are teething at this age, so hopefully it will happen less and less as he gets older. Are there any specific types of toys that might help? I saw chewy has...
  15. Lari

    Coffee and Tea Talk - 2024

    ...transition). Tried the pink velvet macchiato again with added sugar and it was a bit better. The seasonal red velvet doughnut is soooo good. J got her strawberry frosted (she walked right up to the counter and was all "I have a pink doughnut please"), and M had banana flavored teething crackers.
  16. iPappy

    Persian tear stain question

    ...and what did the breeder feed the queen and kittens? If you met the kittens parents, did they have any tear stains? At his age, he could be teething which can do all sorts of stuff. I have a little Papillon dog who had some tearing as a puppy during her baby years and teething especially...
  17. Alldara

    Kitten suddenly biting again

    How old is she? She may be teething again. Magnus started getting his adult teeth around 5 months and it was awful for him. He was biting everything and in a lot of discomfort. How to Determine a Kitten's Age — Kitten Lady
  18. A

    Head shaking after eating

  19. Hobiflowery

    New kitten tries to nurse on older male cat

    Hi, thank you for your answer, I will try that! We have a pet store nearby that has soft/teething toys, I will go buy one tomorrow as all shops are closed today 😊 I was worried it might be a sign of him looking for comfort as he's still new in this apartment and it's also such a different...
  20. B

    5-month Teething Kitten Acting Different

    Hi, A few days ago, I found my 5-month kitten’s tooth on a desk, so I know he’s currently in the teething stage. His behavior has been relatively normal (at least to my awareness) since. This morning, however, I noticed he was napping more than usual, and eating less. I freefed him dry kibble...